
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    My friend and I just saw Jurassic World. Great movie. And Chris Pratt...mmmmm. Pedicures now!

    NOW do you see why i was driving too fast to get to the theater?!?!
    hehehehehe ;)

    Definitely! Totally worth it!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    post weekend, catching up on 20 pages, after date(s) update:

    (also, if my random date updates bothers anyone or if no one actually cares, PLEASE let me know and i'll stop posting. seriously)

    Thursday -

    there was this dude that i had been msg'ing online, who actually made the transition to texting my real number (shocking!) and he'd asked me out a few times over the 4th of july weekend, but i was being a dirty, lazy, spazz and didn't really do anything at all for that whole weekend besides drink and watch netflix (which was actually really fun!). hehe

    so after work on thursday, i finally make plans and meet up with the dude for first date beverages and chit chat. really nice guy!!
    we had quite a bit in common. he was really sweet and respectful and we laughed a ton throughout the evening. really cool!
    unfortunately (or kinda fortunately?) it was so much fun, and i stayed out WAY too late. like 1:30 am too late. of course i had a migraine when i woke up and completely caved and called off friday. whoops.

    Friday -

    same dude texts me mid-morning to see how i'm doing (aww). i confess my inability to bounce back and he offers to take me out for coffee. we meet-up for coffee in the late afternoon, and yes, even sober, we still had a really good time! after about an hour talking, he asked if he could take me out to dinner and a movie. yes, yes you can. so we went to see ted2 and then went to this local mexican restaurant i had never been to. we seem to get along really well. all good!

    Saturday -

    i had a craft fair in the morning from 9-3pm. it was an hour and a half away (i didn't realize the distance before i registered!). after packing up all my junk (i sell jewelry for the fun of it) i got home around 5 ish. but while i was at the show lil dude and i were texting back and forth randomly. ok, so then at 6ish, dude is like hey, not sure if you have anything going on, wanna hang out tonight?

    NOW, i tried to slow it down a lil bit, because three dates in three days?? maybe a lil bit too much too fast?
    which i relay the concern to dude. and he's completely fine with it. says he totally understands, it's no big deal, was just going to have a few drinks on his patio, and thought that after my long day i might want some time to chill and relax, very low key.
    so then of course i'm like, well.... ok! :D
    beverages on his lil patio, hours of great conversation, fun times!!!
    of course by about midnight, i'm drunk and prolly shouldn't drive and dude is like you can stay here, i'd prefer you to be safe. THEN, quickly added, i'll totally sleep on the couch, no funny business i swear, this wasn't like a grand scheme to get you drunk at my place!! very cute. very very cute. had a lil cuddly action, overall it was an awesome night!

    Sunday -

    ok, i promise no fourth date (or another of the firsts) and i just chilled with netflix with the puppies for the day. but dude, did text me a few times to make sure i was doing ok, and to let me know that he really likes spending time with me and hopes he can keep doing so in the future. *squee*

    This sounds great! So happy this is working out for you. And keep posting... I live vicariously through many of you on this case its your dating adventures! :)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I just want to say that I am so sorry to those of you who have dealt with abuse/assault in your lives. You all seem like such strong's great that you guys have been able to overcome such horrible things. You are all very brave. Thank you for sharing your stories. Hugs to you all. <3

    I agree with this!

    Being a victim survivor of sexual abuse myself, I decided long ago, that I wouldn't let it define me or control me or my life. I had zero control at the time, but I wouldn't go through life powerless. I was stronger than that and I refused to succumb to guilt, shame, or helplessness. I got counseling (both group and individual) and it did a world of good to be able to talk about it with other girls that had experienced similar things.

    It really sucks when the people that are supposed to protect you, fail to do so, and are even the ones that hurt you the most. My abuser was punished with time in prison, but I don't think he ever felt remorse for what he did, but I couldn't care less about that. That's between him and God. I have moved on and am in a loving, healthy, committed relationship and what he did to me will NEVER take that away. Like it was mentioned before, that was but a tiny moment in time and it does not define my life.

    Kudos, ladies for being strong, powerful, wonderful women despite the horribly tragic things in your past that tried to own you.

    Agreed for all of you! And I am so glad you can talk/find each other here and share your experiences! I can't imagine how horrible this must be but so proud and humbled by you all overcoming it and becoming stronger women for it. ((hugs))
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member

    So... Today hasn't been such a good day. I think I really overdid it yesterday, and I've been absolutely exhausted all day long, like someone pulled a plug and drained all my energy out, then super-glued me into bed for good measure. Ugh. I didn't sleep well last night, and other than getting up to pray, I've been in bed all day snoozing just because I was too tired to stay up.

    After I did get up, of course I had to face the scale since it's Monday. I've only gained 200 grams (about half a pound), but I'm extremely dehydrated because I hardly drank any water at all after breaking my fast yesterday (two whole cups!) so I get the feeling that I've gained more than that.


    I am sorry you are drained today, you need to take better care of yourself! As for the gain, I find if I don't drink ENOUGH water I gain weight. I think when we are dehydrated our bodies hold onto water. Then we gain. I think you will find if you drink a lot of water you will actually see an improvement. It also staves off hungar!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Confession: I ate about 1400 calories worth of the dulce de leche last night. With lots and lots of bread. I'm so, so mad at myself for destroying my perfect 3-weeks-under-calories record. :( I also killed nearly my entire deficit for the week, leaving 1000 calories of deficit out of my original 2800 weekly calorie deficit. The worst part? Today is my weigh in day. If I HAD to blow my calories, couldn't I have blown it AFTER weighing in?! :angry:

    I logged a gain. *sigh* :'(

    Give it a day or 2 it will go down. You can't beat yourself up that is counterproductive. Just accept it and move on!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I feel like a jerk posting my happy update after orangesmartie’s post but this morning was a very happy day :)

    I finally hit goal! I’ve lost 40 lbs (which is embarrassing to say, admitting I had that much to lose) and that feels amazing. I’m actually slightly below my weight before DS#1.

    I’m still not happy with the way I look, and I think my next goal is to lose another 5-8 lb. I’m 5’4.5 and 133.5 as of this morning, and I think I would like to maintain around 125-128. I’m not sure yet, because my body changed a lot after DS#2. My hips were a lot smaller- I have a closet full of 4s and Small shirts that used to fit me at 135. Now some of the Smalls fit and I’m in a 6. My 4s are still too tight. I know myself and I’ll keep setting my goals lower and lower so I’m not “officially in maintenance” (which scares me, tbh).

    DH told me to stop overthinking it, take today “off” dieting and just celebrate reaching goal. I got a Starbucks iced coffee this morning; does that count as celebrating? ;)

    yay for you! Congratulations!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I drove 200 miles last night to end my relationships. I talked a lot. Couldn't bring myself to say the words. I didn't think it would be possible for my heart to be so broken again.

    I am so so so so sorry. While I was reading backwards I saw lots of responses to this but wanted to be sure I replied to the original. You need to take care of yourself, and if that involves ending this then that is what you do. You say 'you couldn't say the words'. I assume you did actually convey that it was over? How did they react?

    If you don't want to talk about it, please don't answer. My heart goes out to you. XOXOXOXOX
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Okay, after owning 3/4 of this page, I achieved one of my goals for today.... I am caught up. G'night all!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Holy MOLEY! lots of catching up...time for my lunch already.

    Hugs to everyone who needs them!
    Congrats to everyone who is achieving amazing goals. I saw a couple of ya, you know who you are!

    A few specifics:

    @KylerJaye Yay for finding someone who is actually worth your time but remember to not be totally blind to flaws and don't make excuses for anything. Listen to your intuition and most importantly have fun!

    @crosbylee and @LBuehrle8 We all love the thread! We definitely all fit here and we are growing slowly which I like. Gives us a chance to REALLY get to know people.

    @quiksylver296 Great photo! Hope the vacay is going well now!

    @Italian_Buju We all miss you and we are concerned about you. Please check in, if only for a SINGLE post. Once a week would be good. You don't even have to catch up! We just want you to come on back. We know you need support and we are all here to help.

  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I confess, I am a bit of a cranky pants since I haven't seen Captain Tightpants/Sgt. Sexy Pants in a week. I finally saw him tonight but it was just for about an hour. :tired_face:

    Oh and I've decided his new nickname is Captain Tightpants since he was a captain in the fire department in Houston. :sunglasses:

    I'm also a HUGE Firefly fan so yeah... :naughty:
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    Well this weekend was a blast! Friday evening the mancreature and I went shopping for birthday stuff for him, he has a new summer wardrobe now and I bought a new pair of running shorts (longer shorts that are compression with a shorter looser shorts over top because chub rub sucks!).
    Saturday was a annual volleyball tournament which started at 9am and ended at 4pm. I suck at Volleyball but man was it a blast to just play! We went to a house party afterwards as well which was fun, I had a beer beers but nothing crazy. I made it through the day without being burnt!
    Sunday was a lazy day, netflix and gaming for me.

    This Thursday we are heading camping up north (zero signal!) for 5 days, I don't want to work because I'm excited haha. I already have my list sorted out (we're shopping today), I've got healthy foods listed as well as some junk. I think while we are gone I am going to try and get in tune with my body and do intuitive eating, we shall see how that goes.

    Sounds like you had a fun weekend.

    Of course when you go camping you at least have to make some S'mores.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    Well this weekend was a blast! Friday evening the mancreature and I went shopping for birthday stuff for him, he has a new summer wardrobe now and I bought a new pair of running shorts (longer shorts that are compression with a shorter looser shorts over top because chub rub sucks!).
    Saturday was a annual volleyball tournament which started at 9am and ended at 4pm. I suck at Volleyball but man was it a blast to just play! We went to a house party afterwards as well which was fun, I had a beer beers but nothing crazy. I made it through the day without being burnt!
    Sunday was a lazy day, netflix and gaming for me.

    This Thursday we are heading camping up north (zero signal!) for 5 days, I don't want to work because I'm excited haha. I already have my list sorted out (we're shopping today), I've got healthy foods listed as well as some junk. I think while we are gone I am going to try and get in tune with my body and do intuitive eating, we shall see how that goes.

    Sounds like you had a fun weekend.

    Of course when you go camping you at least have to make some S'mores.

    Oh my YES! S,mores!!!
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    @orangesmartie Just thinking about you this morning. Hope you're doing ok.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I confess, I am a bit of a cranky pants since I haven't seen Captain Tightpants/Sgt. Sexy Pants in a week. I finally saw him tonight but it was just for about an hour. :tired_face:

    Oh and I've decided his new nickname is Captain Tightpants since he was a captain in the fire department in Houston. :sunglasses:

    I'm also a HUGE Firefly fan so yeah... :naughty:

    If he didn't like sergeant sexy pants I doubt he is going to like captain tight pants. Just sayin'
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I dropped a big blog of peanut butter onto the crotch of my black pants. I tried to clean it off, but peanut butter isn't the most cooperative, so I will most likely have this awful stain on the crotch of my pants all day.

    I really don't like the word crotch.

    Aww, that's sad! Hopefully no one notices.

    I did that with my coffee a few weeks ago. I spilled some on my shirt. Then I probably looked like a nutcase because I ran to the roof of the parking garage and stood in the pouring rain to get my shirt wet enough where the stain would go away. So, I walked around work soaked until everything dried up. At least I got the stain out. I'm weird.

    Well, that's not the way I'd handle it because I'd worry about my hair getting messed up. I have curly hair, but I'd totally use my Tide pen! Weird story: I'm trying to get all my stuff together to go on my Girl's Weekend and kids are gong to my mom's Wednesday through Saturday, so there's lots of packing to do. The hubby always makes fun of my list making and packing OCD, although is glad that I am that way when we get where we're going. He tells me that the ultimate marriage test should be this: Tell a couple they have to go to a predetermined location for a week and see how they handle the packing and preparation. He jokingly said he'd never have married me if he'd known ahead of time. To clarify we went on several vacations and had a four year old when we got married so he already knew what he was dealing with when he married me!

    I realized reading backwards I never saw your original post to reply to I just want to say have a great weekend with the girls....those are the BEST weekends and best wishes for your dad. I am hoping all will be ok. It's so hard to be away from your parents when they are older. That is one of the reasons I won't even consider a job outside of this area. My mom is doing great but I am the only child in driving distance so what to be close just in case. But my life is flexible...single/no kids. So it's easier for me all around.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    I'm somehow 4 days behind on this thread!

    Confession: Every so often I like to do a sweetcorn test. It's a way of seeing how long food takes to pass through your gut. I'll spare you the details.

    It used to take 24-48 hours. I was efficient. This last one took 6 days! No wonder I feel sluggish!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    I'm somehow 4 days behind on this thread!

    Confession: Every so often I like to do a sweetcorn test. It's a way of seeing how long food takes to pass through your gut. I'll spare you the details.

    It used to take 24-48 hours. I was efficient. This last one took 6 days! No wonder I feel sluggish!

    I have been having a similar issue this past week...without a test. I am sure this is partly why my weight is up and why my tummy has been off. And I am not pregnant! I might have to try those Haribo candies or whatever everyone talks about! ;)
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    So I got a game in the mail today. It's from the Harvest Moon series... nothing hardcore but I've always found it adorable and relaxing. You basically just go around town building your home and relationships and farming. Just a quiet and cute game :) Right now I'm feeling a bit panicky (I don't know if my posts show it or not) so I'm hoping it can soothe me :tongue:

    My husband was telling me that he LOVED this game! I've never played it, but now I'm curious. I was lamenting selling my old school Nintendo years ago and wishing I had it to play some Zelda or Super Mario on again. I worked hard at my grandma's farm to earn the money to buy the NES for myself when I was about 10 years old. It was the first thing I ever really WORKED for and it taught me a lot about the value of money/time/effort. I'll be 39 next month and have to adult most days.... but MAN, I'd love to just spend a day playing the old games I loved!

    My husband plays all those old-school games without a NES or SNES. He does it via a standard PC plugged into a TV, with one of the old controllers plugged in. You can get all kinds of retro games downloaded, exactly as they were. He is currently swearing his way through original Mario. No idea how one goes about setting this up, but is a possibility!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I confess, I am a bit of a cranky pants since I haven't seen Captain Tightpants/Sgt. Sexy Pants in a week. I finally saw him tonight but it was just for about an hour. :tired_face:

    Oh and I've decided his new nickname is Captain Tightpants since he was a captain in the fire department in Houston. :sunglasses:

    I'm also a HUGE Firefly fan so yeah... :naughty:

    If he didn't like sergeant sexy pants I doubt he is going to like captain tight pants. Just sayin'

    But he's ALSO a Firefly fan.....he should feel honored. :angry:
    Oh well. He likes it when I call him Sunshine. :smiley:
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    I'm somehow 4 days behind on this thread!

    Confession: Every so often I like to do a sweetcorn test. It's a way of seeing how long food takes to pass through your gut. I'll spare you the details.

    It used to take 24-48 hours. I was efficient. This last one took 6 days! No wonder I feel sluggish!

    I have been having a similar issue this past week...without a test. I am sure this is partly why my weight is up and why my tummy has been off. And I am not pregnant! I might have to try those Haribo candies or whatever everyone talks about! ;)

    Good plan but I'm not sure those Haribos are pregnancy-sanctioned. I think I'll just accept my fate for a while. At least I can pretend my bloat is actually baby (it really isn't, after this weekend it's mostly barbecue meat and ice-cream!).