
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    I have to confess I think I have found my group thread!! I have tried to be a part of several other thread groups, but just didn't seem to gel with any of them. I think I found people who really are/have been where I am at and have similar goals in mind. I am glad to know all of you (even if some are missing from my friends list).

    Agree with this SO much!! This is the only thread I've kept up with and I know I've kept at it after having bad calorie days because of the people from this thread <3

    Same. I realized I've had longer "relationships" with all of you than most guys I've dated :grin:
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Caught up from the weekend and here are some random thoughts. Sorry if I forgot anyone.

    @MoHousdon – Glad the SD visited. I hope this is a step in the right direction.
    @LBuehrle8 – I hope you have a fantastic time in the UK! How long will you be there?
    @nonoelmo – That place looks amazing! Glad your SO enjoyed the ride!
    @pofoster21 – Awesome weekend!
    @Susieq_1994 – Glad you’re feeling better!
    @TigerNY128 – Sounds like your BF is enjoying torturing you!
    @KylerJaye – I like reading about your dates! Sounds like you had a good weekend!
    @quiksylver296 – Love that picture!
    @m1xm0d3 – How was your daughter’s party?
    @FroggyBug – Sorry you’re so down. (Hugs)
    @peleroja – What dress did you end up wearing?
    @spacequiztime – Good luck at your appointment!

    Has anyone heard from the piano playing name lady, the girl that lost a bunch of weight and then was struggling with anorexia, Marissafit or something like that, or Overlook?
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    Woke up this morning to a text from my boyfriend..."chest and back today, love you!". Lol. Today is day 3 in the gym with him. We've done legs, biceps, triceps, and shoulders the past 2 days. I'm sore but in a good way! I'm really starting to like this lifting thing!

    I'm actually jealous. I want to lift too. Right now I'm not going to pay for a gym. Maybe in the future. I have some small free weights that I use sometimes but I really like using machines at the gym for lifting (like the leg press etc). I miss working out like that.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    I have to confess I think I have found my group thread!! I have tried to be a part of several other thread groups, but just didn't seem to gel with any of them. I think I found people who really are/have been where I am at and have similar goals in mind. I am glad to know all of you (even if some are missing from my friends list).

    Yay!! :) Glad you think of us that way. :)
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    edited July 2015
    This is a three day work week for me! I have a Girl’s Weekend with my girlfriends in Lexington, Kentucky! Woohoo! It is the middle of our three locations, and we did this two years ago. Really excited! Anyone live in/near the area and have suggestions on restaurants or things to do?

    Then next Friday I leave to go to Illinois for eight days to visit my family, which won’t be as fun as the Girl’s Weekend. I haven’t mentioned this on here yet, but my dad was in a really bad car accident back in late May. He was traveling for work in Pennsylvania. He was in a hospital there for a week and then was transported back to Illinois and was in rehab for a week. He was able to go home even though he was still in quite a bit of pain. He started having really bad back pain, where he couldn’t walk, so he went to the ER. He was admitted to the hospital and they did surgery on his back. A week later they were getting ready to discharge him to rehab again and discovered that the incision was infected, so another surgery was done. He is currently still in rehab and physical therapy seems to be getting better, not great but better. He is scheduled to be discharged from rehab on Thursday, but that may change. I am going up there to hopefully help in any way that I can. He and my stepmom (who doesn’t drive) live with my grandmother (93), who can’t be left alone anymore. My aunt has been driving my stepmom back and forth to the hospital while a caregiver stays with my grandmother during the day. My one brother, who still lives in the area, is not helpful. The whole situation is not good and I really wish I lived closer so I could help. The hubby and kiddos are going on the trip too so please pray for me!

    Really not sure I’ll be able to keep up over the next few weeks, which makes me a little sad. Even though I tell people to just jump back in; I’ll feel like I missed something.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Still on vacation. Just dropping by to share this photo.

    Aww, that's so adorable! Seems like you're having a good time. :smiley:
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I dropped a big blog of peanut butter onto the crotch of my black pants. I tried to clean it off, but peanut butter isn't the most cooperative, so I will most likely have this awful stain on the crotch of my pants all day.

    I really don't like the word crotch.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    edited July 2015
    This is a three day work week for me! I have a Girl’s Weekend with my girlfriends in Lexington, TN! Woohoo! It is the middle of our three locations, and we did this two years ago. Really excited! Anyone live in/near the area and have suggestions on restaurants or things to do?

    Then next Friday I leave to go to Illinois for eight days to visit my family, which won’t be as fun as the Girl’s Weekend. I haven’t mentioned this on here yet, but my dad was in a really bad car accident back in late May. He was traveling for work in Pennsylvania. He was in a hospital there for a week and then was transported back to Illinois and was in rehab for a week. He was able to go home even though he was still in quite a bit of pain. He started having really bad back pain, where he couldn’t walk, so he went to the ER. He was admitted to the hospital and they did surgery on his back. A week later they were getting ready to discharge him to rehab again and discovered that the incision was infected, so another surgery was done. He is currently still in rehab and physical therapy seems to be getting better, not great but better. He is scheduled to be discharged from rehab on Thursday, but that may change. I am going up there to hopefully help in any way that I can. He and my stepmom (who doesn’t drive) live with my grandmother (93), who can’t be left alone anymore. My aunt has been driving my stepmom back and forth to the hospital while a caregiver stays with my grandmother during the day. My one brother, who still lives in the area, is not helpful. The whole situation is not good and I really wish I lived closer so I could help. The hubby and kiddos are going on the trip too so please pray for me!

    Really not sure I’ll be able to keep up over the next few weeks, which makes me a little sad. Even though I tell people to just jump back in; I’ll feel like I missed something.

    I keep up with this thread as best I can for the most part every day and I STILL miss things- don't worry it's just going to happen as we have such a large group of friends here! DO NOT leave I will stalk you until you come back :)

    ETA: Was totally being selfish and thinking about not having you in the thread I forgot to say I hope you have a great time on your girls trip that sounds awesome!!
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    edited July 2015
    This is a three day work week for me! I have a Girl’s Weekend with my girlfriends in Lexington, TN! Woohoo! It is the middle of our three locations, and we did this two years ago. Really excited! Anyone live in/near the area and have suggestions on restaurants or things to do?

    Then next Friday I leave to go to Illinois for eight days to visit my family, which won’t be as fun as the Girl’s Weekend. I haven’t mentioned this on here yet, but my dad was in a really bad car accident back in late May. He was traveling for work in Pennsylvania. He was in a hospital there for a week and then was transported back to Illinois and was in rehab for a week. He was able to go home even though he was still in quite a bit of pain. He started having really bad back pain, where he couldn’t walk, so he went to the ER. He was admitted to the hospital and they did surgery on his back. A week later they were getting ready to discharge him to rehab again and discovered that the incision was infected, so another surgery was done. He is currently still in rehab and physical therapy seems to be getting better, not great but better. He is scheduled to be discharged from rehab on Thursday, but that may change. I am going up there to hopefully help in any way that I can. He and my stepmom (who doesn’t drive) live with my grandmother (93), who can’t be left alone anymore. My aunt has been driving my stepmom back and forth to the hospital while a caregiver stays with my grandmother during the day. My one brother, who still lives in the area, is not helpful. The whole situation is not good and I really wish I lived closer so I could help. The hubby and kiddos are going on the trip too so please pray for me!

    Really not sure I’ll be able to keep up over the next few weeks, which makes me a little sad. Even though I tell people to just jump back in; I’ll feel like I missed something.

    Hope your dad is able to go home and doesn't have any more complications!

    I hope you do come back, whenever you're able. It is a little hard at first to just jump back in, but after a couple pages its not so bad. Sometimes people quote comments that help put pieces together.

    ETA: Have fun on your Girls Weekend!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    So... I went grocery shopping. I rested up a bit after going out for iftar and told my husband that I thought I was up to it. It was a nightmare. :( For some reason, I expected the supermarket to be empty and so didn't steel myself for dealing with any crowd--physically I was somewhat okay (I used my husband and the shopping cart to keep me upright), but I got stressed and anxious out of my mind. If I hadn't had my shopping list in my hand, I would have forgotten everything I wanted to buy. As it is, I kept having to ask my husband to retrace our steps because I kept passing everything I wanted and having to go back for it again after reading it on the list. Ugh. :s

    On a bright note, I have the ingredients I need to make AMAZING desserts for Eid! I'm making THREE peanut butter pies in an Oreo crust, topped with chocolate ganache and whipped cream with chocolate shavings--two of these will be going to my in-laws and we'll keep one--and a big pan of chocolate chip cookie cheesecake bars, 2/3rds of which will also be going to the in-laws. This is going to be FUN! :smiley:

    Sorry you had a stressful trip to the store (especially since it is something that you usual enjoy doing). I'm not good in crowds either.

    The desserts sound really yummy though. :)

    I hope they will be! I'm really looking forward to the peanut butter pie--I've wanted to try one forever but hardly any restaurant has them (at least here) and I've never made one myself. Can't wait! :smiley:

    Yup, crowds really do me in. I panic something awful. But I went to my favorite store the next day and it was almost empty--I had a lovely, relaxing stroll through the aisles and it was awesome. :)
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Caught up from the weekend and here are some random thoughts. Sorry if I forgot anyone.

    @MoHousdon – Glad the SD visited. I hope this is a step in the right direction.
    @LBuehrle8 – I hope you have a fantastic time in the UK! How long will you be there?
    @nonoelmo – That place looks amazing! Glad your SO enjoyed the ride!
    @pofoster21 – Awesome weekend!
    @Susieq_1994 – Glad you’re feeling better!
    @TigerNY128 – Sounds like your BF is enjoying torturing you!
    @KylerJaye – I like reading about your dates! Sounds like you had a good weekend!
    @quiksylver296 – Love that picture!
    @m1xm0d3 – How was your daughter’s party?
    @FroggyBug – Sorry you’re so down. (Hugs)
    @peleroja – What dress did you end up wearing?
    @spacequiztime – Good luck at your appointment!

    Has anyone heard from the piano playing name lady, the girl that lost a bunch of weight and then was struggling with anorexia, Marissafit or something like that, or Overlook?

    It was good! Albeit quite taxing, mentally, as I did all of the decorating/preparing by myself. I picked the right amount of food with no leftovers (not even the cake). She had a blast though and I didn't gain over the weekend so win-win for me.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    This is a three day work week for me! I have a Girl’s Weekend with my girlfriends in Lexington, TN! Woohoo! It is the middle of our three locations, and we did this two years ago. Really excited! Anyone live in/near the area and have suggestions on restaurants or things to do?

    Then next Friday I leave to go to Illinois for eight days to visit my family, which won’t be as fun as the Girl’s Weekend. I haven’t mentioned this on here yet, but my dad was in a really bad car accident back in late May. He was traveling for work in Pennsylvania. He was in a hospital there for a week and then was transported back to Illinois and was in rehab for a week. He was able to go home even though he was still in quite a bit of pain. He started having really bad back pain, where he couldn’t walk, so he went to the ER. He was admitted to the hospital and they did surgery on his back. A week later they were getting ready to discharge him to rehab again and discovered that the incision was infected, so another surgery was done. He is currently still in rehab and physical therapy seems to be getting better, not great but better. He is scheduled to be discharged from rehab on Thursday, but that may change. I am going up there to hopefully help in any way that I can. He and my stepmom (who doesn’t drive) live with my grandmother (93), who can’t be left alone anymore. My aunt has been driving my stepmom back and forth to the hospital while a caregiver stays with my grandmother during the day. My one brother, who still lives in the area, is not helpful. The whole situation is not good and I really wish I lived closer so I could help. The hubby and kiddos are going on the trip too so please pray for me!

    Really not sure I’ll be able to keep up over the next few weeks, which makes me a little sad. Even though I tell people to just jump back in; I’ll feel like I missed something.

    Can't make recommendations around Lexington, but have fun with the girls! It sounds like you have some stressful time ahead of you afterward. I am sorry to hear your dad is having so much trouble. I hope he is doing better soon. I will keep you in my prayers!
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    Well this weekend was a blast! Friday evening the mancreature and I went shopping for birthday stuff for him, he has a new summer wardrobe now and I bought a new pair of running shorts (longer shorts that are compression with a shorter looser shorts over top because chub rub sucks!).
    Saturday was a annual volleyball tournament which started at 9am and ended at 4pm. I suck at Volleyball but man was it a blast to just play! We went to a house party afterwards as well which was fun, I had a beer beers but nothing crazy. I made it through the day without being burnt!
    Sunday was a lazy day, netflix and gaming for me.

    This Thursday we are heading camping up north (zero signal!) for 5 days, I don't want to work because I'm excited haha. I already have my list sorted out (we're shopping today), I've got healthy foods listed as well as some junk. I think while we are gone I am going to try and get in tune with my body and do intuitive eating, we shall see how that goes.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I dropped a big blog of peanut butter onto the crotch of my black pants. I tried to clean it off, but peanut butter isn't the most cooperative, so I will most likely have this awful stain on the crotch of my pants all day.

    I really don't like the word crotch.

    Tehe I've done this with avocado before :D

    I'm not a huge fan of the word crotch either but as much as I dislike it it makes me giggle!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »

    I have not come on this thread for a few days because I felt like the posts I made about my issue with my SO and my issues with struggling to WANT to lose weight were not well received and I felt embarrassed and wished I had not written about those things. Over time I started to feel too comfortable and speaking too freely I guess.

    Late last night before bed I noticed I had notifications and checked them which brought me to a few posts here and I saw @Susieq_1994 saying I was avoiding you guys, and I just wanted to make it clear that it was my own issues and not you guys as to why I was not posting here.

    I was still posting in the fitbit and Big Brother thread because they felt safe, like single topic threads. Also, as you guys have seen, I am not afraid of confrontation, so it is not like I need everyone to agree with me or anything, about anything, I am not sure why I reacted so strongly, maybe because they were on top of each other, not sure, no idea really, but it affected me for some reason.

    In short, I decided that I did not want to become that annoying poster that everyone rolls their eyes at , lol, so I stuck with single topic things, like fitbit and goodreads, status etc. I have not avoided anyone in particular, or felt upset with anyone other than myself.

    i'm terrified of this on a daily basis....

    and i don't think you needed to feel embarrassed by anything.
    there's no such thing as speaking too freely here!!

    I don't think anyone here rolls their eyes at anyone else's posts, to be honest. Nobody's worries/situation is too silly to post about, and we're all friends here. I wish @Italian_Buju would realize that and come back. :(
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Ughhh..I made some really poor choices at the store earlier. I only needed milk, coffee, and ice. I impulsively bought a large box of assorted donuts(marked down from bakery), cereal, peanut butter, and a tub of cool whip. I am embarrassed to say what I just had for lunch...but it's not going to be a green day! I did throw away the remainder of the that's good. Another walk on the agenda...but it's SOO hot out today....was almost 90 when we walked at 9:00am :(

    Applause for throwing out the donuts!!!

    Trips to the store like that make me glad I have teenage boys. I bought 4 gallons of milk and three boxes of cereal last week. I have part of a box of cereal left, I think.

    Peanut butter is my downfall. I have my own jar, which is clearly labeled: Mom: be aware she double dips. I can go a week or more without touching it, but it's really hard to stop when I give in.

    What does "double dips" mean? In the context, I'm guessing it means that you eat from the spoon and then dip the spitty spoon back in again? ;)
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    @crosbylee Oh man, I don't even care that you can bake something "better" Little Debbie snack cakes are great, as are Drumsticks. :wink: Good job on avoiding them.

