

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    LloydGK wrote: »
    Woke up on the floor with my head in the fridge a little while back. :# (I sleep eat - among other things)
    I'd eaten a 65g chocolate mousse and a Kitkat, apparently.

    I don't even like chocolate.

    Sleeping you, apparently does. :smiley:

  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I think just about everyone in my family is right-handed. My left-handed professor in college stated that when he was younger, everyone at his school believed left-handedness meant the devil had a hold on you or something dumb like that. He was forced to have his hand bound and learn to write with his right hand. Now he can do both pretty perfectly, but he writes with his right hand and does pretty much everything else with his left. I can't believe they would force something on a child like that.... hearing about his past made me pretty upset.

    I have a strong craving for some vinegary chips. Or banana peppers. Or pickle juice. DILL PICKLE CHIPS <3 When I get vinegar cravings I can really go bonkers.

    LOVE salty vinegary I'm craving them too! Ooh! Have you ever had salt and vinegar almonds?? I eat them like every day. So good...
    Never, but I love salt and vinegar and I love almonds, so that sounds like something I would certainly enjoy :lol: I'm going to head out to the store today (I ran out of coffee...) and I don't think I can resist this craving. I've been wanting to watch Robocop so maybe I shall sit down with a bag of Dill Pickle chips and watch it. I feel incredibly stressed so that idea sounds mighty fine :tongue:
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Y'all are going to make me cry, dang it! ❤️❤️
    I try to do my best to stay supportive and positive for her.

    There's days like yesterday that make me feel good, and then there's days like today when she comes running through the house with poop on her butt and a poopy diaper lying on her bedroom floor that make me facepalm and laugh. She's so silly yet she also tends to really push her boundaries at times. Talk about a crappy day, huh? :wink:
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    Thanks for all the commiseration, everyone - we didn't get home until eleven last night so it ended up being about thirteen hours of pointless driving all together (and four fast-food meals for my husband, lol.) Brutal. I'm not sure he's ever going to forgive me...he was trying hard to not be mad about it but the man treasures his time off work so spending it in highway gridlock with an annoyed wife in a hot car was really not his idea of fun (nor mine), but it was at least my own darn fault for deciding to use a holiday Monday to drive a two-lane highway.
    Eeek, that really is bad. Where were you headed? Sorry you had such a wasted day. :/
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Okay to all my British pals- asked the SO what marmite is ( I didn't want to tell him y'all had already told me as he likes explaining those kinds of things to me :)) his reponse- "Eugh marmite is some disgusting vegetable spread. It's slogan is you either love it or hit it which tells you a lot!" I cracked up as this was the same response from a lot of you!

    There is a lot of Marmite hate going on in this thread. I may have to disown you all!

    I might have some Marmite on cheese on toast for tea. The tea of kings.

    Awww if it makes you feel better my mum likes it? She's the only one in my family though lol
    Yeah, my sister loves it too. We have a giant jar in our pantry for some reason. Nobody in our house eats it, although my husband said 'It's alright', which must make him the only person who doesn't 'love it or hate it'.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    @Peleroja I'm sorry to hear about your bad day--that must have really stunk. :-/ I know I'd be really upset if I had to drive/ride 5+ hours, just to turn around and go home again. I hope you get another chance to go and do your hike. :)

    @OrangeSmartie I hope you have a great vacation. :) I think it's just what you need after having such a difficult few weeks.

    Confession: I blew my calorie goal on those three-ingredient peanut butter cookies for like the fifth or sixth time since I discovered them. @kelly_c_77, @tubbs216, and @Italian_Buju, I may have to hate you guys for talking about them to begin with... :p

    Second confession: My weigh-in today puts me back into the "overweight" category for the first time in almost three years. :(
    Oh, sorry :D
    The weigh-in sucks - sorry to hear about that. I'm also hovering around the Normal/Overweight cusp, and it's torture.

  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I think just about everyone in my family is right-handed. My left-handed professor in college stated that when he was younger, everyone at his school believed left-handedness meant the devil had a hold on you or something dumb like that. He was forced to have his hand bound and learn to write with his right hand. Now he can do both pretty perfectly, but he writes with his right hand and does pretty much everything else with his left. I can't believe they would force something on a child like that.... hearing about his past made me pretty upset.

    I have a strong craving for some vinegary chips. Or banana peppers. Or pickle juice. DILL PICKLE CHIPS <3 When I get vinegar cravings I can really go bonkers.

    LOVE salty vinegary I'm craving them too! Ooh! Have you ever had salt and vinegar almonds?? I eat them like every day. So good...
    Never, but I love salt and vinegar and I love almonds, so that sounds like something I would certainly enjoy :lol: I'm going to head out to the store today (I ran out of coffee...) and I don't think I can resist this craving. I've been wanting to watch Robocop so maybe I shall sit down with a bag of Dill Pickle chips and watch it. I feel incredibly stressed so that idea sounds mighty fine :tongue:

    Yum! Salt and vinegar!

    Funny story, we ate subway on Sunday after visiting my Mema at the nursing home, and Raelynn picked out salt and vinegar chips for us to share. I'm pretty much the only person (besides Raelynn now) who likes salty-vinegary (new word haha) things, but Raelynn thought uncle Danny needed a potato chip, so he took it without realizing it wasn't a plain chip. The look on his face was priceless!! :laugh:
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    @LBuehrle8 Ok, you're off to the UK very soon. Here's your food list! Some Harry Potter related, some just British stuff that you have to try. In no particular order. (And to the Brits: Yes, I know that nobody in the UK eats like this really! Some of these are just things I miss and enjoy when we visit. Feel free to add to Laura's list!)

    Treacle Tart
    Bangers & Mash
    Cream cake from a bakery
    Curry from a proper curry house (ideally at 11pm after the pub closes)
    Sherbert lemons
    Bacon sandwich
    'Full English' breakfast
    Cornish pasty
    Chocolate Frog
    Spotted Dick & custard
    Pork pie
    Cream Tea
    Fish and chips (ideally eaten with fingers on a beach)
    Sunday roast (pubs are good if nobody wants to cook)
    Toad In The Hole
    More curry

    What is a chocolate frog? and what is butterbeer? I assure you those are not regular British things! Are they more a regional thing Tubbs?


    So things that don't really exist then :expressionless:
    Well, they do now!

    Can you buy them in tesco?

    Not that I know of ;) But I did have a butterbeer in Hogsmeade in FL... hot and cold. Both good but way too fattening. My nephew got the chocolate frog. I think both my niece and nephew got the Bertie Botts flavoured jelly beans. They even got ear wax! I refused to try them. :)

    when i worked at borders (rip) we sold boxes of bertie botts every flavor beans, and chocolate frogs. when we had the book seven midnight release party, we went through cases of both, all the kids were running around on massive sugar highs. lil capes and wands flying through the air. it was pretty fun :)
    I might have gone to one of those. And read the book in one sitting.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    @MelissaPhippsFeagins @nonoelmo @MoHousdon
    Turns out he was just joking. He had NO idea it would hurt my feelings and when we talked, he was about to apologize and I asked him not to. It wasn't his fault I took it the wrong way. He said he knows I'm smart and thinks I'm "young, beautiful, and have a lot of potential." Yeah he used those words. :blush:
    He's encouraging me to go back to school, which is good.

    I keep getting this feeling that he wants me to be happy, not just rich. :wink:

    I wondered if he might have been joking and wondered if he thought it were completely obvious (to him) that he was joking.

    You are smart and beautiful (young too) and you have TONS of potential. Totally get your tucus back in school. The sooner the better. I speak from loads of experience (and others here have taken similar paths) that the sooner you get back into school the better. It does not become easier to return the longer you wait. You can PM me any time if you need extra or specific encouragement but you can do this.

    Step 1: Do you have all the prerequisites out of the way? Do those even one at at time while you are working. Take a FUN class first to get yourself back in the school mode. It can even be a non-credit course just for fun. Do it.)
    Step 2: (this may be step one) fill out a FAFSA and make a note to fill it out again Jan 1 or 2 of next year.
    Step 3: (notice this is NOT at all the first step,) figure out what you want to do, what you want to major in and get in to talk to an academic adviser about what steps are needed. (Repeat this step, often you need to talk to multiple people to get all the answers you need.)
    Step 4: Look at resources and scholarships and other funding sources. When I started back I was in talking to the financial aid advisers, academic advisers, and the women support center. I asked classmates questions, and just kept asking until I figured things out. Look for scholarships. Keep looking. If you go to a community college get great grades and join the honor society (I swear to you this helped me get a $10,000 deans scholarship when I transferred to a four-year college.)
    Step 5: Understand and internalize that you CAN do this. We believe in you. Look to others for inspiration too, I know this amazing talented group of people can offer great insight into their experience and what they did.

    Thumbnail of my experience:
    At age 32 with a medically fragile infant and a 2 year old as a stay at home mom to care for those kids, working graveyard shift, I thought I'd take "one" class a semester and maybe someday earn an associates degree.
    On my 42nd birthday I was conferred a PhD in chemistry.

    I believe in you!!!

    OMG! There IS hope for me!

    I keep thinking at 26 it might be too late. :disappointed:

    I have some prerequisites out of the way but I never made it far because I was always over loaded. Now, I have nothing but time and maybe I could get my friend Alycia back into school and she could get a degree too!

    I work overnights and have lots of time for studying and my Sergeants and Lieutenant all think I should study while working. It would be nice to get a Bachelor's Degree in something. :smiley:

    I'm 33 and going back to grad school again for my MS. I worked full-time office work 50+ hrs/week on my way through my BA, BS, MA, and MBA- never had the typical college experience with drinking til ya puke and all that. Did some CLEP tests so tested out of stuff, community college, online courses, whatever I could pay for. Took me forever but once I got my BA, I was encouraged to take "a bit more" and just kept going. I did the MBA and now this MS starting in 3 weeks while being a mom, still working full-time, all of it. You can totally do it!

    The biggest thing that helps me is staying organized. I'm the dork with a calendar because I have to write down tests and papers so I know when everything is due. I check it all the time.

    The sense of accomplishment fuels a lot of other things in life and it will be SO worth it.
    I'm so impressed with you and others who do this!
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    I'm having a good day today. Feeling very chirpy this morning. Had an epic session in the gym last night. (PT session, weights and a spin class). Just waiting for the DOMs to set in!

    And after much too-ing and fro-ing we finally booked our holiday! Who knew coordinating 5 people's diaries and wants would be so difficult, especially when we all say 'oh, i'm easy, i don't mind'. Turns out we do. Anyway, we're having 3 weeks in Cyprus in September. The smarties and I fly out on the 5th and have a few days on our own, then my parents and Charlie come out on the 9th. Mr Smartie flies back on the 15th for work, and the rest of us fly back on the 25th. I can't wait! Its been such a horrible year, we all just need a relaxing sunshine break.

    I am feeling a little narked about having to go into central london for a meeting today and i'll miss my spin class this evening :( but really, its a minor inconvenience, because i love walking round London, looking at the blue plaques and the architecture.

    Hope i can keep things under control for the next few weeks, and get some lbs off before i go!

    Glad things are looking up for you!!
    Me too!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I think just about everyone in my family is right-handed. My left-handed professor in college stated that when he was younger, everyone at his school believed left-handedness meant the devil had a hold on you or something dumb like that. He was forced to have his hand bound and learn to write with his right hand. Now he can do both pretty perfectly, but he writes with his right hand and does pretty much everything else with his left. I can't believe they would force something on a child like that.... hearing about his past made me pretty upset.

    I have a strong craving for some vinegary chips. Or banana peppers. Or pickle juice. DILL PICKLE CHIPS <3 When I get vinegar cravings I can really go bonkers.

    LOVE salty vinegary I'm craving them too! Ooh! Have you ever had salt and vinegar almonds?? I eat them like every day. So good...
    Never, but I love salt and vinegar and I love almonds, so that sounds like something I would certainly enjoy :lol: I'm going to head out to the store today (I ran out of coffee...) and I don't think I can resist this craving. I've been wanting to watch Robocop so maybe I shall sit down with a bag of Dill Pickle chips and watch it. I feel incredibly stressed so that idea sounds mighty fine :tongue:

    MMM that sounds like a super fun time, eat some dill pickle chips for me!
  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    @MelissaPhippsFeagins @nonoelmo @MoHousdon
    Turns out he was just joking. He had NO idea it would hurt my feelings and when we talked, he was about to apologize and I asked him not to. It wasn't his fault I took it the wrong way. He said he knows I'm smart and thinks I'm "young, beautiful, and have a lot of potential." Yeah he used those words. :blush:
    He's encouraging me to go back to school, which is good.

    I keep getting this feeling that he wants me to be happy, not just rich. :wink:

    Yay!! I'm so glad you were able to talk through everything. :smile:
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I think just about everyone in my family is right-handed. My left-handed professor in college stated that when he was younger, everyone at his school believed left-handedness meant the devil had a hold on you or something dumb like that. He was forced to have his hand bound and learn to write with his right hand. Now he can do both pretty perfectly, but he writes with his right hand and does pretty much everything else with his left. I can't believe they would force something on a child like that.... hearing about his past made me pretty upset.

    I have a strong craving for some vinegary chips. Or banana peppers. Or pickle juice. DILL PICKLE CHIPS <3 When I get vinegar cravings I can really go bonkers.

    LOVE salty vinegary I'm craving them too! Ooh! Have you ever had salt and vinegar almonds?? I eat them like every day. So good...
    Never, but I love salt and vinegar and I love almonds, so that sounds like something I would certainly enjoy :lol: I'm going to head out to the store today (I ran out of coffee...) and I don't think I can resist this craving. I've been wanting to watch Robocop so maybe I shall sit down with a bag of Dill Pickle chips and watch it. I feel incredibly stressed so that idea sounds mighty fine :tongue:

    Yum! Salt and vinegar!

    Funny story, we ate subway on Sunday after visiting my Mema at the nursing home, and Raelynn picked out salt and vinegar chips for us to share. I'm pretty much the only person (besides Raelynn now) who likes salty-vinegary (new word haha) things, but Raelynn thought uncle Danny needed a potato chip, so he took it without realizing it wasn't a plain chip. The look on his face was priceless!! :laugh:
    Salt and vinegar chips are THE BEST! <3 I have been known to go through an entire bag of them by myself in one sitting. Also, I love how you say "Mema," as that is what I called my grandma :tongue:
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I think just about everyone in my family is right-handed. My left-handed professor in college stated that when he was younger, everyone at his school believed left-handedness meant the devil had a hold on you or something dumb like that. He was forced to have his hand bound and learn to write with his right hand. Now he can do both pretty perfectly, but he writes with his right hand and does pretty much everything else with his left. I can't believe they would force something on a child like that.... hearing about his past made me pretty upset.

    I have a strong craving for some vinegary chips. Or banana peppers. Or pickle juice. DILL PICKLE CHIPS <3 When I get vinegar cravings I can really go bonkers.

    LOVE salty vinegary I'm craving them too! Ooh! Have you ever had salt and vinegar almonds?? I eat them like every day. So good...
    Never, but I love salt and vinegar and I love almonds, so that sounds like something I would certainly enjoy :lol: I'm going to head out to the store today (I ran out of coffee...) and I don't think I can resist this craving. I've been wanting to watch Robocop so maybe I shall sit down with a bag of Dill Pickle chips and watch it. I feel incredibly stressed so that idea sounds mighty fine :tongue:

    MMM that sounds like a super fun time, eat some dill pickle chips for me!
    Will do! Now I'm not sure if I want dill pickle or salt and vinegar. They're pretty similar in my eyes!

  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Thanks for all the commiseration, everyone - we didn't get home until eleven last night so it ended up being about thirteen hours of pointless driving all together (and four fast-food meals for my husband, lol.) Brutal. I'm not sure he's ever going to forgive me...he was trying hard to not be mad about it but the man treasures his time off work so spending it in highway gridlock with an annoyed wife in a hot car was really not his idea of fun (nor mine), but it was at least my own darn fault for deciding to use a holiday Monday to drive a two-lane highway.
    Eeek, that really is bad. Where were you headed? Sorry you had such a wasted day. :/

    We had a specific hike in mind in Jasper, the second summit on Bald Hills from Maligne Lake, if you're familiar with the area. We're trying to pick stuff with at least 2000 feet of elevation gain over an hour or two to prep for our Peru trek. There's not much of that nearby so we had braced ourselves for what should have been 3 to 3.5 hours of driving, but it was just bumper-to-bumper from the moment the highway becomes undivided (one lane in each direction.) We were stuck in line for half an hour just to get through the park gates, even, despite being annual passholders because the east Jasper gates don't have a pass-through lane.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    @Peleroja I'm sorry to hear about your bad day--that must have really stunk. :-/ I know I'd be really upset if I had to drive/ride 5+ hours, just to turn around and go home again. I hope you get another chance to go and do your hike. :)

    @OrangeSmartie I hope you have a great vacation. :) I think it's just what you need after having such a difficult few weeks.

    Confession: I blew my calorie goal on those three-ingredient peanut butter cookies for like the fifth or sixth time since I discovered them. @kelly_c_77, @tubbs216, and @Italian_Buju, I may have to hate you guys for talking about them to begin with... :p

    Second confession: My weigh-in today puts me back into the "overweight" category for the first time in almost three years. :(

    I'm there with you... :(

    If it makes you feel better, I'm not sure I've ever been out of the overweight category :#
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    Hey everyone! My long weekend was fantastic, we ended up going to ribfest (see current profile photo, happy fat kid is happy and fat haha) after a kickass workout session. We also went to a house warming on the Sunday, I found out the hard way that I am a massive lightweight now and red wine is the devil!

    My confession for the day is that I have zero interest in doing any work and yet I have so much to actually do! I'll be floating in and out for the day :)
  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    @MelissaPhippsFeagins @nonoelmo @MoHousdon
    Turns out he was just joking. He had NO idea it would hurt my feelings and when we talked, he was about to apologize and I asked him not to. It wasn't his fault I took it the wrong way. He said he knows I'm smart and thinks I'm "young, beautiful, and have a lot of potential." Yeah he used those words. :blush:
    He's encouraging me to go back to school, which is good.

    I keep getting this feeling that he wants me to be happy, not just rich. :wink:

    I wondered if he might have been joking and wondered if he thought it were completely obvious (to him) that he was joking.

    You are smart and beautiful (young too) and you have TONS of potential. Totally get your tucus back in school. The sooner the better. I speak from loads of experience (and others here have taken similar paths) that the sooner you get back into school the better. It does not become easier to return the longer you wait. You can PM me any time if you need extra or specific encouragement but you can do this.

    Step 1: Do you have all the prerequisites out of the way? Do those even one at at time while you are working. Take a FUN class first to get yourself back in the school mode. It can even be a non-credit course just for fun. Do it.)
    Step 2: (this may be step one) fill out a FAFSA and make a note to fill it out again Jan 1 or 2 of next year.
    Step 3: (notice this is NOT at all the first step,) figure out what you want to do, what you want to major in and get in to talk to an academic adviser about what steps are needed. (Repeat this step, often you need to talk to multiple people to get all the answers you need.)
    Step 4: Look at resources and scholarships and other funding sources. When I started back I was in talking to the financial aid advisers, academic advisers, and the women support center. I asked classmates questions, and just kept asking until I figured things out. Look for scholarships. Keep looking. If you go to a community college get great grades and join the honor society (I swear to you this helped me get a $10,000 deans scholarship when I transferred to a four-year college.)
    Step 5: Understand and internalize that you CAN do this. We believe in you. Look to others for inspiration too, I know this amazing talented group of people can offer great insight into their experience and what they did.

    Thumbnail of my experience:
    At age 32 with a medically fragile infant and a 2 year old as a stay at home mom to care for those kids, working graveyard shift, I thought I'd take "one" class a semester and maybe someday earn an associates degree.
    On my 42nd birthday I was conferred a PhD in chemistry.

    I believe in you!!!

    OMG! There IS hope for me!

    I keep thinking at 26 it might be too late. :disappointed:

    I have some prerequisites out of the way but I never made it far because I was always over loaded. Now, I have nothing but time and maybe I could get my friend Alycia back into school and she could get a degree too!

    I work overnights and have lots of time for studying and my Sergeants and Lieutenant all think I should study while working. It would be nice to get a Bachelor's Degree in something. :smiley:

    Assuming your average life expectancy is about 82... do you really believe anything is too late at age 26?

    My grandfather, born a (SusieQ is the B word for illegitimate on your list of words not to use?) born an illegitimate child in 1902 went back to school in the late 1950's for his third degree. That was almost completely unheard of at the time. No judgement whatsoever to you - Just STOP limiting yourself with false deadlines and made up limitations. It is not at all too late. Now is a wonderful time. You have some life experience, you have time, you have more of an idea of why it is important, you recognize how much it will change your life. Start taking some steps to get moving. Don't just jump in too fast, though, ease back in with one or maybe two classes. The adult brain does change and if you have been out of school you have to relearn how to learn. It is all a good thing but it is different too.

    Do it!! :smiley:<3

    Every single thing @nonoelmo said. I love your story @nonoelmo and that of your family! I also LOVE school...I'd get 10 degrees if I could, even though that would be "silly". My husband just applied to and was accepted into an online software design/computer science degree program. He's always been interested in learning how to program, but never thought he'd get a chance to do it. He turns 41 this month and this would be his first degree. I'm SO proud of him! He is bouncing off the walls with excitement and he's already trying to get a head start on some of his classes. He's doing a somewhat unique (and less expensive) program through a school called Western Governors University. You pay a flat fee for 6 months of tuition and can take as many credits during that time as you want. You work on only one class at a time until it's finished, then you start another, so you don't have to juggle a bunch of subjects at once. Anyhow, I thought the format was pretty excellent! @lilaclovebird - feel free to PM me if you want any encouragement or info!!
  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    I'm having a good day today. Feeling very chirpy this morning. Had an epic session in the gym last night. (PT session, weights and a spin class). Just waiting for the DOMs to set in!

    And after much too-ing and fro-ing we finally booked our holiday! Who knew coordinating 5 people's diaries and wants would be so difficult, especially when we all say 'oh, i'm easy, i don't mind'. Turns out we do. Anyway, we're having 3 weeks in Cyprus in September. The smarties and I fly out on the 5th and have a few days on our own, then my parents and Charlie come out on the 9th. Mr Smartie flies back on the 15th for work, and the rest of us fly back on the 25th. I can't wait! Its been such a horrible year, we all just need a relaxing sunshine break.

    I am feeling a little narked about having to go into central london for a meeting today and i'll miss my spin class this evening :( but really, its a minor inconvenience, because i love walking round London, looking at the blue plaques and the architecture.

    Hope i can keep things under control for the next few weeks, and get some lbs off before i go!

    Ooh looked up Cyprus & it looks gorgeous! Are you guys staying at a hotel or a condo?

    Sounds like you're doing awesome at the gym. I hope if you get DOMs they're not too painful.

    We're rented a villa, on the northern part of the island, private pool and gardens, plenty of space for us all and a 3 year old to run around in!

    Your holiday sounds like it will be AMAZING! Please be sure to post some pics when you get back in the bat cave! I'd love to see what the villa looks like. Yay!! I'm so glad things are going better with you all!!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    LloydGK wrote: »
    Woke up on the floor with my head in the fridge a little while back. :# (I sleep eat - among other things)
    I'd eaten a 65g chocolate mousse and a Kitkat, apparently.

    I don't even like chocolate.

    Better than driving in your sleep, which my best friend does when under extreme stress. Her husband hides her keys after she goes to sleep and puts them back in her purse in the morning before he goes to work.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Thanks for all the commiseration, everyone - we didn't get home until eleven last night so it ended up being about thirteen hours of pointless driving all together (and four fast-food meals for my husband, lol.) Brutal. I'm not sure he's ever going to forgive me...he was trying hard to not be mad about it but the man treasures his time off work so spending it in highway gridlock with an annoyed wife in a hot car was really not his idea of fun (nor mine), but it was at least my own darn fault for deciding to use a holiday Monday to drive a two-lane highway.
    Eeek, that really is bad. Where were you headed? Sorry you had such a wasted day. :/

    We had a specific hike in mind in Jasper, the second summit on Bald Hills from Maligne Lake, if you're familiar with the area. We're trying to pick stuff with at least 2000 feet of elevation gain over an hour or two to prep for our Peru trek. There's not much of that nearby so we had braced ourselves for what should have been 3 to 3.5 hours of driving, but it was just bumper-to-bumper from the moment the highway becomes undivided (one lane in each direction.) We were stuck in line for half an hour just to get through the park gates, even, despite being annual passholders because the east Jasper gates don't have a pass-through lane.
    I don't know the area well - we've driven it a couple of times - but I know how busy the parks get at this time of year. I guess the kind of training you need is more than being able to climb a lot of stairs.