
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I'm about to go to a tennis game with my boyfriend and his parents, and I'm having one of those days where I feel extremely ugly and am scared to reveal my face to the world. I've been breaking out lately (stress?) and just feel gross and fat and unsightly. Hoping for a quick and painless tennis game... it's my first one.

    I read your later post the day went well... good! Stop letting your own head get in the way of your good time! And I really enjoy tennis. I did private duty nursing *kitten*'t care for a Canadian Tennis pro years ago and we would watch tennis. She taught me a lot about it and I really enjoy it. I like games that go fast: tennis, hockey, (somewhat basketball) but not the slow as molasses games like baseball and football.

    I agree with this.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I'm not so sure about this Strattera. I feel like I'm high, but I can focus a little better and I've noticed my appetite has really gone down, even though I'm only on my second dose. I felt all loopy yesterday, but I'd figured it was because I didn't get much sleep Friday night. Well, today I'm still getting that loopy feeling, and I had a full night's sleep last night. Hubby thinks it's my body just adjusting to the medicine, so I guess we'll see how things go.

    I think you are adjusting as well but I am no medical professional. There are a few in here that will likely weigh in, but hopefully this will help you!

    That's what I'm hoping it is. I'm just hoping I don't have to go through a bunch of different medications like I did with anti-seizure medicines when I was younger. That was rough.

    I'm hoping you either get past it or it does not bother you and that it really helps. :smile: I would give it a few days too and call the doctor with any concerns.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I will just sympathize with all the binges, unintentional weight gains, unintentional weight loss and blah days. For a reason I have not teased out yet I am up 1.5-2 lbs and bloated (I may blame hormones).

    I'm cranky, or was. I finally got some good sleep. I had two days of little sleep due to dogs/thunderstorms. I can sleep through the storms but not the dogs. I've been the dumping ground of a bunch of everyone's emotions (how do therapists do it???) as I have helped some people sort through stuff. One was at work where an employee was mixing two issues. Daughter is enjoying school but there is angst and her father (my ex) pulled some additional very passive aggressive crud (aimed at me) that makes her stressed. Can't he see that his efforts to hurt me only hurt me by seeing my daughter hurt? I'm not going to let that show. I just call him out in a recorded way (i.e. emails cc'd to the divorce attorney and if he involves my parents then I cc my parents too - sheesh - it should not be like this!) This actually seems to work fairly well because he has an image of himself that he wants to project of being the "good guy" who is "cooperative" and when I object to anything I'm "freaking out." When it is clearly demonstrated that he is the instigator who is uncooperative and that my calling him out is completely calm and rational then he straightens up for that incident. There are friends going through very tough times now too that I won't mention here, but that I am concerned about and wish I could help.

    I'm fine financially but want to be better. Basically I want it all, now, and it is not possible. I want the house fixed up, a savings account, a retirement account, to travel a lot, and to contribute to my kids college. I just started from less than nothing two years ago. I'm getting there but sometimes I get hard on myself. I am making progress on all counts.

    And...back to the weight...why??? I just made some changes to my diet and vastly upped my protein. With my food intollerances there are plenty of foods if I get just a trace of them I bloat. Am I bloating? Am I gaining? I've felt very lack luster working out the last few times too. I have been, though, so I count that as a win.

    Ok, I'm done whining and am going to get to my chores.

    @nonoelmo I really feel for you. I think there will be a special place in hell for exes like ours. This might sound weird I hope not but where you are now is where I hope to get someday. Look at you getting a mortgage all in your own, doing renovations all by yourself and looking after your kids. I think all of that is amazing! Look how far you have come in 2 years and think how much more you can accomplish in tne next 2.
    Agree! I really admire women who, whether they want to or not, get on and get stuff done. Although I know it must be very satisfying, I know it's certainly not easy. Feel free to let out your frustrations here!

    Thank you and @pofoster21. I really did have to vent and am much much better today. Thank you again. I know @riderfangal's ex would have me absolutely climbing walls and I really admire her strength and attitude.
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    I hope everyone has had a good weekend. I can't believe Monday is almost here. Ugh.

