
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Looks like we all survived the weekend. Aside from it being the cooler side of Hades in Texas this weekend, I lost track of my eating. We all do it sometimes. It's just time for me to get back on track and make some better choices. I hate seeing the scale jump about four pounds when I know my intake was NOT that high. Dang sodium!!!
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    Editing to add: I'm jealous that your Q is capitalized. I made my account with a capitalized Q, but back then the username generator would only capitalize the first letter of the name regardless of how you wrote it. I want a capital Q! :angry:

    Jealousy is a curse, other Susieq!!

    @MelissaPhippsFeagins thanks for the kind words. You're right, I shed it once and I can do it again. I'm just so angry at myself.. I didn't even want the food - I felt sick and I was over full and I was sitting there thinking 'this is ruining all my good work and it's not even worth it !'
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    My confession of today is that I have gone NINE days without alcohol. And I find myself craving it, which is scaring me a little bit. I know a couple of you are recovering alcoholics. I figure if I can do nine days, I can go without completely. It was becoming a bit too much of a crutch. Plus, it was tons of empty calories, right?

    I'm really trying to talk myself into continuing this streak, rather than diving into a margarita or three.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    edited August 2015
    MissSusieQ wrote: »
    Editing to add: I'm jealous that your Q is capitalized. I made my account with a capitalized Q, but back then the username generator would only capitalize the first letter of the name regardless of how you wrote it. I want a capital Q! :angry:

    Jealousy is a curse, other Susieq!!

    @MelissaPhippsFeagins thanks for the kind words. You're right, I shed it once and I can do it again. I'm just so angry at myself.. I didn't even want the food - I felt sick and I was over full and I was sitting there thinking 'this is ruining all my good work and it's not even worth it !'

    One thing that helped me was to pick up something in both hands that I didn't want to get food on - an actual paper book or a load of clean laundry to fold. If that didn't/doesn't help, I walk the dog. Yes, I have walked my dog at midnight and even at 2am.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    edited August 2015
    dindon68 wrote: »
    I made blueberry muffins, and because I knew I wouldn't be able to leave them alone, I took one and put the rest in the boot of my husbands car, rang him when he got to work, and told him to share them out. he wasn't happy because he ate four of them.

    LOL! How many did he have left to share?

    I always take foods I don't enjoy & throw them in the break room. Most of the time it's packages of cookies I wasn't wild about (S'Mores Oreos & Key Lime Pie Oreos), Atkins bars, or other sweet treats I buy & don't care for.

    One day I brought in these


    I found these utterly repulsive & thought maybe someone else would like them. Everyone who tried them hated them except for one coworker.
    MissSusieQ wrote: »
    Editing to add: I'm jealous that your Q is capitalized. I made my account with a capitalized Q, but back then the username generator would only capitalize the first letter of the name regardless of how you wrote it. I want a capital Q! :angry:

    Jealousy is a curse, other Susieq!!

    @MelissaPhippsFeagins thanks for the kind words. You're right, I shed it once and I can do it again. I'm just so angry at myself.. I didn't even want the food - I felt sick and I was over full and I was sitting there thinking 'this is ruining all my good work and it's not even worth it !'

    I hate when I eat something that I used to like & then realize it wasn't that great to begin with & such a waste of calories. I find that I usually feel this way about donuts, a lot of cheap baked goods (Tastykake, Hostess, Etc.), & milkshakes. I like to eat milkshakes every now & then, but then I realize that for the amount of calories they're a waste & I could've ate more satiating food instead.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    MissSusieQ wrote: »
    i ate a whole pizza and a garlic bread last night. I was so full and sick I had to stop for a rest mid-eat, but then I went back and ate more 10 minutes later

    There are TWO of me, you guys! :o Welcome to the thread, other SusieQ! ;)

    Editing to add: This confession sounds very much like something I would do. I'm sure you're not alone!

    Mind blown!!! :D
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    So I have now tried all the Quest bars I wanted to try.

    Cookie dough, chocolate peanut butter and cookies and creme are my faves. White chocolate raspberry was good too. Not a single one was gross and I never felt like I had to choke one down. This is a new staple for me.

    Ha! Another convert! My mission to win over the world, one Quest bar at a time. Now if you would just LOVE the Lemon Cream Pie flavor, I would be one step closer... ;)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I confess I am sooooo ready for (American) football season. I have changed my profile pic and am currently wearing my Boise State polo at work. I am team mom on my son's team, my hubby is asst coach. We have season tickets to the Boise State games. ARGH!!! Kick off, already!!!!

    September 3rd starts USC's (and I don't mean California!) season and I can't wait!!! Hubby is in Charlotte at the Panthers fanfest for his birthday, (he's 26 today!) I'm so ready for football season!!

    Y'all, I am just gonna apologize now because @raelynnsmama52512 and I are SEC fans and we can be obnoxious about our football. I was raised to love God, my family, sweet tea and the SEC!!!

    Pshh, who you telling?! Lol! Trust me, Gamecock football is a RELIGION in our family! Basically, on Saturday we're all useless because we're all watching the game, screaming at our TVs about a bad call, and cussing the refs haha! (You could also apply that to hockey as well!) I'm a bad fan, I've never been to a USC game, but hubby has already vowed to change that this year lol! I have no shame, I get pretty obnoxious haha! God, family, friends, and SEC football, that's all you really need in life. :wink:

    We ring cowbells in our house when State scores. And I am apologizing in advance to everyone here because I can't help talking football...

    I despise football. Sorry.

    I cannot process this statement. It does not compute. ;)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    I saw a video of Chinese people eating ''Chinese'' food in America. Some of them were very confused. Some said ''It's very good, but I don't see how this is Chinese."

    One of these days I'm going to have some real Chinese food :lol:

    Real Chinese food, in China, is freakin' amazing. And nothing like the American version.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I went through my friends list and deleted people that I've had no interaction with. 2 of these people I know in real life. What is the point of being friends with someone if they NEVER comment on anything you post?! I need interactive friends.

    I'm interactive, I swear! Just busy!

    And apparently a bit worried Mo will delete you! :)

    Of course! :'(
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    I got to looking at what books I'm going to need this semester, and holy $677 worth of books man! Right now, it's only showing I have $250 available in financial aid to use, so I'm really hoping that my loans show up soon, because I need that extra bit! I'm also more than likely going to have to buy a new computer since my dear mother put a bunch of viruses on the one I have and now it barely works and I've got online classes and a class that will require me to download software, and this old laptop isn't going to handle much more. Sigh, at least I'll be able to actually pay attention and get stuff done (hopefully) for once lol!

    Rent them, or buy used. Check Amazon.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I confess I am sooooo ready for (American) football season. I have changed my profile pic and am currently wearing my Boise State polo at work. I am team mom on my son's team, my hubby is asst coach. We have season tickets to the Boise State games. ARGH!!! Kick off, already!!!!

    September 3rd starts USC's (and I don't mean California!) season and I can't wait!!! Hubby is in Charlotte at the Panthers fanfest for his birthday, (he's 26 today!) I'm so ready for football season!!

    Y'all, I am just gonna apologize now because @raelynnsmama52512 and I are SEC fans and we can be obnoxious about our football. I was raised to love God, my family, sweet tea and the SEC!!!

    Pshh, who you telling?! Lol! Trust me, Gamecock football is a RELIGION in our family! Basically, on Saturday we're all useless because we're all watching the game, screaming at our TVs about a bad call, and cussing the refs haha! (You could also apply that to hockey as well!) I'm a bad fan, I've never been to a USC game, but hubby has already vowed to change that this year lol! I have no shame, I get pretty obnoxious haha! God, family, friends, and SEC football, that's all you really need in life. :wink:

    We ring cowbells in our house when State scores. And I am apologizing in advance to everyone here because I can't help talking football...

    I despise football. Sorry.

    I'm with you Patricia! Both American and English. Also, cricket and golf.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    I got to looking at what books I'm going to need this semester, and holy $677 worth of books man! Right now, it's only showing I have $250 available in financial aid to use, so I'm really hoping that my loans show up soon, because I need that extra bit! I'm also more than likely going to have to buy a new computer since my dear mother put a bunch of viruses on the one I have and now it barely works and I've got online classes and a class that will require me to download software, and this old laptop isn't going to handle much more. Sigh, at least I'll be able to actually pay attention and get stuff done (hopefully) for once lol!

    Rent them, or buy used. Check Amazon.

    check the noticeboards at uni, most students will be selling their old books. I always put mine on ebay, some of my textbooks cost over £100, but in law, the lecturers will always tell you to buy the newest edition, so some became worthless after a year.

  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Now I'm talking to myself :)

    But as one last post...I for sure thought I was going to have gained at least 5 pounds this week but somehow I stayed the same weight! I'm so happy.

    I'm going to ruin it today though since I had Starbucks (since it's my Friday) and I'm going to eat fast food for lunch while getting my oil changed. :-P

    I will post more if anyone else is around but otherwise, hope everyone has a good weekend since I probably won't be around much after 11 (mountain time).

    Get skinny Starbucks, sugar free syrup, so not calorie intense, but same great taste

    I've never tried that but I've been curious. Thanks for the suggestions!

    I'm way behind but glad to be catching up.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Morning all :)

    Checking in, having a good day today, which makes for 5 good days in a row. Double bonus because I am at work today. I don't usually work Fridays, but am earning extra £££ for our holiday, so small sacrifice.

    Had a lovely long walk along the river with @girldownsouth yesterday.

    No plans for the weekend, beyond chilling out a bit, cooking a bit, swimming a bit, and chilling out a bit more. Which sounds wasteful of time off. But believe me it'll be such a welcome change from running round after a 2 year old every weekend.

    I'm so glad you are doing okay/better.

    I'm still jealous that you are able to walk with a fellow poster. Super jealous even!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    My confession of today is that I have gone NINE days without alcohol. And I find myself craving it, which is scaring me a little bit. I know a couple of you are recovering alcoholics. I figure if I can do nine days, I can go without completely. It was becoming a bit too much of a crutch. Plus, it was tons of empty calories, right?

    I'm really trying to talk myself into continuing this streak, rather than diving into a margarita or three.

    Skip the margaritas, out the $ in a jar and on day 31, go spend it on something worthwhile.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    My confession of today is that I have gone NINE days without alcohol. And I find myself craving it, which is scaring me a little bit. I know a couple of you are recovering alcoholics. I figure if I can do nine days, I can go without completely. It was becoming a bit too much of a crutch. Plus, it was tons of empty calories, right?

    I'm really trying to talk myself into continuing this streak, rather than diving into a margarita or three.

    You can do it! :)
    Also- I love your new picture!
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Small win: Colleague just asked if i wanted anything from the baker's. I do, very much so, want a yummies (a doughy/pastry type thing with lots of icing, similar to a yum yum). But i said no.

    Good for you!

    I know too well how hard this is. We have free food around work all the time. I always want some but I almost always say no. :(
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    edited August 2015
    My confession of today is that I have gone NINE days without alcohol. And I find myself craving it, which is scaring me a little bit. I know a couple of you are recovering alcoholics. I figure if I can do nine days, I can go without completely. It was becoming a bit too much of a crutch. Plus, it was tons of empty calories, right?

    I'm really trying to talk myself into continuing this streak, rather than diving into a margarita or three.

    Skip the margaritas, out the $ in a jar and on day 31, go spend it on something worthwhile.

    I decreased my drinking when I realized how crappy I felt afterwards. I can do ONE beer, with 87* glasses of water and feel alright, but skip the water or increase the alcohol and my brain's on fire the next day. Totally not worth it.

    I can't help much for the dependency, since I've never been a daily drinker, but I found a reason it wasn't worth a regular appearance. I'd much rather chew my calories!

    ETA: Spelling is hard.

    *possible exaggeration
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    So, the official weigh in was down 1 pound to 156. As long as I am between 155-160, I don't worry about it much. I still don't get losing after eating the way I did Friday & Saturday, though.