
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    nuffer wrote: »
    Confess: People who do not use turn signals should not be allowed to drive due to their disability.

    Oh, I thought it was just those swishy modern cars that didn't have them! ;)
  • stenchdog4000
    stenchdog4000 Posts: 9 Member
    Breakfast today consisted of coffee and jaffa cakes...
  • Eremeli
    Eremeli Posts: 3 Member
    Confession: I had a night out on Saturday with a few friends, and Sunday morning was the first time in my 4 (legal) years of drinking that I vomited from too many shots. I probably shouldn't be as proud of this as I actually am.
  • trinablue85
    trinablue85 Posts: 16 Member
    I started taking garcinia cambogia today. Hoping it will give me a little boost in my weight loss because im at my biggest weight ever.
  • trinablue85
    trinablue85 Posts: 16 Member
    I started taking garcia cambogia today. Hoping it will give me a little boost in my weight loss because im at my biggest weight ever.
  • noaddedsugarx
    noaddedsugarx Posts: 169 Member
    All of you people who've never been hungover - that's amazing! When I was a student I was hungover every single weekend. Honestly I put on most of my weight from drinking my calories and the poor food choices that came with it. I'll still have a drink on a Saturday but any other time it's just not worth it. I like going to the gym and working out too much now and any sort of exercise with a hangover is torture!
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    Confession: when people (adult people, not children, not around children) say things like "what the heck" it really bothers me. It makes it sound less emphatic than either using the actual swear word or just saying the sentence. There's something "why the heck not?" that I can't take seriously.

    Haahaa I was in the habit of swearing like a sailor and it was NOT work appropriate so I have trained myself to use old fashioned, fuddy-duddy exclamations like "gosh!" and "goodness" and "poot" and "pshaw". Now I get teasted about it.

    Something like "goodness" or "pshaw" I think is actually kind of cute and funny--the really old-fashioned ones that no one really uses anymore. Or maybe exclamations are all fine with me. It's just the other ones that bother me. Like, either swear or don't. But that's just me :P

    OH, and "golly". I use golly a LOT.

    I work with children and teenagers so obviously swearing has to be out (no matter how much some of the sixth formers test my sanity), and I secretly love the look of disgust the older ones give me when I use the phrase 'effing and jeffing'. Cracks me up.
  • mocadet95
    mocadet95 Posts: 75 Member
    I was suppose to be doing my diet since November 2014.. In reality, I just started my diet today. And only have three months to lose 15 pounds.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    All of you people who've never been hungover - that's amazing! When I was a student I was hungover every single weekend. Honestly I put on most of my weight from drinking my calories and the poor food choices that came with it. I'll still have a drink on a Saturday but any other time it's just not worth it. I like going to the gym and working out too much now and any sort of exercise with a hangover is torture!

    Ok explain to me - why make yourself go through that? I don't get it.

    About peeing all the time, I sometimes actually dread going to the movies because I know it's going to be torture not to be able to pee for 2.5 hours! 1.5 year ago I went to see a 3 movie marathon and I had to rush to the restroom between each of them, while worried someone was going to take my seat... It sucked. I pee all the time. And I didn't even have kids.

    My confession - I need to learn to shut up when I drive. I always complain about other drivers, and not always nicely, and it's setting a bad example for the kids. But really, can't parents pull up all the way in the parking lot when they are dropping off their kids and there are 10+ cars waiting? SHEESH.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    edited March 2015
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    My confession: I signed on today just to post to this thread what I just read in Time magazine: "Prairie Farms dairy company has debuted a line of Peeps-branded milk available in flavors like marshmallow and chocolate marshmallow. The taste is "Peep-tastic" according to a Peeps spokesperson." Who will be the first to try it?!

    20 Delicious Facts About Peeps
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member

    My confession - I need to learn to shut up when I drive. I always complain about other drivers, and not always nicely, and it's setting a bad example for the kids. But really, can't parents pull up all the way in the parking lot when they are dropping off their kids and there are 10+ cars waiting? SHEESH.[/quote]

    In front of the high school here it is even more maddening. The kid gets out of the driver seat, the parent gets out of the passenger seat to get in the drivers seat, and one of the younger kid gets out of the back seat to climb into the front seat. Or worse when the parent has to unbuckle the kid in back then re-buckle the kid in front seat. This is not just one car this is several cars and they never pull up either :s

  • 52cardpickup
    52cardpickup Posts: 379 Member
    My husband and I took our 2.5 year old son to the Disney store this weekend, whereupon he yelled loudly, "OH MAN! STAR *kitten*! I love Star *kitten*!"

