
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I tried to take daughter to the weight room and show her it is not a scary place.... (FAIL)

    So it was more crowded than normal. Our gym is a club and is very family friendly and welcoming...except, it appears, the weight room. There were two other women in there and the rest guys of various ages.

    I start lifting and daughter comes to hang out with me. Right next to us a loud conversation started:

    Middle age man # 1 "How is your injury?"

    Middle age man #2 "It is ok, they have me full of antibiotics. I was taking a (SH word for pooh) and sitting on the toilet and pulled a scab off and nearly passed out."

    Me in my head (Really? You are established adults paying good money for this membership that stresses family values and a safe place and you loudly describe this when it is very clear there are four ladies within 10 feet of you?!?!?)

    Needless to say daughter did not participate in lifting weights last night. I wish I could have a private conversation with those men about appropriate conversation in public areas. Daughter admitted that the conversation was part of why she didn't lift.

    Men are so gross.

  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    edited August 2015
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I tried to take daughter to the weight room and show her it is not a scary place.... (FAIL)

    So it was more crowded than normal. Our gym is a club and is very family friendly and welcoming...except, it appears, the weight room. There were two other women in there and the rest guys of various ages.

    I start lifting and daughter comes to hang out with me. Right next to us a loud conversation started:

    Middle age man # 1 "How is your injury?"

    Middle age man #2 "It is ok, they have me full of antibiotics. I was taking a (SH word for pooh) and sitting on the toilet and pulled a scab off and nearly passed out."

    Me in my head (Really? You are established adults paying good money for this membership that stresses family values and a safe place and you loudly describe this when it is very clear there are four ladies within 10 feet of you?!?!?)

    Needless to say daughter did not participate in lifting weights last night. I wish I could have a private conversation with those men about appropriate conversation in public areas. Daughter admitted that the conversation was part of why she didn't lift.

    Men are so gross.
    Not all men. Mr Tubbs would ask them if they thought that was an appropriate conversation to have in front of ladies. He would also give them his Oprah look. He's braver than me. I'd think of something smart and withering to say 20 minutes later.

    not to be contrary or anything, but i don't see the issue with their conversation. 2 adults were having a conversation, in the vicinity of other adults. I don't see how discussing toilet habits or scabs impacts family values? You overhear all sorts of conversations, in all sorts of places. Its up to you if you're going to be offended by it, but really, what does being offended achieve? (Check out Steve Hughes - offended on youtube).

    And i really don't go for the idea that ladies are fragile wall flowers with delicate constitutions and ears.

    and presumably, if you're hanging out in the weights room, the guys are giving you the kudos of being strong individuals, not likely to be offended by a few words, which were not addressed to you?

    The issue I had is this is a place that specifically targets a more cultured crowd and is a club not a typical gym. The conversation was at a shout. They were less than five feet from me and daughter. Some people, daughter among them, get woozy with medical descriptions very easily. The conversation was outside of social norms for the setting. I specifically go to this club because it is very friendly toward families working out together.

    ETA. I have seen daughter pass out with not much more than that. May sound ridiculous but she's dropped in the middle of a conversation.

    RTA #2 In the combined years (just rejoined) I've been going there this is the first conversation overheard that has been along those lines. The reason I pay far too much for a membership is because I specifically want a place where my kids feel safe and is not the typical gym or weight room. This place never has a meatmarket or "guys hanging out" feel to it. If I were at Golds (used to be a member in Venice Beach) I'd expect that conversation. If this were any inexpensive gym I'd expect a meat market. So my issue is that that conversation was LOUD, nearby, and way out of the norm for the setting, which is a club and not a gym. A normal toned conversation I probably would not have commented on -- this conversation drew stares from all over the room.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Stopping by randomly to say I am in a meeting where every other word out of this woman's mouth is'super'. She is our new VP of Marketing Communications /Brand. I think it's funny. I wonder if she is one of our friends. ;)
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    Gross/embarrassing confession: At least three times in the last week, the end of my belt has dropped into the toilet water. ARGH. I don't what I am doing different to make this happen.

    That's gross, but it also made me chuckle. Maybe you need a smaller belt?
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    And now i'm kinda drunk and totally rambling. Sorry. But please know, you guys are awesome, and I really appreciate all the support, it's helping me in ways I can't even describe. Thank you all so much

    It's totally okay to be sad if you can fight the self-destructive stuff for the most part (although you have my permission to hit the grief bacon and the bottle for a couple days...just remember that the bad stuff will still be there when the booze is gone.) Watch some sad movies, listen to some sad music, wallow for a few days if you feel like you want to. I'm never ready to get past a breakup until I go through the whole relationship in my head and make a bunch of circular arguments with myself a few times, personally, so I can thoroughly exhaust the topic mentally and get sick of thinking of it. Then I'm ready to wash my hair, put on some pants, and bury myself in something productive, but a little time first is totally expected.

    You're going to be okay. Great. Super great, even.
    You have a lot of SUPER GREAT advice this afternoon, @peleroja! Seriously.
    @KylerJaye, you also have our permission to sweep stuff off desks.

    I'm so unbelievably happy the gifs are back! I love this angry panda!

  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    And now i'm kinda drunk and totally rambling. Sorry. But please know, you guys are awesome, and I really appreciate all the support, it's helping me in ways I can't even describe. Thank you all so much

    It's totally okay to be sad if you can fight the self-destructive stuff for the most part (although you have my permission to hit the grief bacon and the bottle for a couple days...just remember that the bad stuff will still be there when the booze is gone.) Watch some sad movies, listen to some sad music, wallow for a few days if you feel like you want to. I'm never ready to get past a breakup until I go through the whole relationship in my head and make a bunch of circular arguments with myself a few times, personally, so I can thoroughly exhaust the topic mentally and get sick of thinking of it. Then I'm ready to wash my hair, put on some pants, and bury myself in something productive, but a little time first is totally expected.

    You're going to be okay. Great. Super great, even.
    You have a lot of SUPER GREAT advice this afternoon, @peleroja! Seriously.
    @KylerJaye, you also have our permission to sweep stuff off desks.

    omg, i need a panda suit. NOW.
    i would wreck this place.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    So I have now tried all the Quest bars I wanted to try.

    Cookie dough, chocolate peanut butter and cookies and creme are my faves. White chocolate raspberry was good too. Not a single one was gross and I never felt like I had to choke one down. This is a new staple for me.

    I'm so happy you liked all of them. :) I love the cookie ones too.

    Try the cookies and cream one out of the freezer. Game changer. I will not eat them any other way from now on.

    I am going to buy more bars tomorrow cuz I am down to a half dozen ( :# )
    Do you just put it in there for a bit or full out freeze it and eat it straight out of the freezer?

    I've never had it frozen, just from the fridge after being there all day during work. Freezing it would probably be really yummy too. Try it both ways and let me know which is better. I'm down to my last bar today which just so happens to be cookies and cream. It is in the work fridge as we speak. :smiley:

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    Wytcher9 wrote: »
    I confess that I ate all the fried cheese sticks with marinara sauce ordered on Saturday night. I had accounted for a certain number in my food diary before sharing the balance with everyone else. But I couldn't help myself - gobbled the entire order. I have recommitted myself to staying on the path to healthy eating.

    Fried cheese is the devil.

  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    The weekend was amazing, got to see family and play Bubble Soccer! I ate like crap all weekend and I realized I am losing my motivation (a month and a bit before my half amrathon), someone find my motivate please! :/

    What is bubble soccer?

    This is bubble soccer! Essentially free reign to tackle someone without hurting them, at one point I was stuck upside down with my feet in the air thankfully my brother was "nice enough" to knock me back over haha
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    The weekend was amazing, got to see family and play Bubble Soccer! I ate like crap all weekend and I realized I am losing my motivation (a month and a bit before my half amrathon), someone find my motivate please! :/

    What is bubble soccer?

