

  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Do any of the wonderful Canadians on here who enjoy mystery/detective novels read Louise Penny's Inspector Gamache series? She's a Canadian author whose novels are set in Canada. Anyhow, I love them. I'm very excited that her newest book in the series will be released on my birthday next month!!

    Confession - I'm worried that setting a goal weight will mean that I'll rest on my laurels once I get there, setting me up for gaining it back. I need to change my mind set away from having an "end goal" because then the process is over....and I tend to sprint to the finish, if that makes sense. Like go all out to get to that goal weight, especially now that it's within reach, and then have a let down once I'm there. @pofoster21 How did you handle this? Maybe if I keep setting goals for myself re: fitness challenges or hikes or bike rides, that'll keep me focused on continually improving overall (instead of being weight-focused). Anyone else have tips?

    I set a goal of finishing a 5k in under 45 minutes. I have done it and discovered I hate running, but I didn't quit and still run a couple of charity races a year. LOL! so I joined a gym and took some classes and discovered that I enjoy yoga, the Barre is still a killer at creating great calves, and I enjoy lifting with my husband. My new goals are to be able to do crow pose and to bench, deadlift and squat my bodyweight. Good luck!

    I also have goals to deadlift, bench, and squat my bodyweight! I'm hoping to accomplish this by the end of the year. My boyfriend says I should hit those goals well before the end of the's hoping!

    I can deadlift and squat my body weight...but bench?!? Man, it's gonna take me a loooong time to get there. That or I need to lose a lot of weight. LOL

    Hehehe, that was my thought too. I'm at body weight now for deadlift (will be above on Thursday) and close to on squat (lifted 105 today, I weight 135). My bench this morning was 70, and I think I'm going to be hanging out at 75 for a couple of weeks based on how I barely made 70 today. My overhead press is 60, and I think I'm going to be there for a long time, too. These are 5x5 weights though (you're a fellow SL 5X5-er, right?), so maybe we could do a body weight max on bench?

    Holy wow. I am no-where near those statistics! That is impressive! I can deadlift 70Kg, today was my first squat at 60Kg, but I can only bench 32.5Kg. I started on 35Kg, but I could only just finish the first set so I put it back down to 32.5. :disappointed:

    Edit: It has just occurred to me that you have put the weight in lbs? so actually, I'm quite chuffed with myself. :blush:

    @Lois_1989 YOU'RE BACK!!!! You have been missed!!!! <3 And now, I am going to find a calculator to see how much you are lifting in lbs, cuz I have no idea.

    ETA: Nice lifting, Lois! Those are great numbers (now that I know what they equal)

    Awwww *blushes* I've missed you all too! Started talking to myself and everything. :lol:

    And thank you! I'm pretty much the only girl in the weight room so I don't really know where I stand strength-wise as a female.

    Pretty dang strong looking at your stats!! Fantastic!! Glad you are back, even if just to pop in!

    Well, I'm going to try to come on a bit more but I'm not sure every day will be possible I'm afraid.

    So how are we all? I hope everyone is okay, forgive me, but I'm not catching up on 2 weeks worth of posts so a short version would be GREAT if someone is willing to supply it?

    Missed you all <3

    We missed you too!! Short version: we're all alive and keeping at it! Haha I'm sure someone will come along and give you a better update :s

    I think this update was just perfect! :)
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    I prefer ice cream to cake by FAR. At birthday parties as a kid I sometimes decided to not take cake and just eat ice cream. Especially those gross cakes with the generic icing you can get in grocery stores. Don't know what the type of icing is called... but while kids were screaming for the piece in the center with the most blue frilly icing on it, I was like ''Just give me the end piece." Now one time I had a cake that switched out icing for some delicious strawberry filling and I was all for seconds. :tongue:

    This is me, except the strawberry filling part, since I generally hate fruit mixed into any kind of dessert. Most grocery store cakes and even standard bakery cakes taste yucky to me, especially that really weird styrofoam textured icing that they use. It's very, very rare that I find a cake that I actually WANT to eat--there's only ONE bakery in Oman that I enjoy cake from. One. In the whole country. :p (At least it's the only one that I know of, and I've tasted quite a lot.)
    Yes! Styrofoamy is right. I can really love a good home baked cake, though. My sister and I once made a delicious black cherry chocolate cake. You probably wouldn't like it because of the fruit, but maaaan it was delicious. I also love making homemade carrot cakes with CREAM CHEESE icing.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I have a coworker who can be quite snotty and apparently gets offended by smells. And I get it to a point, I also hate strong perfumes and the like. But she complained to me the other day about how "rude" it is that someone made popcorn. Not liking a smell is one thing. Saying someone is rude because of a food seems a bit ridiculous to me.

    I brought popcorn for a snack today :naughty:

    Who hates the smell of popcorn??!!!

    That's what I was wondering!
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I have a coworker who can be quite snotty and apparently gets offended by smells. And I get it to a point, I also hate strong perfumes and the like. But she complained to me the other day about how "rude" it is that someone made popcorn. Not liking a smell is one thing. Saying someone is rude because of a food seems a bit ridiculous to me.

    I brought popcorn for a snack today :naughty:

    She would hate my office, we have one of those theatre-style poppers that our social committee uses once every couple months for charity fundraisers and stuff. We pop with coconut oil and that movie-theatre seasoning and It. Smells. Incredible.

    Oooh, I would love that.

    It's the easiest way to get people to donate to anything, by giving them popcorn in exchange for it. The lure of popcorn is strong in this office (well, food generally, but in what office isn't it?)

    Confession: I think popcorn smells way better than it tastes. Like, I'll have a handful now and then but I can't remember the last time I had a bag of it for myself or actually purchased any.

    I love to eat popcorn too, but you're right, sometimes the smell is better. I wonder if they make a popcorn scented candle...

    I LOVE popcorn. But I rarely eat it anymore. Every time I do my weight is up the next day, even though I don't put butter or salt on it.

    I live off popcorn at work. Specifically, CVS house brand called Gold Emblem, I think. It's soooo good and low cal, for popcorn. No weighing issues here.

    Popcorn for the win. I eat a big bowl every night!!

    I love LOVE L-O-V-E popcorn! I can't handle that microwave stuff though, I make hot air popped with real salted butter. Or popcorn from the movie theatre, I said this early in the thread, but I have been known to go there, buy a bag of popcorn and then come home and eat it.....

    I make the air popped too. I use either margarine or baking spray depending on how many calories I have left and then use one of the many many popcorn seasonings I own. Have also tried taco seasoning on it which is also yummy.

    Now for a confession. Hope I don't get kicked out of the group but I could take or leave ice cream or cookies for that matter and.....I have never eaten one of those protein bars you guys are always raving about.

    Runs away and hides

    I don't really care for ice cream either. I REALLY have to be in the mood for it, or have a piece of warm apple/cherry pie or brownie or chocolate cake to put it on. I'm definitely NOT one of those people that can sit down and eat a whole pint (not judging) even if I really like the flavor. It's cold, and makes my stomach hurt. Also, I don't think it's worth the calories. *hides with you*

    Cookies, on the other hand, I LOVE cookies. Especially Mr. Mo's warm chocolate chips cookies. He uses the same recipe that Phoebe's grandma used. If you got this reference, we're officially best friends now!

    As far as Quest Bars go, I have only just recently (within the last 6 months or a little longer) discovered them. For the amount of calories they contain, they have a really high protein count, and are extremely high in fiber, but don't do me nasty like the Pure Protein ones. Plus, they just taste really delicious...well, most of them do.

    I got the Friends' reference! I loved that one!

    You too then, @kelly_c_77 !

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited July 2015
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I have a coworker who can be quite snotty and apparently gets offended by smells. And I get it to a point, I also hate strong perfumes and the like. But she complained to me the other day about how "rude" it is that someone made popcorn. Not liking a smell is one thing. Saying someone is rude because of a food seems a bit ridiculous to me.

    I brought popcorn for a snack today :naughty:

    Who hates the smell of popcorn??!!!

    That's what I was wondering!
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I have a coworker who can be quite snotty and apparently gets offended by smells. And I get it to a point, I also hate strong perfumes and the like. But she complained to me the other day about how "rude" it is that someone made popcorn. Not liking a smell is one thing. Saying someone is rude because of a food seems a bit ridiculous to me.

    I brought popcorn for a snack today :naughty:

    She would hate my office, we have one of those theatre-style poppers that our social committee uses once every couple months for charity fundraisers and stuff. We pop with coconut oil and that movie-theatre seasoning and It. Smells. Incredible.

    Oooh, I would love that.

    It's the easiest way to get people to donate to anything, by giving them popcorn in exchange for it. The lure of popcorn is strong in this office (well, food generally, but in what office isn't it?)

    Confession: I think popcorn smells way better than it tastes. Like, I'll have a handful now and then but I can't remember the last time I had a bag of it for myself or actually purchased any.

    I love to eat popcorn too, but you're right, sometimes the smell is better. I wonder if they make a popcorn scented candle...

    I LOVE popcorn. But I rarely eat it anymore. Every time I do my weight is up the next day, even though I don't put butter or salt on it.

    I live off popcorn at work. Specifically, CVS house brand called Gold Emblem, I think. It's soooo good and low cal, for popcorn. No weighing issues here.

    Popcorn for the win. I eat a big bowl every night!!

    I love LOVE L-O-V-E popcorn! I can't handle that microwave stuff though, I make hot air popped with real salted butter. Or popcorn from the movie theatre, I said this early in the thread, but I have been known to go there, buy a bag of popcorn and then come home and eat it.....

    I make the air popped too. I use either margarine or baking spray depending on how many calories I have left and then use one of the many many popcorn seasonings I own. Have also tried taco seasoning on it which is also yummy.

    Now for a confession. Hope I don't get kicked out of the group but I could take or leave ice cream or cookies for that matter and.....I have never eaten one of those protein bars you guys are always raving about.

    Runs away and hides

    Quest bar? Me either. Never even seen one before. 100% clueless....


    Now you have...LOL

    Hahahaha! So how are they? Pretty good I take it. Is the allure based on good taste while also containing a high nutritional value?

    Apparently the best flavor is subjective...cuz I get flamed by every one else on here by saying the best one is Lemon Cream Pie. :D

    Lemon Cream Pie stats (cuz that's the one I have in my office right now)

    160 calories
    5g fat
    5mg cholesterol
    250mg sodium
    85mg potassium
    26g carbs
    17g dietary fiber
    1g sugar
    6g erythritol (artificial sweetener)
    20g protein
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    So, Raelynn went back to sleep last night without having to take another melatonin tablet, I'm considering that a mini-win. Now to make some phone calls!

    That is a big win!!!

    Thank you! ❤️

    I made my phone calls, now just to wait for someone to call me back. I thought about calling Family Connections but I don't think I can talk much about what's going on right now. I'm not good at talking and crying at the same time....

    I'm sorry. <3 I know this is difficult for you, but you're doing a wonderful job advocating for your little. :)

    I agree! She's a lucky little girl to have you in her corner. I wish you all the best. And good luck with the house.

  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    So, Raelynn went back to sleep last night without having to take another melatonin tablet, I'm considering that a mini-win. Now to make some phone calls!

    That is a big win!!!

    Thank you! ❤️

    I made my phone calls, now just to wait for someone to call me back. I thought about calling Family Connections but I don't think I can talk much about what's going on right now. I'm not good at talking and crying at the same time....

  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    @LBuehrle8, how was your weekend/riding all the rollercoasters (can't remember the name of where you went)? Did I miss an update?

    No you didn't miss an update we didn't get to go as it stormed really bad on Sunday :( We definitely made up for it though! Went shopping and bought some new dresses for my trip! Used my coupon at Yankee Candle (have I mentioned I'm obsessed with scents?) then we went bowling, had pizza, and got ice cream for national ice cream day! Haha so sad I didn't get to go to King's Island but we made up for it! Thanks for asking!

    My friend always goes to YC outlet close by. She has a basket full of jars! I can always talk her out of a few mostly used candles for myself so then she has more room again for her obsession. lol

    That's even better for you as they're perfectly good candles even though used and brand new ones are expensive!! I always go when they have their coupons! haha

    I am going to see her tonight. I'll let you know what scents I've scored. :wink: last time was a very grapey smelling 'Orchard'. I liked it.

    Have a blast at your concert!!!!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    I prefer ice cream to cake by FAR. At birthday parties as a kid I sometimes decided to not take cake and just eat ice cream. Especially those gross cakes with the generic icing you can get in grocery stores. Don't know what the type of icing is called... but while kids were screaming for the piece in the center with the most blue frilly icing on it, I was like ''Just give me the end piece." Now one time I had a cake that switched out icing for some delicious strawberry filling and I was all for seconds. :tongue:

    This is me, except the strawberry filling part, since I generally hate fruit mixed into any kind of dessert. Most grocery store cakes and even standard bakery cakes taste yucky to me, especially that really weird styrofoam textured icing that they use. It's very, very rare that I find a cake that I actually WANT to eat--there's only ONE bakery in Oman that I enjoy cake from. One. In the whole country. :p (At least it's the only one that I know of, and I've tasted quite a lot.)

    ME TOO!!! I thought I was all alone in that line of thinking!! YAYY!!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Last night my boyfriend commented on needing new deodorant, and I was surprised because I just bought him some last month. I told him so and he said ''Well... yeah, I need new deodorant every month.'' I told him that I buy deodorant maybe two or three times a year and we had to go look this up on the internet. People were saying their deodorant lasts anywhere from 1-6 months.

    HOW LONG DOES YOURS LAST? I swear I can take 6 months to go through deodorant. I think I only buy it twice a year. A month seems outrageous to me. I'm not a very sweaty person, but my deodorant lasts me even after most workouts.

    Every time I turn around, Mr. Mo needs deodorant again. I really don't get it. Am I not using enough because I only buy mine a few times a year too.

    Same here. I swear, I can buy a 2-pack and not buy deodorant again for a year it seems. Hubby buys the giant pack at Sams and needs more before I've finished the first stick. And, I use deodorant 1-2x per day. I don't get it.

    He also uses body wash about 10 times faster than I do. That's because he uses too much, I've switched him to a cheaper brand. LOL

    That is why my husband gets the cheap dollar a bottle shampoo and conditioner. He has a buzz cut, so basically no hair and he uses more conditioner than I do!

    ETA - My hair is to the bottom of my rear end for comparison.

    LOL I use dollar tree body wash and it's awesome. Very nice fragrance and CHEAP. I have short hair as well and use maaaaybe a marble sized drop of conditioner.

    Hey nothing wrong with Dollar Tree or Dollar General, I have particular items I like to get there!

    Two of my favorite stores. They have great deals on a lot of stuff. I always buy my kids lunch crackers and desserts at Dollar Tree. (I have a 15 yo who eats 3 packs of pb crackers and 2 oatmeal pies for lunch.)

  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Confession: At the staff meeting earlier, I made it through the whole meeting without eating a single doughnut.
    So after the meeting, I clocked out and rewarded myself with a doughnut.... :lol:

    Lol, love it.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I have a coworker who can be quite snotty and apparently gets offended by smells. And I get it to a point, I also hate strong perfumes and the like. But she complained to me the other day about how "rude" it is that someone made popcorn. Not liking a smell is one thing. Saying someone is rude because of a food seems a bit ridiculous to me.

    I brought popcorn for a snack today :naughty:

    Who hates the smell of popcorn??!!!

    That's what I was wondering!
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I have a coworker who can be quite snotty and apparently gets offended by smells. And I get it to a point, I also hate strong perfumes and the like. But she complained to me the other day about how "rude" it is that someone made popcorn. Not liking a smell is one thing. Saying someone is rude because of a food seems a bit ridiculous to me.

    I brought popcorn for a snack today :naughty:

    She would hate my office, we have one of those theatre-style poppers that our social committee uses once every couple months for charity fundraisers and stuff. We pop with coconut oil and that movie-theatre seasoning and It. Smells. Incredible.

    Oooh, I would love that.

    It's the easiest way to get people to donate to anything, by giving them popcorn in exchange for it. The lure of popcorn is strong in this office (well, food generally, but in what office isn't it?)

    Confession: I think popcorn smells way better than it tastes. Like, I'll have a handful now and then but I can't remember the last time I had a bag of it for myself or actually purchased any.

    I love to eat popcorn too, but you're right, sometimes the smell is better. I wonder if they make a popcorn scented candle...

    I LOVE popcorn. But I rarely eat it anymore. Every time I do my weight is up the next day, even though I don't put butter or salt on it.

    I live off popcorn at work. Specifically, CVS house brand called Gold Emblem, I think. It's soooo good and low cal, for popcorn. No weighing issues here.

    Popcorn for the win. I eat a big bowl every night!!

    I love LOVE L-O-V-E popcorn! I can't handle that microwave stuff though, I make hot air popped with real salted butter. Or popcorn from the movie theatre, I said this early in the thread, but I have been known to go there, buy a bag of popcorn and then come home and eat it.....

    I make the air popped too. I use either margarine or baking spray depending on how many calories I have left and then use one of the many many popcorn seasonings I own. Have also tried taco seasoning on it which is also yummy.

    Now for a confession. Hope I don't get kicked out of the group but I could take or leave ice cream or cookies for that matter and.....I have never eaten one of those protein bars you guys are always raving about.

    Runs away and hides

    I don't really care for ice cream either. I REALLY have to be in the mood for it, or have a piece of warm apple/cherry pie or brownie or chocolate cake to put it on. I'm definitely NOT one of those people that can sit down and eat a whole pint (not judging) even if I really like the flavor. It's cold, and makes my stomach hurt. Also, I don't think it's worth the calories. *hides with you*

    Cookies, on the other hand, I LOVE cookies. Especially Mr. Mo's warm chocolate chips cookies. He uses the same recipe that Phoebe's grandma used. If you got this reference, we're officially best friends now!

    As far as Quest Bars go, I have only just recently (within the last 6 months or a little longer) discovered them. For the amount of calories they contain, they have a really high protein count, and are extremely high in fiber, but don't do me nasty like the Pure Protein ones. Plus, they just taste really delicious...well, most of them do.

    Yay Friends. I miss that show!

    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I have a coworker who can be quite snotty and apparently gets offended by smells. And I get it to a point, I also hate strong perfumes and the like. But she complained to me the other day about how "rude" it is that someone made popcorn. Not liking a smell is one thing. Saying someone is rude because of a food seems a bit ridiculous to me.

    I brought popcorn for a snack today :naughty:

    Who hates the smell of popcorn??!!!

    That's what I was wondering!
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I have a coworker who can be quite snotty and apparently gets offended by smells. And I get it to a point, I also hate strong perfumes and the like. But she complained to me the other day about how "rude" it is that someone made popcorn. Not liking a smell is one thing. Saying someone is rude because of a food seems a bit ridiculous to me.

    I brought popcorn for a snack today :naughty:

    She would hate my office, we have one of those theatre-style poppers that our social committee uses once every couple months for charity fundraisers and stuff. We pop with coconut oil and that movie-theatre seasoning and It. Smells. Incredible.

    Oooh, I would love that.

    It's the easiest way to get people to donate to anything, by giving them popcorn in exchange for it. The lure of popcorn is strong in this office (well, food generally, but in what office isn't it?)

    Confession: I think popcorn smells way better than it tastes. Like, I'll have a handful now and then but I can't remember the last time I had a bag of it for myself or actually purchased any.

    I love to eat popcorn too, but you're right, sometimes the smell is better. I wonder if they make a popcorn scented candle...

    I LOVE popcorn. But I rarely eat it anymore. Every time I do my weight is up the next day, even though I don't put butter or salt on it.

    I live off popcorn at work. Specifically, CVS house brand called Gold Emblem, I think. It's soooo good and low cal, for popcorn. No weighing issues here.

    Popcorn for the win. I eat a big bowl every night!!

    I love LOVE L-O-V-E popcorn! I can't handle that microwave stuff though, I make hot air popped with real salted butter. Or popcorn from the movie theatre, I said this early in the thread, but I have been known to go there, buy a bag of popcorn and then come home and eat it.....

    I make the air popped too. I use either margarine or baking spray depending on how many calories I have left and then use one of the many many popcorn seasonings I own. Have also tried taco seasoning on it which is also yummy.

    Now for a confession. Hope I don't get kicked out of the group but I could take or leave ice cream or cookies for that matter and.....I have never eaten one of those protein bars you guys are always raving about.

    Runs away and hides

    I don't really care for ice cream either. I REALLY have to be in the mood for it, or have a piece of warm apple/cherry pie or brownie or chocolate cake to put it on. I'm definitely NOT one of those people that can sit down and eat a whole pint (not judging) even if I really like the flavor. It's cold, and makes my stomach hurt. Also, I don't think it's worth the calories. *hides with you*

    Cookies, on the other hand, I LOVE cookies. Especially Mr. Mo's warm chocolate chips cookies. He uses the same recipe that Phoebe's grandma used. If you got this reference, we're officially best friends now!

    As far as Quest Bars go, I have only just recently (within the last 6 months or a little longer) discovered them. For the amount of calories they contain, they have a really high protein count, and are extremely high in fiber, but don't do me nasty like the Pure Protein ones. Plus, they just taste really delicious...well, most of them do.

    Haha, the Nestle Tollhouse recipe!

    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I have a coworker who can be quite snotty and apparently gets offended by smells. And I get it to a point, I also hate strong perfumes and the like. But she complained to me the other day about how "rude" it is that someone made popcorn. Not liking a smell is one thing. Saying someone is rude because of a food seems a bit ridiculous to me.

    I brought popcorn for a snack today :naughty:

    Who hates the smell of popcorn??!!!

    That's what I was wondering!
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I have a coworker who can be quite snotty and apparently gets offended by smells. And I get it to a point, I also hate strong perfumes and the like. But she complained to me the other day about how "rude" it is that someone made popcorn. Not liking a smell is one thing. Saying someone is rude because of a food seems a bit ridiculous to me.

    I brought popcorn for a snack today :naughty:

    She would hate my office, we have one of those theatre-style poppers that our social committee uses once every couple months for charity fundraisers and stuff. We pop with coconut oil and that movie-theatre seasoning and It. Smells. Incredible.

    Oooh, I would love that.

    It's the easiest way to get people to donate to anything, by giving them popcorn in exchange for it. The lure of popcorn is strong in this office (well, food generally, but in what office isn't it?)

    Confession: I think popcorn smells way better than it tastes. Like, I'll have a handful now and then but I can't remember the last time I had a bag of it for myself or actually purchased any.

    I love to eat popcorn too, but you're right, sometimes the smell is better. I wonder if they make a popcorn scented candle...

    I LOVE popcorn. But I rarely eat it anymore. Every time I do my weight is up the next day, even though I don't put butter or salt on it.

    I live off popcorn at work. Specifically, CVS house brand called Gold Emblem, I think. It's soooo good and low cal, for popcorn. No weighing issues here.

    Popcorn for the win. I eat a big bowl every night!!

    I love LOVE L-O-V-E popcorn! I can't handle that microwave stuff though, I make hot air popped with real salted butter. Or popcorn from the movie theatre, I said this early in the thread, but I have been known to go there, buy a bag of popcorn and then come home and eat it.....

    I make the air popped too. I use either margarine or baking spray depending on how many calories I have left and then use one of the many many popcorn seasonings I own. Have also tried taco seasoning on it which is also yummy.

    Now for a confession. Hope I don't get kicked out of the group but I could take or leave ice cream or cookies for that matter and.....I have never eaten one of those protein bars you guys are always raving about.

    Runs away and hides

    I don't really care for ice cream either. I REALLY have to be in the mood for it, or have a piece of warm apple/cherry pie or brownie or chocolate cake to put it on. I'm definitely NOT one of those people that can sit down and eat a whole pint (not judging) even if I really like the flavor. It's cold, and makes my stomach hurt. Also, I don't think it's worth the calories. *hides with you*

    Cookies, on the other hand, I LOVE cookies. Especially Mr. Mo's warm chocolate chips cookies. He uses the same recipe that Phoebe's grandma used. If you got this reference, we're officially best friends now!

    As far as Quest Bars go, I have only just recently (within the last 6 months or a little longer) discovered them. For the amount of calories they contain, they have a really high protein count, and are extremely high in fiber, but don't do me nasty like the Pure Protein ones. Plus, they just taste really delicious...well, most of them do.

    LOL I believe the name was Nestlé?

    Edit: I'm doubting myself! Was it? I'm sure it was...

    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I have a coworker who can be quite snotty and apparently gets offended by smells. And I get it to a point, I also hate strong perfumes and the like. But she complained to me the other day about how "rude" it is that someone made popcorn. Not liking a smell is one thing. Saying someone is rude because of a food seems a bit ridiculous to me.

    I brought popcorn for a snack today :naughty:

    Who hates the smell of popcorn??!!!

    That's what I was wondering!
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I have a coworker who can be quite snotty and apparently gets offended by smells. And I get it to a point, I also hate strong perfumes and the like. But she complained to me the other day about how "rude" it is that someone made popcorn. Not liking a smell is one thing. Saying someone is rude because of a food seems a bit ridiculous to me.

    I brought popcorn for a snack today :naughty:

    She would hate my office, we have one of those theatre-style poppers that our social committee uses once every couple months for charity fundraisers and stuff. We pop with coconut oil and that movie-theatre seasoning and It. Smells. Incredible.

    Oooh, I would love that.

    It's the easiest way to get people to donate to anything, by giving them popcorn in exchange for it. The lure of popcorn is strong in this office (well, food generally, but in what office isn't it?)

    Confession: I think popcorn smells way better than it tastes. Like, I'll have a handful now and then but I can't remember the last time I had a bag of it for myself or actually purchased any.

    I love to eat popcorn too, but you're right, sometimes the smell is better. I wonder if they make a popcorn scented candle...

    I LOVE popcorn. But I rarely eat it anymore. Every time I do my weight is up the next day, even though I don't put butter or salt on it.

    I live off popcorn at work. Specifically, CVS house brand called Gold Emblem, I think. It's soooo good and low cal, for popcorn. No weighing issues here.

    Popcorn for the win. I eat a big bowl every night!!

    I love LOVE L-O-V-E popcorn! I can't handle that microwave stuff though, I make hot air popped with real salted butter. Or popcorn from the movie theatre, I said this early in the thread, but I have been known to go there, buy a bag of popcorn and then come home and eat it.....

    I make the air popped too. I use either margarine or baking spray depending on how many calories I have left and then use one of the many many popcorn seasonings I own. Have also tried taco seasoning on it which is also yummy.

    Now for a confession. Hope I don't get kicked out of the group but I could take or leave ice cream or cookies for that matter and.....I have never eaten one of those protein bars you guys are always raving about.

    Runs away and hides

    I don't really care for ice cream either. I REALLY have to be in the mood for it, or have a piece of warm apple/cherry pie or brownie or chocolate cake to put it on. I'm definitely NOT one of those people that can sit down and eat a whole pint (not judging) even if I really like the flavor. It's cold, and makes my stomach hurt. Also, I don't think it's worth the calories. *hides with you*

    Cookies, on the other hand, I LOVE cookies. Especially Mr. Mo's warm chocolate chips cookies. He uses the same recipe that Phoebe's grandma used. If you got this reference, we're officially best friends now!

    As far as Quest Bars go, I have only just recently (within the last 6 months or a little longer) discovered them. For the amount of calories they contain, they have a really high protein count, and are extremely high in fiber, but don't do me nasty like the Pure Protein ones. Plus, they just taste really delicious...well, most of them do.

    LOL I believe the name was Nestlé?

    Pronounced "Nes-lay Tollhou-say", iirc? ;)

    Congratulations on becoming my new best friends. That is to this day one of my most favorite episodes.

    You know, I always wonder when I watch that episode that Monica doesn't figure out it's not a "special recipe" and it's Netsle Tollhouse since she's supposed to be an expert chef and probably ate millions of nestle tollhouse cookies growing up haha.. I have to say one of my favorite parts of the show is when Monica is in her fat suit dancing all by herself, I love when Courtney Cox does it, she's hilarious!!
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Do any of the wonderful Canadians on here who enjoy mystery/detective novels read Louise Penny's Inspector Gamache series? She's a Canadian author whose novels are set in Canada. Anyhow, I love them. I'm very excited that her newest book in the series will be released on my birthday next month!!

    Confession - I'm worried that setting a goal weight will mean that I'll rest on my laurels once I get there, setting me up for gaining it back. I need to change my mind set away from having an "end goal" because then the process is over....and I tend to sprint to the finish, if that makes sense. Like go all out to get to that goal weight, especially now that it's within reach, and then have a let down once I'm there. @pofoster21 How did you handle this? Maybe if I keep setting goals for myself re: fitness challenges or hikes or bike rides, that'll keep me focused on continually improving overall (instead of being weight-focused). Anyone else have tips?

    I set a goal of finishing a 5k in under 45 minutes. I have done it and discovered I hate running, but I didn't quit and still run a couple of charity races a year. LOL! so I joined a gym and took some classes and discovered that I enjoy yoga, the Barre is still a killer at creating great calves, and I enjoy lifting with my husband. My new goals are to be able to do crow pose and to bench, deadlift and squat my bodyweight. Good luck!

    I also have goals to deadlift, bench, and squat my bodyweight! I'm hoping to accomplish this by the end of the year. My boyfriend says I should hit those goals well before the end of the's hoping!

    I can deadlift and squat my body weight...but bench?!? Man, it's gonna take me a loooong time to get there. That or I need to lose a lot of weight. LOL

    Hehehe, that was my thought too. I'm at body weight now for deadlift (will be above on Thursday) and close to on squat (lifted 105 today, I weight 135). My bench this morning was 70, and I think I'm going to be hanging out at 75 for a couple of weeks based on how I barely made 70 today. My overhead press is 60, and I think I'm going to be there for a long time, too. These are 5x5 weights though (you're a fellow SL 5X5-er, right?), so maybe we could do a body weight max on bench?

    @quiksylver296 and @WestCoastJo82 I wish I could work out with you ladies. I want so badly to start lifting heavy but I'm so scared I'll hurt myself. I also wish I could get my husband to work out with me, but he has zero interest in that.

    Start slow and work your way up! This is one thing that I really like about Stronglifts - it has you start with the empty bar so you can practice good form before it gets heavy (well not all the way empty for deadlifts and rows, but that's because it needs to be off the ground). I do love a work-out buddy though...move to eastern Washington :)
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I have a coworker who can be quite snotty and apparently gets offended by smells. And I get it to a point, I also hate strong perfumes and the like. But she complained to me the other day about how "rude" it is that someone made popcorn. Not liking a smell is one thing. Saying someone is rude because of a food seems a bit ridiculous to me.

    I brought popcorn for a snack today :naughty:

    Who hates the smell of popcorn??!!!

    That's what I was wondering!
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I have a coworker who can be quite snotty and apparently gets offended by smells. And I get it to a point, I also hate strong perfumes and the like. But she complained to me the other day about how "rude" it is that someone made popcorn. Not liking a smell is one thing. Saying someone is rude because of a food seems a bit ridiculous to me.

    I brought popcorn for a snack today :naughty:

    She would hate my office, we have one of those theatre-style poppers that our social committee uses once every couple months for charity fundraisers and stuff. We pop with coconut oil and that movie-theatre seasoning and It. Smells. Incredible.

    Oooh, I would love that.

    It's the easiest way to get people to donate to anything, by giving them popcorn in exchange for it. The lure of popcorn is strong in this office (well, food generally, but in what office isn't it?)

    Confession: I think popcorn smells way better than it tastes. Like, I'll have a handful now and then but I can't remember the last time I had a bag of it for myself or actually purchased any.

    I love to eat popcorn too, but you're right, sometimes the smell is better. I wonder if they make a popcorn scented candle...

    I LOVE popcorn. But I rarely eat it anymore. Every time I do my weight is up the next day, even though I don't put butter or salt on it.

    I live off popcorn at work. Specifically, CVS house brand called Gold Emblem, I think. It's soooo good and low cal, for popcorn. No weighing issues here.

    Popcorn for the win. I eat a big bowl every night!!

    I love LOVE L-O-V-E popcorn! I can't handle that microwave stuff though, I make hot air popped with real salted butter. Or popcorn from the movie theatre, I said this early in the thread, but I have been known to go there, buy a bag of popcorn and then come home and eat it.....

    I make the air popped too. I use either margarine or baking spray depending on how many calories I have left and then use one of the many many popcorn seasonings I own. Have also tried taco seasoning on it which is also yummy.

    Now for a confession. Hope I don't get kicked out of the group but I could take or leave ice cream or cookies for that matter and.....I have never eaten one of those protein bars you guys are always raving about.

    Runs away and hides

    Quest bar? Me either. Never even seen one before. 100% clueless....


    Now you have...LOL

    Hahahaha! So how are they? Pretty good I take it. Is the allure based on good taste while also containing a high nutritional value?

    Apparently the best flavor is subjective...cuz I get flamed by every one else on here by saying the best one is Lemon Cream Pie. :D

    Lemon Cream Pie stats (cuz that's the one I have in my office right now)

    160 calories
    5g fat
    5mg cholesterol
    250mg sodium
    85mg potassium
    26g carbs
    17g dietary fiber
    1g sugar
    6g erythritol (artificial sweetener)
    20g protein

    Cinnamon Roll
    180 calories
    6g fat
    5mg cholesterol
    280mg sodium
    95mg potassium
    25g carbs
    17g dietary fiber
    1g sugar
    5g erythritol (artificial sweetener)
    20g protein
    10% Phosphorus
    10% Calcium
    4% Iron
    8% Magnesium
    Cost - $2.09 USD

    One of my favorite flavors
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    I prefer ice cream to cake by FAR. At birthday parties as a kid I sometimes decided to not take cake and just eat ice cream. Especially those gross cakes with the generic icing you can get in grocery stores. Don't know what the type of icing is called... but while kids were screaming for the piece in the center with the most blue frilly icing on it, I was like ''Just give me the end piece." Now one time I had a cake that switched out icing for some delicious strawberry filling and I was all for seconds. :tongue:

    This is me, except the strawberry filling part, since I generally hate fruit mixed into any kind of dessert. Most grocery store cakes and even standard bakery cakes taste yucky to me, especially that really weird styrofoam textured icing that they use. It's very, very rare that I find a cake that I actually WANT to eat--there's only ONE bakery in Oman that I enjoy cake from. One. In the whole country. :p (At least it's the only one that I know of, and I've tasted quite a lot.)
    Yes! Styrofoamy is right. I can really love a good home baked cake, though. My sister and I once made a delicious black cherry chocolate cake. You probably wouldn't like it because of the fruit, but maaaan it was delicious. I also love making homemade carrot cakes with CREAM CHEESE icing.

    Exactly! When I first met my in-laws, they bought a cake that was supposedly red velvet from a bakery that has a good reputation here in Saudi Arabia. It was terrible--it tasted just like a grocery store cake, stale and styrofoamy. I forced it down out of politeness. :s

    The cake bakery that I enjoy makes THE BEST dense, fresh, DELICIOUS cakes with real buttercream icing, cream cheese frosting, chocolate ganache, etc. They aren't cheap, but they're worth every penny. I go there every time I visit Oman. I haven't found anything like it in Saudi Arabia. :-/
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I prefer ice cream to cake by FAR. At birthday parties as a kid I sometimes decided to not take cake and just eat ice cream. Especially those gross cakes with the generic icing you can get in grocery stores. Don't know what the type of icing is called... but while kids were screaming for the piece in the center with the most blue frilly icing on it, I was like ''Just give me the end piece." Now one time I had a cake that switched out icing for some delicious strawberry filling and I was all for seconds. :tongue:

    This is me, except the strawberry filling part, since I generally hate fruit mixed into any kind of dessert. Most grocery store cakes and even standard bakery cakes taste yucky to me, especially that really weird styrofoam textured icing that they use. It's very, very rare that I find a cake that I actually WANT to eat--there's only ONE bakery in Oman that I enjoy cake from. One. In the whole country. :p (At least it's the only one that I know of, and I've tasted quite a lot.)
    Yes! Styrofoamy is right. I can really love a good home baked cake, though. My sister and I once made a delicious black cherry chocolate cake. You probably wouldn't like it because of the fruit, but maaaan it was delicious. I also love making homemade carrot cakes with CREAM CHEESE icing.

    Exactly! When I first met my in-laws, they bought a cake that was supposedly red velvet from a bakery that has a good reputation here in Saudi Arabia. It was terrible--it tasted just like a grocery store cake, stale and styrofoamy. I forced it down out of politeness. :s

    The cake bakery that I enjoy makes THE BEST dense, fresh, DELICIOUS cakes with real buttercream icing, cream cheese frosting, chocolate ganache, etc. They aren't cheap, but they're worth every penny. I go there every time I visit Oman. I haven't found anything like it in Saudi Arabia. :-/

    Susie, can I ask a question? How did you end up in Saudi Arabia from Oman?
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I prefer ice cream to cake by FAR. At birthday parties as a kid I sometimes decided to not take cake and just eat ice cream. Especially those gross cakes with the generic icing you can get in grocery stores. Don't know what the type of icing is called... but while kids were screaming for the piece in the center with the most blue frilly icing on it, I was like ''Just give me the end piece." Now one time I had a cake that switched out icing for some delicious strawberry filling and I was all for seconds. :tongue:

    This is me, except the strawberry filling part, since I generally hate fruit mixed into any kind of dessert. Most grocery store cakes and even standard bakery cakes taste yucky to me, especially that really weird styrofoam textured icing that they use. It's very, very rare that I find a cake that I actually WANT to eat--there's only ONE bakery in Oman that I enjoy cake from. One. In the whole country. :p (At least it's the only one that I know of, and I've tasted quite a lot.)

    ME TOO!!! I thought I was all alone in that line of thinking!! YAYY!!

    Nope. ;) I hate all of the ones I know of, fruit pies and fruit-covered cheesecakes included. The fruit just clashes with sugary desserts to me--chocolate covered fruit is the worst. :s
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I have a coworker who can be quite snotty and apparently gets offended by smells. And I get it to a point, I also hate strong perfumes and the like. But she complained to me the other day about how "rude" it is that someone made popcorn. Not liking a smell is one thing. Saying someone is rude because of a food seems a bit ridiculous to me.

    I brought popcorn for a snack today :naughty:

    Who hates the smell of popcorn??!!!

    That's what I was wondering!
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I have a coworker who can be quite snotty and apparently gets offended by smells. And I get it to a point, I also hate strong perfumes and the like. But she complained to me the other day about how "rude" it is that someone made popcorn. Not liking a smell is one thing. Saying someone is rude because of a food seems a bit ridiculous to me.

    I brought popcorn for a snack today :naughty:

    She would hate my office, we have one of those theatre-style poppers that our social committee uses once every couple months for charity fundraisers and stuff. We pop with coconut oil and that movie-theatre seasoning and It. Smells. Incredible.

    Oooh, I would love that.

    It's the easiest way to get people to donate to anything, by giving them popcorn in exchange for it. The lure of popcorn is strong in this office (well, food generally, but in what office isn't it?)

    Confession: I think popcorn smells way better than it tastes. Like, I'll have a handful now and then but I can't remember the last time I had a bag of it for myself or actually purchased any.

    I love to eat popcorn too, but you're right, sometimes the smell is better. I wonder if they make a popcorn scented candle...

    I LOVE popcorn. But I rarely eat it anymore. Every time I do my weight is up the next day, even though I don't put butter or salt on it.

    I live off popcorn at work. Specifically, CVS house brand called Gold Emblem, I think. It's soooo good and low cal, for popcorn. No weighing issues here.

    Popcorn for the win. I eat a big bowl every night!!

    I love LOVE L-O-V-E popcorn! I can't handle that microwave stuff though, I make hot air popped with real salted butter. Or popcorn from the movie theatre, I said this early in the thread, but I have been known to go there, buy a bag of popcorn and then come home and eat it.....

    I make the air popped too. I use either margarine or baking spray depending on how many calories I have left and then use one of the many many popcorn seasonings I own. Have also tried taco seasoning on it which is also yummy.

    Now for a confession. Hope I don't get kicked out of the group but I could take or leave ice cream or cookies for that matter and.....I have never eaten one of those protein bars you guys are always raving about.

    Runs away and hides

    I don't really care for ice cream either. I REALLY have to be in the mood for it, or have a piece of warm apple/cherry pie or brownie or chocolate cake to put it on. I'm definitely NOT one of those people that can sit down and eat a whole pint (not judging) even if I really like the flavor. It's cold, and makes my stomach hurt. Also, I don't think it's worth the calories. *hides with you*

    Cookies, on the other hand, I LOVE cookies. Especially Mr. Mo's warm chocolate chips cookies. He uses the same recipe that Phoebe's grandma used. If you got this reference, we're officially best friends now!

    As far as Quest Bars go, I have only just recently (within the last 6 months or a little longer) discovered them. For the amount of calories they contain, they have a really high protein count, and are extremely high in fiber, but don't do me nasty like the Pure Protein ones. Plus, they just taste really delicious...well, most of them do.

    Yay Friends. I miss that show!

    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I have a coworker who can be quite snotty and apparently gets offended by smells. And I get it to a point, I also hate strong perfumes and the like. But she complained to me the other day about how "rude" it is that someone made popcorn. Not liking a smell is one thing. Saying someone is rude because of a food seems a bit ridiculous to me.

    I brought popcorn for a snack today :naughty:

    Who hates the smell of popcorn??!!!

    That's what I was wondering!
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I have a coworker who can be quite snotty and apparently gets offended by smells. And I get it to a point, I also hate strong perfumes and the like. But she complained to me the other day about how "rude" it is that someone made popcorn. Not liking a smell is one thing. Saying someone is rude because of a food seems a bit ridiculous to me.

    I brought popcorn for a snack today :naughty:

    She would hate my office, we have one of those theatre-style poppers that our social committee uses once every couple months for charity fundraisers and stuff. We pop with coconut oil and that movie-theatre seasoning and It. Smells. Incredible.

    Oooh, I would love that.

    It's the easiest way to get people to donate to anything, by giving them popcorn in exchange for it. The lure of popcorn is strong in this office (well, food generally, but in what office isn't it?)

    Confession: I think popcorn smells way better than it tastes. Like, I'll have a handful now and then but I can't remember the last time I had a bag of it for myself or actually purchased any.

    I love to eat popcorn too, but you're right, sometimes the smell is better. I wonder if they make a popcorn scented candle...

    I LOVE popcorn. But I rarely eat it anymore. Every time I do my weight is up the next day, even though I don't put butter or salt on it.

    I live off popcorn at work. Specifically, CVS house brand called Gold Emblem, I think. It's soooo good and low cal, for popcorn. No weighing issues here.

    Popcorn for the win. I eat a big bowl every night!!

    I love LOVE L-O-V-E popcorn! I can't handle that microwave stuff though, I make hot air popped with real salted butter. Or popcorn from the movie theatre, I said this early in the thread, but I have been known to go there, buy a bag of popcorn and then come home and eat it.....

    I make the air popped too. I use either margarine or baking spray depending on how many calories I have left and then use one of the many many popcorn seasonings I own. Have also tried taco seasoning on it which is also yummy.

    Now for a confession. Hope I don't get kicked out of the group but I could take or leave ice cream or cookies for that matter and.....I have never eaten one of those protein bars you guys are always raving about.

    Runs away and hides

    I don't really care for ice cream either. I REALLY have to be in the mood for it, or have a piece of warm apple/cherry pie or brownie or chocolate cake to put it on. I'm definitely NOT one of those people that can sit down and eat a whole pint (not judging) even if I really like the flavor. It's cold, and makes my stomach hurt. Also, I don't think it's worth the calories. *hides with you*

    Cookies, on the other hand, I LOVE cookies. Especially Mr. Mo's warm chocolate chips cookies. He uses the same recipe that Phoebe's grandma used. If you got this reference, we're officially best friends now!

    As far as Quest Bars go, I have only just recently (within the last 6 months or a little longer) discovered them. For the amount of calories they contain, they have a really high protein count, and are extremely high in fiber, but don't do me nasty like the Pure Protein ones. Plus, they just taste really delicious...well, most of them do.

    Haha, the Nestle Tollhouse recipe!

    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I have a coworker who can be quite snotty and apparently gets offended by smells. And I get it to a point, I also hate strong perfumes and the like. But she complained to me the other day about how "rude" it is that someone made popcorn. Not liking a smell is one thing. Saying someone is rude because of a food seems a bit ridiculous to me.

    I brought popcorn for a snack today :naughty:

    Who hates the smell of popcorn??!!!

    That's what I was wondering!
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I have a coworker who can be quite snotty and apparently gets offended by smells. And I get it to a point, I also hate strong perfumes and the like. But she complained to me the other day about how "rude" it is that someone made popcorn. Not liking a smell is one thing. Saying someone is rude because of a food seems a bit ridiculous to me.

    I brought popcorn for a snack today :naughty:

    She would hate my office, we have one of those theatre-style poppers that our social committee uses once every couple months for charity fundraisers and stuff. We pop with coconut oil and that movie-theatre seasoning and It. Smells. Incredible.

    Oooh, I would love that.

    It's the easiest way to get people to donate to anything, by giving them popcorn in exchange for it. The lure of popcorn is strong in this office (well, food generally, but in what office isn't it?)

    Confession: I think popcorn smells way better than it tastes. Like, I'll have a handful now and then but I can't remember the last time I had a bag of it for myself or actually purchased any.

    I love to eat popcorn too, but you're right, sometimes the smell is better. I wonder if they make a popcorn scented candle...

    I LOVE popcorn. But I rarely eat it anymore. Every time I do my weight is up the next day, even though I don't put butter or salt on it.

    I live off popcorn at work. Specifically, CVS house brand called Gold Emblem, I think. It's soooo good and low cal, for popcorn. No weighing issues here.

    Popcorn for the win. I eat a big bowl every night!!

    I love LOVE L-O-V-E popcorn! I can't handle that microwave stuff though, I make hot air popped with real salted butter. Or popcorn from the movie theatre, I said this early in the thread, but I have been known to go there, buy a bag of popcorn and then come home and eat it.....

    I make the air popped too. I use either margarine or baking spray depending on how many calories I have left and then use one of the many many popcorn seasonings I own. Have also tried taco seasoning on it which is also yummy.

    Now for a confession. Hope I don't get kicked out of the group but I could take or leave ice cream or cookies for that matter and.....I have never eaten one of those protein bars you guys are always raving about.

    Runs away and hides

    I don't really care for ice cream either. I REALLY have to be in the mood for it, or have a piece of warm apple/cherry pie or brownie or chocolate cake to put it on. I'm definitely NOT one of those people that can sit down and eat a whole pint (not judging) even if I really like the flavor. It's cold, and makes my stomach hurt. Also, I don't think it's worth the calories. *hides with you*

    Cookies, on the other hand, I LOVE cookies. Especially Mr. Mo's warm chocolate chips cookies. He uses the same recipe that Phoebe's grandma used. If you got this reference, we're officially best friends now!

    As far as Quest Bars go, I have only just recently (within the last 6 months or a little longer) discovered them. For the amount of calories they contain, they have a really high protein count, and are extremely high in fiber, but don't do me nasty like the Pure Protein ones. Plus, they just taste really delicious...well, most of them do.

    LOL I believe the name was Nestlé?

    Edit: I'm doubting myself! Was it? I'm sure it was...

    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I have a coworker who can be quite snotty and apparently gets offended by smells. And I get it to a point, I also hate strong perfumes and the like. But she complained to me the other day about how "rude" it is that someone made popcorn. Not liking a smell is one thing. Saying someone is rude because of a food seems a bit ridiculous to me.

    I brought popcorn for a snack today :naughty:

    Who hates the smell of popcorn??!!!

    That's what I was wondering!
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I have a coworker who can be quite snotty and apparently gets offended by smells. And I get it to a point, I also hate strong perfumes and the like. But she complained to me the other day about how "rude" it is that someone made popcorn. Not liking a smell is one thing. Saying someone is rude because of a food seems a bit ridiculous to me.

    I brought popcorn for a snack today :naughty:

    She would hate my office, we have one of those theatre-style poppers that our social committee uses once every couple months for charity fundraisers and stuff. We pop with coconut oil and that movie-theatre seasoning and It. Smells. Incredible.

    Oooh, I would love that.

    It's the easiest way to get people to donate to anything, by giving them popcorn in exchange for it. The lure of popcorn is strong in this office (well, food generally, but in what office isn't it?)

    Confession: I think popcorn smells way better than it tastes. Like, I'll have a handful now and then but I can't remember the last time I had a bag of it for myself or actually purchased any.

    I love to eat popcorn too, but you're right, sometimes the smell is better. I wonder if they make a popcorn scented candle...

    I LOVE popcorn. But I rarely eat it anymore. Every time I do my weight is up the next day, even though I don't put butter or salt on it.

    I live off popcorn at work. Specifically, CVS house brand called Gold Emblem, I think. It's soooo good and low cal, for popcorn. No weighing issues here.

    Popcorn for the win. I eat a big bowl every night!!

    I love LOVE L-O-V-E popcorn! I can't handle that microwave stuff though, I make hot air popped with real salted butter. Or popcorn from the movie theatre, I said this early in the thread, but I have been known to go there, buy a bag of popcorn and then come home and eat it.....

    I make the air popped too. I use either margarine or baking spray depending on how many calories I have left and then use one of the many many popcorn seasonings I own. Have also tried taco seasoning on it which is also yummy.

    Now for a confession. Hope I don't get kicked out of the group but I could take or leave ice cream or cookies for that matter and.....I have never eaten one of those protein bars you guys are always raving about.

    Runs away and hides

    I don't really care for ice cream either. I REALLY have to be in the mood for it, or have a piece of warm apple/cherry pie or brownie or chocolate cake to put it on. I'm definitely NOT one of those people that can sit down and eat a whole pint (not judging) even if I really like the flavor. It's cold, and makes my stomach hurt. Also, I don't think it's worth the calories. *hides with you*

    Cookies, on the other hand, I LOVE cookies. Especially Mr. Mo's warm chocolate chips cookies. He uses the same recipe that Phoebe's grandma used. If you got this reference, we're officially best friends now!

    As far as Quest Bars go, I have only just recently (within the last 6 months or a little longer) discovered them. For the amount of calories they contain, they have a really high protein count, and are extremely high in fiber, but don't do me nasty like the Pure Protein ones. Plus, they just taste really delicious...well, most of them do.

    LOL I believe the name was Nestlé?

    Pronounced "Nes-lay Tollhou-say", iirc? ;)

    Congratulations on becoming my new best friends. That is to this day one of my most favorite episodes.

    You know, I always wonder when I watch that episode that Monica doesn't figure out it's not a "special recipe" and it's Netsle Tollhouse since she's supposed to be an expert chef and probably ate millions of nestle tollhouse cookies growing up haha.. I have to say one of my favorite parts of the show is when Monica is in her fat suit dancing all by herself, I love when Courtney Cox does it, she's hilarious!!

    I wondered the same thing. Although, Monica was a chef, not a baker.

    I loved it when she wore the fat suit too. It was the best!

  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    I prefer the 99 Cent Store to Dollar Tree.
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Confession: At the staff meeting earlier, I made it through the whole meeting without eating a single doughnut.
    So after the meeting, I clocked out and rewarded myself with a doughnut.... :lol:

    Lol, love it.
    Hah, same.

  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    I prefer ice cream to cake by FAR. At birthday parties as a kid I sometimes decided to not take cake and just eat ice cream. Especially those gross cakes with the generic icing you can get in grocery stores. Don't know what the type of icing is called... but while kids were screaming for the piece in the center with the most blue frilly icing on it, I was like ''Just give me the end piece." Now one time I had a cake that switched out icing for some delicious strawberry filling and I was all for seconds. :tongue:

    This is me, except the strawberry filling part, since I generally hate fruit mixed into any kind of dessert. Most grocery store cakes and even standard bakery cakes taste yucky to me, especially that really weird styrofoam textured icing that they use. It's very, very rare that I find a cake that I actually WANT to eat--there's only ONE bakery in Oman that I enjoy cake from. One. In the whole country. :p (At least it's the only one that I know of, and I've tasted quite a lot.)
    Yes! Styrofoamy is right. I can really love a good home baked cake, though. My sister and I once made a delicious black cherry chocolate cake. You probably wouldn't like it because of the fruit, but maaaan it was delicious. I also love making homemade carrot cakes with CREAM CHEESE icing.

    Exactly! When I first met my in-laws, they bought a cake that was supposedly red velvet from a bakery that has a good reputation here in Saudi Arabia. It was terrible--it tasted just like a grocery store cake, stale and styrofoamy. I forced it down out of politeness. :s

    The cake bakery that I enjoy makes THE BEST dense, fresh, DELICIOUS cakes with real buttercream icing, cream cheese frosting, chocolate ganache, etc. They aren't cheap, but they're worth every penny. I go there every time I visit Oman. I haven't found anything like it in Saudi Arabia. :-/

    Susie, can I ask a question? How did you end up in Saudi Arabia from Oman?

    Because my husband is a Saudi, and he (and his family) lives and works in Saudi Arabia. I relocated directly after the wedding, which was in Oman.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Do any of the wonderful Canadians on here who enjoy mystery/detective novels read Louise Penny's Inspector Gamache series? She's a Canadian author whose novels are set in Canada. Anyhow, I love them. I'm very excited that her newest book in the series will be released on my birthday next month!!

    Confession - I'm worried that setting a goal weight will mean that I'll rest on my laurels once I get there, setting me up for gaining it back. I need to change my mind set away from having an "end goal" because then the process is over....and I tend to sprint to the finish, if that makes sense. Like go all out to get to that goal weight, especially now that it's within reach, and then have a let down once I'm there. @pofoster21 How did you handle this? Maybe if I keep setting goals for myself re: fitness challenges or hikes or bike rides, that'll keep me focused on continually improving overall (instead of being weight-focused). Anyone else have tips?

    I set a goal of finishing a 5k in under 45 minutes. I have done it and discovered I hate running, but I didn't quit and still run a couple of charity races a year. LOL! so I joined a gym and took some classes and discovered that I enjoy yoga, the Barre is still a killer at creating great calves, and I enjoy lifting with my husband. My new goals are to be able to do crow pose and to bench, deadlift and squat my bodyweight. Good luck!

    I also have goals to deadlift, bench, and squat my bodyweight! I'm hoping to accomplish this by the end of the year. My boyfriend says I should hit those goals well before the end of the's hoping!

    I can deadlift and squat my body weight...but bench?!? Man, it's gonna take me a loooong time to get there. That or I need to lose a lot of weight. LOL

    Hehehe, that was my thought too. I'm at body weight now for deadlift (will be above on Thursday) and close to on squat (lifted 105 today, I weight 135). My bench this morning was 70, and I think I'm going to be hanging out at 75 for a couple of weeks based on how I barely made 70 today. My overhead press is 60, and I think I'm going to be there for a long time, too. These are 5x5 weights though (you're a fellow SL 5X5-er, right?), so maybe we could do a body weight max on bench?

    @quiksylver296 and @WestCoastJo82 I wish I could work out with you ladies. I want so badly to start lifting heavy but I'm so scared I'll hurt myself. I also wish I could get my husband to work out with me, but he has zero interest in that.

    Start slow and work your way up! This is one thing that I really like about Stronglifts - it has you start with the empty bar so you can practice good form before it gets heavy (well not all the way empty for deadlifts and rows, but that's because it needs to be off the ground). I do love a work-out buddy though...move to eastern Washington :)


    I think I just need to download SL app and start there. I don't have any other friends that work out so I don't have anyone that could be my work out buddy. I guess I could always find some random gym stranger that looks like they know what they're doing to help me. Maybe if I found some hot gym guy, Mr. Mo would be more willing to work out with me. :wink: