

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I wanted to share a small victory too. I ate A LOT last weekend (each day had to have been thousands over with the bbq, cake, smores, Old Chicagos, alcohol etc). I figured I'd weigh in today and be about 10 lbs heavier like I did when I overate during Memorial day weekend. Today though, I had a 1 lb loss! No idea how that happened. I was good the rest of the week. I figured it was maybe the swimming on Friday and Saturday helped (or maybe just stress haha). That made my morning.

    I'm now .6 lbs from having lost 60. I still have a ways to go though.

    I did compare my pictures from my birthday this year to in years past and I can see a difference. Maybe I'll get brave and share something if I can figure out how. :)

    Good Stuff!
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    I had a frank conversation with my mum yesterday. It was her 71st birthday. She's been overweight pretty much as long as I've known her ( ;) ) and on some kind of fad diet most of that time. She's a big, tall woman, so she carries it well, but ultimately there have been health consequences.

    She definitely believe in magic bullets and DID have weight loss surgery 2 years ago. She's lost about 60lbs and could do with losing another 40-50, I would guess. Her weight loss stopped a while ago, and she is constantly saying how she eats 'nothing'. She did the same yesterday, and I pointed out that she'd done ok on a decent sized plate of Chinese takeout that I got in for her birthday, and I asked her what she ate for lunch (mashed potatoes and mushroom soup). She seemed surprised and said well that's not much. I really had to spell it out to her that if she's maintaining her weight, she's eating a lot more than 'nothing'. I don't know how much she used to eat, because she clearly has NO idea of what proper portion sizes are. Gah!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    Some of my relatives and friends of those relatives keep asking me how I'm losing weight. The same people will ask me multiple times. At first I thought it was because they just weren't remembering the information, now I'm starting to think it is because some of them don't believe me. I overheard one of them saying that it isn't that I've finally been correctly diagnosed and medicated no, it is because I've had the surgery. How I've managed to have that surgery and see them once a week without recovery time is a mystery!

    I confess I really want to stop seeing these people and on the way out the door I'd like to slap a few of them. Not with a chair or anything too drastic. I also confess that while I have said I'm using a calorie counting site I have not told them it is this one. This is for me. They can sign up on their own, but I do not want to talk to them here as well. I sort of don't care if that makes me a jerk.

    I am also tired of people asking me how I did it, signing up for the site, I friend them, and then they never log, don't weigh their food, never complete their diary and then tell me it doesn't work. Well guys, look at me... I lost 30 lbs. You say I look great. So...this does work. If you are honest and track religiously.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I went on a field trip in the fifth grade and we stopped to get lunch at a restaurant. My friend ordered spaghetti and proceeded to just pour on LOTS of ketchup. I was horrified.
    At that age my nephew was famous for eating anything with ketchup on it. His friends like to remind him of the time he ate a piece of wood with ketchup! He's still an 'anything for a dare' type kid, even now at age 19. :#

    My cousin horrified my husband when he sat there dipping his German chocolate cake into ketchup. He just couldn't believe it.

    That is gross. I have to admit.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @riderfangal I can totally get behind some retail therapy! Better than going home and eating lots of high caloried food! (in my opinion so not trying to offend anyone, I obviously can't stop feeding myself haha)

    I HATE shopping, hate it! I feel like its all I do sometimes. Yesterday I needed new pants for work, so while out running my errands I stopped in my usual clothing store, and was in and out with two pairs of pants in ten minutes. When I have to spend time trying stuff on or looking for something in particular, it drives me mad, I wish everything I needed was just bagged at the counter and I could just go in and pay and get out, lol. Today I have to go grocery shopping, which is the bane of my existence......ugh.

    Well...we know I love clothes shopping. I am a master at Marshalls. I am a machine. I can buzz through that place in 30 min and walk out with great stuff. But again. Grocery shopping. Ick. When I move to Saudi Arabia Susie is going to take care of it for me. :)
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    Some of my relatives and friends of those relatives keep asking me how I'm losing weight. The same people will ask me multiple times. At first I thought it was because they just weren't remembering the information, now I'm starting to think it is because some of them don't believe me. I overheard one of them saying that it isn't that I've finally been correctly diagnosed and medicated no, it is because I've had the surgery. How I've managed to have that surgery and see them once a week without recovery time is a mystery!

    I confess I really want to stop seeing these people and on the way out the door I'd like to slap a few of them. Not with a chair or anything too drastic. I also confess that while I have said I'm using a calorie counting site I have not told them it is this one. This is for me. They can sign up on their own, but I do not want to talk to them here as well. I sort of don't care if that makes me a jerk.

    I am also tired of people asking me how I did it, signing up for the site, I friend them, and then they never log, don't weigh their food, never complete their diary and then tell me it doesn't work. Well guys, look at me... I lost 30 lbs. You say I look great. So...this does work. If you are honest and track religiously.
    Yeah, I've encouraged a couple of people to sign up, and ... nothing.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member

    I have not come on this thread for a few days because I felt like the posts I made about my issue with my SO and my issues with struggling to WANT to lose weight were not well received and I felt embarrassed and wished I had not written about those things. Over time I started to feel too comfortable and speaking too freely I guess.

    Late last night before bed I noticed I had notifications and checked them which brought me to a few posts here and I saw @Susieq_1994 saying I was avoiding you guys, and I just wanted to make it clear that it was my own issues and not you guys as to why I was not posting here.

    I was still posting in the fitbit and Big Brother thread because they felt safe, like single topic threads. Also, as you guys have seen, I am not afraid of confrontation, so it is not like I need everyone to agree with me or anything, about anything, I am not sure why I reacted so strongly, maybe because they were on top of each other, not sure, no idea really, but it affected me for some reason.

    In short, I decided that I did not want to become that annoying poster that everyone rolls their eyes at, lol, so I stuck with single topic things, like fitbit and goodreads, status etc. I have not avoided anyone in particular, or felt upset with anyone other than myself.

    @Italian_Buju I did not comment on your stuff with your SO, but now I feel like I should have. I totally get where you're coming from. My husband is the sweetest guy. He does all of the cleaning around the house, he even cleans up after the cats that I had before I met him. He leaves me little notes in the mornings telling me he loves me, and does all kinds of other things that I can't enumerate them all here.

    However, if I specifically ask for something outside of the norm and he doesn't do it, it drives me absolutely bonkers. This happens on occasion and reminds me of the situation you described. Does it probably seem petty to somebody on the outside looking in? Yes, it usually is. But, I like to be heard, and those situations where I've specifically asked for something and it doesn't happen make me feel like I'm not. I hate that.

    Exactly! I mean, seriously, how many years in a row do I have to freak out and nearly kill him before he clues in. The bigger problem is that I feel like he does not care about how I feel about the situation, and that is what is really upsetting me. On a side note, he was supposed to go out with some buddies from work for a BBQ last night, and I talked to the one guy for a bit on the phone earlier in the day (about something unrelated), when the subject came up and I said I was still upset, he was so mad that nothing had been rectified yet.....nobody showed up to pick him up or even called him back, lol. He (the friend) said all the guys he works with now know what is going on and are super unimpressed with him, lol. I refuse to let this go, as this cannot go on another year. We have been together a really really long time, but it seems to have gotten worse instead of better, and the last three years really bad.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Eve53 wrote: »
    My confession - I complained yesterday because my sister, who knows I am working hard to lose weight asked me to pick her up ice cream or cookies on the way home. But then I used it as an excuse to buy myself a Sonic Blast. I very well wasn't going to buy her and her boyfriend one without getting myself something!

    I would totally have done this too. How could you not? Welcome by the way!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    So, since today is national ice cream day, how are we celebrating? ;)

    Why did you tell me this? Hmmm. Lame but I may stop at McDonald's now and get a cone. I love their vanilla cones. ;)
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    edited July 2015
    Anyone else love Orange is the New Black? My boyfriend and I are one episode away from finishing the third season. There's one character in particular that I hated in the first season (I think everyone did) and now I really like her and feel sorry for her. This show has great character development :lol:

    I love this show! We are about half way through the third season. It takes us a while to finish a season because my SO is only here on the weekends and we usually can only watch one or two if we are lucky as we are so busy during that time!

    I hate Pennsatucky, I think I talked about this earlier in the thread. I feel like all the characters have SOME redeeming qualities, except for her! I think she is just a total scumbag!

    I really like Red, she is my favorite. Poussey is another one I really like. I also like Alex.

    The scariest inmate is Lorna, by far.....she is on a totally other level of crazy than everyone else.....her backstory was insane!

    ETA: I see now who you hated......
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    freak4iron wrote: »
    Every time I weigh peanut butter for my shakes, anywhere between 30-50 grams *accidenty* falls onto the tip of my finger, then consequently jumps right into my mouth.... I've tried writting Jiffy about this problem, they still haven't got back to me.

    With the amount of people who seem to have this problem you'd think that at the very least the major peanut butter brands would do something. It does make me a little paranoid though. Obviously, this shows that the peanut butter is evolving and will soon take over the world.

    I think a,world where peanut butter rules would be awesome. Better than some of the alternatives I see today!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Anyone else love Orange is the New Black? My boyfriend and I are one episode away from finishing the third season. There's one character in particular that I hated in the first season (I think everyone did) and now I really like her and feel sorry for her. This show has great character development :lol:

    LOOOOOOOOVE!! I hate Piper and I hate SoSo. I love Pennsatucky and Boo, they're two of my faves! I like Taystee too! I also like Red, Nicky, & Lorna! Love that show sooo much.

    Ugh Piper drives me nuts :( I actually stopped watching after season 2 because Piper drove me crazy and I was rolling my eyes so much.

    I kinda like Piper.....she is not my favorite, but I don't understand why everyone here seems to hate her....please enlighten me?
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    edited July 2015
    Anyone else love Orange is the New Black? My boyfriend and I are one episode away from finishing the third season. There's one character in particular that I hated in the first season (I think everyone did) and now I really like her and feel sorry for her. This show has great character development :lol:

    I love this show! We are about half way through the third season. It takes us a while to finish a season because my SO is only here on the weekends and we usually can only watch one or two if we are lucky as we are so busy during that time!

    I hate Pennsatucky, I think I talked about this earlier in the thread. I feel like all the characters have SOME redeeming qualities, except for her! I think she is just a total scumbag!

    I really like Red, she is my favorite. Poussey is another one I really like. I also like Alex.

    The scariest inmate is Lorna, by far.....she is on a totally other level of crazy than everyone else.....her backstory was insane!

    ETA: I see now who you hated......
    Pennsatucky has been fully redeemed in my eyes. Definitely one of my favorite characters! I like Lorna as well... even though she is CRAZY, she's just so adorable and fun to watch. I love her accent.
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Anyone else love Orange is the New Black? My boyfriend and I are one episode away from finishing the third season. There's one character in particular that I hated in the first season (I think everyone did) and now I really like her and feel sorry for her. This show has great character development :lol:

    LOOOOOOOOVE!! I hate Piper and I hate SoSo. I love Pennsatucky and Boo, they're two of my faves! I like Taystee too! I also like Red, Nicky, & Lorna! Love that show sooo much.

    Ugh Piper drives me nuts :( I actually stopped watching after season 2 because Piper drove me crazy and I was rolling my eyes so much.

    I kinda like Piper.....she is not my favorite, but I don't understand why everyone here seems to hate her....please enlighten me?
    I think she gets worse every season. I don't like the way she talks to people... her facial expressions annoy me and I feel like she can be really mean to people without realizing what it is she's implying. I also feel like she thinks herself better than anyone else in there.

    EDIT: I just looked up ''Why I hate Piper'' on Google and found a fan theory stating that the reason why a lot of people hate Piper is because we can relate all of our flaws to hers.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I went on a field trip in the fifth grade and we stopped to get lunch at a restaurant. My friend ordered spaghetti and proceeded to just pour on LOTS of ketchup. I was horrified.
    At that age my nephew was famous for eating anything with ketchup on it. His friends like to remind him of the time he ate a piece of wood with ketchup! He's still an 'anything for a dare' type kid, even now at age 19. :#
    Yum... pieces of wood really hit the spot. When I was in Girl Scouts there was a girl in the group that would do anything for a dare. I liked to consider myself a daredevil, but she was dared to lick a cockroach that was crawling across the floor and SHE DID IT. I would not have dared to do that.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @riderfangal I can totally get behind some retail therapy! Better than going home and eating lots of high caloried food! (in my opinion so not trying to offend anyone, I obviously can't stop feeding myself haha)

    I HATE shopping, hate it! I feel like its all I do sometimes. Yesterday I needed new pants for work, so while out running my errands I stopped in my usual clothing store, and was in and out with two pairs of pants in ten minutes. When I have to spend time trying stuff on or looking for something in particular, it drives me mad, I wish everything I needed was just bagged at the counter and I could just go in and pay and get out, lol. Today I have to go grocery shopping, which is the bane of my existence......ugh.

    Well...we know I love clothes shopping. I am a master at Marshalls. I am a machine. I can buzz through that place in 30 min and walk out with great stuff. But again. Grocery shopping. Ick. When I move to Saudi Arabia Susie is going to take care of it for me. :)

    Double grocery runs for me! Yay! ;)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    @raelynnsmama52512 That is exciting news!! I hope it all works out for you!

    @raelynnsmama52512 Best wishes that the financing will come through for you!
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    @raelynnsmama52512 exciting. I hope it all works out well for you. That is a lot of moving pieces coming together. Best of luck in everything!

    Thanks y'all! ❤️

    Haven't found type original post yet but my brief app is over until l later so will add here best wishes and fingers crossed!
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @riderfangal I can totally get behind some retail therapy! Better than going home and eating lots of high caloried food! (in my opinion so not trying to offend anyone, I obviously can't stop feeding myself haha)

    I HATE shopping, hate it! I feel like its all I do sometimes. Yesterday I needed new pants for work, so while out running my errands I stopped in my usual clothing store, and was in and out with two pairs of pants in ten minutes. When I have to spend time trying stuff on or looking for something in particular, it drives me mad, I wish everything I needed was just bagged at the counter and I could just go in and pay and get out, lol. Today I have to go grocery shopping, which is the bane of my existence......ugh.

    Well...we know I love clothes shopping. I am a master at Marshalls. I am a machine. I can buzz through that place in 30 min and walk out with great stuff. But again. Grocery shopping. Ick. When I move to Saudi Arabia Susie is going to take care of it for me. :)

    Double grocery runs for me! Yay! ;)

    And double cooking. I think you would be horrified at how I eat out and that my cupboard is all canned soup and protein bars and that my refrigerator is empty. If I remember I'll post a pic tonight to show you!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I went on a field trip in the fifth grade and we stopped to get lunch at a restaurant. My friend ordered spaghetti and proceeded to just pour on LOTS of ketchup. I was horrified.
    At that age my nephew was famous for eating anything with ketchup on it. His friends like to remind him of the time he ate a piece of wood with ketchup! He's still an 'anything for a dare' type kid, even now at age 19. :#
    Yum... pieces of wood really hit the spot. When I was in Girl Scouts there was a girl in the group that would do anything for a dare. I liked to consider myself a daredevil, but she was dared to lick a cockroach that was crawling across the floor and SHE DID IT. I would not have dared to do that.

    Double gross. I can be dared to do a lot. Never that.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    @raelynnsmama52512, congrats! I hope it all works out!
    @Italian_Buju, I love seeing your "500" posts!

    Why did I wake up at 3:00am again? I really don't know...but it has to stop. I need to sleep.

    Also, anyone know how water weight/sodium seems 4 pounds is always the number for me. If we eat out at a restaurant or I have a "bad" eating day, it's always an extra 4 pounds the next day. Weird.

    It's usually about 5 for me too. I know if I eat Chinese up 5 lbs I'll go. Takes about 2 days to get rid of. :(
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    edited July 2015
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @Italian_Buju Please come back we miss you!! I hope I didn't say anything that made you feel that way!!

    THIS. I confess I strongly suspect it was me and I want to say I was just trying to offer a different perspective and I am know for plan speaking so I apologize. Please come back. I'll zip it. :( I promise.

    It was not anyone in particular, I promise. If it was, I would have no problem saying it! I am quite known for being blunt myself (in case ya'll didn't notice!). I just got embarrassed about what I had posted, and then when I felt nobody could relate to either post, it turned into more like being mortified! It was not really what anyone said, it was more like I felt like I was alone in both those struggles and it made me feel 'outside' the group, so to speak.

    PLEASE, everyone, do not think this was anything anyone here said! And please, POF, do NOT zip it!

    On that note, I do not want to rehash this again, as I am already feeling uneasy just typing this, but just wanted to really get through that it was no one comment in particular or anything, it was just what I was feeling inside, which was embarrassed......

    ETA: My laundry is finally done so I am hopping in the shower and off to do more shopping.....I won't be back for several hours this time, and wanted to make sure ya'll didn't think I ran away again. ;)
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    @Susieq_1994 I'm so sorry :( I hope the flare is a short one and you get to feeling better soon :(

    @orangesmartie That's such an awesome attitude! Today is a new day and it's going to be great! I am jealous- I want to go to Nashville! lol not sure about the running (I run like an arthritic tortoise) but the rest sounds awesome.

    AFM, it was a whirlwind weekend. I have Insulin Resistance and I'm hypoglycemic. If I eat like I'm supposed to (very strict, controlled diet) I can maintain my weight. Eat less, and I'll lose. Eat a bit of sugar, I get sick for half a day. I'm not kidding, either- an entire chocolate chip cookie is enough to have me on the couch for a few hours :( I eat ice cream or gelato by 1 tbsp and that's it and I'll still feel weird after unless I down water. Can't really eat fruit, unless it's a couple berries. I've learned to adjust and it's hard to own a home bakery when I want to taste everything but I've learned not to. I also scaled back my business.

    My mom was watching oldest DS for us on July 4th, so when we went to pick him up yesterday, we grilled chicken and vegs for her as a "thank you". She had made two desserts and basically guilt tripped me into eating a bite of each. A regular forkful sized bite of each. I still don't feel right. I'm so bloated my pants don't fit well, my stomach is heaving, and I have a pounding headache. I'm mad at myself for not sticking to my guns. great news, we were approved to adopt the dog! She's coming up here on Saturday!! SO excited! We got some supplies and DH is actually getting excited, too. Her foster mom keeps sending me pics and it's making me so anxious to see her!

    Ugh, I hope you feel better! You would think your mom understands how bloated & sick you get from eating sugar.

    Happy to hear that you were approved to adopt the dog.

    What's funny is she's diabetic, so she should understand. Her dose of Metformin is too high though but she doesn't go get it changed, because it allows her to eat a LOT of fruits and sweets (to counteract the Metformin). I tell her she's the worst diabetic ever.

    This made me cringe a bit.....that is a dangerous cycle. My mother was the worse diabetic ever also, and she lost her leg, had bad cateracts and heart failure. I know another girl that has only been diabetic ten years, and she does not take care of herself properly, and has lost all the toes on one foot (it was a miracle they could save the foot!), and is now going blind. I know another girl that eats junk like nobody's business and takes her meds when she wants, she had a MAJOR heart attack in her late 20's. Those girls are both T2's. In all seriousness, if you have the ability, I would tell her DR about that, so he can cut it back.
    My dad is a pretty bad diabetic. He pretty much eats the same portions as he used to, coke, fried cheese tacos (he eats this at least a few times a week), pan dulce, and food from whatever restaurant they went to. He even makes himself sick enough to throw up.

    The family has tried to help him but he doesn't care.

    Confession: I am getting seriously frustrated with the number of diabetics who neglect to realize that it is a serious condition that requires you to take action to obtain/maintain your health.
    This REALLY angers me because I know that later, when they lose a foot or their eyesight, they will complain and claim that 'the world' did this to them. When really they have done it to themselves by not taking better care of their bodies and making better choices.

    I also feel badly about judging people like this but I just don't handle the whole 'woe is me' crap when it was within their power to change before things got really bad.

    It's taken MONTHS but I finally have my sister taking better care of herself and making better diet choices. I am ashamed that I had to resort to some scare tactics but I love her and her life is at stake!
    The thing that really gets me is that I had a cousin around my age that lived with diabetes for most of her life and passed away when I was around 16 due to complications from it. HIS parents also passed away from health issues before I was even born.