    This is bubble soccer! Essentially free reign to tackle someone without hurting them, at one point I was stuck upside down with my feet in the air thankfully my brother was "nice enough" to knock me back over haha

    That looks like so much fun! :D
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    So I have now tried all the Quest bars I wanted to try.

    Cookie dough, chocolate peanut butter and cookies and creme are my faves. White chocolate raspberry was good too. Not a single one was gross and I never felt like I had to choke one down. This is a new staple for me.

    Ha! Another convert! My mission to win over the world, one Quest bar at a time. Now if you would just LOVE the Lemon Cream Pie flavor, I would be one step closer... ;)

    I'm so jealous that everyone but me get to eat Quest bars :'( Anyone want to buy me a box of them for my birthday? :D

    Can I ship to Saudi Arabia? What are the dynamics of that? When is your birthday (I know Oct but what date)? You'll have to send me your address in a message. I might not send Quest bars but I might want to send a card.... ! Or something. :)

    That's what I was thinking too - a card or something. Susie do you want birthday cards from all over?

    Edit: and maybe some honey nut Cheerios?

    Oooh what a lovely idea! we could have a birthdays thread and send cards.

    oh oh oh and secret santa!

    Yes yes yes yes all of this yes! I am a sucker for getting random stuff and sending stuff in the mail lol
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I tried to take daughter to the weight room and show her it is not a scary place.... (FAIL)

    So it was more crowded than normal. Our gym is a club and is very family friendly and welcoming...except, it appears, the weight room. There were two other women in there and the rest guys of various ages.

    I start lifting and daughter comes to hang out with me. Right next to us a loud conversation started:

    Middle age man # 1 "How is your injury?"

    Middle age man #2 "It is ok, they have me full of antibiotics. I was taking a (SH word for pooh) and sitting on the toilet and pulled a scab off and nearly passed out."

    Me in my head (Really? You are established adults paying good money for this membership that stresses family values and a safe place and you loudly describe this when it is very clear there are four ladies within 10 feet of you?!?!?)

    Needless to say daughter did not participate in lifting weights last night. I wish I could have a private conversation with those men about appropriate conversation in public areas. Daughter admitted that the conversation was part of why she didn't lift.

    Men are so gross.

    Some are, certainly. Some have other issues too.

    However some men are refined and polite.

    My SO is the latter.

    I knew I would get a reaction to that generalization. Ohh... and I have an Oprah "look" too. I have been told that. :)

    Apparently I do to. I'm been told I speak with my eyes.
    SO knows when to stop the conversation without me saying ANYTHING

    My team does too. :)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I tried to take daughter to the weight room and show her it is not a scary place.... (FAIL)

    So it was more crowded than normal. Our gym is a club and is very family friendly and welcoming...except, it appears, the weight room. There were two other women in there and the rest guys of various ages.

    I start lifting and daughter comes to hang out with me. Right next to us a loud conversation started:

    Middle age man # 1 "How is your injury?"

    Middle age man #2 "It is ok, they have me full of antibiotics. I was taking a (SH word for pooh) and sitting on the toilet and pulled a scab off and nearly passed out."

    Me in my head (Really? You are established adults paying good money for this membership that stresses family values and a safe place and you loudly describe this when it is very clear there are four ladies within 10 feet of you?!?!?)

    Needless to say daughter did not participate in lifting weights last night. I wish I could have a private conversation with those men about appropriate conversation in public areas. Daughter admitted that the conversation was part of why she didn't lift.

    Men are so gross.
    Not all men. Mr Tubbs would ask them if they thought that was an appropriate conversation to have in front of ladies. He would also give them his Oprah look. He's braver than me. I'd think of something smart and withering to say 20 minutes later.

    not to be contrary or anything, but i don't see the issue with their conversation. 2 adults were having a conversation, in the vicinity of other adults. I don't see how discussing toilet habits or scabs impacts family values? You overhear all sorts of conversations, in all sorts of places. Its up to you if you're going to be offended by it, but really, what does being offended achieve? (Check out Steve Hughes - offended on youtube).

    And i really don't go for the idea that ladies are fragile wall flowers with delicate constitutions and ears.

    and presumably, if you're hanging out in the weights room, the guys are giving you the kudos of being strong individuals, not likely to be offended by a few words, which were not addressed to you?

    Bathroom habits should not be discussed publicly. IMHO. But then remember I hate bathroom humor and movies with that kind of humor. I tend to ignore comments in here about bodily functions as well. :)
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    *post boyfriend update*

    so that's the end of that.

    after a solid month of seeing each other almost every. single. day. and him making the point to "be exclusive," dude decided that "i don't think that this is working for me."

    i got about three hours of sleep last night, they weren't concurrent either. so apologies for the rambles.
    first he said it was because *i* wanted too much commitment, to which i kindly reminded him that *he* was the one that wanted to be exclusive, then he just said that he wasn't sure if i was the *one* for him.
    i do know that a lil more than a week ago, his ex-wife from six years ago reached out to him to try and rekindle things. he initially said he wasn't interested, maybe that changed?
    or he simply just panicked and fled.
    same end result.

    i'd be lying if i said i wasn't devastated. and this is probably stupid of me too, but i really, honestly, thought he was the one for me. finally after all the horrors, and downright brutal treatment i endured both physically and emotionally...i thought it was actually my turn to be happy.
    i'd also be lying if i said i wasn't furious with myself for allowing myself to get so involved and excited and be so foolish.
    i should know better.
    i do know better.

    i think i'm just going to take a break from everything for a while.
    my brain keeps flashing this lil image of a tiny hand setting a brick on a wall that's slowly being finished.

    *ETA* can i also add how ridiculously embarrassed i am about all of this?

    Want me to take him out for ya? I know a guy.

    That sucks hard. I'm so sorry.

    I expected this(see bolded) from @Italian_Buju..... :lol:

    Hahahaaha!! I thought the same thing, when I saw that, I was gonna write: "I have an Uncle Guido ;) "
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Ok, so everyone can ignore my earlier whiny post and be proud of me for taking off the cranky pants!

    Despite being lazy and feeling bloated, I did my run- 9 miles and went for our 4ish mile walk. Now, I will go and horrify everyone at the restaurant when they see just how much pizza I can eat at their buffet! Weeeee!!!! that's 13 miles! Go on and eat your pizza!


    Oh, trust me..I ate an obscene amount of food...definitely got more than my money's worth! One more bite and my husband would have been rolling me out of there!!!
    I'll get one more walk in putting me over 20 miles for the day...but by my guesstimations on the food today, I will still be over my calories!!! :blush:
    That's with a small breakfast..and no plans for dinner because there's no room in this body for anything but water at this point!!!
    ETA: @kellyjellybellyjelly, I'm not sure I could choose a favorite. They're awesome there! I'm vegetarian and they asked me what pizza I wanted them to make for the buffet..because they had so many meat ones prepared!! It was so nice of them to ask...I didn't know what to say so I just told them any veggie ones.
    The ones they made for little ole me included:
    plain cheese
    Portobello mushroom, spinach, & feta
    Tomato, spinach, olive, and feta
    Green peppers and onions

    Out of embarrassment, I refuse to say how many slices I ate...but I also had greek salad and pasta salad!!!

    Fello vegetarian here and these sound amazing! (Why does Fello look wrong. Felo? Feloo? Fellow? Ahhh its Fellow! (no squiggly line under it!).

    This made me smile!

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Ok, so everyone can ignore my earlier whiny post and be proud of me for taking off the cranky pants!

    Despite being lazy and feeling bloated, I did my run- 9 miles and went for our 4ish mile walk. Now, I will go and horrify everyone at the restaurant when they see just how much pizza I can eat at their buffet! Weeeee!!!! that's 13 miles! Go on and eat your pizza!


    Oh, trust me..I ate an obscene amount of food...definitely got more than my money's worth! One more bite and my husband would have been rolling me out of there!!!
    I'll get one more walk in putting me over 20 miles for the day...but by my guesstimations on the food today, I will still be over my calories!!! :blush:
    That's with a small breakfast..and no plans for dinner because there's no room in this body for anything but water at this point!!!
    ETA: @kellyjellybellyjelly, I'm not sure I could choose a favorite. They're awesome there! I'm vegetarian and they asked me what pizza I wanted them to make for the buffet..because they had so many meat ones prepared!! It was so nice of them to ask...I didn't know what to say so I just told them any veggie ones.
    The ones they made for little ole me included:
    plain cheese
    Portobello mushroom, spinach, & feta
    Tomato, spinach, olive, and feta
    Green peppers and onions

    Out of embarrassment, I refuse to say how many slices I ate...but I also had greek salad and pasta salad!!!

    Fello vegetarian here and these sound amazing! (Why does Fello look wrong. Felo? Feloo? Fellow? Ahhh its Fellow! (no squiggly line under it!).

    They were!! Hence why I ate so darn's the next day at 4:00am and I am honestly still not hungry! I can't wait to see how sandpapery my skin feels after my run this morning...I'd be scared to know the true amount of sodium that I had yesterday... :grimace:

    And @Italian_Buju, I won't how many slices...but I ate 3 slices more than my husband!!!!

    Come on, we are all friends here!! LOL It's ok, I am only teasing you! Impressive though that you out ate him!
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @KylerJaye I am so sorry! Maybe he got cold feet on how fast you guys were moving (even though he instigated it) or maybe he just realized a commitment wasn't what he wanted, or even to your point the ex. Either way, its his problem and his loss. You don't have to feel embarrassed. I would be most of us on this thread have been there before. To be honest, this is one of the reasons I avoid dating completely, I got way too tied up/committed too quickly if I like a guy and get my heart broken. It just means your human, sensitive, and caring. Those are all positive attributes. So, grieve for a while but there are other (lots of other) fish in the sea that will LOVE to be with you. You just need to find the right one. And if you keep looking you will some day.

    And we look forward to your next dating adventure. Don't be the least bit embarrassed!

    I'm pretty sure I'm going to not date anymore if my current relationship doesn't work out. I am the same as you and I fall in love/commit too fast and hard. I am very emotional too. I sometimes think it would be easier to just avoid that. Plus, you seem like you are free to do things at any time (travel etc). I love that!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    stacynoell wrote: »
    I undereat all the time. I almost get "high" off cardio and burn 500-600 calories per cardio session. But I don't increase my calories, so my weight loss is stalling...I have to retrain my brain to go ahead and eat. Most of the time I am not hungry...I used to weigh 262, but now I weigh 180, but I still see the fat girl in my head, so I stick to about 1500 calories even if I work out and burn 1000... :'(

    @stacynoell awesome job on losing 82 pounds! Not judging but trying to help so don't take this the wrong way.

    Are you accurately measuring your burns by either using a heart rate monitor or a fitness tracking device like Fitbit, Jawbone, Garmin, etc.? Could you be overestimating your calorie burns?

    Do you weigh your food on a digital food scale that measures in grams, ounces, & pounds? If not then you could be overestimating how much you burn & underestimating how much you're actually eating. Sometimes eyeballing & using measuring cups can be off by a great percentage. Usually when there's a stall it's from eating more than we think.

    Sometimes the exercise machines that measure calorie burns are great overestimated as are the MFP exercise estimations.

    This is very true. :)Usually halving the MyFitnessPal exercise calorie burn is roughly correct. Also, be kind to yourself! <3 Starving your body of the nutrition it needs will give you a lot of unpleasantness down the road. :)


    Um, guys, is this true??

    Not for me. I can eat back at least 3/4 of my exercise and maintain my current weight. Walking is completely accurate. Weightlifting is very close. Dance class and zumba are about 75% of what I actually burn. I don't do those at the high impact that increases calorie burn because of my bad knee. It depends on your individual metabolism.

