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  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Thanks to everyone for the kind words.

    This is why when people that were not around when my mother was alive (as in people I met afterwards), are sometimes shocked when I tell them the years she has been dead have been the most peaceful years of my life. When I tell them a few stories they kind of understand, those that knew her, have always understood.

    I am glad she was never able to poison my son the way she did me. Because believe me when I say that is not the only terrible thing she did to me, it was just the last, as she died several months after that.

    Sometimes I tell my DR that I get frustrated with myself because of how much my OCD tends to limit me, and she always tells me to be thankful I am as good as I am, because I could just be a drug addict or something, given what I have been through. She always says she is amazed I actually do not suffer from some sort of depression.

    My sister and I get on well, and I am excited to see her. She truly understands how I feel. She is a very big business woman, a strong leader etc, and my BIL told me once years ago, that even a phone call from my mother would disturb her sleep for several nights.

    I made sure that I did not follow in my mother's footsteps, and when I had children of my own, I could not understand how she behaved the way she did. I would kill someone if they did to my children some of the things my own mother did to me, like literally murder them.

    Ok, enough of this downer crap.

    @Susieq_1994 - you are rocking it today! Good Stuff!!

    @rungirl1973 - yeah I do not understand why parents want to divide their children. My daughter is adopted (as I have mentioned), and because I could not have more than one bio child, I have explained to her how important it is to me that they continue to be close,, even after I am gone. Also, glad your test went good!

    @crosbylee - hope you have a great sunny weekend! I can't wait to go swimming! Pools opened last week but I have not had time yet!

    @ythannah - I remember you saying you had a crappy home life too, I totally understand.....thankfully you were able to get out when you did!

    @xLoveLikeWinterx - I ask myself that question all the time....I told my sister our mother could have just eaten us when we were young like an animal and saved us a lot of grief!

    @quiksylver296 - I was wondering where you were...glad to see you on today! Good Stuff on the lifting!

    I am feeling much better today than yesterday and the last few days.....I did not make it to the gym because I slept like crap and had a few too many things to do today before my sister gets here tomorrow, but I am gonna make it a bigger priority. I got a call this morning that my kitchen floor is finally being replaced on Monday, and while it causes me stress in the moment, it really needs replacing so I am thrilled.

    I reworked my budget for this month so that I am able to give my son a good chunk of money towards another bike. While the whole situation just burns my *kitten* and I could use the money for other things, I really want to help him out so I am glad I was able to do that. Hopefully going to pick one up this weekend so he doesn't have to walk much longer......he is walking to work right now and it is so hot outside and it makes me feel sad for him, esp having just bought that bike last week.

    Next week my boss is off work, so I am gonna be working extra again, but told her yesterday to be careful not to over load me because I am on edge. :#

    Hopefully I do not get too far behind in the next week or so.....cuz I do not think I could skip and jump back in....I am WAY too bother by things like that.....I will not watch a TV series if I miss a single episode, or even a movie if I miss the first few minutes.....everything I do has to be in order....call it OCD :p
    But even if I get behind and it takes me a few days to catch up I will just read along as I go, as long as you guys don't mind me adding my two cents on situations well after they are posted about!

    I will be back on and off today, and tomorrow before my sister comes, but if that puts me behind, after the busy weekend and work week I have coming up, it might take me until this time next week to be back on track here, esp if I am gonna make sure I get my gym time in!!

    I love you guys! A lot of you have truly touch my heart!

    P.S. - Shrimp is delicious!!!!

    I am so glad for you for many of the items in this post and for how well you've emerged on the other end. And trust me I get the OCD I couldn't skip either no matter how long it took me to catch up.

    I'll confess that I have OCD. I wonder if OCD is hereditary?
    I believe it is. Is it in your family?
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Confession: I've been trying SO HARD lately to smother this depression that's been at my throat for quite a while now, and it's been so impossible no matter what I do. Exercise, keeping busy, housework, reading, prayer... Nothing seems to help for more than an hour or so. I'm so frustrated about it right now, and I just want to cry and give up--dealing with depression is a horrible, horrible thing.

    I had a great day today after getting up. I kept the house tidy, made dinner, had a nice outing and dinner with my husband, did my stairs and even got in a walk. Each time, it's a bit like my happiness meter would bounce up a little, then slowly just drain back down to nothing again. Trying to pull myself out of this funk and attempting to "fake it till I make it" is sucking me dry of energy, and I just... Don't know what to do anymore. :( I only got out of bed a few hours ago, but I want to go and curl up into a ball under the covers and just stay there forever...

    Sorry to be such a downer, but I just felt like I needed to get it out. :( I'm so sick and tired of feeling this way.

    I am so sorry you are feeling that way! And I really wish I could help you.

    Can you feel hugs and support for you coming all the way from the middle of Canada? Because I'm sending them.

    That's all I got. But we're here for you when you need to let it out somewhere.
    And more coming from a little further west, too. I know it's already tomorrow where you are, so I hope today is a good day. Celebrate those days.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Just to illustrate how weird I am, this morning on my run I had a stretch of 3 songs that went like this:

    Sold (Grundy County Auction) by John Michael Montgomery
    Still Not A Player by Big Punisher
    Thunder Kiss '65 by White Zombie

    I also think this dates me a little.

    Please don't judge that I haven't figured out how to use the shuffle on my iPhone

    Totally sounds like my playlist. Sold by JMM, then Adrenaline by Shinedown, then maybe Bad by Michael Jackson.

    That makes me feel...less weird :)

    My playlist on my exercise soundtrack includes such renowned hits like

    1. Ninja Rap-Vanilla Ice
    2. U Can't Touch This-MC Hammer
    3. Good Vibrations-Marky Mark & The Funky Bunch
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    @Susieq_1994 you were such a cute baby!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Here's another one, when I was around... 4-ish?
    Hello, young Emma Watson!
    peleroja wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Here's another one, when I was around... 4-ish?
    Hello, young Emma Watson!

    Totally! That photo is absolutely tiny-Hermione-Granger.

    I get that ALL THE TIME, for some reason. I don't see the resemblance! :o

    I used to post in the celebrity lookalike threads on here & it was hilarious to see who I would get

    I mostly got Lilly Collins & someone said when I had longer hair I looked a lot like Clara Mamet. I had someone the one time post Raphael Nadal & I was like what the heck?

    In person I've had people say Sandra Bullock, Ally Sheedy, & Brooke Shields since I have larger eyebrows.

    This customer though he said I looked like the girl in Dirty Dancing & I knew he meant the crazy sister. Ugh!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Cute baby/kid pictures, everyone! I'll try to find some of mine.
    Thanks for all the well wishes for Skye. She is eating a bit of the wet food each time I offer it to her. I called the vet...they seem to think she's "ok" for now as long as she continues eating and drinking. Keeping a close eye on her for any major changes and off to the vet we will go!

    Great to hear she's eating & drinking at least some. Good luck with everything.
  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    What moron decided a 1/2 cup of ice cream should be a serving size?! It is an abomination! It is an affront to the ice cream fairy! It is an insult to the ice cream man (who, by the way, my husband has trained to park at the end of our driveway)!
  • sst036
    sst036 Posts: 58 Member
    I just made and ate an entire batch of pikelets. I was going to only eat a few and throw away the rest, but the empty plate tells the truth. Sigh. I am back at the gym/PT on Monday, and I was going to be so smug because I had lost 1kg while not going to the gym and eating all the foods, and now I have sabotaged myself.

    Stupid pikelets.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I'm so excited to see Inside Out tonight!!! I missed out on it in Punta Cana but have been hearing really great things. I also got to read The Martian on the beach and am stoked that the movie is coming out closer than I realized... I just hope it turns out great. The guy who wrote it is pretty much a genius in my eyes (I think he has been a software engineer since he was 15?)

    @peleroja Love the comparison shot :lol:
    I just got back from seeing it. I liked it, didn't love it. Some of the ideas were surprisingly deep (although probably not that surprising, seeing as it's Pixar). I wonder if you'll hate the short film before as much as everyone in my family!
    I loved it! I thought it was the best Pixar movie in a loooong time (Cars 2 being pretty bad). It was cute and really funny :tongue: The guy in front of me got up out of his seat and bowed at the end of it.... and almost everyone stayed for all the credits (hoping to see another scene at the end I think... that's why I stayed :lol: )

    The short film at the beginning was funny and cute as well in its ridiculousness. The second HE started to sing I heard a lot of laughs... I didn't hate it, but it was pretty cheesy :lol:
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I pretty much negated all the calories I burned on my 43 mile bike ride today at dinner. :|
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    HI ALL! I am back from my vacation in the Dominican Republic! It was pretty awesome, though sadly the beach (which got awesome reviews on TripAdvisor) was FULL of seaweed. The water was murky, too... I went to the Bahamas thrice when I was younger and always loved the clear Caribbean water, but this water sucked! The sand was nice and soft, though... and it was nice to just lay out and read (I thought 1,400 pages would be enough... boy was I wrong).

    The room was a lot better than I was expecting, because (opposite of the beach) there were a lot of complaints. I was very much happy with it... and the buffet was pretty decent. I'm going to miss eating all the mango and passion fruit I can. It was the first time I had passion fruit and to me it's pretty much like sour candy. Yum. And the banana smoothies and fresh donuts (made right in front of you) in the morning.

    I got burned and it didn't feel great. For the first time ever I have freckles on my shoulders... I feel like my body didn't know what to do with the sudden influx of sun, and really I didn't get that much of a tan despite spending a lot of time every day in the great outdoors.

    SOMETHING THAT HAS BEEN BOTHERING ME: I got sand in my eye yesterday, last day to really enjoy the beach. I kept rubbing my eye and washing it out with water but I still feel like something is in my eye. It kept waking me up last night and now it's just freaking me out. My boyfriend says it's probably due to irritation or just my own mind playing tricks on me... but I do feel like it's in there and it's driving me mad. I just tried to submerge my eye in the sink to rinse it out but I only succeeded in making my eye burn. I've rubbed it raw (bad idea) and now it's pretty dry. I do think I can see a hairline scratch, so maybe I rubbed san into my eye enough to scratch it? Does anyone have experience with scratched eyeballs? I'm terrified to go to the doctor because I hate people going anywhere near my eye :(

    Despite that (and my dumb flip-flops breaking two days ago), I really enjoyed Punta Cana :tongue: It does feel pretty good to be home, though. I've been wanting to see Inside Out.

    Ugh, that sucks that the water was murky & full of seaweed! I felt the same way about how murky & unclear some of the beaches were in Hawaii. At least the resort was nice & the food was tolerable. I don't think I've ever actually had Passion Fruit aside from different yogurts.

    Did you get any blisters from the sunburn? I hope your eye feels better soon:(.
    It really did suck! On one particular day we went in the water.... but the water to seaweed ratio was like 1:1000. Felt like things were grabbing at my ankles (and legs and arms and HAIR) and trying to pull me under. I was baffled by some lone kid who was swimming on the seaweed carpet our last day there. And passion fruit is so good.... really sour, but I love sour ;)

    I was sitting with my boyfriend on our balcony when he informed me of some liquid on my nose. I wiped it off and thought it definitely didn't feel like water.... yep, a blister I didn't even know I had had burst on my nose. That was pretty much the only blister I had, though (my poor nose got very burned). It was kinda gross :neutral:

    And thanks! Right now my eye feels a LOT better. I might try and upload one of my pictures at some point to show off the beautiful seaweed sea I swam in :lol:

  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    I'm glad you're eye is feeling better. Just keep an eye on it.

    I was highly sensitive to the sun for a few years but it's lessened now. My husband and I are thinking of a tropical vacation now that I don't have to hide completely from the sun.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I pretty much negated all the calories I burned on my 43 mile bike ride today at dinner. :|
    Well, imagine if you'd eaten the dinner and not gone on the ride...
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    edited July 2015
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I'm so excited to see Inside Out tonight!!! I missed out on it in Punta Cana but have been hearing really great things. I also got to read The Martian on the beach and am stoked that the movie is coming out closer than I realized... I just hope it turns out great. The guy who wrote it is pretty much a genius in my eyes (I think he has been a software engineer since he was 15?)

    @peleroja Love the comparison shot :lol:
    I just got back from seeing it. I liked it, didn't love it. Some of the ideas were surprisingly deep (although probably not that surprising, seeing as it's Pixar). I wonder if you'll hate the short film before as much as everyone in my family!
    I loved it! I thought it was the best Pixar movie in a loooong time (Cars 2 being pretty bad). It was cute and really funny :tongue: The guy in front of me got up out of his seat and bowed at the end of it.... and almost everyone stayed for all the credits (hoping to see another scene at the end I think... that's why I stayed :lol: )

    The short film at the beginning was funny and cute as well in its ridiculousness. The second HE started to sing I heard a lot of laughs... I didn't hate it, but it was pretty cheesy :lol:
    Glad you enjoyed it! I never even bothered to see Cars 2. Also, am wondering what they're thinking making Toy Story 4. But then I felt like that about Toy Story 3 and loved it, so...

    Regarding the volcanos, my daughter was wondering why the man volcano can just be a hunk of rock, but the woman volcano has to be woman shaped and hot, thus creating an unattainable standard for female volcanoes the world over. I'm raising her right :D
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    HI ALL! I am back from my vacation in the Dominican Republic! It was pretty awesome, though sadly the beach (which got awesome reviews on TripAdvisor) was FULL of seaweed. The water was murky, too... I went to the Bahamas thrice when I was younger and always loved the clear Caribbean water, but this water sucked! The sand was nice and soft, though... and it was nice to just lay out and read (I thought 1,400 pages would be enough... boy was I wrong).

    The room was a lot better than I was expecting, because (opposite of the beach) there were a lot of complaints. I was very much happy with it... and the buffet was pretty decent. I'm going to miss eating all the mango and passion fruit I can. It was the first time I had passion fruit and to me it's pretty much like sour candy. Yum. And the banana smoothies and fresh donuts (made right in front of you) in the morning.

    I got burned and it didn't feel great. For the first time ever I have freckles on my shoulders... I feel like my body didn't know what to do with the sudden influx of sun, and really I didn't get that much of a tan despite spending a lot of time every day in the great outdoors.

    SOMETHING THAT HAS BEEN BOTHERING ME: I got sand in my eye yesterday, last day to really enjoy the beach. I kept rubbing my eye and washing it out with water but I still feel like something is in my eye. It kept waking me up last night and now it's just freaking me out. My boyfriend says it's probably due to irritation or just my own mind playing tricks on me... but I do feel like it's in there and it's driving me mad. I just tried to submerge my eye in the sink to rinse it out but I only succeeded in making my eye burn. I've rubbed it raw (bad idea) and now it's pretty dry. I do think I can see a hairline scratch, so maybe I rubbed san into my eye enough to scratch it? Does anyone have experience with scratched eyeballs? I'm terrified to go to the doctor because I hate people going anywhere near my eye :(

    Despite that (and my dumb flip-flops breaking two days ago), I really enjoyed Punta Cana :tongue: It does feel pretty good to be home, though. I've been wanting to see Inside Out.

    Ugh, that sucks that the water was murky & full of seaweed! I felt the same way about how murky & unclear some of the beaches were in Hawaii. At least the resort was nice & the food was tolerable. I don't think I've ever actually had Passion Fruit aside from different yogurts.

    Did you get any blisters from the sunburn? I hope your eye feels better soon:(.
    It really did suck! On one particular day we went in the water.... but the water to seaweed ratio was like 1:1000. Felt like things were grabbing at my ankles (and legs and arms and HAIR) and trying to pull me under. I was baffled by some lone kid who was swimming on the seaweed carpet our last day there. And passion fruit is so good.... really sour, but I love sour ;)

    I was sitting with my boyfriend on our balcony when he informed me of some liquid on my nose. I wiped it off and thought it definitely didn't feel like water.... yep, a blister I didn't even know I had had burst on my nose. That was pretty much the only blister I had, though (my poor nose got very burned). It was kinda gross :neutral:

    And thanks! Right now my eye feels a LOT better. I might try and upload one of my pictures at some point to show off the beautiful seaweed sea I swam in :lol:
    Eugh, I hate seaweed too! Sorry about that, and the sunburn. Did you tan at all?
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    sst036 wrote: »
    I just made and ate an entire batch of pikelets. I was going to only eat a few and throw away the rest, but the empty plate tells the truth. Sigh. I am back at the gym/PT on Monday, and I was going to be so smug because I had lost 1kg while not going to the gym and eating all the foods, and now I have sabotaged myself.

    Stupid pikelets.
    Had to google. Yum!
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I'm so excited to see Inside Out tonight!!! I missed out on it in Punta Cana but have been hearing really great things. I also got to read The Martian on the beach and am stoked that the movie is coming out closer than I realized... I just hope it turns out great. The guy who wrote it is pretty much a genius in my eyes (I think he has been a software engineer since he was 15?)

    @peleroja Love the comparison shot :lol:
    I just got back from seeing it. I liked it, didn't love it. Some of the ideas were surprisingly deep (although probably not that surprising, seeing as it's Pixar). I wonder if you'll hate the short film before as much as everyone in my family!
    I loved it! I thought it was the best Pixar movie in a loooong time (Cars 2 being pretty bad). It was cute and really funny :tongue: The guy in front of me got up out of his seat and bowed at the end of it.... and almost everyone stayed for all the credits (hoping to see another scene at the end I think... that's why I stayed :lol: )

    The short film at the beginning was funny and cute as well in its ridiculousness. The second HE started to sing I heard a lot of laughs... I didn't hate it, but it was pretty cheesy :lol:
    Glad you enjoyed it! I never even bothered to see Cars 2. Also, am wondering what they're thinking making Toy Story 4. But then I felt like that about Toy Story 3 and loved it, so...

    Regarding the volcanos, my daughter was wondering why the man volcano can just be a hunk of rock, but the woman volcano has to be woman shaped and hot, thus creating an unattainable standard for female volcanoes the world over. I'm raising her right :D
    I thought the same thing! Both regarding Toy Story 4 and the female volcano :lol: Raising her right indeed.
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    HI ALL! I am back from my vacation in the Dominican Republic! It was pretty awesome, though sadly the beach (which got awesome reviews on TripAdvisor) was FULL of seaweed. The water was murky, too... I went to the Bahamas thrice when I was younger and always loved the clear Caribbean water, but this water sucked! The sand was nice and soft, though... and it was nice to just lay out and read (I thought 1,400 pages would be enough... boy was I wrong).

    The room was a lot better than I was expecting, because (opposite of the beach) there were a lot of complaints. I was very much happy with it... and the buffet was pretty decent. I'm going to miss eating all the mango and passion fruit I can. It was the first time I had passion fruit and to me it's pretty much like sour candy. Yum. And the banana smoothies and fresh donuts (made right in front of you) in the morning.

    I got burned and it didn't feel great. For the first time ever I have freckles on my shoulders... I feel like my body didn't know what to do with the sudden influx of sun, and really I didn't get that much of a tan despite spending a lot of time every day in the great outdoors.

    SOMETHING THAT HAS BEEN BOTHERING ME: I got sand in my eye yesterday, last day to really enjoy the beach. I kept rubbing my eye and washing it out with water but I still feel like something is in my eye. It kept waking me up last night and now it's just freaking me out. My boyfriend says it's probably due to irritation or just my own mind playing tricks on me... but I do feel like it's in there and it's driving me mad. I just tried to submerge my eye in the sink to rinse it out but I only succeeded in making my eye burn. I've rubbed it raw (bad idea) and now it's pretty dry. I do think I can see a hairline scratch, so maybe I rubbed san into my eye enough to scratch it? Does anyone have experience with scratched eyeballs? I'm terrified to go to the doctor because I hate people going anywhere near my eye :(

    Despite that (and my dumb flip-flops breaking two days ago), I really enjoyed Punta Cana :tongue: It does feel pretty good to be home, though. I've been wanting to see Inside Out.

    Ugh, that sucks that the water was murky & full of seaweed! I felt the same way about how murky & unclear some of the beaches were in Hawaii. At least the resort was nice & the food was tolerable. I don't think I've ever actually had Passion Fruit aside from different yogurts.

    Did you get any blisters from the sunburn? I hope your eye feels better soon:(.
    It really did suck! On one particular day we went in the water.... but the water to seaweed ratio was like 1:1000. Felt like things were grabbing at my ankles (and legs and arms and HAIR) and trying to pull me under. I was baffled by some lone kid who was swimming on the seaweed carpet our last day there. And passion fruit is so good.... really sour, but I love sour ;)

    I was sitting with my boyfriend on our balcony when he informed me of some liquid on my nose. I wiped it off and thought it definitely didn't feel like water.... yep, a blister I didn't even know I had had burst on my nose. That was pretty much the only blister I had, though (my poor nose got very burned). It was kinda gross :neutral:

    And thanks! Right now my eye feels a LOT better. I might try and upload one of my pictures at some point to show off the beautiful seaweed sea I swam in :lol:
    Eugh, I hate seaweed too! Sorry about that, and the sunburn. Did you tan at all?

    Barely :tongue: It looks like someone went into Microsoft Paint with the eyedropper tool and made my shade just one teeny tiny shade darker. I think my skin was just confused with the sunlight and didn't know what to do. I actually got freckles on my shoulders and I have never had freckles in my life. My boyfriend says they'll probably fade, but I dunno. I can see lines where my swim suit was, but my chest still looks like it has more of a sunburn than a tan.
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    I'm glad you're eye is feeling better. Just keep an eye on it.

    I was highly sensitive to the sun for a few years but it's lessened now. My husband and I are thinking of a tropical vacation now that I don't have to hide completely from the sun.
    I'm hoping my sensitivity lessens as well.... some vendor stopped us to ask if we were just arriving.... on one of our last days there. My boyfriend turned to me and said ''Man, I guess we DO look pale.''
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @raelynnsmama52512 Oh she is so cute! As are you!

    Aww! Thank you! :)
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @kelly_c_77 and @raelynnsmama52512 y'all both have such cute kids!! How precious are they?! You're both very blessed!

    Aww! Thank you! @LBuehrle8 :)
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    edited July 2015
    Ok, what "genius" at Chevrolet decided putting the battery in the trunk of a Cobalt was a good idea?!?! I had to go jump my daddy's car off after the concert and fireworks show tonight, and it was after we got there that we realized the battery was in the effing trunk!!! WTF Chevrolet?! :grey_question:

    ETA: Here in the bustling metropolis of Laurens, SC we have a yearly concert, "Laurens Idol" competition, and fireworks show for the 4th of July. I got to see Outshyne two days in a row lol! Raelynn enjoyed the concert, but had a complete meltdown/anxiety attack during the fireworks show. :frowning:

    Just adding in to avoid confusion!