
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member

    I have not come on this thread for a few days because I felt like the posts I made about my issue with my SO and my issues with struggling to WANT to lose weight were not well received and I felt embarrassed and wished I had not written about those things. Over time I started to feel too comfortable and speaking too freely I guess.

    Late last night before bed I noticed I had notifications and checked them which brought me to a few posts here and I saw @Susieq_1994 saying I was avoiding you guys, and I just wanted to make it clear that it was my own issues and not you guys as to why I was not posting here.

    I was still posting in the fitbit and Big Brother thread because they felt safe, like single topic threads. Also, as you guys have seen, I am not afraid of confrontation, so it is not like I need everyone to agree with me or anything, about anything, I am not sure why I reacted so strongly, maybe because they were on top of each other, not sure, no idea really, but it affected me for some reason.

    In short, I decided that I did not want to become that annoying poster that everyone rolls their eyes at, lol, so I stuck with single topic things, like fitbit and goodreads, status etc. I have not avoided anyone in particular, or felt upset with anyone other than myself.

    Ack -- I'm still back on pg 1229 (22 more to go....) but I wanted to respond to your post specifically. And I don't know if you are back to posting regularly on this thread or not, but I'm asking you not to abandon us :)

    One of the things that creates that feeling of comfort and familiarity with one another is reading those soul-baring confessions so I, for one, greatly appreciate reading them. Most of us can at least relate to aspects of the confessions of others, if not in their entirety.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Ughhh..I made some really poor choices at the store earlier. I only needed milk, coffee, and ice. I impulsively bought a large box of assorted donuts(marked down from bakery), cereal, peanut butter, and a tub of cool whip. I am embarrassed to say what I just had for lunch...but it's not going to be a green day! I did throw away the remainder of the that's good. Another walk on the agenda...but it's SOO hot out today....was almost 90 when we walked at 9:00am :(

    Applause for throwing out the donuts!!!

    Trips to the store like that make me glad I have teenage boys. I bought 4 gallons of milk and three boxes of cereal last week. I have part of a box of cereal left, I think.

    Peanut butter is my downfall. I have my own jar, which is clearly labeled: Mom: be aware she double dips. I can go a week or more without touching it, but it's really hard to stop when I give in.

    What does "double dips" mean? In the context, I'm guessing it means that you eat from the spoon and then dip the spitty spoon back in again? ;)

    Yes, that's it. And I only do it with the peanut butter. I have celiac disease so I can't have them using my peanut butter and getting bread crumbs in it. If they know I eat out of the jar and double dip, they won't use it. LOL!
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    edited July 2015
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    @Susieq_1994 –yay. I’m glad you can walk again and got to go out for a bit. Congrats on the loss.

    @peleroja –I’m so happy that you are able to go on the trip. It sounds like it will be amazing. I’m weird but I would kind of hope to be the only people on the tour haha.

    @orangesmartie –Congrats on the weight loss. 67 lbs is AMAZING! Hope things are going ok…

    @quiksylver296 –I’m still jealous you are going to the Oregon coast if that makes you feel better.

    How are things with you froggy?

    I was doing okay but now I'm dealing with some really bad depression. I couldn't stop crying last night so I didn't sleep too well. It's my TOM so that doesn't help of course. :)

    How are you?

    ((HUGS)) to you froggy, I'm glad you're here interacting with us, I know things are tough but it will get better- time heals all (I hated when people said that to me after I broke off my engagement when found out trashbag ex was cheating buuuut unfortunately it's true- time really does heal all)

    Thank you. I was cleaning this weekend and found an old birthday card from him that said he was so lucky to have me and he wanted to be by my side forever etc. It just got to me really bad. We haven't decided anything for sure yet but I still haven't heard a thing from him since last Sunday (the 5th). I just want him to wake up...I love him and want to work it out but I can't do this alone obviously. I want the old him back.

    Please everyone, don't judge me for this. It's been hard and I'm so torn. I don't know what I want right now.

    Definitely not judging - breakups/relationship issues are rough. Sending hugs & positive thoughts your way
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    @rungirl1973, I hope everything works out for your daughter and medications start kicking in soon! Hugs to you both!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    @Susieq_1994 –yay. I’m glad you can walk again and got to go out for a bit. Congrats on the loss.

    @peleroja –I’m so happy that you are able to go on the trip. It sounds like it will be amazing. I’m weird but I would kind of hope to be the only people on the tour haha.

    @orangesmartie –Congrats on the weight loss. 67 lbs is AMAZING! Hope things are going ok…

    @quiksylver296 –I’m still jealous you are going to the Oregon coast if that makes you feel better.

    How are things with you froggy?

    I was doing okay but now I'm dealing with some really bad depression. I couldn't stop crying last night so I didn't sleep too well. It's my TOM so that doesn't help of course. :)

    How are you?

    ((HUGS)) to you froggy, I'm glad you're here interacting with us, I know things are tough but it will get better- time heals all (I hated when people said that to me after I broke off my engagement when found out trashbag ex was cheating buuuut unfortunately it's true- time really does heal all)

    Thank you. I was cleaning this weekend and found an old birthday card from him that said he was so lucky to have me and he wanted to be by my side forever etc. It just got to me really bad. We haven't decided anything for sure yet but I still haven't heard a thing from him since last Sunday (the 5th). I just want him to wake up...I love him and want to work it out but I can't do this alone obviously. I want the old him back.

    Please everyone, don't judge me for this. It's been hard and I'm so torn. I don't know what I want right now.

    Totally not judging, we were only together for 3 years and it took me a long time. The smallest things would trigger memories. And if you two are able to work things out- no judgement that is not for anyone to decide and if he makes you happy and really does change then more power to you. Just remember to put you and your feelings first. We're here for you!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    @rungirl1973, I hope everything works out for your daughter and medications start kicking in soon! Hugs to you both!

    I must've missed these posts @rungirl1973 but I echo what Kelly wrote here! (hugs)
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    @AngryViking1970 I keep meaning to tell you I like your new picture, it's cute!!
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    edited July 2015
    This is a three day work week for me! I have a Girl’s Weekend with my girlfriends in Lexington, Kentucky! Woohoo! It is the middle of our three locations, and we did this two years ago. Really excited! Anyone live in/near the area and have suggestions on restaurants or things to do?

    Then next Friday I leave to go to Illinois for eight days to visit my family, which won’t be as fun as the Girl’s Weekend. I haven’t mentioned this on here yet, but my dad was in a really bad car accident back in late May. He was traveling for work in Pennsylvania. He was in a hospital there for a week and then was transported back to Illinois and was in rehab for a week. He was able to go home even though he was still in quite a bit of pain. He started having really bad back pain, where he couldn’t walk, so he went to the ER. He was admitted to the hospital and they did surgery on his back. A week later they were getting ready to discharge him to rehab again and discovered that the incision was infected, so another surgery was done. He is currently still in rehab and physical therapy seems to be getting better, not great but better. He is scheduled to be discharged from rehab on Thursday, but that may change. I am going up there to hopefully help in any way that I can. He and my stepmom (who doesn’t drive) live with my grandmother (93), who can’t be left alone anymore. My aunt has been driving my stepmom back and forth to the hospital while a caregiver stays with my grandmother during the day. My one brother, who still lives in the area, is not helpful. The whole situation is not good and I really wish I lived closer so I could help. The hubby and kiddos are going on the trip too so please pray for me!

    Really not sure I’ll be able to keep up over the next few weeks, which makes me a little sad. Even though I tell people to just jump back in; I’ll feel like I missed something.

    wow, so sorry to hear about your dad, that's a lot to have to deal with. *hugs*
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    So far today I've only eaten a piece of bread because I've pretty much run out of food. Going to have to go to the grocery store... but right now I'm really hungry and my cravings are running wild, so hopefully I will be able to come out of there without splurging on chocolate or something.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    i just wanted to say a quick thank you to all the ppl that offered good, happy thoughts for me. i really appreciate you guys so much! :)
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    @Susieq_1994 –yay. I’m glad you can walk again and got to go out for a bit. Congrats on the loss.

    @peleroja –I’m so happy that you are able to go on the trip. It sounds like it will be amazing. I’m weird but I would kind of hope to be the only people on the tour haha.

    @orangesmartie –Congrats on the weight loss. 67 lbs is AMAZING! Hope things are going ok…

    @quiksylver296 –I’m still jealous you are going to the Oregon coast if that makes you feel better.

    How are things with you froggy?

    I was doing okay but now I'm dealing with some really bad depression. I couldn't stop crying last night so I didn't sleep too well. It's my TOM so that doesn't help of course. :)

    How are you?

    ((HUGS)) to you froggy, I'm glad you're here interacting with us, I know things are tough but it will get better- time heals all (I hated when people said that to me after I broke off my engagement when found out trashbag ex was cheating buuuut unfortunately it's true- time really does heal all)

    Thank you. I was cleaning this weekend and found an old birthday card from him that said he was so lucky to have me and he wanted to be by my side forever etc. It just got to me really bad. We haven't decided anything for sure yet but I still haven't heard a thing from him since last Sunday (the 5th). I just want him to wake up...I love him and want to work it out but I can't do this alone obviously. I want the old him back.

    Please everyone, don't judge me for this. It's been hard and I'm so torn. I don't know what I want right now.

    no judging at all. what you're going through is terrible and i know first hand how difficult it is to try to decide what you want/need and the best path to get there. i spent years waiting for the "old him" to come back. and maybe yours will get his crap together and will, but please realize you are worth more than waiting for someone else to get their head together. <3
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    @Susieq_1994 –yay. I’m glad you can walk again and got to go out for a bit. Congrats on the loss.

    @peleroja –I’m so happy that you are able to go on the trip. It sounds like it will be amazing. I’m weird but I would kind of hope to be the only people on the tour haha.

    @orangesmartie –Congrats on the weight loss. 67 lbs is AMAZING! Hope things are going ok…

    @quiksylver296 –I’m still jealous you are going to the Oregon coast if that makes you feel better.

    How are things with you froggy?

    I was doing okay but now I'm dealing with some really bad depression. I couldn't stop crying last night so I didn't sleep too well. It's my TOM so that doesn't help of course. :)

    How are you?

    ((HUGS)) to you froggy, I'm glad you're here interacting with us, I know things are tough but it will get better- time heals all (I hated when people said that to me after I broke off my engagement when found out trashbag ex was cheating buuuut unfortunately it's true- time really does heal all)

    Thank you. I was cleaning this weekend and found an old birthday card from him that said he was so lucky to have me and he wanted to be by my side forever etc. It just got to me really bad. We haven't decided anything for sure yet but I still haven't heard a thing from him since last Sunday (the 5th). I just want him to wake up...I love him and want to work it out but I can't do this alone obviously. I want the old him back.

    Please everyone, don't judge me for this. It's been hard and I'm so torn. I don't know what I want right now.

    No one is judging you for this! Of course it's tough! You were together for a long time. This is part of the relationship grieving process. Try to be strong and cry when you need to. Focus on you! And we are here to listen whenever you need to vent, rant, or cry. (Hugs)
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    @Susieq_1994 –yay. I’m glad you can walk again and got to go out for a bit. Congrats on the loss.

    @peleroja –I’m so happy that you are able to go on the trip. It sounds like it will be amazing. I’m weird but I would kind of hope to be the only people on the tour haha.

    @orangesmartie –Congrats on the weight loss. 67 lbs is AMAZING! Hope things are going ok…

    @quiksylver296 –I’m still jealous you are going to the Oregon coast if that makes you feel better.

    How are things with you froggy?

    I was doing okay but now I'm dealing with some really bad depression. I couldn't stop crying last night so I didn't sleep too well. It's my TOM so that doesn't help of course. :)

    How are you?

    ((HUGS)) to you froggy, I'm glad you're here interacting with us, I know things are tough but it will get better- time heals all (I hated when people said that to me after I broke off my engagement when found out trashbag ex was cheating buuuut unfortunately it's true- time really does heal all)

    Thank you. I was cleaning this weekend and found an old birthday card from him that said he was so lucky to have me and he wanted to be by my side forever etc. It just got to me really bad. We haven't decided anything for sure yet but I still haven't heard a thing from him since last Sunday (the 5th). I just want him to wake up...I love him and want to work it out but I can't do this alone obviously. I want the old him back.

    Please everyone, don't judge me for this. It's been hard and I'm so torn. I don't know what I want right now.

    No one is judging you for this! Of course it's tough! You were together for a long time. This is part of the relationship grieving process. Try to be strong and cry when you need to. Focus on you! And we are here to listen whenever you need to vent, rant, or cry. (Hugs)

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Jumping in with a random post. @orangesmartie and anyone else who is interested in a marathon training plan, runners world appears to only charge for theirs now but here is one I found from Jeff Galloway (he is wonderful and is a big advocate of the run/walk approach which really does allow you to run longer).

    Will check in later on all my peeps!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Thanks for all the positive wishes for my daughter. She left work an hour early today and went home to cry it out some more. She's going to try to figure out what she wants to do with herself for the next 6 weeks or so before school starts. I want her to come down here, obviously...
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    @kellienw335 Sorry to hear about all of that with your dad. That's a lot to deal with, I'll be thinking of you!
    Enjoy the girls' trip! One of my co-workers grew up in that area of Tennessee, but I don't really know much about it...

    @FroggyBug No judgment here! I know how much it can hurt, and nothing anybody can say (including yourself) will make the feelings stop.

    I forgot what else I was going to say. I'm pretty much worthless at work today, too. I can't concentrate when I just want to drive to Indiana and get my baby and bring her home.
  • Zia209
    Zia209 Posts: 17 Member
    I have to eat in while driving. I do not know when this started, but I feel like I need a cookie in my hand as soon as I get in the car. I no longer allow food in the car and everything goes into the trunk.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Jumping in with a random post. @orangesmartie and anyone else who is interested in a marathon training plan, runners world appears to only charge for theirs now but here is one I found from Jeff Galloway (he is wonderful and is a big advocate of the run/walk approach which really does allow you to run longer).

    Will check in later on all my peeps!

    Whew! You had me worried there for a minute.

    SmartCoach is more difficult to find, but it's still free on Runner's World website. Looks like they have a paid version that has more to offer, but I can still get to the free one. That's what I've used for my last few marathons. I say "used" loosely, I had the best intentions.

    I hadn't been to their website in a while before just now, they've made it much less user friendly.
  • Zia209
    Zia209 Posts: 17 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I was craving something sweet the other night but had absolutely nothing in the house that would satisfy me except some hot chocolate. So I ate two spoonfuls of the powder. Two spoonfuls. Of the powder.

    Not a judgement but why didn't you just make the hot chocolate? Not sweet enough?

    Next time try making a hot chocolate with only 4oz of almond milk and spoon feed. That kills the chocolate craving every time :)
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    @Susieq_1994 –yay. I’m glad you can walk again and got to go out for a bit. Congrats on the loss.

    @peleroja –I’m so happy that you are able to go on the trip. It sounds like it will be amazing. I’m weird but I would kind of hope to be the only people on the tour haha.

    @orangesmartie –Congrats on the weight loss. 67 lbs is AMAZING! Hope things are going ok…

    @quiksylver296 –I’m still jealous you are going to the Oregon coast if that makes you feel better.

    How are things with you froggy?

    I was doing okay but now I'm dealing with some really bad depression. I couldn't stop crying last night so I didn't sleep too well. It's my TOM so that doesn't help of course. :)

    How are you?

    Sorry you're feeling bad, @FroggyBug

    I'm out of sorts today. My daughter called while I was getting ready for work. She was crying so hard I could barely understand what she was saying. I so wish she didn't live 200+ miles away right now, it's killing me.

    Aww, this is really sad. :( Hopefully your daughter feels better soon too.
    I always want to move and say I will but I don't know if I could live far away from my mom. It must be hard for you to live so far from your daughter. I'm glad she at least feels comfortable enough to talk to you when she is so depressed.