    I was trying to figure out how to log my calorie burn last night after lifting. I wasn't patient enough to go through all the options. Is there a generic "code" for lifting?

  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I tried to take daughter to the weight room and show her it is not a scary place.... (FAIL)

    So it was more crowded than normal. Our gym is a club and is very family friendly and welcoming...except, it appears, the weight room. There were two other women in there and the rest guys of various ages.

    I start lifting and daughter comes to hang out with me. Right next to us a loud conversation started:

    Middle age man # 1 "How is your injury?"

    Middle age man #2 "It is ok, they have me full of antibiotics. I was taking a (SH word for pooh) and sitting on the toilet and pulled a scab off and nearly passed out."

    Me in my head (Really? You are established adults paying good money for this membership that stresses family values and a safe place and you loudly describe this when it is very clear there are four ladies within 10 feet of you?!?!?)

    Needless to say daughter did not participate in lifting weights last night. I wish I could have a private conversation with those men about appropriate conversation in public areas. Daughter admitted that the conversation was part of why she didn't lift.

    Men are so gross.
    Not all men. Mr Tubbs would ask them if they thought that was an appropriate conversation to have in front of ladies. He would also give them his Oprah look. He's braver than me. I'd think of something smart and withering to say 20 minutes later.

    not to be contrary or anything, but i don't see the issue with their conversation. 2 adults were having a conversation, in the vicinity of other adults. I don't see how discussing toilet habits or scabs impacts family values? You overhear all sorts of conversations, in all sorts of places. Its up to you if you're going to be offended by it, but really, what does being offended achieve? (Check out Steve Hughes - offended on youtube).

    And i really don't go for the idea that ladies are fragile wall flowers with delicate constitutions and ears.

    and presumably, if you're hanging out in the weights room, the guys are giving you the kudos of being strong individuals, not likely to be offended by a few words, which were not addressed to you?

    Bathroom habits should not be discussed publicly. IMHO. But then remember I hate bathroom humor and movies with that kind of humor. I tend to ignore comments in here about bodily functions as well. :)

    I have the same point of view. I don't like bathroom humor either.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    stacynoell wrote: »
    I undereat all the time. I almost get "high" off cardio and burn 500-600 calories per cardio session. But I don't increase my calories, so my weight loss is stalling...I have to retrain my brain to go ahead and eat. Most of the time I am not hungry...I used to weigh 262, but now I weigh 180, but I still see the fat girl in my head, so I stick to about 1500 calories even if I work out and burn 1000... :'(

    @stacynoell awesome job on losing 82 pounds! Not judging but trying to help so don't take this the wrong way.

    Are you accurately measuring your burns by either using a heart rate monitor or a fitness tracking device like Fitbit, Jawbone, Garmin, etc.? Could you be overestimating your calorie burns?

    Do you weigh your food on a digital food scale that measures in grams, ounces, & pounds? If not then you could be overestimating how much you burn & underestimating how much you're actually eating. Sometimes eyeballing & using measuring cups can be off by a great percentage. Usually when there's a stall it's from eating more than we think.

    Sometimes the exercise machines that measure calorie burns are great overestimated as are the MFP exercise estimations.

    This is very true. :)Usually halving the MyFitnessPal exercise calorie burn is roughly correct. Also, be kind to yourself! <3 Starving your body of the nutrition it needs will give you a lot of unpleasantness down the road. :)


    Um, guys, is this true??

    Not for everyone, and no offence to Susie, but it really irritates me the way this gets bandied about the forums as if it's Gospel. There are quite a few people who find it overestimates burn, but personally I found that when I got my HRM, a lot of the counts were actually pretty close to what MFP had given me. I've seen other people on my friends list say the same, and some even say they're a bit on the low side.

    I find this to be true when I enter my burn from what my HRM is telling me. I always have to adjust it up.