    Confession: I could NOT stop laughing. He's in speech therapy, and I'm very proud of him for even attempting to say Star Wars, and I KNOW we're not supposed to laugh at any of his attempts, so I had to leave him alone with my husband briefly while I went into a corner and laughed hysterically.
  • Slashnl
    Slashnl Posts: 339 Member
    Confession: I am not a fearful person, but lightning scares me a bit. I was going to walk around the block twice, but I only went once because the sky was looking threatening.

    This didn't start until I had metal implants--I've got 22 pieces in my head alone. I've lost track of the total, but it is more than 50 at this point. Mostly they are titanium. When I've asked doctors about this, they seem to have no idea if it increases my risk or not. I've had a freaking lot of surgery in the last 11 years.

    My father, who has no metal implants, has been hit or nearly hit three times.

    I love to watch lightning, but I also know how dangerous it can be. The most scared I have been in lightning was when we were riding horses in the mountains, at about 10,000 feet elevation. The lightning came in suddenly and we got off the horses as fast as we could and then ran down the mountain as fast as we could lead the horses down. Scary!!! It was striking all around us.

    It's ok to be fearful of that!!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    My husband and I took our 2.5 year old son to the Disney store this weekend, whereupon he yelled loudly, "OH MAN! STAR *kitten*! I love Star *kitten*!"

    Confession: I could NOT stop laughing. He's in speech therapy, and I'm very proud of him for even attempting to say Star Wars, and I KNOW we're not supposed to laugh at any of his attempts, so I had to leave him alone with my husband briefly while I went into a corner and laughed hysterically.

    That is too cute! My son used to say a few things funny when he was small, but one we always got a kick out of was when he tried to say the name of his french teacher in kindergarten......her name was Madame Bodhi and whenever he said her name, it came out "The damn body"......we would laugh forever!
  • YalithKBK
    YalithKBK Posts: 317 Member
    Last week was spring break. Ate everything, logged nothing, gained weight, DO NOT REGRET A THING!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,738 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    Confession: I am so obsessed with college basketball that I have literally done nothing today or yesterday but sit on my couch and watch the tournament games...but I did work out this morning, so, it's ok, right?!

    Of course! That's what March Madness is all about!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,738 Member
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    Confession: I have never had a hangover or been drunk. This is not for lack of trying.

    I'm 24 and I've never had alcohol. Not a sip. I saw alcohol screw up people and families growing up, plus I've just never been interested. Never been interested in smoking, either.

    Good for you!
  • It tickles me reading some of your confessions and seeing how wonderfully proud you guys are about then hahahahaha :p

    I weigh myself every Monday, and hope I've lost something. When I don't (like this week) I just don't feel like carrying on. I've lost 70lbs up to press and know it'll get harder n harder.. But it still depresses me
  • BrendaRey74
    BrendaRey74 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm reading a lot of the "I log it after midnight/add it to the next day" confessions. I did that too. It was always full of the crappiest "food"! Then I changed my diary settings: my day starts 6am-9am, then continues in 3 hour blocks until 9pm-6am. I almost never have anything in the 9pm-6am block anymore.
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Confession: We went to the mountains this weekend for our 1 year anniversary, and I calculated my calories for the weekend based on doing 2 medium to hard hikes on Saturday and Sunday. The weather didn't cooperate so while we saw a lot of viewpoints and took a lot of pictures, we didn't do any strenuous activity for any great length of time, or anything particularly challenging.

    We ate our first meal around 1:30 on Saturday, but then we were both hungry again around 10 PM, so we ate at the pub on the hotel grounds, putting me over both calorie and budgetwise for the weekend.

    I noticed they had a decent fitness center at the lodge with a power cage, so on Sunday morning, I went in and tested my 1RM on squats, split squats, and had an amazing workout (which was the direct result of eating approximately double my intake the day before).

    I regret absolutely none of it, it was an excellent weekend :smiley:
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    I have been reading this thread since the beginning and have enjoyed reading it. I've felt guilty not contributing. I usually don't comment much. I don't feel like anyone cares about what I have to say. :) Low self esteem sometimes.

    I can relate to a lot of different things in this thread. That makes me feel better.

    I'm glad to see other people like black jelly beans as much as I do.

    I bought cookie butter because of this thread. It was pretty tasty!

    I have to confess that I have about 8 lbs (that is not an exaggeration) of candy at my house. Thankfully I have been good about moderation so all the candy I buy or receive is piling up. I have been losing weight slowly but I do have candy every day.

    The sad thing is, I've been using My Fitness Pal since around 2011-2012. I lost about 30 lbs and then gained about 10 back when I lost the job I had at that time (stress). If I had stayed serious about logging, I would have been at my goal weight by now. Oh well, at least I'm losing again.

    Thanks for "listening."
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    Speaking of social media. I hate it when couples have fights and then rush to Facebook to change their status to "it's complicated"...

    Should be a law against airing your dirty laundry on facebook. I hate the attention seekers, you know the ones who put their status as 'can't believe what just happened.....' or 'I'm so sad...' and then have a legion of idiots asking what's wrong. They're attention seeking, that's what's wrong you bellend!

    Wow, ^ this needs a like button. :wink:


    The ones that really kill me are the posts with "Can't believe that just happened" then someone asks what's wrong and they say they don't want to talk about it.

    W. T. F.

    But my facebook is pretty much limited to cat videos and political statements.

    I'm probably the only person in the world without facebook or twitter or any of those others...well maybe not in the world, I exaggerate.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,738 Member
    Confession: I am not a fearful person, but lightning scares me a bit. I was going to walk around the block twice, but I only went once because the sky was looking threatening.

    This didn't start until I had metal implants--I've got 22 pieces in my head alone. I've lost track of the total, but it is more than 50 at this point. Mostly they are titanium. When I've asked doctors about this, they seem to have no idea if it increases my risk or not. I've had a freaking lot of surgery in the last 11 years.

    My father, who has no metal implants, has been hit or nearly hit three times.

    Well that's frightening! You'd think that's something they would know and be able to advise you about. In this case, yes, you're better off safe than sorry!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,738 Member
    landfish wrote: »
    We celebrated my birthday a day early and while I blew my calorie count for today, I stayed within maintenance. A piece of chocolate fudge cake and a scoop of vanilla ice cream. I regret nothing.

    Happy Birthday! Glad you enjoyed your pre-birthday food.
  • selena_teresa
    selena_teresa Posts: 110 Member
    I did get food poisoning from pesto at a restaurant once (rancid pine nuts - yum!), but that hasn't stopped me from eating that. I guess I was far more impressionable in my youth. Ha![/quote]

    When I was 5, I threw up after having strawberry milk and scrambled eggs. Logically, I love eggs but the smell of strawberry syrup grosses me out.

    When I was a child I was sick and they thought banana flavoured medicine would help me take it. I did and then thew up violently for days. I can now have bananas but I cannot have anything banana flavoured. *urp* Bleck.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I hate splitting dishes with people. Absolutely loathe it. Even if people only take one bite...

    I'm ok if we physically split it first though, but otherwise I get pissed if they eat the best bite or something (or eat all the ice cream/whipped cream)... and I'd just rather not have any.
  • lesliewalker108
    lesliewalker108 Posts: 61 Member
    Sometimes I work out a little bit more just to get those extra snacks. (know what I mean?).And when I know Im not going to workout I stay within my calories.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    JSurita2 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    Speaking of social media. I hate it when couples have fights and then rush to Facebook to change their status to "it's complicated"...

    Should be a law against airing your dirty laundry on facebook. I hate the attention seekers, you know the ones who put their status as 'can't believe what just happened.....' or 'I'm so sad...' and then have a legion of idiots asking what's wrong. They're attention seeking, that's what's wrong you bellend!

    Wow, ^ this needs a like button. :wink:


    The ones that really kill me are the posts with "Can't believe that just happened" then someone asks what's wrong and they say they don't want to talk about it.

    W. T. F.

    But my facebook is pretty much limited to cat videos and political statements.

    I'm probably the only person in the world without facebook or twitter or any of those others...well maybe not in the world, I exaggerate.

    No, you are not alone. I used to have a Facebook page until about 2008-2009 and then I deleted it so I no longer use any of those sites either.
  • katalinax87
    katalinax87 Posts: 146 Member
    I have a weird confession - I don't like kissing. I see it more as a means to an end but snogging and exchanging siliva grosses me out. I also hate my neck being kissed and if someone touches my ears I want to scream.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,738 Member
    Ceci_O_K wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    My confession: I signed on today just to post to this thread what I just read in Time magazine: "Prairie Farms dairy company has debuted a line of Peeps-branded milk available in flavors like marshmallow and chocolate marshmallow. The taste is "Peep-tastic" according to a Peeps spokesperson." Who will be the first to try it?!

    20 Delicious Facts About Peeps

    So this is old news?! Why was it in "Time" magazine this week? Well, probably due to Easter coming up, I guess. Thanks for the link!