
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    stacynoell wrote: »
    I undereat all the time. I almost get "high" off cardio and burn 500-600 calories per cardio session. But I don't increase my calories, so my weight loss is stalling...I have to retrain my brain to go ahead and eat. Most of the time I am not hungry...I used to weigh 262, but now I weigh 180, but I still see the fat girl in my head, so I stick to about 1500 calories even if I work out and burn 1000... :'(

    @stacynoell awesome job on losing 82 pounds! Not judging but trying to help so don't take this the wrong way.

    Are you accurately measuring your burns by either using a heart rate monitor or a fitness tracking device like Fitbit, Jawbone, Garmin, etc.? Could you be overestimating your calorie burns?

    Do you weigh your food on a digital food scale that measures in grams, ounces, & pounds? If not then you could be overestimating how much you burn & underestimating how much you're actually eating. Sometimes eyeballing & using measuring cups can be off by a great percentage. Usually when there's a stall it's from eating more than we think.

    Sometimes the exercise machines that measure calorie burns are great overestimated as are the MFP exercise estimations.

    This is very true. :)Usually halving the MyFitnessPal exercise calorie burn is roughly correct. Also, be kind to yourself! <3 Starving your body of the nutrition it needs will give you a lot of unpleasantness down the road. :)


    Um, guys, is this true??

    Trust your Fitbit. The rule for mfp is roughly half, but to reassess how you are losing - too quick, eat back a larger %. If you eat them all back and are losing at the rate you expect to be, that works too.

    I tend to think that As you get more fit, the burns are less accurate. When I was logging exercise on here, I usually tried a couple other calculators to see how close the burn was and it was usually close.

    I try not to eat any exercise calories back at all....I am totally confused now :|

    I eat about 250 or so back. My fitbit burn is usually about 500-600 calories a day so I feel like 250 is a safe number. So far it works for me . I have my goal set to lose 1.5lbs per week and if I take my average since I started I have lost 1.2 lbs per week, which is close enough for me.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    So I have now tried all the Quest bars I wanted to try.

    Cookie dough, chocolate peanut butter and cookies and creme are my faves. White chocolate raspberry was good too. Not a single one was gross and I never felt like I had to choke one down. This is a new staple for me.

    Ha! Another convert! My mission to win over the world, one Quest bar at a time. Now if you would just LOVE the Lemon Cream Pie flavor, I would be one step closer... ;)

    I'm so jealous that everyone but me get to eat Quest bars :'( Anyone want to buy me a box of them for my birthday? :D

    Can I ship to Saudi Arabia? What are the dynamics of that? When is your birthday (I know Oct but what date)? You'll have to send me your address in a message. I might not send Quest bars but I might want to send a card.... ! Or something. :)

    That's what I was thinking too - a card or something. Susie do you want birthday cards from all over?

    Edit: and maybe some honey nut Cheerios?

    Oooh what a lovely idea! we could have a birthdays thread and send cards.

    oh oh oh and secret santa!

    That would be AWESOME!!! I love giving and getting gifts. @MelissaPhippsFeagins already had my address because she promised me fudge and zucchini cake!

    My birthday is December 27, btw.

    Just don't expect then in the same package. Fudge mailed to Kansas in August would melt. And that would be sad
  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    edited August 2015
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    So I have now tried all the Quest bars I wanted to try.

    Cookie dough, chocolate peanut butter and cookies and creme are my faves. White chocolate raspberry was good too. Not a single one was gross and I never felt like I had to choke one down. This is a new staple for me.

    Ha! Another convert! My mission to win over the world, one Quest bar at a time. Now if you would just LOVE the Lemon Cream Pie flavor, I would be one step closer... ;)

    I'm so jealous that everyone but me get to eat Quest bars :'( Anyone want to buy me a box of them for my birthday? :D

    Can I ship to Saudi Arabia? What are the dynamics of that? When is your birthday (I know Oct but what date)? You'll have to send me your address in a message. I might not send Quest bars but I might want to send a card.... ! Or something. :)

    That's what I was thinking too - a card or something. Susie do you want birthday cards from all over?

    Edit: and maybe some honey nut Cheerios?

    Oooh what a lovely idea! we could have a birthdays thread and send cards.

    oh oh oh and secret santa!

    Yes yes yes yes all of this yes! I am a sucker for getting random stuff and sending stuff in the mail lol

    I'm in! should this be something started in the bat cave?

    ETA: I haven't checked the bat cave yet, but will do so now. Ha! I bet somebody has started this thread by now!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    *post boyfriend update*

    so that's the end of that.

    after a solid month of seeing each other almost every. single. day. and him making the point to "be exclusive," dude decided that "i don't think that this is working for me."

    i got about three hours of sleep last night, they weren't concurrent either. so apologies for the rambles.
    first he said it was because *i* wanted too much commitment, to which i kindly reminded him that *he* was the one that wanted to be exclusive, then he just said that he wasn't sure if i was the *one* for him.
    i do know that a lil more than a week ago, his ex-wife from six years ago reached out to him to try and rekindle things. he initially said he wasn't interested, maybe that changed?
    or he simply just panicked and fled.
    same end result.

    i'd be lying if i said i wasn't devastated. and this is probably stupid of me too, but i really, honestly, thought he was the one for me. finally after all the horrors, and downright brutal treatment i endured both physically and emotionally...i thought it was actually my turn to be happy.
    i'd also be lying if i said i wasn't furious with myself for allowing myself to get so involved and excited and be so foolish.
    i should know better.
    i do know better.

    i think i'm just going to take a break from everything for a while.
    my brain keeps flashing this lil image of a tiny hand setting a brick on a wall that's slowly being finished.

    *ETA* can i also add how ridiculously embarrassed i am about all of this?

    Want me to take him out for ya? I know a guy.

    That sucks hard. I'm so sorry.

    Aren't you a cop?! :*

    Exactly... >:)

    There has been research done showing the average adult commits three felonies a day. I'm sure we could find some reason to put him out of misery....

  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I tried to take daughter to the weight room and show her it is not a scary place.... (FAIL)

    So it was more crowded than normal. Our gym is a club and is very family friendly and welcoming...except, it appears, the weight room. There were two other women in there and the rest guys of various ages.

    I start lifting and daughter comes to hang out with me. Right next to us a loud conversation started:

    Middle age man # 1 "How is your injury?"

    Middle age man #2 "It is ok, they have me full of antibiotics. I was taking a (SH word for pooh) and sitting on the toilet and pulled a scab off and nearly passed out."

    Me in my head (Really? You are established adults paying good money for this membership that stresses family values and a safe place and you loudly describe this when it is very clear there are four ladies within 10 feet of you?!?!?)

    Needless to say daughter did not participate in lifting weights last night. I wish I could have a private conversation with those men about appropriate conversation in public areas. Daughter admitted that the conversation was part of why she didn't lift.

    Men are so gross.
    Not all men. Mr Tubbs would ask them if they thought that was an appropriate conversation to have in front of ladies. He would also give them his Oprah look. He's braver than me. I'd think of something smart and withering to say 20 minutes later.

    not to be contrary or anything, but i don't see the issue with their conversation. 2 adults were having a conversation, in the vicinity of other adults. I don't see how discussing toilet habits or scabs impacts family values? You overhear all sorts of conversations, in all sorts of places. Its up to you if you're going to be offended by it, but really, what does being offended achieve? (Check out Steve Hughes - offended on youtube).

    And i really don't go for the idea that ladies are fragile wall flowers with delicate constitutions and ears.

    and presumably, if you're hanging out in the weights room, the guys are giving you the kudos of being strong individuals, not likely to be offended by a few words, which were not addressed to you?

    I agree. While I'd think it was a bit gross, I wouldn't be personally offended by it.

    And I especially agree with the bolded.
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    So I have now tried all the Quest bars I wanted to try.

    Cookie dough, chocolate peanut butter and cookies and creme are my faves. White chocolate raspberry was good too. Not a single one was gross and I never felt like I had to choke one down. This is a new staple for me.

    Ha! Another convert! My mission to win over the world, one Quest bar at a time. Now if you would just LOVE the Lemon Cream Pie flavor, I would be one step closer... ;)

    I'm so jealous that everyone but me get to eat Quest bars :'( Anyone want to buy me a box of them for my birthday? :D

    Can I ship to Saudi Arabia? What are the dynamics of that? When is your birthday (I know Oct but what date)? You'll have to send me your address in a message. I might not send Quest bars but I might want to send a card.... ! Or something. :)

    That's what I was thinking too - a card or something. Susie do you want birthday cards from all over?

    Edit: and maybe some honey nut Cheerios?

    Oooh what a lovely idea! we could have a birthdays thread and send cards.

    oh oh oh and secret santa!

    Yes yes yes yes all of this yes! I am a sucker for getting random stuff and sending stuff in the mail lol

    I'm in! should this be something started in the bat cave?

    @Glinda1971 started something, so now the question is do we all send stuff on birthday or "Christmas time"
  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I went through my friends list and deleted people that I've had no interaction with. 2 of these people I know in real life. What is the point of being friends with someone if they NEVER comment on anything you post?! I need interactive friends.

    I'm interactive, I swear! Just busy!

    And apparently a bit worried Mo will delete you! :)

    Of course! :'(

    Never gonna happen, quik! I was even talking about you this weekend, referring to you as "my friend who lives in Iowa". I also mentioned @pofoster21, in regards to her taking us horseback riding and on a tour of NYC.

    I am your friend in NJ and I am looking forward to it! We can go visit my Mom in East Hampton and go to Montauk and go riding on the beach!

    Can I come too? I promise to take good care of the horses and to be totally excited about Broadway. :D

    Of course! All are welcome!

    Me me me too!

    I love horses, love cats (and speak fluent cat) and I'd be over the moon to see NY and Broadway. (pick me, pick me!)

    Hey you guys,just need,to show up. Just don't blow all my vacation time.... or show up all at once. :)

    Party at POF's!! Count me in. I'd love to see NYC (I want to go to a Broadway show!!) AND go riding/exploring more out in nature in NJ or wherever.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I started SL 5x5 last night with Mr. Mo. He didn't even try to weasel out of it and that made me so happy. I was able to talk one of our friends that lifts into helping us so we made sure our form was correct and we knew how to do each lift properly. I felt VERY out of place in the weight room because everyone else knew what they were doing and didn't have a "coach". Anywho, he was very encouraging and helpful and I'm glad he was there.

    We took our measurements last night and I'm sad about mine. My waist measured 31" across my belly button, (I've been bloated lately, so I'm not sure how accurate that really was) my hips are 37.5, biceps are both 10" while my quads are 19.5", (I think) and my calves are I think 15". Not sure what "healthy" measurements for someone 5'7 should be.

    The DOMS are strong with this one this morning. Especially my neck from where the bar was resting during my squats. I feel bruised.

    I enjoyed the lifting, but more than that, I enjoyed spending time with my honey.

    You are lucky Mr. Mo lifts with you. I get my husband to spot me occasionally and help put the bar in place for squats until I get a power rack. I may have to encourage him to participate too.

    I asked him on our way home if he had fun/enjoyed himself and he say yes, so that is a MAJOR victory in and of itself. He's been avoiding the Y like the plague for several years even though we were still paying for the membership. He did tell me he doesn't want to work out in the mornings before work, he'd rather work out in the evenings when he's already sweaty from work. Either way, as long as we're doing it, I'm happy. Honestly, I was really relieved when he said he didn't want to work out in the morning.

    I thought for sure I would be super hungry when we were done, but I had to nearly force myself to eat a protein bar. I was SO TIRED and slept good except for the 3 times I got up during the night to pee.

  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    My loans finally showed up! Yay! I'll be going to get my books on Friday!

    Count me in for the birthday/Christmas cards too! We give cards every year for Christmas lol! Btw, my birthday just so happens to be on October 4th.. :wink:
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I tried to take daughter to the weight room and show her it is not a scary place.... (FAIL)

    So it was more crowded than normal. Our gym is a club and is very family friendly and welcoming...except, it appears, the weight room. There were two other women in there and the rest guys of various ages.

    I start lifting and daughter comes to hang out with me. Right next to us a loud conversation started:

    Middle age man # 1 "How is your injury?"

    Middle age man #2 "It is ok, they have me full of antibiotics. I was taking a (SH word for pooh) and sitting on the toilet and pulled a scab off and nearly passed out."

    Me in my head (Really? You are established adults paying good money for this membership that stresses family values and a safe place and you loudly describe this when it is very clear there are four ladies within 10 feet of you?!?!?)

    Needless to say daughter did not participate in lifting weights last night. I wish I could have a private conversation with those men about appropriate conversation in public areas. Daughter admitted that the conversation was part of why she didn't lift.

    Men are so gross.
    Not all men. Mr Tubbs would ask them if they thought that was an appropriate conversation to have in front of ladies. He would also give them his Oprah look. He's braver than me. I'd think of something smart and withering to say 20 minutes later.

    not to be contrary or anything, but i don't see the issue with their conversation. 2 adults were having a conversation, in the vicinity of other adults. I don't see how discussing toilet habits or scabs impacts family values? You overhear all sorts of conversations, in all sorts of places. Its up to you if you're going to be offended by it, but really, what does being offended achieve? (Check out Steve Hughes - offended on youtube).

    And i really don't go for the idea that ladies are fragile wall flowers with delicate constitutions and ears.

    and presumably, if you're hanging out in the weights room, the guys are giving you the kudos of being strong individuals, not likely to be offended by a few words, which were not addressed to you?
    Ah, I think I might have misunderstood the original post. I took it that the man's 'injury' was an STD and that he was talking about picking scabs off his wotsit. That struck me as a particularly unpleasant conversation to be having in mixed company.
    No, you were right the first time the implication (tones used by the men) were STD. The actual words were not, but the in person tone there was STD or similar. I personally was not offended however I was annoyed. I am around men in a male dominated field all day long. I have heard a lot and it does not generally bother me, although I do train my staff about appropriate times/places. I purposefully budget to be a member of a club where social niceties and manners and, yes, minding your language in front of women and children are expected. I choose to drive farther and pay a whole lot extra to be this environment. I do this especially so my daughter who is sensitive feels comfortable to work out. Is it the end of the world? Not at all. Will I get my daughter back into the weight room? Probably not for a long time. :neutral: That is what I am annoyed with.

    Edited for punctuation

    Unfortunately being able to pay more for a gym doesn't mean a person has good manners!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    *post boyfriend update*

    so that's the end of that.

    after a solid month of seeing each other almost every. single. day. and him making the point to "be exclusive," dude decided that "i don't think that this is working for me."

    i got about three hours of sleep last night, they weren't concurrent either. so apologies for the rambles.
    first he said it was because *i* wanted too much commitment, to which i kindly reminded him that *he* was the one that wanted to be exclusive, then he just said that he wasn't sure if i was the *one* for him.
    i do know that a lil more than a week ago, his ex-wife from six years ago reached out to him to try and rekindle things. he initially said he wasn't interested, maybe that changed?
    or he simply just panicked and fled.
    same end result.

    i'd be lying if i said i wasn't devastated. and this is probably stupid of me too, but i really, honestly, thought he was the one for me. finally after all the horrors, and downright brutal treatment i endured both physically and emotionally...i thought it was actually my turn to be happy.
    i'd also be lying if i said i wasn't furious with myself for allowing myself to get so involved and excited and be so foolish.
    i should know better.
    i do know better.

    i think i'm just going to take a break from everything for a while.
    my brain keeps flashing this lil image of a tiny hand setting a brick on a wall that's slowly being finished.

    *ETA* can i also add how ridiculously embarrassed i am about all of this?

    Want me to take him out for ya? I know a guy.

    That sucks hard. I'm so sorry.

    I expected this(see bolded) from @Italian_Buju..... :lol:

    Hahahaaha!! I thought the same thing, when I saw that, I was gonna write: "I have an Uncle Guido ;) "

    I bet your Uncle Guido and my cousin Bubba could handle this guy with their eyes closed.

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    stacynoell wrote: »
    I undereat all the time. I almost get "high" off cardio and burn 500-600 calories per cardio session. But I don't increase my calories, so my weight loss is stalling...I have to retrain my brain to go ahead and eat. Most of the time I am not hungry...I used to weigh 262, but now I weigh 180, but I still see the fat girl in my head, so I stick to about 1500 calories even if I work out and burn 1000... :'(

    @stacynoell awesome job on losing 82 pounds! Not judging but trying to help so don't take this the wrong way.