    Mr. NY and I killed it in the gym Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I am so exhausted and sore. Definitely taking a rest day tomorrow...
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    In honour of @LBuehrle8 arriving in blighty today I have made meatloaf with roast potatoes and veg and a cherry and almond crumbleand custard, all from scratch

    Sound fabulous (of course I couldn't eat the meatloaf.. but the cherry and almond crumble and custards sounds FABULOUS!)
    Yes! I thought so when I read it, and forgot to mention it. I LOVE the cherry/almond combo. I have an Evans cherry tree (beautiful red, sour cherries) and I never know what to do with them all. I've already made cherry liqueur and there are still SO MANY cherries. I might make some jam/compote if I get a chance before they go bad, or before the birds get to them.

    Make cheesecake and put the cherry + cherry liqueur on it. Then invite me over for some!
    Invitation in the mail.
    ETA - might take a while. The liqueur should be ready by Christmas.

    I'll be looking for it! :) MMMMM MMMM MMMM
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    I tried to take daughter to the weight room and show her it is not a scary place.... (FAIL)

    So it was more crowded than normal. Our gym is a club and is very family friendly and welcoming...except, it appears, the weight room. There were two other women in there and the rest guys of various ages.

    I start lifting and daughter comes to hang out with me. Right next to us a loud conversation started:

    Middle age man # 1 "How is your injury?"

    Middle age man #2 "It is ok, they have me full of antibiotics. I was taking a (SH word for pooh) and sitting on the toilet and pulled a scab off and nearly passed out."

    Me in my head (Really? You are established adults paying good money for this membership that stresses family values and a safe place and you loudly describe this when it is very clear there are four ladies within 10 feet of you?!?!?)

    Needless to say daughter did not participate in lifting weights last night. I wish I could have a private conversation with those men about appropriate conversation in public areas. Daughter admitted that the conversation was part of why she didn't lift.

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I am waiting for the towels to dry so that I can fold them, reload the dryer and start another load of laundry. I ate everything there was on Friday (2247 calories in my diary) but it was all good for me food. I ate almost all of the food on Saturday, including a bacon cheeseburger (no bun), bacon ranch fries, and tacos (at least I made those so it was lean beef) made it back to the gym today and weighed in two pounds less than Wednesday. What's up with that?! How did I lose two pounds eating bacon ranch fries? And why do I want less to eat on lifting days? Tomorrow is my official weigh in day and I have no idea what the number will be.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I tried to take daughter to the weight room and show her it is not a scary place.... (FAIL)

    So it was more crowded than normal. Our gym is a club and is very family friendly and welcoming...except, it appears, the weight room. There were two other women in there and the rest guys of various ages.

    I start lifting and daughter comes to hang out with me. Right next to us a loud conversation started:

    Middle age man # 1 "How is your injury?"

    Middle age man #2 "It is ok, they have me full of antibiotics. I was taking a (SH word for pooh) and sitting on the toilet and pulled a scab off and nearly passed out."

    Me in my head (Really? You are established adults paying good money for this membership that stresses family values and a safe place and you loudly describe this when it is very clear there are four ladies within 10 feet of you?!?!?)

    Needless to say daughter did not participate in lifting weights last night. I wish I could have a private conversation with those men about appropriate conversation in public areas. Daughter admitted that the conversation was part of why she didn't lift.

    I may have called them out on that one right then and there. That's just crude. I am sorry that it turned your daughter off of lifting and that she had to hear that at all.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I tried to take daughter to the weight room and show her it is not a scary place.... (FAIL)

    So it was more crowded than normal. Our gym is a club and is very family friendly and welcoming...except, it appears, the weight room. There were two other women in there and the rest guys of various ages.

    I start lifting and daughter comes to hang out with me. Right next to us a loud conversation started:

    Middle age man # 1 "How is your injury?"

    Middle age man #2 "It is ok, they have me full of antibiotics. I was taking a (SH word for pooh) and sitting on the toilet and pulled a scab off and nearly passed out."

    Me in my head (Really? You are established adults paying good money for this membership that stresses family values and a safe place and you loudly describe this when it is very clear there are four ladies within 10 feet of you?!?!?)

    Needless to say daughter did not participate in lifting weights last night. I wish I could have a private conversation with those men about appropriate conversation in public areas. Daughter admitted that the conversation was part of why she didn't lift.

    I may have called them out on that one right then and there. That's just crude. I am sorry that it turned your daughter off of lifting and that she had to hear that at all.

    I considered it. It would have embarrassed shy daughter even more .

    If it happens again I will have a chat with the parties involved.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    @MelissaPhippsFeagins Yup! Never even heard of it. I was more concerned because she mentioned getting it done after I got the abdominal pain. Now I think the abdominal pain is just constipation. I need more fiber and fat in my diet, I think. My mom says my sister used to get CMPs all the time because she has always been overweight and they were always looking for something to be wrong because she ate the same things I did, in the same amounts, but she has always been bigger. We still don't know why she is so overweight(300+ pounds) and I'm so 'normal' and I'm fighting with her to get her to the doctor more to look at other things other than Thyroid.

    @Italian_Buju I am lucky my doctor is thorough. My last 'real' doctor that I saw in Washington was too. She would also ask about my family(she treated all of the females in the family) and if someone was acting wonky or having ANY problem, it was generally 'Have her come in about (insert time here) tomorrow if she can. No appointment.'
    I LOVE doctors who care for PEOPLE instead of just BODIES. I think my sister may be having issues with a doctor who is treating bodies and not people. She gets the impression that her doctor thinks that she is just lazy and eats a lot. She feels like he doesn't take her suggestions and fears into account. I think she needs a new smurfing doctor.

    I really hope I don't have to hurt SSP(I honestly think anything wrong with me will NOT be his fault). His birthday is coming up on the 19th and I want to make him a banana flavored cake but I've never had or made one before. So I have NO idea what kind of frosting/icing to use on it. I am going to make him a simple dinner(because he's a simple kind of guy) of a roasted Cornish Hen with mashed potatoes and corn on the cob.

    Thanks for the encouraging words @kellyjellybellyjelly. I definitely needed the treat and, hopefully, I will get back on this wagon. Right now I think I'm only holding on to the extra weight because I'm constipated. :angry:
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    @MelissaPhippsFeagins Yup! Never even heard of it. I was more concerned because she mentioned getting it done after I got the abdominal pain. Now I think the abdominal pain is just constipation. I need more fiber and fat in my diet, I think. My mom says my sister used to get CMPs all the time because she has always been overweight and they were always looking for something to be wrong because she ate the same things I did, in the same amounts, but she has always been bigger. We still don't know why she is so overweight(300+ pounds) and I'm so 'normal' and I'm fighting with her to get her to the doctor more to look at other things other than Thyroid.

    @Italian_Buju I am lucky my doctor is thorough. My last 'real' doctor that I saw in Washington was too. She would also ask about my family(she treated all of the females in the family) and if someone was acting wonky or having ANY problem, it was generally 'Have her come in about (insert time here) tomorrow if she can. No appointment.'
    I LOVE doctors who care for PEOPLE instead of just BODIES. I think my sister may be having issues with a doctor who is treating bodies and not people. She gets the impression that her doctor thinks that she is just lazy and eats a lot. She feels like he doesn't take her suggestions and fears into account. I think she needs a new smurfing doctor.

    I really hope I don't have to hurt SSP(I honestly think anything wrong with me will NOT be his fault). His birthday is coming up on the 19th and I want to make him a banana flavored cake but I've never had or made one before. So I have NO idea what kind of frosting/icing to use on it. I am going to make him a simple dinner(because he's a simple kind of guy) of a roasted Cornish Hen with mashed potatoes and corn on the cob.

    Thanks for the encouraging words @kellyjellybellyjelly. I definitely needed the treat and, hopefully, I will get back on this wagon. Right now I think I'm only holding on to the extra weight because I'm constipated. :angry:

    You sound overall great. SSP sounds like a good guy. I think (and I have not had anything but gluten free cakes in years) that banana cake with a simple vanilla cream cheese icing sounds good. An alternative is a nutty icing, I'm not sure peanut butter is the best way to go, but banana and nutty sounds good too.

    I love it when doctors actually care about you. I've been lucky enough to have some good ones over the years (I've had some of the other kind too.) I'm glad you have a good one!
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    HerkMeOff2 wrote: »
    I have ate at least 5000 calories today

    tomorrow is a new day! (or today actually). Be kind to yourself. Do not say negative things to yourself. Do not tell yourself off. Move on and start fresh with your next meal. You got this.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member

    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    In honour of @LBuehrle8 arriving in blighty today I have made meatloaf with roast potatoes and veg and a cherry and almond crumbleand custard, all from scratch

    Sound fabulous (of course I couldn't eat the meatloaf.. but the cherry and almond crumble and custards sounds FABULOUS!)
    Yes! I thought so when I read it, and forgot to mention it. I LOVE the cherry/almond combo. I have an Evans cherry tree (beautiful red, sour cherries) and I never know what to do with them all. I've already made cherry liqueur and there are still SO MANY cherries. I might make some jam/compote if I get a chance before they go bad, or before the birds get to them.

    We planted a morello cherry tree this year and i can't wait for our first crop of cherries to come, hopefully next year. I love cherries, anything cherry flavoured, and paired with almonds (so bakewell) is just pure heaven.

    If you need any cherries recipes (such as a cherry cheesecake brioche, cherry trifle towers, cherry crumble, cherry scones, then i'm your gal!

    I've also go some jars of cherry soaking in kirsch, with almond extract (bakewell cherries!). I plan to give those as christmas gifts. Yes its homemade and a bit naff, but tough!
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    edited August 2015
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    In honour of @LBuehrle8 arriving in blighty today I have made meatloaf with roast potatoes and veg and a cherry and almond crumbleand custard, all from scratch

    Sound fabulous (of course I couldn't eat the meatloaf.. but the cherry and almond crumble and custards sounds FABULOUS!)
    Yes! I thought so when I read it, and forgot to mention it. I LOVE the cherry/almond combo. I have an Evans cherry tree (beautiful red, sour cherries) and I never know what to do with them all. I've already made cherry liqueur and there are still SO MANY cherries. I might make some jam/compote if I get a chance before they go bad, or before the birds get to them.

    Make cheesecake and put the cherry + cherry liqueur on it. Then invite me over for some!

    And me. And put ground almonds in the biscuit base,

    Also, bottle some cherries with vodka. Cherry vodka and lemonade is awesome.

    In waitrose, they sell a bakewell vodka. I may have a bottle in my fridge.

    Oooh and also, cherry ice cream. I have a recipe for that too. (alright, its Ben and Jerry's recipe. Its still awesome.)

  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I'm about to go to a tennis game with my boyfriend and his parents, and I'm having one of those days where I feel extremely ugly and am scared to reveal my face to the world. I've been breaking out lately (stress?) and just feel gross and fat and unsightly. Hoping for a quick and painless tennis game... it's my first one.

    I read your later post the day went well... good! Stop letting your own head get in the way of your good time! And I really enjoy tennis. I did private duty nursing *kitten*'t care for a Canadian Tennis pro years ago and we would watch tennis. She taught me a lot about it and I really enjoy it. I like games that go fast: tennis, hockey, (somewhat basketball) but not the slow as molasses games like baseball and football.

    I had to quote this just so I could see what got "***"' (edited) out...haha! I guess it's too early for me to figure it out on my own. :tired_face:

    So, I'm super tired today which is silly because I was able to sleep a little extra. My husband took the day off from work so that we actually have 2 days in a row together..which like, NEVER happens!
    So yesterday we went to the zoo/amusement park and today we're just going to take it easy...but go out for a pizza lunch buffet!!! I have been wanting to go for a long time now but it's only M-F during lunch hours and my husband isn't ever around then. My problem is, (and I'm just being whiny), I don't enjoy going out to lunch as much as dinner. Also, what if I don't care for their pizza as much as the pizza we usually get? And, I ate some crap last night after dinner and I'm feeling bloaty this morning and don't feel like running. BUT I took yesterday off from running (only walked) and have to get back to it today. Normal days, I would been on the treadmill right now instead of on the computer, but like I said, I slept later/I'm not rushed because my husband isn't working today. Blah blah...basically in a nutshell- I'm mad at myself for eating junk last night, being lazy this morning, and apparently not appreciating the fact the I get an extra day with my husband to eat a ton of pizza. So, I guess my cranky/lazy pants are on today. :( Sorry for the long, whiny post. Have a great Monday!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I will just sympathize with all the binges, unintentional weight gains, unintentional weight loss and blah days. For a reason I have not teased out yet I am up 1.5-2 lbs and bloated (I may blame hormones).

    I'm cranky, or was. I finally got some good sleep. I had two days of little sleep due to dogs/thunderstorms. I can sleep through the storms but not the dogs. I've been the dumping ground of a bunch of everyone's emotions (how do therapists do it???) as I have helped some people sort through stuff. One was at work where an employee was mixing two issues. Daughter is enjoying school but there is angst and her father (my ex) pulled some additional very passive aggressive crud (aimed at me) that makes her stressed. Can't he see that his efforts to hurt me only hurt me by seeing my daughter hurt? I'm not going to let that show. I just call him out in a recorded way (i.e. emails cc'd to the divorce attorney and if he involves my parents then I cc my parents too - sheesh - it should not be like this!) This actually seems to work fairly well because he has an image of himself that he wants to project of being the "good guy" who is "cooperative" and when I object to anything I'm "freaking out." When it is clearly demonstrated that he is the instigator who is uncooperative and that my calling him out is completely calm and rational then he straightens up for that incident. There are friends going through very tough times now too that I won't mention here, but that I am concerned about and wish I could help.

    I'm fine financially but want to be better. Basically I want it all, now, and it is not possible. I want the house fixed up, a savings account, a retirement account, to travel a lot, and to contribute to my kids college. I just started from less than nothing two years ago. I'm getting there but sometimes I get hard on myself. I am making progress on all counts.

    And...back to the weight...why??? I just made some changes to my diet and vastly upped my protein. With my food intollerances there are plenty of foods if I get just a trace of them I bloat. Am I bloating? Am I gaining? I've felt very lack luster working out the last few times too. I have been, though, so I count that as a win.

    Ok, I'm done whining and am going to get to my chores.

    Hugs, because you need them, and a pat on the back because you deserve it.

    This! And
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Oh, and I miss Laura... I hope she is loving England!

  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    HerkMeOff2 wrote: »
    I have ate at least 5000 calories today

    I have done that more often than I care to admit. You just have to do better tomorrow.

    Same!! :(
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @orangesmartie hope you enjoyed your day of (well-earned) rest!

    I absolutely did! I feel quite rested and refreshed today (despite having a fight with the tax office first thing).

    I know my body is run down as I am having several outbreaks, but I am so looking forward to going on holiday its unbelievable.

    In other news, its fairly certain that I will be having a baby at the end of September. Much as I hate my sister for forcing it on me, I am a little bit (a lot) excited. And not just because it means i have to sell my flat and buy a bigger house ;)
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    HerkMeOff2 wrote: »
    I have ate at least 5000 calories today

    tomorrow is a new day! (or today actually). Be kind to yourself. Do not say negative things to yourself. Do not tell yourself off. Move on and start fresh with your next meal. You got this.

    I am copying and pasting this to your wall RIGHT NOW!!! :)

    I wish I could remember the advice you gave to that other poster a while back... :(
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Also, I may have booked a little holiday trip for next September (yep 2016) for the Smarties and I, to a weekend of Mr Smartie's favourite music. Lots of live bands and DJs.

    I really must start researching flights to Tennessee and hotels..... @pofoster21

    Also, I will need to start working more to afford all of this :smiley: