

  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    edited June 2015
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I made my co-workers go with me to the Whole Foods down the street from my work on our lunch break to look for a specific kind of ice cream (Halo Top), which they didn't have, even though other Whole Foods' carry it. My co-workers were trying to be helpful in suggesting other kinds of ice cream, but totally missed the point of this specific ice cream in the first place, which made me unreasonably internally pouty and now I feel bad. (The ice cream I was looking for has 70 calories per serving, 7 grams of protein, 4 grams of carbs, and 3 grams of fat. Ben and Jerry's isn't going to cut it, no matter how delicious it is :disappointed: )

    Also, they kind of think I'm a nut, now, for caring that much about a brand of ice cream.

    I can completely relate to that, apart from the fact that I would have to be very comfortable with someone to drag them to a store for a specific treat, lol.

    How is that ice cream, though? It kinda sounds too good to be true.

    Everyone and their mother in another group I belong to (/r/xxfitness and the associated Facebook group) RAVES about it (specifically the Lemon Cake kind), so I thought it would be worthwhile to at least TRY it. I thought I'd buy it at work, because there are a bunch of fitness-minded people here who would help me devour it if I didn't like it. Alas, the store nearest me did not have it. I don't like artificially sweetened things, but when they're sweetened with sugar alcohols as opposed to aspartame I don't mind them as much, and if it's frozen it's even harder to taste the "fakeness" of it, so I thought I'd give it a go.

    I'm going to see where else I can get it, and report back.

    I am now on a quest...

    Save yourself some time and potential embarrassment in front of co-workers! (I did not know this existed prior to my lunch time adventure... :sweat: )

    Kroger and WF, guessing Kroger is probably cheaper, but both about a half hour away. Now I have to figure out where the insulated shopping bag went. Probably in a closet full of hotwheels.

    APPARENTLY the closest place to me that sells it is over 6 miles from my work, and ain't nobody got time to go all the way there. So I will be filling out the "pretty please start carrying this" form and bringing it to a) the Whole Foods closest to my work, and b) the Whole Foods closest to my home, because neither carry it. In fact, no one even remotely close to me carries it. Apparently I am cursed.

    Soooooo....supposedly they carry this at the Wegmans that's a half mile from my house. The nearest Whole Foods (maybe 2 miles?) does NOT carry it, however.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Dnarules wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    The stepdaughter did come by last night. She emptied the litter box and I assume fed/watered her cat. She was in the living room (with a friend she brought over without telling us) my husband and daughter. They were all chatting when I walked in. I said zero words to her, put away the groceries, and went to take a shower since I had just worked out.

    Apparently, she told my husband and daughter that she was going to drop off her friend and come back. I don't feel I need to tell you this didn't happen.

    My husband finally broke down last night and said "I don't know why she doesn't want to live with us." It was heartbreaking and I want to spank her for being such a little jerk to her dad.

    Thank you for allowing me to vent incessantly about this on here. I really appreciate it.

    How awful. That is really hurtful. Will he ask her why she is being this way, or is he more the type to just keep his feelings to himself? I feel like sometimes young adults and older teens don't realize how selfish they are being and a wake up call can help. I'm not sure if it would help in this situation though, but your husband may feel better if he at least tries to talk to her about what she is doing. That sucks.

    He told me last night he was going to talk to her about how he feels. I really hope he does. I asked him why he's not upset that she's disrespecting him, and he said he is sad that she doesn't want to spend time with us. I think he's too sad to feel angry. He also told me that he's just happy he has any type of relationship with her even if it's not much of one.

    The one thing that really set me off last night was he told me that she told them she's been sleeping on her mom's couch without cushions for the past 2+ weeks. This pissed me to the nth degree because she has her own bedroom with a queen size pillow top mattress at our house, yet she'd rather sleep on a cushionless couch.

    Holy bed batman! I'd be there in a heartbeat, I didn't get my first "big girl bed" (aka anything besides a twin bed) until I was 24!! Totes jealous! Yes I said totes :)

    I slept on the bottom bunk of a bunk bed until I was 20 when I got married and moved out. Then, I slept on a God awful futon for several months until I finally had enough and bought the queen. She's damn lucky and she just doesn't even appreciate it.

    Ask her, point blank, why she's at your house. Make her put it into words, and if her answer doesn't match her actions, point that out to her and ask her why. If you or your husband just do the talking, it'll go in one ear and out the other. Require her to be active in the conversation.
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    The stepdaughter did come by last night. She emptied the litter box and I assume fed/watered her cat. She was in the living room (with a friend she brought over without telling us) my husband and daughter. They were all chatting when I walked in. I said zero words to her, put away the groceries, and went to take a shower since I had just worked out.

    Apparently, she told my husband and daughter that she was going to drop off her friend and come back. I don't feel I need to tell you this didn't happen.

    My husband finally broke down last night and said "I don't know why she doesn't want to live with us." It was heartbreaking and I want to spank her for being such a little jerk to her dad.

    Thank you for allowing me to vent incessantly about this on here. I really appreciate it.

    Depending on age (she is 18+, right?), she's probably exercising her own ability to be 'somewhat' independent without any ill intent towards you or her dad. New adults have a totally different mindset. And don't think I am sticking up for her.... but it's amazing the things I personally took for granted without ever once thinking about my moms feelings. Simple things, too. Like calling to check in or surprise visit, whatev. Even to this day I have to remind myself that my mom still has the same feelings for me now as I do for my own 9 year old daughter and eventually to some degree, I will most likely endure the same hardships and worry that my mom once had. Sticky situation with plenty of room for hurt/misunderstood feelings. GL

    Yes, this exactly. I'm not defending her, either, but given her age and the circumstances, I don't think your husband should be taking it personally at ALL. At this age, all they really think about is themselves. They are pretty oblivious to the outside world and that what they say and do and don't do affects others. Clueless. Don't care. Self-absorbed. That's normal to a degree.

    Flip side is this: having an adult child move in with you can sometimes turn into a long-term thing that no one is happy with. Getting boomerang kids OUT once they move back in can be tricky. At least she's not doing that.

    My husband and I have been together for 15 years. His daughter still prefers spending time with her mom and that side of the family over us. Fine. We've learned to accept it. We have different lifestyles and as long as we get to see the grandkids regularly we all accept each others choices and preferences. I guess I'm saying that even after she matures and becomes independent she may not want to spend time with you then, either. Sure, it bothers my husband that his daughter is that way but we've learned that it's not a personal attack.

    I'm cool with that, really I am, but I'm not going to be her storage unit or her cat's caretaker. If she doesn't want to be a part of our lives, fine, we've done just fine the last 15 years without her, but don't use us either and don't get my husband's hopes up of having a relationship that she has no intent on having.

    You may have addressed this before, but have you guys considered family counseling, especially between your husband and the daughter? While I in no way agree with the way she is treating her dad and your family, there may be issues here that might be hard to address without some outside help, especially considering your husbands reluctance to confront the daughter. Maybe it would help?

    No, and there's no way my husband would go. I'm hoping that once he actually sits her down and explains/asks what's going on, things will either get better or she'll take her stuff and cat and leave. I'm sorry to dump all my junk on all you wonderful people but I appreciate all your suggestions and comments.

    Can we get back to digging food out of trash cans and husbands using our excess skin for a blanket. <--- That still makes me smile every time I think about it. :smiley:

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    I made my co-workers go with me to the Whole Foods down the street from my work on our lunch break to look for a specific kind of ice cream (Halo Top), which they didn't have, even though other Whole Foods' carry it. My co-workers were trying to be helpful in suggesting other kinds of ice cream, but totally missed the point of this specific ice cream in the first place, which made me unreasonably internally pouty and now I feel bad. (The ice cream I was looking for has 70 calories per serving, 7 grams of protein, 4 grams of carbs, and 3 grams of fat. Ben and Jerry's isn't going to cut it, no matter how delicious it is :disappointed: )

    Also, they kind of think I'm a nut, now, for caring that much about a brand of ice cream.

    I will have to find this ice cream!

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Confession: I don’t know what my goal weight should be. I’m 5’9 and currently weigh 221. (That’s a big step since I’ve never admitted that to anyone!) I had the goal set at 200, but didn’t feel like that was low enough. It’s now set at 190, but now I don’t feel like that is low enough either. I weighed 180 the year before my son was born and felt awesome. I weighed 160 when I graduated from high school (and thought I was fat). I know I’ll probably find a weight where I feel comfortable and don’t have to kill myself in the gym every day. I understand all the numbers. Just not sure if I can get back to the 160s mainly because I don’t know if I have the dedication. Looking for some advice from some of you. That seems like a lot of numbers and rambling.

    I'm 5'9" and currently 134. I was originally looking to get down to 135, but I'm now looking to pack on some weight again in the form of muscle. Not sure if I want to do that in the form of a bulk or a recomp. I'd be happy to send you some progress photos, if that would help you.

    My biggest regret is not weight training more consistently in my weight loss, if I'm being honest.

    Eventually, once goals are close to being met or have already passed, this is what it will come down to. If you want to be skinny as a rail, fine. Diet and cardio all day, every day. But unless you are naturally blessed, if you want a fitness magazine cover body, you HAVE to do some strength training.
    Serious question here: What if you don't want that? I'm 47 - the only people who see me naked is my husband and my dog (she judges me - she recently lost 15% of her bodyweight and is smug about it). I live in a climate where I'm covered up a lot of the time. All I really want is to look ok in my clothes. I feel like MFP is often all about lifting weights, and I'm just not interested in doing that.

    I agree with all of this. I feel like there's a lot of pressure from a lot of people to jump on the weight lifting bandwagon for aesthetic reasons, and a lot of people throw out "LIFT HEAVY" as the be all and end all of exercise without considering other people's interest/disinterest/goals/physical limitations/aspirations/time/what have you.

    This morning there was a thread started by a person who was depressed because they weighed in at 501 pounds, and one of the first suggestions was that they start squatting and deadlifting. Seriously? SMDH. I get the feeling that people don't read the original post, they just respond with an automatic blurb.

    On the other hand, weight lifting (OR resistance training, and THAT IS THE KEY!) is great for reasons aside from aesthetics... it strengthens bones and bone density, aids in living independently into old age, etc. It doesn't mean that you have to squat 300 lbs and bench press 1000, or look like Arnold, or stand in front of the mirror kissing your muscles and taking selfies. I just believe that an exercise routine should be balanced like an "eating routine" (don'twanttosaydiet) should be balanced.

    sorry if this came across as judge-y *hangs head in shame and slinks off*

    THIS (bold) is why I took up lifting.

    And because it's easy. "Easy" in that it doesn't require grace or coordination or skill or athletic ability, all of which I lack. Just a basic awareness of your own body mechanics and the willingness to press on, even on those days when it feels like you've been run over by a truck (lorry for you Brits) and then thrown down a flight of stairs. At least that was my experience anyway... yoga bores me to tears, I can't do aerobics or zumba to save my life, never played sports, but I can pick up a barbell repeatedly. Hey, whaddya know, I'm good at something.

    This weekend I walked around a garden center with a big spirea, two rhododendrons and a rose bush in my arms (it was a feat of balance as much as strength). Carried them to my car and put them in the trunk. I want to be able to do that 20 years from now, not be the frail little old lady waiting for the nice young man to help with the carryout.

    Aesthetically, I've discovered that I like seeing muscles. Visible proof of all the work I've done. It keeps me motivated. I'm one of the ones who looked pretty good in clothes, but I wasn't too happy with the naked body that menopause has given me. I'm also learning my limitations -- there are some saggy bits that no amount of weightlifting is going to change.

    I've seen it posted around these parts before but the key to "fitness" is to find an activity that you love and are going to stick with -- which isn't necessarily going to be the activity that someone else loves.

    You, I like. You can stay in this thread ;)

    I try Yoga. I love the stretching part but I can't get my Downward Dog to bend at all and I end up doing what I like to call the Flopping Fish instead. I like Zumba but I kina look like a deranged zebra. Walking fast and lifting weights is what I like more. I can do it, I don't need to be coordinated, it feels good to make my body move.

    Lol. Good thing, I'm addicted to this thread and you wouldn't get rid of me anyway >:) Even having to catch up on 230 new posts at the end of the day yesterday didn't deter me.

    I walk too. :) But if I look at the scenery too much or don't pay attention to where I'm putting my feet, I've been known to lurch and stumble. I'm THAT uncoordinated.

    I think I've read all the posts but haven't been able to reply... welcome back @ShibaEars... congrats to all who have lost weight or reached goal... @Italian_Buju loving the pics of Little Rodent Boy's sweet little furry face (I've had to backtrack to see them, they don't show at work).

    Not having kids, I've never seen Frozen or Finding Nemo or SpongeBob or any of those. I can probably identify the characters, however, solely from seeing the merchandise prominently displayed in stores.

    I highly suggest you watch this! If no other "kid's" movie ever, watch Finding Nemo.

    YASSS! :) Agree love, love, love this movie!
    Thirded. Also 'Up' (and yes, I did cry within the first 5 minutes!)

    Ooooh, yeah, Up is a great one! I also bawled like an infant in the first 5 minutes.

  • festerw
    festerw Posts: 233 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession - I'm completely procrastinating on filling the dishwasher.

    The wife and I both hate doing that, we will use every dish in the house before loading it. If I had unlimited funds the first thing I would do is hire someone to load the dishwasher.
  • 52cardpickup
    52cardpickup Posts: 379 Member
    edited June 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Confession: I don’t know what my goal weight should be. I’m 5’9 and currently weigh 221. (That’s a big step since I’ve never admitted that to anyone!) I had the goal set at 200, but didn’t feel like that was low enough. It’s now set at 190, but now I don’t feel like that is low enough either. I weighed 180 the year before my son was born and felt awesome. I weighed 160 when I graduated from high school (and thought I was fat). I know I’ll probably find a weight where I feel comfortable and don’t have to kill myself in the gym every day. I understand all the numbers. Just not sure if I can get back to the 160s mainly because I don’t know if I have the dedication. Looking for some advice from some of you. That seems like a lot of numbers and rambling.

    I'm 5'9" and currently 134. I was originally looking to get down to 135, but I'm now looking to pack on some weight again in the form of muscle. Not sure if I want to do that in the form of a bulk or a recomp. I'd be happy to send you some progress photos, if that would help you.

    My biggest regret is not weight training more consistently in my weight loss, if I'm being honest.

    Eventually, once goals are close to being met or have already passed, this is what it will come down to. If you want to be skinny as a rail, fine. Diet and cardio all day, every day. But unless you are naturally blessed, if you want a fitness magazine cover body, you HAVE to do some strength training.
    Serious question here: What if you don't want that? I'm 47 - the only people who see me naked is my husband and my dog (she judges me - she recently lost 15% of her bodyweight and is smug about it). I live in a climate where I'm covered up a lot of the time. All I really want is to look ok in my clothes. I feel like MFP is often all about lifting weights, and I'm just not interested in doing that.

    I agree with all of this. I feel like there's a lot of pressure from a lot of people to jump on the weight lifting bandwagon for aesthetic reasons, and a lot of people throw out "LIFT HEAVY" as the be all and end all of exercise without considering other people's interest/disinterest/goals/physical limitations/aspirations/time/what have you.

    This morning there was a thread started by a person who was depressed because they weighed in at 501 pounds, and one of the first suggestions was that they start squatting and deadlifting. Seriously? SMDH. I get the feeling that people don't read the original post, they just respond with an automatic blurb.

    On the other hand, weight lifting (OR resistance training, and THAT IS THE KEY!) is great for reasons aside from aesthetics... it strengthens bones and bone density, aids in living independently into old age, etc. It doesn't mean that you have to squat 300 lbs and bench press 1000, or look like Arnold, or stand in front of the mirror kissing your muscles and taking selfies. I just believe that an exercise routine should be balanced like an "eating routine" (don'twanttosaydiet) should be balanced.

    sorry if this came across as judge-y *hangs head in shame and slinks off*

    THIS (bold) is why I took up lifting.

    And because it's easy. "Easy" in that it doesn't require grace or coordination or skill or athletic ability, all of which I lack. Just a basic awareness of your own body mechanics and the willingness to press on, even on those days when it feels like you've been run over by a truck (lorry for you Brits) and then thrown down a flight of stairs. At least that was my experience anyway... yoga bores me to tears, I can't do aerobics or zumba to save my life, never played sports, but I can pick up a barbell repeatedly. Hey, whaddya know, I'm good at something.

    This weekend I walked around a garden center with a big spirea, two rhododendrons and a rose bush in my arms (it was a feat of balance as much as strength). Carried them to my car and put them in the trunk. I want to be able to do that 20 years from now, not be the frail little old lady waiting for the nice young man to help with the carryout.

    Aesthetically, I've discovered that I like seeing muscles. Visible proof of all the work I've done. It keeps me motivated. I'm one of the ones who looked pretty good in clothes, but I wasn't too happy with the naked body that menopause has given me. I'm also learning my limitations -- there are some saggy bits that no amount of weightlifting is going to change.

    I've seen it posted around these parts before but the key to "fitness" is to find an activity that you love and are going to stick with -- which isn't necessarily going to be the activity that someone else loves.

    You, I like. You can stay in this thread ;)

    I try Yoga. I love the stretching part but I can't get my Downward Dog to bend at all and I end up doing what I like to call the Flopping Fish instead. I like Zumba but I kina look like a deranged zebra. Walking fast and lifting weights is what I like more. I can do it, I don't need to be coordinated, it feels good to make my body move.

    Lol. Good thing, I'm addicted to this thread and you wouldn't get rid of me anyway >:) Even having to catch up on 230 new posts at the end of the day yesterday didn't deter me.

    I walk too. :) But if I look at the scenery too much or don't pay attention to where I'm putting my feet, I've been known to lurch and stumble. I'm THAT uncoordinated.

    I think I've read all the posts but haven't been able to reply... welcome back @ShibaEars... congrats to all who have lost weight or reached goal... @Italian_Buju loving the pics of Little Rodent Boy's sweet little furry face (I've had to backtrack to see them, they don't show at work).

    Not having kids, I've never seen Frozen or Finding Nemo or SpongeBob or any of those. I can probably identify the characters, however, solely from seeing the merchandise prominently displayed in stores.

    I highly suggest you watch this! If no other "kid's" movie ever, watch Finding Nemo.

    YASSS! :) Agree love, love, love this movie!
    Thirded. Also 'Up' (and yes, I did cry within the first 5 minutes!)

    Ooooh, yeah, Up is a great one! I also bawled like an infant in the first 5 minutes.

    I cry every. damned. time. It doesn't matter how many times I see it. Every. time. My son just likes the scenes with the balloons.

    ETA: Just at the beginning, to be clear. I only cry at the beginning. And maybe at the end, a little bit.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    Rabbit914 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Sounds like you're a naturally strong person, so you probably don't need it. I do. I'm quite the weakling. Well, physically anyway. Mentally, no. Mentally I'm known as the Boot Camp Drill Sargent in my family. Physically, well??? Let's just say that sometimes going in and out of the grocery store I step onto the automatic door thingy and the door doesn't open. Thankfully, I learned from "Toy Story" to jump up and down once or twice and the door opens. My son finds this highly amusing and will lag behind me just to watch it happen.

    See and I can picture that and it's awesome. haha

    Awesomely embarrassing, yes!
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    Boy you guys have been chatty! Finally caught up from Friday afternoon. Today I found out that I don't know my limits when it comes to running, I found this out the hard way. I am entirely to sore and tired right now.
  • 52cardpickup
    52cardpickup Posts: 379 Member
    festerw wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession - I'm completely procrastinating on filling the dishwasher.

    The wife and I both hate doing that, we will use every dish in the house before loading it. If I had unlimited funds the first thing I would do is hire someone to load the dishwasher.

    I would hire someone to do my laundry. I hate doing laundry. I FULLY REALIZE it just involves sticking a bunch of clothes into a stupid machine, and then sticking them into another stupid machine. Doesn't matter. Still hate doing laundry.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Last time I stayed at a hotel, I took some of the little cups of peanut butter from the continental breakfast. I'm eating one now, with a spoon, as a snack. :p

    Thief! Just kidding. That is a fabulous idea! I buy the little pre portioned cups of hummus so I don't have to weigh it out. It's WAY more expensive, but my time is precious and I don't want to spend it weighing out a really sad amount of hummus.

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    festerw wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession - I'm completely procrastinating on filling the dishwasher.

    The wife and I both hate doing that, we will use every dish in the house before loading it. If I had unlimited funds the first thing I would do is hire someone to load the dishwasher.

    Loading it I don't mind because it gets the dirty dishes out of my sight. It's always the unloading I dread. I have no idea why. I've timed it before and because I have a small kitchen it takes 5 min. to do.
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I made my co-workers go with me to the Whole Foods down the street from my work on our lunch break to look for a specific kind of ice cream (Halo Top), which they didn't have, even though other Whole Foods' carry it. My co-workers were trying to be helpful in suggesting other kinds of ice cream, but totally missed the point of this specific ice cream in the first place, which made me unreasonably internally pouty and now I feel bad. (The ice cream I was looking for has 70 calories per serving, 7 grams of protein, 4 grams of carbs, and 3 grams of fat. Ben and Jerry's isn't going to cut it, no matter how delicious it is :disappointed: )

    Also, they kind of think I'm a nut, now, for caring that much about a brand of ice cream.

    I can completely relate to that, apart from the fact that I would have to be very comfortable with someone to drag them to a store for a specific treat, lol.

    How is that ice cream, though? It kinda sounds too good to be true.

    Everyone and their mother in another group I belong to (/r/xxfitness and the associated Facebook group) RAVES about it (specifically the Lemon Cake kind), so I thought it would be worthwhile to at least TRY it. I thought I'd buy it at work, because there are a bunch of fitness-minded people here who would help me devour it if I didn't like it. Alas, the store nearest me did not have it. I don't like artificially sweetened things, but when they're sweetened with sugar alcohols as opposed to aspartame I don't mind them as much, and if it's frozen it's even harder to taste the "fakeness" of it, so I thought I'd give it a go.

    I'm going to see where else I can get it, and report back.

    I am now on a quest...

    Save yourself some time and potential embarrassment in front of co-workers! (I did not know this existed prior to my lunch time adventure... :sweat: )

    Kroger and WF, guessing Kroger is probably cheaper, but both about a half hour away. Now I have to figure out where the insulated shopping bag went. Probably in a closet full of hotwheels.

    APPARENTLY the closest place to me that sells it is over 6 miles from my work, and ain't nobody got time to go all the way there. So I will be filling out the "pretty please start carrying this" form and bringing it to a) the Whole Foods closest to my work, and b) the Whole Foods closest to my home, because neither carry it. In fact, no one even remotely close to me carries it. Apparently I am cursed.

    Soooooo....supposedly they carry this at the Wegmans that's a half mile from my house. The nearest Whole Foods (maybe 2 miles?) does NOT carry it, however.

    I was JUST going to post that they carry this at my Wegmans! I <3 Wegmans.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    festerw wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession - I'm completely procrastinating on filling the dishwasher.

    The wife and I both hate doing that, we will use every dish in the house before loading it. If I had unlimited funds the first thing I would do is hire someone to load the dishwasher.

    Loading it I don't mind because it gets the dirty dishes out of my sight. It's always the unloading I dread. I have no idea why. I've timed it before and because I have a small kitchen it takes 5 min. to do.
    I know, I procrastinate this job too, but I just did it in less time than it took to boil the kettle for tea!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I made my co-workers go with me to the Whole Foods down the street from my work on our lunch break to look for a specific kind of ice cream (Halo Top), which they didn't have, even though other Whole Foods' carry it. My co-workers were trying to be helpful in suggesting other kinds of ice cream, but totally missed the point of this specific ice cream in the first place, which made me unreasonably internally pouty and now I feel bad. (The ice cream I was looking for has 70 calories per serving, 7 grams of protein, 4 grams of carbs, and 3 grams of fat. Ben and Jerry's isn't going to cut it, no matter how delicious it is :disappointed: )

    Also, they kind of think I'm a nut, now, for caring that much about a brand of ice cream.

    I can completely relate to that, apart from the fact that I would have to be very comfortable with someone to drag them to a store for a specific treat, lol.

    How is that ice cream, though? It kinda sounds too good to be true.

    Everyone and their mother in another group I belong to (/r/xxfitness and the associated Facebook group) RAVES about it (specifically the Lemon Cake kind), so I thought it would be worthwhile to at least TRY it. I thought I'd buy it at work, because there are a bunch of fitness-minded people here who would help me devour it if I didn't like it. Alas, the store nearest me did not have it. I don't like artificially sweetened things, but when they're sweetened with sugar alcohols as opposed to aspartame I don't mind them as much, and if it's frozen it's even harder to taste the "fakeness" of it, so I thought I'd give it a go.

    I'm going to see where else I can get it, and report back.

    Now I will DEFINITELY have to find it. I LOVE lemon cake. I wonder if it's like sorbet more than ice cream? I'm a little worried about the sugar alcohols though. The last time I ate something with sugar alcohols, I had to change my address to the third stall in office bathroom. :neutral:

  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    festerw wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession - I'm completely procrastinating on filling the dishwasher.

    The wife and I both hate doing that, we will use every dish in the house before loading it. If I had unlimited funds the first thing I would do is hire someone to load the dishwasher.

    I would hire someone to do my laundry. I hate doing laundry. I FULLY REALIZE it just involves sticking a bunch of clothes into a stupid machine, and then sticking them into another stupid machine. Doesn't matter. Still hate doing laundry.

    I don't like laundry either. Throwing it in the washer is no problem, but most of my clothes are hung to dry which is a pain.
  • maryjobarnes
    maryjobarnes Posts: 2 Member
    So, my 15 year old son and I are trying to adopt Intermittent Fasting as our way of eating, and I totally cheated today.....not proud....don't want to lie to him but just last night he gave me a hug and told me he was proud of me for sticking to it for this long (two weeks so far)....
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    festerw wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession - I'm completely procrastinating on filling the dishwasher.

    The wife and I both hate doing that, we will use every dish in the house before loading it. If I had unlimited funds the first thing I would do is hire someone to load the dishwasher.

    I would hire someone to do my laundry. I hate doing laundry. I FULLY REALIZE it just involves sticking a bunch of clothes into a stupid machine, and then sticking them into another stupid machine. Doesn't matter. Still hate doing laundry.

    People think I am weird but I love doing laundry . Pulling it out of the dryer when it smells good. Folding it into neat little piles then hanging it all up in the closet . Just makes me happy..
  • festerw
    festerw Posts: 233 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    festerw wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession - I'm completely procrastinating on filling the dishwasher.

    The wife and I both hate doing that, we will use every dish in the house before loading it. If I had unlimited funds the first thing I would do is hire someone to load the dishwasher.

    I would hire someone to do my laundry. I hate doing laundry. I FULLY REALIZE it just involves sticking a bunch of clothes into a stupid machine, and then sticking them into another stupid machine. Doesn't matter. Still hate doing laundry.

    I don't like laundry either. Throwing it in the washer is no problem, but most of my clothes are hung to dry which is a pain.

    Laundry I don't mind doing, but I bring it to work with me to do. Side benefit of working in athletics at a university is using the washer/dryer here I can do the equivalent of 6 loads washed/dried in 1 hour.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    festerw wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession - I'm completely procrastinating on filling the dishwasher.

    The wife and I both hate doing that, we will use every dish in the house before loading it. If I had unlimited funds the first thing I would do is hire someone to load the dishwasher.

    I would hire someone to do my laundry. I hate doing laundry. I FULLY REALIZE it just involves sticking a bunch of clothes into a stupid machine, and then sticking them into another stupid machine. Doesn't matter. Still hate doing laundry.

    People think I am weird but I love doing laundry . Pulling it out of the dryer when it smells good. Folding it into neat little piles then hanging it all up in the closet . Just makes me happy..

    You're hired!

  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I made my co-workers go with me to the Whole Foods down the street from my work on our lunch break to look for a specific kind of ice cream (Halo Top), which they didn't have, even though other Whole Foods' carry it. My co-workers were trying to be helpful in suggesting other kinds of ice cream, but totally missed the point of this specific ice cream in the first place, which made me unreasonably internally pouty and now I feel bad. (The ice cream I was looking for has 70 calories per serving, 7 grams of protein, 4 grams of carbs, and 3 grams of fat. Ben and Jerry's isn't going to cut it, no matter how delicious it is :disappointed: )

    Also, they kind of think I'm a nut, now, for caring that much about a brand of ice cream.

    I can completely relate to that, apart from the fact that I would have to be very comfortable with someone to drag them to a store for a specific treat, lol.

    How is that ice cream, though? It kinda sounds too good to be true.

    Everyone and their mother in another group I belong to (/r/xxfitness and the associated Facebook group) RAVES about it (specifically the Lemon Cake kind), so I thought it would be worthwhile to at least TRY it. I thought I'd buy it at work, because there are a bunch of fitness-minded people here who would help me devour it if I didn't like it. Alas, the store nearest me did not have it. I don't like artificially sweetened things, but when they're sweetened with sugar alcohols as opposed to aspartame I don't mind them as much, and if it's frozen it's even harder to taste the "fakeness" of it, so I thought I'd give it a go.

    I'm going to see where else I can get it, and report back.

    Now I will DEFINITELY have to find it. I LOVE lemon cake. I wonder if it's like sorbet more than ice cream? I'm a little worried about the sugar alcohols though. The last time I ate something with sugar alcohols, I had to change my address to the third stall in office bathroom. :neutral:

    this made me chuckle :smiley: