

  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    Where is everyone?? ;)
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    festerw wrote: »
    Confession: Outside of exercising, if you wear earbuds/headphones in public I want to punch you in the face. This is especially true at restaurants, disconnect yourself and pay attention to your surroundings or *gasp* have a conversation with someone.

    *I work on a college campus so my view may be slightly skewed, I've seen a lot of near misses with students just because they're not paying attention.

    I tend to wear mine in public when traveling (mostly air travel) or if I went somewhere specifically to study or do grad homework, so that I DON'T pay attention to my surroundings. That said, I don't think I could ever have both earbuds in if I were running on a busy street because I'd be too worried about being run over! :)

    Fester's gonna hate me - I wear my headphones pretty well any time I walk anywhere. I try to drive as little as possible, so when I walk places (like my half hour walk to work) I listen to audiobooks because it's so damn boring making the same trek on the same street day after day. At least I get some "reading" in that way.

    I can't fathom why that would be irritating to someone though. It's not like listening to something makes me unable to watch where I'm walking, and the only conversation I'm avoiding is with panhandlers and people pushing religious pamphlets...

    Me too. I walk and sometimes take public transportation and (gasp) used to study in a coffeeshop with them in. And around here, it seems like the grocery stores always have some organization begging for donations outside.

    Confession: It really annoys me that kids around here beg for their extracurricular activity funds. I can't tell you how many cars I washed for yearbook club or how many candy bars I sold for everything else!

    Another confession: If you come up to me and say that because I don't have kids I should buy some cookie dough or giftwrap from yours, I ain't doing it.

    Yet another confession: That white chocolate macadamia nut is soooooooo good that it's a loss for both of us.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I challenged my dad to a weekend fitbit challenge, specifically because I knew I was doing a 5k this morning. Getting him back for when he didn't tell me he was playing soccer lol

    How did the 5K go?

    @pofoster21 @ShibaEars

    How did your races go? Hope you had fun & good weather.

    Mine went well! It was perfect weather, just a few clouds & it was cooler to start off with, which is nice. The route took us through a really nice park, with lots of trees and a couple ponds. I finished in about 33 minutes.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Where is everyone?? ;)

    No idea...Monday morning ghost town in here though, does everyone have actual work to do or something? Hahaha.
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    HIYA ALL! This weekend was pretty busy, I worked Saturday and went to accupuncture. Yesterday was stupidly hot so we helped the mancreature's parents with some landscaping (I needed some sun anyway so I wore my bikini top and shorts). We also went to GNC (all the Quest Bars were on sale!!), I got to finally try the chocolate mint one and I love it! I also bought Quest protein powder (Peanut butter), which wasn't available before in Canada. I've got two months until my half marathon and the wedding that I'm a Bridesmaid in, time to tighten things up and get back into the swing of things! Lol
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    Confession: It really annoys me that kids around here beg for their extracurricular activity funds. I can't tell you how many cars I washed for yearbook club or how many candy bars I sold for everything else!

    Another confession: If you come up to me and say that because I don't have kids I should buy some cookie dough or giftwrap from yours, I ain't doing it.

    Yep... what happened to the days of bottle drives, bake sales, and car washes? I love it when someone brings in their kid's chocolate bars to peddle... and they usually disappear fast, so I'm not the only one.

    I don't ever get the "because you don't have kids" spiel but I'll go along with that argument the day someone throws me a puppy shower :)
    Where is everyone?? ;)

    Wondering the same thing myself...
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I remember a while back you guys were talking about plantar something or other where your feet hurt like a buggar. Well I went to the dr the other day because my one foot hurts like crazy all the time. I just thought it was because I was walking so much more than I had done previously. Nope apparently I have this in my left foot.

    Does using a tensor bandage help any cause it is really painful?

    Not that I know.
    The best thing is a frozen water bottle rolled under for a while in the evening and really good shoes!

    I did go and buy new shoes and I am going to try the water bottle tonight . Freezing it as we speak. I don't mean to be whiney but it's just about bringing me to tears tonight.

    Would you be able to go to physio for it? They'll be able to give you tips & exercises/stretches to help you get better.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I confess that I judge the people on my Facebook page who get into relationships where both parties tell eachother how much they are in love and will always be together.... only to break up a week later.

    I just saw this happen... but it didn't even last one week. They broke up after four days. Made me cringe. :(

    I want to say to these people "Can't you just text each other your nauseating messages?!"
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    Where is everyone?? ;)

    No idea...Monday morning ghost town in here though, does everyone have actual work to do or something? Hahaha.

    What is this mythical work thing you speak of? :p
  • kyrah702
    kyrah702 Posts: 24 Member
    Ugh I was dreading weighing myself because in the past, I got too stuck on the numbers and it hindered my weight loss and was very discouraging. I stupidly took the advice of other and weighed myself for the first time in well over a year after my swim at the pool and I'm 20lbs heavier than I thought I was. Ugh.

    I feel so crappy now and wish I'd never done that. I was going to just use a measuring tape to keep tabs on losses. I wish I had listened to myself rather than others.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Um, this can't be right, nobody's posted in over 45 minutes?!
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    edited July 2015
    Last weekend my brother's girlfriend left two kinds of cookies at my house. There were almost 2 dozen, I ate them all over 2 days. Then I bought a dozen of one kind to replace some of them... and then I ate those too. :blush: They were delicious but now I still owe her cookies.
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    *crickets* HELLLOOOO?!!?
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Last weekend my brother's girlfriend left two kinds of cookies at my house. There were almost 2 dozen, I ate them all over 2 days. Then I bought a dozen of one kind to replace some of them... and then I ate those too. :blush: They were delicious but now I still owe her cookies.

    I can understand that. I couldn't stay away from the sugar this weekend. Ended up finishing off some gelato and eating some red velvet pop tarts that I have to hide from my teenage son if I wanted any! Now I need to put those front and center so there are none left.
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Um, this can't be right, nobody's posted in over 45 minutes?!

    I know! It is so quiet in here...
  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    @pofoster21 I'm behind and checking in from page 1360 & 1361 - LOVED the pics of your 1/2 marathon! And congrats on your NSV - you DO look petite! You are quite an inspiration here! I wish I liked running - you make it sound just so darned enjoyable. :grin: Maybe I will give it another chance once I get down to near my "goal weight" (another 15 - 20 lbs).
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    kyrah702 wrote: »
    Ugh I was dreading weighing myself because in the past, I got too stuck on the numbers and it hindered my weight loss and was very discouraging. I stupidly took the advice of other and weighed myself for the first time in well over a year after my swim at the pool and I'm 20lbs heavier than I thought I was. Ugh.

    I feel so crappy now and wish I'd never done that. I was going to just use a measuring tape to keep tabs on losses. I wish I had listened to myself rather than others.

    Hmmm... was your hair wet and do you have a lot of hair? Maybe you absorbed pool water during your swim... gives new meaning to the term "water weight", lol.

    If you're happy with the way your weight is progressing in terms of body measurements and clothing fit, does the scale number really matter? Only you and your doctor are ever going to know what that number is.

  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    Nice 45 mile bicycle ride this morning, hoping I can keep from eating 5,000 calories today!

    Well shoot. Here I was all proud of hubby and me for running 8 miles and biking 15 on Saturday.
    Awesome ride!

    In our defense, it was only our 2nd bike ride since he got his new bike... Ha!
  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Yep, and I have been overweight most of my life. My 'thin' periods I can count on one hand. Seriously. I have been active most of my adult life, but 'thin' hardly ever and mostly because of an unsustainable diet. I have never been "super" heavy, but have had a lot of weight on my body. Because I hated myself. I was an unattractive, awkward, unhappy kid who was surrounded by gorgeous OR genius OR successful OR both people. Being generally good at a lot of things, but not great (or super smart) at anything, plus being a middle child in a familly of 5, was really hard. Seriously. I know it sounds crazy (seriously crazy) but talking to all of you finally made me realize I am ok. Not for any reason except none of you have a SINGLE expectation of me. And frankly, until today's picture, had never seen me (except in the batcave). So there was no preconceived notions. Or expectations. And learning about why people hate people who are always late (I try not to be now), why people binge eat, struggles with family, sisters, parents, ,etc. have finally made me realize...I am not a freak. And to have a better understanding of people in general. So yes, I am a work in progress, but I am finally starting to figure out I like who I am .... whatever I look like (facially or weigh wise). Plus.. I have killer taste in shoes. That counts for something. :)


    I like who you are too!

    Me, TOO! This was beautifully said, Patricia. You are one of the most honestly compassionate and inspirational people I "know" and I am truly grateful for this thread. I get excited to see what happened in here over the weekends when I'm not on the computer much - everybody's victories and successes and the support given to those who are struggling... it's just such a wonderful place.
    @crosbylee - I completely understand where you're coming from. As a kid, I wished that my super power was invisibility (more to avoid having to live with other's expectations of me than for any other reason, so that I could be free to do whatever I wanted to do). :wink: Losing weight definitely makes me more visible, and I don't love being the center of attention, ever really.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Yep, and I have been overweight most of my life. My 'thin' periods I can count on one hand. Seriously. I have been active most of my adult life, but 'thin' hardly ever and mostly because of an unsustainable diet. I have never been "super" heavy, but have had a lot of weight on my body. Because I hated myself. I was an unattractive, awkward, unhappy kid who was surrounded by gorgeous OR genius OR successful OR both people. Being generally good at a lot of things, but not great (or super smart) at anything, plus being a middle child in a familly of 5, was really hard. Seriously. I know it sounds crazy (seriously crazy) but talking to all of you finally made me realize I am ok. Not for any reason except none of you have a SINGLE expectation of me. And frankly, until today's picture, had never seen me (except in the batcave). So there was no preconceived notions. Or expectations. And learning about why people hate people who are always late (I try not to be now), why people binge eat, struggles with family, sisters, parents, ,etc. have finally made me realize...I am not a freak. And to have a better understanding of people in general. So yes, I am a work in progress, but I am finally starting to figure out I like who I am .... whatever I look like (facially or weigh wise). Plus.. I have killer taste in shoes. That counts for something. :)


    I like who you are too!

    Me, TOO! This was beautifully said, Patricia. You are one of the most honestly compassionate and inspirational people I "know" and I am truly grateful for this thread. I get excited to see what happened in here over the weekends when I'm not on the computer much - everybody's victories and successes and the support given to those who are struggling... it's just such a wonderful place.
    @crosbylee - I completely understand where you're coming from. As a kid, I wished that my super power was invisibility (more to avoid having to live with other's expectations of me than for any other reason, so that I could be free to do whatever I wanted to do). :wink: Losing weight definitely makes me more visible, and I don't love being the center of attention, ever really.

    Yeah I missed the weekend posting, but let me get in on the @pofoster21 love fest! :grin: