

  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    snooksmama wrote: »
    i dont see any reason to 'hide' anything - i am trying to 'chart' everything as i eat it, and i am not allowing myself to be ashamed. I am doing this to wake myself up to what i am eating. Its a tool. I dont think anyone else sees my food logs and if they do, i could care less. BUT...that being said, I only chart my weight when i can log a LOSS. I went about a week of a few ups and downs and i didnt chart my weight at all. I like to see that graph going DOWN. I must be doing something right, i have lost over 12 lbs since early May. Cheers to everyone, you are going a great job! Just being on here and using the app - we are all human and certainly not perfect, and doing the best we can!!

    Congrats on the losses. That is great!

    I agree, I log everything I eat. I go over my calories at least twice a week but I try to make up for it the rest of the week. As long as it works overall, I am ok with it. I only log losses as well. :)
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    @Susieq_1994 –yay. I’m glad you can walk again and got to go out for a bit. Congrats on the loss.

    @peleroja –I’m so happy that you are able to go on the trip. It sounds like it will be amazing. I’m weird but I would kind of hope to be the only people on the tour haha.

    @orangesmartie –Congrats on the weight loss. 67 lbs is AMAZING! Hope things are going ok…

    @quiksylver296 –I’m still jealous you are going to the Oregon coast if that makes you feel better.

    How are things with you froggy?

    I was doing okay but now I'm dealing with some really bad depression. I couldn't stop crying last night so I didn't sleep too well. It's my TOM so that doesn't help of course. :)

    How are you?

    ((HUGS)) to you froggy, I'm glad you're here interacting with us, I know things are tough but it will get better- time heals all (I hated when people said that to me after I broke off my engagement when found out trashbag ex was cheating buuuut unfortunately it's true- time really does heal all)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Confession: I ate about 1400 calories worth of the dulce de leche last night. With lots and lots of bread. I'm so, so mad at myself for destroying my perfect 3-weeks-under-calories record. :( I also killed nearly my entire deficit for the week, leaving 1000 calories of deficit out of my original 2800 weekly calorie deficit. The worst part? Today is my weigh in day. If I HAD to blow my calories, couldn't I have blown it AFTER weighing in?! :angry:

    I logged a gain. *sigh* :'(
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I am incredibly tired today. I only got about 3 hours of sleep last night. My dog had me up several times with an upset stomach, and then we had a brief, but loud, thunderstorm. I asked my dad to go check on her today while I am at work and she messed in the house, which is very out of character. I'm hoping it's just something that didn't agree with her and is making its way out of her system. (She's still acting normal otherwise.)

    I have my weekly training session tonight and I hate that I'm so tired for it, since I know I won't be able to push myself as hard as normal, and then I feel like I'm letting my trainer down.

    Basically I'm just feeling whiny and emotional from the lack of sleep. This morning I had to stop to put air in one of my tires, and I was ready to cry because the hose wouldn't wrap up properly when I was done. (I don't deal well with lack of sleep lol)

    I SO relate to this. If I don't get sleep, it messes me up so bad. I can relate to crying over things like that due to lack of sleep. I'm sorry that you didn't sleep well.

    I REALLY hope your dog is doing okay.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    @orangesmartie I'm so sorry. Let us know if you need anything. I know it sucks.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    @FroggyBug I'm sorry that you're feeling so down. I know how that feels, and it stinks. Hope you feel better soon.

    @orangesmartie I know I already responded, but I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry that you're going through so much right now and to please be kind to yourself no matter what you're feeling right now. I'm sure you did what you thought was best for everyone involved.

    @nonoelmo I really love reading your posts, because you seem so... I don't know how to describe it, but you know what you want/need and you're so wise about it. Gosh, that sounds silly. I hope you know what I mean. :) It sounds like you're at a good place in life, and I hope things keep getting better. :)

    @CountessKitteh That's a great NSV! :)

    So... Today hasn't been such a good day. I think I really overdid it yesterday, and I've been absolutely exhausted all day long, like someone pulled a plug and drained all my energy out, then super-glued me into bed for good measure. Ugh. I didn't sleep well last night, and other than getting up to pray, I've been in bed all day snoozing just because I was too tired to stay up.