    Are you accurately measuring your burns by either using a heart rate monitor or a fitness tracking device like Fitbit, Jawbone, Garmin, etc.? Could you be overestimating your calorie burns?

    Do you weigh your food on a digital food scale that measures in grams, ounces, & pounds? If not then you could be overestimating how much you burn & underestimating how much you're actually eating. Sometimes eyeballing & using measuring cups can be off by a great percentage. Usually when there's a stall it's from eating more than we think.

    Sometimes the exercise machines that measure calorie burns are great overestimated as are the MFP exercise estimations.

    This is very true. :)Usually halving the MyFitnessPal exercise calorie burn is roughly correct. Also, be kind to yourself! <3 Starving your body of the nutrition it needs will give you a lot of unpleasantness down the road. :)


    Um, guys, is this true??

    Not for me. I can eat back at least 3/4 of my exercise and maintain my current weight. Walking is completely accurate. Weightlifting is very close. Dance class and zumba are about 75% of what I actually burn. I don't do those at the high impact that increases calorie burn because of my bad knee. It depends on your individual metabolism.

    I was trying to figure out how to log my calorie burn last night after lifting. I wasn't patient enough to go through all the options. Is there a generic "code" for lifting?

    Strength training.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I tried to take daughter to the weight room and show her it is not a scary place.... (FAIL)

    So it was more crowded than normal. Our gym is a club and is very family friendly and welcoming...except, it appears, the weight room. There were two other women in there and the rest guys of various ages.

    I start lifting and daughter comes to hang out with me. Right next to us a loud conversation started:

    Middle age man # 1 "How is your injury?"

    Middle age man #2 "It is ok, they have me full of antibiotics. I was taking a (SH word for pooh) and sitting on the toilet and pulled a scab off and nearly passed out."

    Me in my head (Really? You are established adults paying good money for this membership that stresses family values and a safe place and you loudly describe this when it is very clear there are four ladies within 10 feet of you?!?!?)

    Needless to say daughter did not participate in lifting weights last night. I wish I could have a private conversation with those men about appropriate conversation in public areas. Daughter admitted that the conversation was part of why she didn't lift.

    Men are so gross.
    Not all men. Mr Tubbs would ask them if they thought that was an appropriate conversation to have in front of ladies. He would also give them his Oprah look. He's braver than me. I'd think of something smart and withering to say 20 minutes later.

    not to be contrary or anything, but i don't see the issue with their conversation. 2 adults were having a conversation, in the vicinity of other adults. I don't see how discussing toilet habits or scabs impacts family values? You overhear all sorts of conversations, in all sorts of places. Its up to you if you're going to be offended by it, but really, what does being offended achieve? (Check out Steve Hughes - offended on youtube).

    And i really don't go for the idea that ladies are fragile wall flowers with delicate constitutions and ears.

    and presumably, if you're hanging out in the weights room, the guys are giving you the kudos of being strong individuals, not likely to be offended by a few words, which were not addressed to you?
    Ah, I think I might have misunderstood the original post. I took it that the man's 'injury' was an STD and that he was talking about picking scabs off his wotsit. That struck me as a particularly unpleasant conversation to be having in mixed company.
    No, you were right the first time the implication (tones used by the men) were STD. The actual words were not, but the in person tone there was STD or similar. I personally was not offended however I was annoyed. I am around men in a male dominated field all day long. I have heard a lot and it does not generally bother me, although I do train my staff about appropriate times/places. I purposefully budget to be a member of a club where social niceties and manners and, yes, minding your language in front of women and children are expected. I choose to drive farther and pay a whole lot extra to be this environment. I do this especially so my daughter who is sensitive feels comfortable to work out. Is it the end of the world? Not at all. Will I get my daughter back into the weight room? Probably not for a long time. :neutral: That is what I am annoyed with.

    Edited for punctuation

    Unfortunately being able to pay more for a gym doesn't mean a person has good manners!

    Very true - I'm not sure of the connection between "expensive" and "good manners" unfortunately. In my experience, it's the wealthiest guys at the fanciest parties who have the filthiest mouths and the worst behaviour...and I say that after years of bartending swanky events.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I started SL 5x5 last night with Mr. Mo. He didn't even try to weasel out of it and that made me so happy. I was able to talk one of our friends that lifts into helping us so we made sure our form was correct and we knew how to do each lift properly. I felt VERY out of place in the weight room because everyone else knew what they were doing and didn't have a "coach". Anywho, he was very encouraging and helpful and I'm glad he was there.

    We took our measurements last night and I'm sad about mine. My waist measured 31" across my belly button, (I've been bloated lately, so I'm not sure how accurate that really was) my hips are 37.5, biceps are both 10" while my quads are 19.5", (I think) and my calves are I think 15". Not sure what "healthy" measurements for someone 5'7 should be.

    The DOMS are strong with this one this morning. Especially my neck from where the bar was resting during my squats. I feel bruised.

    I enjoyed the lifting, but more than that, I enjoyed spending time with my honey.

    For what it's worth, I am 5'7" and my waist is 31" and hips are 40.5. (I am definitely pear-shaped.) Not sure about the rest, I'll measure tonight and let you know.

    Was there no pad for the bar? I don't use it because the Velcro sticks to my ponytail, but my gym has them.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I started SL 5x5 last night with Mr. Mo. He didn't even try to weasel out of it and that made me so happy. I was able to talk one of our friends that lifts into helping us so we made sure our form was correct and we knew how to do each lift properly. I felt VERY out of place in the weight room because everyone else knew what they were doing and didn't have a "coach". Anywho, he was very encouraging and helpful and I'm glad he was there.

    We took our measurements last night and I'm sad about mine. My waist measured 31" across my belly button, (I've been bloated lately, so I'm not sure how accurate that really was) my hips are 37.5, biceps are both 10" while my quads are 19.5", (I think) and my calves are I think 15". Not sure what "healthy" measurements for someone 5'7 should be.

    The DOMS are strong with this one this morning. Especially my neck from where the bar was resting during my squats. I feel bruised.

    I enjoyed the lifting, but more than that, I enjoyed spending time with my honey.

    Your neck will get used to it. The bar (with a pad thing around it) used to leave red hickey-like marks across my shoulders.

    And as for your measurements, I think they sound good. You are smaller than me everywhere, and I'm 5 inches shorter! Lol
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    stacynoell wrote: »
    I undereat all the time. I almost get "high" off cardio and burn 500-600 calories per cardio session. But I don't increase my calories, so my weight loss is stalling...I have to retrain my brain to go ahead and eat. Most of the time I am not hungry...I used to weigh 262, but now I weigh 180, but I still see the fat girl in my head, so I stick to about 1500 calories even if I work out and burn 1000... :'(

    @stacynoell awesome job on losing 82 pounds! Not judging but trying to help so don't take this the wrong way.

    Are you accurately measuring your burns by either using a heart rate monitor or a fitness tracking device like Fitbit, Jawbone, Garmin, etc.? Could you be overestimating your calorie burns?

    Do you weigh your food on a digital food scale that measures in grams, ounces, & pounds? If not then you could be overestimating how much you burn & underestimating how much you're actually eating. Sometimes eyeballing & using measuring cups can be off by a great percentage. Usually when there's a stall it's from eating more than we think.

    Sometimes the exercise machines that measure calorie burns are great overestimated as are the MFP exercise estimations.

    This is very true. :)Usually halving the MyFitnessPal exercise calorie burn is roughly correct. Also, be kind to yourself! <3 Starving your body of the nutrition it needs will give you a lot of unpleasantness down the road. :)


    Um, guys, is this true??

    Trust your Fitbit. The rule for mfp is roughly half, but to reassess how you are losing - too quick, eat back a larger %. If you eat them all back and are losing at the rate you expect to be, that works too.

    I tend to think that As you get more fit, the burns are less accurate. When I was logging exercise on here, I usually tried a couple other calculators to see how close the burn was and it was usually close.

    I try not to eat any exercise calories back at all....I am totally confused now :|

    You don't have to eat them back. I have reached my goal weight and if I don't eat back 75% I start losing again. Since even my daughter says I am wasting away to nothing, I eat them back.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I started SL 5x5 last night with Mr. Mo. He didn't even try to weasel out of it and that made me so happy. I was able to talk one of our friends that lifts into helping us so we made sure our form was correct and we knew how to do each lift properly. I felt VERY out of place in the weight room because everyone else knew what they were doing and didn't have a "coach". Anywho, he was very encouraging and helpful and I'm glad he was there.

    We took our measurements last night and I'm sad about mine. My waist measured 31" across my belly button, (I've been bloated lately, so I'm not sure how accurate that really was) my hips are 37.5, biceps are both 10" while my quads are 19.5", (I think) and my calves are I think 15". Not sure what "healthy" measurements for someone 5'7 should be.

    The DOMS are strong with this one this morning. Especially my neck from where the bar was resting during my squats. I feel bruised.

    I enjoyed the lifting, but more than that, I enjoyed spending time with my honey.

    You are lucky Mr Mo lifts with you. I get my husband to spot me occasionally and help put the bar in place for squats until I get a power rack. I may have to encourage him to participate too.

    I started lifting because Mr. Mel needed a spotter and I got bored. LOL!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I tried to take daughter to the weight room and show her it is not a scary place.... (FAIL)

    So it was more crowded than normal. Our gym is a club and is very family friendly and welcoming...except, it appears, the weight room. There were two other women in there and the rest guys of various ages.

    I start lifting and daughter comes to hang out with me. Right next to us a loud conversation started:

    Middle age man # 1 "How is your injury?"

    Middle age man #2 "It is ok, they have me full of antibiotics. I was taking a (SH word for pooh) and sitting on the toilet and pulled a scab off and nearly passed out."

    Me in my head (Really? You are established adults paying good money for this membership that stresses family values and a safe place and you loudly describe this when it is very clear there are four ladies within 10 feet of you?!?!?)

    Needless to say daughter did not participate in lifting weights last night. I wish I could have a private conversation with those men about appropriate conversation in public areas. Daughter admitted that the conversation was part of why she didn't lift.

    Men are so gross.
    Not all men. Mr Tubbs would ask them if they thought that was an appropriate conversation to have in front of ladies. He would also give them his Oprah look. He's braver than me. I'd think of something smart and withering to say 20 minutes later.

    not to be contrary or anything, but i don't see the issue with their conversation. 2 adults were having a conversation, in the vicinity of other adults. I don't see how discussing toilet habits or scabs impacts family values? You overhear all sorts of conversations, in all sorts of places. Its up to you if you're going to be offended by it, but really, what does being offended achieve? (Check out Steve Hughes - offended on youtube).

    And i really don't go for the idea that ladies are fragile wall flowers with delicate constitutions and ears.

    and presumably, if you're hanging out in the weights room, the guys are giving you the kudos of being strong individuals, not likely to be offended by a few words, which were not addressed to you?

    I agree. While I'd think it was a bit gross, I wouldn't be personally offended by it.

    And I especially agree with the bolded.
    I have three older brothers, grew up in a dairy farm and know how to check a cow for pregnancy. I am not fragile.

    I work in healthcare. For a while I worked in home health. I have seen some deadly gross wounds, but I don't want to hear about them in public.

    And quite frankly, my mama would haunt me if I talked about my toilet habits in public. I am glad for this group, but sometimes I think the internet has eroded good manners in the real world.
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    Yay for starting Stronglifts @MoHousdon & double yay for Mr Mo joining you. I think that would be fun to do with your hubby.

    I confess that today is my birthday and I am usually so excited about it but seemingly not this year and I'm not sure why. I am kind of all over the map today. I started out a little weepy, like I wanted to cry over nothing. Now that I'm at work, lets just say I'm easily irritated. I know what it sounds like and that's a possibility but I'm out of town (at at waterpark no less) this weekend so if it's true that would be...lets call it less than ideal. I was going to bake cookies or something to bring in as a treat but got lazy so I bought fun size candy bars instead. I have had more than my share already. Tuesdays my daughter has swim lessons so we usually have leftovers for dinner but who wants leftovers on their birthday food. I choose Chick-Fil-A. I'm excited about this :)
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    @nonoelmo & @peleroja Really great advice!! Where were you when I was dating? Are we telling stories in the batcave? Because I have a few :) Hang in there @KylerJaye You're such a beautiful, fun and interesting woman!