    @orangesmartie Very sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon. :(

    Congrats on losing 40lbs @xLoveLikeWinterx ! I myself am debating on when to go for a recomp. I've decided to give myself a few weeks post vacation to lose what I picked up over my vacations because the deficit is making me go a little nuts!

    Glad to hear about your relationship success @KylerJaye !

    Sorry to hear your daughter is having a rough time @rungirl1973 . Medication is great but having to wait for something to kick in just sucks.

    Congrats on the NSVs @CountessKitteh and @nonoelmo

    Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well today @Susieq_1994. The dulce de leche did sound very tasty
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »

    I have not come on this thread for a few days because I felt like the posts I made about my issue with my SO and my issues with struggling to WANT to lose weight were not well received and I felt embarrassed and wished I had not written about those things. Over time I started to feel too comfortable and speaking too freely I guess.

    Late last night before bed I noticed I had notifications and checked them which brought me to a few posts here and I saw @Susieq_1994 saying I was avoiding you guys, and I just wanted to make it clear that it was my own issues and not you guys as to why I was not posting here.

    I was still posting in the fitbit and Big Brother thread because they felt safe, like single topic threads. Also, as you guys have seen, I am not afraid of confrontation, so it is not like I need everyone to agree with me or anything, about anything, I am not sure why I reacted so strongly, maybe because they were on top of each other, not sure, no idea really, but it affected me for some reason.

    In short, I decided that I did not want to become that annoying poster that everyone rolls their eyes at , lol, so I stuck with single topic things, like fitbit and goodreads, status etc. I have not avoided anyone in particular, or felt upset with anyone other than myself.

    i'm terrified of this on a daily basis....

    and i don't think you needed to feel embarrassed by anything.
    there's no such thing as speaking too freely here!!

    I don't think anyone here rolls their eyes at anyone else's posts, to be honest. Nobody's worries/situation is too silly to post about, and we're all friends here. I wish @Italian_Buju would realize that and come back. :(

    Well said Susie! I agree with all of this so much :)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    So, family pizza party today. I was ready for it. I can eat one slice of pizza. I can drink water. There is usually lots of fruit for the kids - I can have some instead of desert.


    It was a surprise party for my birthday and all hope of staying within my calories went out the window.

    It's your birthday! No such thing as calories on birthdays... :p Just have a great time! :)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    @Susieq_1994 –yay. I’m glad you can walk again and got to go out for a bit. Congrats on the loss.

    @peleroja –I’m so happy that you are able to go on the trip. It sounds like it will be amazing. I’m weird but I would kind of hope to be the only people on the tour haha.

    @orangesmartie –Congrats on the weight loss. 67 lbs is AMAZING! Hope things are going ok…

    @quiksylver296 –I’m still jealous you are going to the Oregon coast if that makes you feel better.

    How are things with you froggy?

    I was doing okay but now I'm dealing with some really bad depression. I couldn't stop crying last night so I didn't sleep too well. It's my TOM so that doesn't help of course. :)

    How are you?

    Sorry you're feeling bad, @FroggyBug

    I'm out of sorts today. My daughter called while I was getting ready for work. She was crying so hard I could barely understand what she was saying. I so wish she didn't live 200+ miles away right now, it's killing me.
    Is the medication not working? Were you able to help her get calmed down? What was she upset about?

    The one medication probably just needs some more time to get in her system. The Klonopin, she took it this morning at work. Apparently, she was dozing off at work and her supervisor told her she should maybe just go home. She didn't want to go home. So, the panic attack / crying fit was about she doesn't feel like anybody likes her, she doesn't have any friends there, oh and her ex-dude also works there so she has to see him every day too.

    The long term medications take up to three months to become fully effective. In the first month, anxiety can increase dramatically and horrifically, but if she can stick it out then it will get better. She may be experiencing that side effect right now, hence the panic attack. Hope it gets better for her soon. <3