    After I did get up, of course I had to face the scale since it's Monday. I've only gained 200 grams (about half a pound), but I'm extremely dehydrated because I hardly drank any water at all after breaking my fast yesterday (two whole cups!) so I get the feeling that I've gained more than that.

  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »


    There is rarely easy to end a relationship. It is heartbreaking and painful. I wish I had better words to say it. You are going to come out the other side of this time of heartbreak and pain stronger, more confident, and eventually ready for a relationship that will be better for you. I'm so sorry and many hugs.
    Oh, I second all of this. So sorry you're hurting.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    @Susieq_1994 –yay. I’m glad you can walk again and got to go out for a bit. Congrats on the loss.

    @peleroja –I’m so happy that you are able to go on the trip. It sounds like it will be amazing. I’m weird but I would kind of hope to be the only people on the tour haha.

    @orangesmartie –Congrats on the weight loss. 67 lbs is AMAZING! Hope things are going ok…

    @quiksylver296 –I’m still jealous you are going to the Oregon coast if that makes you feel better.

    How are things with you froggy?

    I was doing okay but now I'm dealing with some really bad depression. I couldn't stop crying last night so I didn't sleep too well. It's my TOM so that doesn't help of course. :)

    How are you?

    ((HUGS)) to you froggy, I'm glad you're here interacting with us, I know things are tough but it will get better- time heals all (I hated when people said that to me after I broke off my engagement when found out trashbag ex was cheating buuuut unfortunately it's true- time really does heal all)
    It does, but it truly sucks when you're in the middle of it. Keep on keeping on, Froggy. Feel free to vent here.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I feel like a jerk posting my happy update after orangesmartie’s post but this morning was a very happy day :)

    I finally hit goal! I’ve lost 40 lbs (which is embarrassing to say, admitting I had that much to lose) and that feels amazing. I’m actually slightly below my weight before DS#1.

    I’m still not happy with the way I look, and I think my next goal is to lose another 5-8 lb. I’m 5’4.5 and 133.5 as of this morning, and I think I would like to maintain around 125-128. I’m not sure yet, because my body changed a lot after DS#2. My hips were a lot smaller- I have a closet full of 4s and Small shirts that used to fit me at 135. Now some of the Smalls fit and I’m in a 6. My 4s are still too tight. I know myself and I’ll keep setting my goals lower and lower so I’m not “officially in maintenance” (which scares me, tbh).

    DH told me to stop overthinking it, take today “off” dieting and just celebrate reaching goal. I got a Starbucks iced coffee this morning; does that count as celebrating? ;)

    Congratulations to you! 40 pounds is quite a big deal!
    It is a big deal - that's awesome!
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I'm still terribly behind, hello from page 1136, but I have a few updates/things I need to get off my chest. This may be long so please bear with me. I won't be offended if you don't read it/care.

    SD called Mr. Mo last night in tears because her mom is moving in with her boyfriend and she can't move with them. He told her she always has a place with us (which, believe it or not, I support) but she used the excuse it's too far for her to drive back and forth to work from our house. Mind you, in our city, you can get from one end to the other in around 20 minutes using the highways. Besides, what else does she have to pay for besides gas because she sure in the heck isn't paying for tags/insurance/car payment! (more on that later) Mr. Mo was VERY sympathetic, I was not. We're giving you place (nice) to stay RENT EFFING FREE but you can't afford the gas in a 4 cylinder Kia to drive to and from work?! Give me a break. I wish she'd just come out and say WHY she doesn't want to live with us so she can save up money for her own place.

    While we were on vacation, she called him and said she had the money for her tags and would be by last weekend to get the registration/sticker and drop off the money. Well, big surprise, she never showed or called. Fast forward to last night where she has to use the tag money to pay for utilities or something in a friend's house she'll be temporarily staying in. Asinine if you ask me...see above bolded part.

    On top of all of this, she tells Mr. Mo that she did end up taking Rory to the humane society but they had to put her down because she attacked a few of the volunteers. I'm sure this was due to being locked in a confined room for several years before coming to stay with us (where she also attacked Mr. Mo a few times). This really sucks because I think with the right family (earlier in life, she was 5) she could have been a great cat.

    After Mr. Mo got off the phone with her, he was upset/sad, I was just upset. We tried talking about it, but I just got mad because I'm so sick and tired of her always having an excuse for everything, and the continuation of her taking advantage of her dad, and him letting her because he feels so guilty for not being able to be there for her while she was growing up. He was in tears by the time we were done talking because he just doesn't know what to do. I HATE seeing him cry. It breaks my heart and I will do everything in my power to keep it from happening.

    Anyway, I'm not sure how this weekend will go. If she'll show up or not, or if she does, how the talk will go. We need to get this nonsense figured out so we don't end up fighting, or worse, stop talking altogether.

    I'm not sure what her deal is. I would be grateful to have people like you in my life if I was her. You guys really are going above and beyond and I'm sorry she can't appreciate that. It makes me sad that your poor husband has to deal with that and is so upset.

    I'm still catching up but if she stopped by, I hope everything went okay.

    It also made me really sad that the cat was put down. :( Too bad they couldn't have transferred her to a no kill shelter. Like you said, someone may have been able to help.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    So... I went grocery shopping. I rested up a bit after going out for iftar and told my husband that I thought I was up to it. It was a nightmare. :( For some reason, I expected the supermarket to be empty and so didn't steel myself for dealing with any crowd--physically I was somewhat okay (I used my husband and the shopping cart to keep me upright), but I got stressed and anxious out of my mind. If I hadn't had my shopping list in my hand, I would have forgotten everything I wanted to buy. As it is, I kept having to ask my husband to retrace our steps because I kept passing everything I wanted and having to go back for it again after reading it on the list. Ugh. :s

    On a bright note, I have the ingredients I need to make AMAZING desserts for Eid! I'm making THREE peanut butter pies in an Oreo crust, topped with chocolate ganache and whipped cream with chocolate shavings--two of these will be going to my in-laws and we'll keep one--and a big pan of chocolate chip cookie cheesecake bars, 2/3rds of which will also be going to the in-laws. This is going to be FUN! :smiley:

    Sorry you had a stressful trip to the store (especially since it is something that you usual enjoy doing). I'm not good in crowds either.

    The desserts sound really yummy though. :)
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    I feel like a jerk posting my happy update after orangesmartie’s post but this morning was a very happy day :)

    I finally hit goal! I’ve lost 40 lbs (which is embarrassing to say, admitting I had that much to lose) and that feels amazing. I’m actually slightly below my weight before DS#1.

    I’m still not happy with the way I look, and I think my next goal is to lose another 5-8 lb. I’m 5’4.5 and 133.5 as of this morning, and I think I would like to maintain around 125-128. I’m not sure yet, because my body changed a lot after DS#2. My hips were a lot smaller- I have a closet full of 4s and Small shirts that used to fit me at 135. Now some of the Smalls fit and I’m in a 6. My 4s are still too tight. I know myself and I’ll keep setting my goals lower and lower so I’m not “officially in maintenance” (which scares me, tbh).

    DH told me to stop overthinking it, take today “off” dieting and just celebrate reaching goal. I got a Starbucks iced coffee this morning; does that count as celebrating? ;)

    Congrats Winter on hitting your main goal! Maybe you should look at the recomping thread that usmcmp started
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    edited July 2015
    Awesome NSV, @CountessKitteh and @nonoelmo!
    Sorry you are feeling depressed, @FroggyBug! Hugs to you.
    @Susieq_1994, sorry you are drained! I overate yesterday too...I've added 7 pounds of water weight from what I was on Saturday morning! Yikes! You logged...good job. We can both move on...let's do this! :)

    To everyone else... have a good day!

    ETA: @xLoveLikeWinterx, I commented on your status the other day...but wow, you are on a roll with the weight loss! Great job to you!!!!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Laurend224 wrote: »
    I can't do any type of jumping jacks or running without my belly smacking the top of my thighs. It's really embarrassing. Going to talk to a surgeon about a panniculectomy. Three kids and yo-yoing between 140 and 252 a few times wrecked my belly.

    I know the embarrassing feeling. v.v

    I know the feeling of jumping boobs. I only walk until my boobs get smaller because at this time I would stop the traffic if I started to do any jogging (drivers laughing at my jumping boobs).

    Also I guess around 80kg, jogging is a bit of a strain for the body. Planning on running later on, around 72-73 or so.

    OK, I have to comment on this. That is absolutely ridiculous. 80kg is ~176 lbs, a normal weight for people who are tall. I know women (and men) who run very regularly at 250 lbs and above. Don't use your weight as an excuse if you really want to run. Buy the proper gear (and a good sports bra) and get out there.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    I logged a gain. *sigh* :'(
    I did too. After being so proud of getting into the Normal weight category, I've been above it pretty much every day since. After avoiding recording it, today I did. Being honest with myself is part of this whole game, so I have to do it.

    I hope you have a better day today, Susie. Take care and don't push the exercise!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    @Susieq_1994 –yay. I’m glad you can walk again and got to go out for a bit. Congrats on the loss.

    @peleroja –I’m so happy that you are able to go on the trip. It sounds like it will be amazing. I’m weird but I would kind of hope to be the only people on the tour haha.

    @orangesmartie –Congrats on the weight loss. 67 lbs is AMAZING! Hope things are going ok…

    @quiksylver296 –I’m still jealous you are going to the Oregon coast if that makes you feel better.

    How are things with you froggy?

    I was doing okay but now I'm dealing with some really bad depression. I couldn't stop crying last night so I didn't sleep too well. It's my TOM so that doesn't help of course. :)

    How are you?

    Sorry you're feeling bad, @FroggyBug

    I'm out of sorts today. My daughter called while I was getting ready for work. She was crying so hard I could barely understand what she was saying. I so wish she didn't live 200+ miles away right now, it's killing me.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    lxsaps wrote: »
    I just had about 5 bites of Carrot Cake and I feel terrible about it.

    Don't beat yourself up. If it fits in your calories then enjoy your carrot cake if it didn't fit in your calories still enjoy your carrot cake.

    The only time you should get mad about eating something is if you're allergic or the food is awful! Now I could understand if it were Kale :p.

    Agreed! All the kale can burn in the fiery pits of hell. It is NOT food and should not pretend it is.

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Ok, I give up!

    Seriously, I GIVE UP!

    I had an important appointment today that I thought was at 3pm, turns out it was at 2pm. I am not even sure how that happened because that is very unlike me.

    Then, just now, my son texts me, to tell me that HIS NEW BIKE THAT HE JUST BOUGHT LAST FRIDAY JUST GOT STOLEN FROM HIS PLACE OF WORK. Are you kidding me?? Not only is that two bikes in seven days, but he just spent nearly $300 FIVE DAYS AGO, and it is gone! He is a 17 year old kid, that is a lot of money to him.....sadly, it is a lot of money to me too, so I am not even sure how much I can help him out.

    And he needs a bike to get to work, it is not like he is riding it for fun. He literally uses it for transportation to and from work! Now, he is gonna have to walk the 35 minute walk again for who knows how long until he gets another bike.

    I feel terrible for him, I am truly gutted.

    I have no words that's just awful. It truly brought a tear to my eye. I have been sitting here today feeling for myself for no real reason and here you are going through all this. Big hugs and I wish there was something I could do. Sending you some strength my friend.

    Thank you. I just feel really badly for him....he is such a hard working kid, literally work, school and the gym is his whole life. And he has the worst luck! A few months ago his custom order work shoes got thrown out, and now two bikes....ugh! He works like five days a week, goes to school full time, in fact, he was trying to see if he could skip having a lunch break next year to fit a fifth course in each term. I can count on one hand the amount of school days he has missed for the entire time he has been in high school. And as I have mentioned before, he is great with money, he NEVER spends foolishly, so it breaks my heart to see this happen to him.

    I mean seriously, when he was young, he saved enough money on $10 a week allowance to buy himself a new xbox......he is very careful with money, so to see a big chunk of it get ripped from him really guts me for him.

    I'm sorry there are such rotten people in this world, and more than likely, it's the same person stealing his bike. This really sucks and I hope things improve for him and you. Hugs my friend.

  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    lxsaps wrote: »
    I just had about 5 bites of Carrot Cake and I feel terrible about it.

    Don't beat yourself up. If it fits in your calories then enjoy your carrot cake if it didn't fit in your calories still enjoy your carrot cake.

    The only time you should get mad about eating something is if you're allergic or the food is awful! Now I could understand if it were Kale :p.

    Agreed! All the kale can burn in the fiery pits of hell. It is NOT food and should not pretend it is.
    I confess I don't understand kale-hate! I don't love it, don't hate it - it's just another green to me. Is it something like cilantro/coriander that some people taste differently?
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    NSV - sort of - after two weekends in a row of 3 - 5 days with SO I'm still at a good weight. Dating a foodie while traveling and with my food intolerances is challenge. I eat much smaller portions that he does but I do get far more dairy than I would otherwise have and always risk a cross contamination of gluten. Thus I am happy that I am still in a good range. Right now I'm 4 - 7 pounds from my target but as long as I'm slowly moving down or staying the same and not moving up I'm good. Due to my work travel, SO's work travel and SO's child custody, and SO's vacation time it will be a few weeks until SO and I are in the same place at the same time again. It MAY be as long as six weeks. That will be tough if it is that long. He's amazing about calling every night but it is still not easy. I'm invited along his vacation (which is a family reunion and also another bike event, and other times) but other obligations make that not practical. The upside of the far longer than usual time is that I will have a bit of a stretch to lose a bit more and focus on other goals (such as a Princess Bride Dress). The last time he was gone longer than his usual 8 - 10 days he came back and deepened his commitment to me and said the love word for the first time. (We are taking it slow in a lot of ways). I do believe it will be a bugger for us to be away from each other so long but it is also a great test of our relationship. He will be around friends who have their wives or girlfriends with them so it may be a good mirror for him to see where he is at with us. We have not had a possible marriage talk and while I"m getting there, and do think we'd have long term combatibility and love and devotion we have not talked about it. In 1.5 years I don't have any concerns about his character, integrity, or kindness. I am not willing to settle in any way so this six weeks will be a good test of how we feel about each other and where the relationship is at. :smiley:

    My boyfriend and I have been together 2.5 years. We didn't say "I love you" until 2 years in! After we both said it, we talked about how we both felt it much much sooner. We're in our 30s and I've been divorced, and I didn't want to rush anything. It's so meaningful now when we tell each other we love each other, because we know we really truly mean it.

    I'm so glad you found each other! I knew about four months before I told him at about the 9-10 month mark. I kept questioning myself. I decided I did and that whether he loved me back or not he made me feel loved, more than ever before in my life. I told him. I told him he didn't need to say it back but if he ever got to the point where he realized that he could never love me to let me know because I want and deserve to be with someone who loves me. About a month or so later he said it to me. From what I understand he comes from a family where it was not said a lot. He says it to me daily (or nearly) and yes, it does mean a lot!