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  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    Some of my relatives and friends of those relatives keep asking me how I'm losing weight. The same people will ask me multiple times. At first I thought it was because they just weren't remembering the information, now I'm starting to think it is because some of them don't believe me. I overheard one of them saying that it isn't that I've finally been correctly diagnosed and medicated no, it is because I've had the surgery. How I've managed to have that surgery and see them once a week without recovery time is a mystery!

    I confess I really want to stop seeing these people and on the way out the door I'd like to slap a few of them. Not with a chair or anything too drastic. I also confess that while I have said I'm using a calorie counting site I have not told them it is this one. This is for me. They can sign up on their own, but I do not want to talk to them here as well. I sort of don't care if that makes me a jerk.

    I am also tired of people asking me how I did it, signing up for the site, I friend them, and then they never log, don't weigh their food, never complete their diary and then tell me it doesn't work. Well guys, look at me... I lost 30 lbs. You say I look great. So...this does work. If you are honest and track religiously.

    When customers ask me at work I always tell them using MFP, exercising a little bit, & the biggest thing for me is weighing my food on a food scale. I guess they want me to say that I snapped my fingers, stood on my head, did a back flip & the weight just melted off.

    Exactly. I hate telling people how I lost weight (like the coworker the other day) because they just give you that look that says, 'yea right.' I just told her I count my calories. I told her I don't even exercise much more than I used to yet (I just do my physical therapy exercises but that's been all so far and maybe a walk now and then when my knee feels ok).

    @FroggyBug I also tell people I don't exercise much with the rare exception of walking on the treadmill, playing Just Dance, or doing Zumba on the Wii. I try to stress to my fellow coworkers or customers that the biggest thing to lose weight is monitor how much you're eating either by using MFP or using a food scale. Even though I lost a lot of weight I would still be a horrendous at eyeballing portion sizes.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Do any of the wonderful Canadians on here who enjoy mystery/detective novels read Louise Penny's Inspector Gamache series? She's a Canadian author whose novels are set in Canada. Anyhow, I love them. I'm very excited that her newest book in the series will be released on my birthday next month!!

    Confession - I'm worried that setting a goal weight will mean that I'll rest on my laurels once I get there, setting me up for gaining it back. I need to change my mind set away from having an "end goal" because then the process is over....and I tend to sprint to the finish, if that makes sense. Like go all out to get to that goal weight, especially now that it's within reach, and then have a let down once I'm there. @pofoster21 How did you handle this? Maybe if I keep setting goals for myself re: fitness challenges or hikes or bike rides, that'll keep me focused on continually improving overall (instead of being weight-focused). Anyone else have tips?

    I set a goal of finishing a 5k in under 45 minutes. I have done it and discovered I hate running, but I didn't quit and still run a couple of charity races a year. LOL! so I joined a gym and took some classes and discovered that I enjoy yoga, the Barre is still a killer at creating great calves, and I enjoy lifting with my husband. My new goals are to be able to do crow pose and to bench, deadlift and squat my bodyweight. Good luck!

    I also have goals to deadlift, bench, and squat my bodyweight! I'm hoping to accomplish this by the end of the year. My boyfriend says I should hit those goals well before the end of the year...here's hoping!

    I can deadlift and squat my body weight...but bench?!? Man, it's gonna take me a loooong time to get there. That or I need to lose a lot of weight. LOL

    How long did it take you to be able to deadlift and squat your weight??

    I've been working 5X5's since November. I could deadlift my body weight (190 lbs) by mid-April. I could squat it by mid-June, but I have since de-loaded to work on my form.

    I'm currently at 235 on my deadlift, 140 on my squat and 120 on my bench.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    @kellyjellybellyjelly I love that you now have a profile pic!!!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I have a coworker who can be quite snotty and apparently gets offended by smells. And I get it to a point, I also hate strong perfumes and the like. But she complained to me the other day about how "rude" it is that someone made popcorn. Not liking a smell is one thing. Saying someone is rude because of a food seems a bit ridiculous to me.

    I brought popcorn for a snack today :naughty:

    I would rather smell popcorn than smell customers that reek of cow manure, body odor, or cigarettes.
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Ok, guys, I need some opinions please. I am leaving now to go for my test and run some errands, but obviously will check later when I am back.....when is it too soon to go knock on the ladies door and ask if she is alright? I have been thinking about her almost non stop, but I do not really know her more than a passing hello, and I am not sure if that would be creepy or not.....

    Just my opinion but I would think the next day would be fine. I'd be happy knowing that someone cared enough about me to make sure I was okay.

    I do hope that she and the baby are okay...

    @Italian_Buju I think waiting a day or two would be good. If they had to deliver the baby early (which would've been necessary if her water broke), she may be dealing with grief if the baby was too early to make it. Just my opinion - give it at least one full day, if not 2. She may still be in the hospital if she had other complications, too. I am so glad you were able to be there for her when she needed it. Checking on her is a sweet, compassionate thing to do!

    (My sister delivered twins at 30 weeks of pregnancy, which is very early. They both survived, but she had been in the hospital for a few weeks leading up to that, so had been given steroids to help the babies' lungs mature more quickly. I am familiar with the complications from early delivery/labor because I was very much involved with my sister's process.)

    My youngest tried making his great escape starting at about 25 weeks. I seriously went in a few times for the Magnesium Sulfate/hospital stays until the contractions stopped and went home back on bed rest. I had a calendar and counted down the days that passed. They gave me the 2 doses of steroids, too. I cried every day and ALL I could think about was if he was ok. I have never been so scared in my life. I was in the hospital basically bi-weekly until he hit 37weeks2days and then the OB said "enough" and let him come.

    They gave me the rundown on mortality rates at 25 weeks, 27, etc. and told me literally every day upped his odds like 1%. At 25 weeks, it was...not good. At one point, I was asked if I wanted to use the hospital chaplain or use one of my own for him for last rites. They throw so much at you, you're just in shellshock. I would give her some time bc 1) she's still in the hospital if in fact it was her water and not urine, and 2) if Heaven forbid something happened, she needs time to process it. The only thing that saved us was they think my water never broke. Had a few "leaks" but it turned out to be urine and then the last one it tested positive for amniotic fluid, but with bed rest/bed pan it stopped and they let me go until the 37 weeks.

    Sorry you had to go through this but happy things turned out well for you!!!

    It was the worst 12-ish weeks of my life, hands down... I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, and the worst part is it's hard to talk to people about it. Not many people relate and I still cry and feel my blood pressure go up when I think about it. I would talk to him and rub my belly and tell him to stay in there and that I was trying so hard to keep him safe... I still sometimes feel like I let him down because I just couldn't hold out another few weeks. He has a few problems from being early and the steroids they gave me for his lungs and it tears me up that *I* did something wrong. It would've been much, much worse if he had come even earlier, though, so I try to just be grateful for that.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    @kellyjellybellyjelly I love that you now have a profile pic!!!

  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    @kellyjellybellyjelly I love that you now have a profile pic!!!

    Oh hey I just noticed that too! Awesome!
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    @kellyjellybellyjelly I love that you now have a profile pic!!!
    I noticed too! Yayy!!!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    @kellyjellybellyjelly I love that you now have a profile pic!!!

    I didn't notice 'til you said something. Cute!
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Ok, guys, I need some opinions please. I am leaving now to go for my test and run some errands, but obviously will check later when I am back.....when is it too soon to go knock on the ladies door and ask if she is alright? I have been thinking about her almost non stop, but I do not really know her more than a passing hello, and I am not sure if that would be creepy or not.....

    Just my opinion but I would think the next day would be fine. I'd be happy knowing that someone cared enough about me to make sure I was okay.

    I do hope that she and the baby are okay...

    @Italian_Buju I think waiting a day or two would be good. If they had to deliver the baby early (which would've been necessary if her water broke), she may be dealing with grief if the baby was too early to make it. Just my opinion - give it at least one full day, if not 2. She may still be in the hospital if she had other complications, too. I am so glad you were able to be there for her when she needed it. Checking on her is a sweet, compassionate thing to do!

    (My sister delivered twins at 30 weeks of pregnancy, which is very early. They both survived, but she had been in the hospital for a few weeks leading up to that, so had been given steroids to help the babies' lungs mature more quickly. I am familiar with the complications from early delivery/labor because I was very much involved with my sister's process.)

    My youngest tried making his great escape starting at about 25 weeks. I seriously went in a few times for the Magnesium Sulfate/hospital stays until the contractions stopped and went home back on bed rest. I had a calendar and counted down the days that passed. They gave me the 2 doses of steroids, too. I cried every day and ALL I could think about was if he was ok. I have never been so scared in my life. I was in the hospital basically bi-weekly until he hit 37weeks2days and then the OB said "enough" and let him come.

    They gave me the rundown on mortality rates at 25 weeks, 27, etc. and told me literally every day upped his odds like 1%. At 25 weeks, it was...not good. At one point, I was asked if I wanted to use the hospital chaplain or use one of my own for him for last rites. They throw so much at you, you're just in shellshock. I would give her some time bc 1) she's still in the hospital if in fact it was her water and not urine, and 2) if Heaven forbid something happened, she needs time to process it. The only thing that saved us was they think my water never broke. Had a few "leaks" but it turned out to be urine and then the last one it tested positive for amniotic fluid, but with bed rest/bed pan it stopped and they let me go until the 37 weeks.

    Sorry you had to go through this but happy things turned out well for you!!!

    It was the worst 12-ish weeks of my life, hands down... I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, and the worst part is it's hard to talk to people about it. Not many people relate and I still cry and feel my blood pressure go up when I think about it. I would talk to him and rub my belly and tell him to stay in there and that I was trying so hard to keep him safe... I still sometimes feel like I let him down because I just couldn't hold out another few weeks. He has a few problems from being early and the steroids they gave me for his lungs and it tears me up that *I* did something wrong. It would've been much, much worse if he had come even earlier, though, so I try to just be grateful for that.

    I totally can relate my son tried to make an early exit it and I had the steroid shots as well. He did come early but we made it to 34 weeks and he was perfectly healthy!!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I'll catch up properly tomorrow - today's been busy.

    I wanted to update again about my daughter. My friend, who's known my daughter since she was born, pointed out that she thought my daughter's jaw/face was looking a bit puffy and that this could be an indicator of a thyroid problem. I googled and sure enough it seems that hypothyroidism and anemia do frequently go together, and many of the symptoms are similar. :( I feel sad for her if this is the case. Fortunately the doctor did order a thyroid test as part of the recent bloodwork that was taken, so we'll see if anything comes out of that.

    @tubbs216 I'll keep your daughter in my prayers.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    @AngryViking1970 good luck with everything & I'll keep you in my thoughts & prayers.

    @Italian_Buju glad to see you back & enjoy reading your posts. Has your son got his new bike yet & do you enjoy your new tiling?

    @pofoster21 have fun at your race & enjoy your bagel!

    Kitchen floor is great

    My son has not gone out for a new bike yet, even though we have covered the cost for him, I think he is a bit nervous so he has just been walking......

    Aw, I don't blame him for being nervous on buying a new bike. I hope they'll catch whoever did this sooner or later.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I have never had Key Lime Pie. Is it at all like a lemon tart? I really love lemon tart.

    It's similar, but better, in my opinon! I love key lime pie!! Very tart and delicious, but only really good if it's truly Key Lime pie... not just "lime pie."

    I've never tasted it, and I admit that it sounds very intriguing... But I don't really like lemon-flavored desserts, so I'm not sure why!

    Confession: I just made the peanut butter/sugar/egg cookies that @kelly_c_77, @Italian_Buju, and @Tubbs216 kept going on and on about, because I couldn't get the idea of trying them out of my brain, since they sounded so strange and yet they kept saying how good they were. I sprinkled them with brown sugar, too.

    My husband is sighing and shaking his head at me--I can't say I blame him. :|

    And...? How did you like them!?
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    You guys were busy, busy while I was gone! I'm checking in from page 1279, and don't seem to be gaining any ground. Happy to report that my Girl's Weekend was a blast! Many drinks and laughs and even some tears! It was awesome to get away for awhile! The family and I are leaving on Friday, heading to Illinois to visit my dad, step-mom, and grandmother. If you remember, dad was in a car accident back in May, step-mom doesn't drive, and grandmother (93) doesn't get around very well anymore. Heard from my dad the other day that his hospital bed is in my grandmother's living room...so please say a prayer or think good thoughts for my sanity and patience on this trip. I should be able to catch up on the thread while on "vacation", but will probably refrain from commenting since I am so far behind. Please know as I read your posts to get caught up; I'm thinking of all of you that are struggling and celebrating with all of you that are celebrating.

    ETA: I'm still checking the Batcave because that isn't as busy and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all the pictures!

    Have a safe trip @kellienw335. Sending you big hugs and lots of prayers for your Dad!! Hurry back we will miss you

    And glad to hear that girl's weekend was so much fun!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    @kellyjellybellyjelly I love that you now have a profile pic!!!

    I do too!!! Woo hoo!!!
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    FYI, I'm alive. After my marathon day on Thursday, I did a whole lot of homework, and not a whole lot of anything else this weekend, so I'm way behind (30 pages kind of behind).

    Additionally, our network at work updated over the weekend, and the boards are now blocked (though the rest of the site seems okay), so no more chatting at work (unless I get motivated enough to do it on my phone). Ha!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Are there any other Canadians who go without air conditioning all year? I heard it was fairly common to not get AC since most of the year is winter, but during the summer it is miserable. My thermostat reads 26 degrees right now and will inch its way up during the day, sometimes getting to 30 or 31. That's around 86 fahrenheit, which is a great temperature! ... For the outdoors. In here it feels all sticky and hot and I'm hating it. I grew up in the southern US and going without AC there is UNHEARD of.

    More and more people are getting AC where I live, but I think the majority (including me) are without. Where I am we usually only have a couple weeks each summer where it's unbearable. (but this summer I feel like we've had more hot days.) Living in a two storey house or an apartment building would be hotter though. I have a fan pointed at my bed so that I can sleep and make sure the blinds are closed to keep some of the heat out. We also don't have the humidity like other places do (thank goodness!)

    I live in SC and I can not imagine not having air conditioning. But...it's also like 96 degrees today and 60% humidity...typical summer weather. Not having AC is not an option! We use it like 6 to 8 months out of the year here.

    Edited because typing is hard.

    Cosigned lol! I'm currently sitting in front of the AC as we speak (or type)! My husband is all sad, the air went out again in his blazer, so now he always wants my car if he wants to go somewhere. Sucks for him, he can't fit the trolling motor and battery for his and BIL's boat in my car, so he has to use his car lol. I'm so mean....

    Cosigned from TN, but no way is my husband getting my truck for more than a day or two at a time. LOL!

  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    FYI, I'm alive. After my marathon day on Thursday, I did a whole lot of homework, and not a whole lot of anything else this weekend, so I'm way behind (30 pages kind of behind).

    Additionally, our network at work updated over the weekend, and the boards are now blocked (though the rest of the site seems okay), so no more chatting at work (unless I get motivated enough to do it on my phone). Ha!
    But.. but.. isn't that what work is for? ;)
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    edited July 2015
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I have never had Key Lime Pie. Is it at all like a lemon tart? I really love lemon tart.

    It's similar, but better, in my opinon! I love key lime pie!! Very tart and delicious, but only really good if it's truly Key Lime pie... not just "lime pie."

    I've never tasted it, and I admit that it sounds very intriguing... But I don't really like lemon-flavored desserts, so I'm not sure why!

    Confession: I just made the peanut butter/sugar/egg cookies that @kelly_c_77, @Italian_Buju, and @Tubbs216 kept going on and on about, because I couldn't get the idea of trying them out of my brain, since they sounded so strange and yet they kept saying how good they were. I sprinkled them with brown sugar, too.

    My husband is sighing and shaking his head at me--I can't say I blame him. :|

    And...? How did you like them!?

    Edited because I just read your review.

    Nope. Apparently I quoted instead of editing. :(
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Ok, guys, I need some opinions please. I am leaving now to go for my test and run some errands, but obviously will check later when I am back.....when is it too soon to go knock on the ladies door and ask if she is alright? I have been thinking about her almost non stop, but I do not really know her more than a passing hello, and I am not sure if that would be creepy or not.....

    Just my opinion but I would think the next day would be fine. I'd be happy knowing that someone cared enough about me to make sure I was okay.

    I do hope that she and the baby are okay...

    @Italian_Buju I think waiting a day or two would be good. If they had to deliver the baby early (which would've been necessary if her water broke), she may be dealing with grief if the baby was too early to make it. Just my opinion - give it at least one full day, if not 2. She may still be in the hospital if she had other complications, too. I am so glad you were able to be there for her when she needed it. Checking on her is a sweet, compassionate thing to do!

    (My sister delivered twins at 30 weeks of pregnancy, which is very early. They both survived, but she had been in the hospital for a few weeks leading up to that, so had been given steroids to help the babies' lungs mature more quickly. I am familiar with the complications from early delivery/labor because I was very much involved with my sister's process.)

    My youngest tried making his great escape starting at about 25 weeks. I seriously went in a few times for the Magnesium Sulfate/hospital stays until the contractions stopped and went home back on bed rest. I had a calendar and counted down the days that passed. They gave me the 2 doses of steroids, too. I cried every day and ALL I could think about was if he was ok. I have never been so scared in my life. I was in the hospital basically bi-weekly until he hit 37weeks2days and then the OB said "enough" and let him come.

    They gave me the rundown on mortality rates at 25 weeks, 27, etc. and told me literally every day upped his odds like 1%. At 25 weeks, it was...not good. At one point, I was asked if I wanted to use the hospital chaplain or use one of my own for him for last rites. They throw so much at you, you're just in shellshock. I would give her some time bc 1) she's still in the hospital if in fact it was her water and not urine, and 2) if Heaven forbid something happened, she needs time to process it. The only thing that saved us was they think my water never broke. Had a few "leaks" but it turned out to be urine and then the last one it tested positive for amniotic fluid, but with bed rest/bed pan it stopped and they let me go until the 37 weeks.

    Sorry you had to go through this but happy things turned out well for you!!!

    It was the worst 12-ish weeks of my life, hands down... I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, and the worst part is it's hard to talk to people about it. Not many people relate and I still cry and feel my blood pressure go up when I think about it. I would talk to him and rub my belly and tell him to stay in there and that I was trying so hard to keep him safe... I still sometimes feel like I let him down because I just couldn't hold out another few weeks. He has a few problems from being early and the steroids they gave me for his lungs and it tears me up that *I* did something wrong. It would've been much, much worse if he had come even earlier, though, so I try to just be grateful for that.
    How horrible. It must be awful to feel so powerless in that situation. I'm sure you did nothing wrong - sometimes it just happens that way! It's great that on the whole he's fine.