

  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    edited August 2015
    I know
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I tried to take daughter to the weight room and show her it is not a scary place.... (FAIL)

    So it was more crowded than normal. Our gym is a club and is very family friendly and welcoming...except, it appears, the weight room. There were two other women in there and the rest guys of various ages.

    I start lifting and daughter comes to hang out with me. Right next to us a loud conversation started:

    Middle age man # 1 "How is your injury?"

    Middle age man #2 "It is ok, they have me full of antibiotics. I was taking a (SH word for pooh) and sitting on the toilet and pulled a scab off and nearly passed out."

    Me in my head (Really? You are established adults paying good money for this membership that stresses family values and a safe place and you loudly describe this when it is very clear there are four ladies within 10 feet of you?!?!?)

    Needless to say daughter did not participate in lifting weights last night. I wish I could have a private conversation with those men about appropriate conversation in public areas. Daughter admitted that the conversation was part of why she didn't lift.

    Men are so gross.
    Not all men. Mr Tubbs would ask them if they thought that was an appropriate conversation to have in front of ladies. He would also give them his Oprah look. He's braver than me. I'd think of something smart and withering to say 20 minutes later.

    not to be contrary or anything, but i don't see the issue with their conversation. 2 adults were having a conversation, in the vicinity of other adults. I don't see how discussing toilet habits or scabs impacts family values? You overhear all sorts of conversations, in all sorts of places. Its up to you if you're going to be offended by it, but really, what does being offended achieve? (Check out Steve Hughes - offended on youtube).

    And i really don't go for the idea that ladies are fragile wall flowers with delicate constitutions and ears.

    and presumably, if you're hanging out in the weights room, the guys are giving you the kudos of being strong individuals, not likely to be offended by a few words, which were not addressed to you?
    Ah, I think I might have misunderstood the original post. I took it that the man's 'injury' was an STD and that he was talking about picking scabs off his wotsit. That struck me as a particularly unpleasant conversation to be having in mixed company.
    No, you were right the first time the implication (tones used by the men) were STD. The actual words were not, but the in person tone there was STD or similar. I personally was not offended however I was annoyed. I am around men in a male dominated field all day long. I have heard a lot and it does not generally bother me, although I do train my staff about appropriate times/places. I purposefully budget to be a member of a club where social niceties and manners and, yes, minding your language in front of women and children are expected. I choose to drive farther and pay a whole lot extra to be this environment. I do this especially so my daughter who is sensitive feels comfortable to work out. Is it the end of the world? Not at all. Will I get my daughter back into the weight room? Probably not for a long time. :neutral: That is what I am annoyed with.

    Edited for punctuation

    Unfortunately being able to pay more for a gym doesn't mean a person has good manners!
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I tried to take daughter to the weight room and show her it is not a scary place.... (FAIL)

    So it was more crowded than normal. Our gym is a club and is very family friendly and welcoming...except, it appears, the weight room. There were two other women in there and the rest guys of various ages.

    I start lifting and daughter comes to hang out with me. Right next to us a loud conversation started:

    Middle age man # 1 "How is your injury?"

    Middle age man #2 "It is ok, they have me full of antibiotics. I was taking a (SH word for pooh) and sitting on the toilet and pulled a scab off and nearly passed out."

    Me in my head (Really? You are established adults paying good money for this membership that stresses family values and a safe place and you loudly describe this when it is very clear there are four ladies within 10 feet of you?!?!?)

    Needless to say daughter did not participate in lifting weights last night. I wish I could have a private conversation with those men about appropriate conversation in public areas. Daughter admitted that the conversation was part of why she didn't lift.

    Men are so gross.
    Not all men. Mr Tubbs would ask them if they thought that was an appropriate conversation to have in front of ladies. He would also give them his Oprah look. He's braver than me. I'd think of something smart and withering to say 20 minutes later.

    not to be contrary or anything, but i don't see the issue with their conversation. 2 adults were having a conversation, in the vicinity of other adults. I don't see how discussing toilet habits or scabs impacts family values? You overhear all sorts of conversations, in all sorts of places. Its up to you if you're going to be offended by it, but really, what does being offended achieve? (Check out Steve Hughes - offended on youtube).

    And i really don't go for the idea that ladies are fragile wall flowers with delicate constitutions and ears.

    and presumably, if you're hanging out in the weights room, the guys are giving you the kudos of being strong individuals, not likely to be offended by a few words, which were not addressed to you?
    Ah, I think I might have misunderstood the original post. I took it that the man's 'injury' was an STD and that he was talking about picking scabs off his wotsit. That struck me as a particularly unpleasant conversation to be having in mixed company.
    No, you were right the first time the implication (tones used by the men) were STD. The actual words were not, but the in person tone there was STD or similar. I personally was not offended however I was annoyed. I am around men in a male dominated field all day long. I have heard a lot and it does not generally bother me, although I do train my staff about appropriate times/places. I purposefully budget to be a member of a club where social niceties and manners and, yes, minding your language in front of women and children are expected. I choose to drive farther and pay a whole lot extra to be this environment. I do this especially so my daughter who is sensitive feels comfortable to work out. Is it the end of the world? Not at all. Will I get my daughter back into the weight room? Probably not for a long time. :neutral: That is what I am annoyed with.

    Edited for punctuation

    Unfortunately being able to pay more for a gym doesn't mean a person has good manners!

    True, but this is a place, not a gym but a social club, where good manners are expected and are the norm. These men were by far the exception. Most of all I'm disappointed that my daughter was so grossed out she will avoid the weight room.

    Ok, I did something weird with the quotes (started on my phone then switched to computer.)

    My point is I went to a place where people feeling safe is promoted, where good manners are promoted. This club is owned by an elderly woman and I have seen people from infants to elderly all hang out together here. It is a great place. It is more than I like to pay but because it is supposedly and mostly a haven from rudeness I pay more. Wealth does not equal manners (I agree @peleroja - I know that too :smile: ) but when a place is supposed to be a place where there are not these types of conversations, when a the norm of this specific place was violated and because it negatively impacted my daughter I am annoyed.

    Again, this is not the end of the world - Daughter will just avoid this weight room for a number of months but she will go to the classes and the cardio rooms and the other facilities. However, I'm disappointed that the two men who really do know better felt the need to share so much.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    And now i'm kinda drunk and totally rambling. Sorry. But please know, you guys are awesome, and I really appreciate all the support, it's helping me in ways I can't even describe. Thank you all so much

    I have a break-up songs playlist I can send you if you like. It starts off with the sad, sappy stuff then moves to the more empowering stuff. My personal favorite is Cake's version of I will survive (has some swearing). Love that song!!! I will play it here loudly shortly in honor of you. I do believe it is on YouTube too. :smiley:

    the cake version is really cute.
    a playlist would be awesome, thank you!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Yay for starting Stronglifts @MoHousdon & double yay for Mr Mo joining you. I think that would be fun to do with your hubby.

    I confess that today is my birthday and I am usually so excited about it but seemingly not this year and I'm not sure why. I am kind of all over the map today. I started out a little weepy, like I wanted to cry over nothing. Now that I'm at work, lets just say I'm easily irritated. I know what it sounds like and that's a possibility but I'm out of town (at at waterpark no less) this weekend so if it's true that would be...lets call it less than ideal. I was going to bake cookies or something to bring in as a treat but got lazy so I bought fun size candy bars instead. I have had more than my share already. Tuesdays my daughter has swim lessons so we usually have leftovers for dinner but who wants leftovers on their birthday food. I choose Chick-Fil-A. I'm excited about this :)

    Happy birthday! I usually get super excited about my birthday too but the last couple of years not so much. :(

    Try and enjoy the day.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I tried to take daughter to the weight room and show her it is not a scary place.... (FAIL)

    So it was more crowded than normal. Our gym is a club and is very family friendly and welcoming...except, it appears, the weight room. There were two other women in there and the rest guys of various ages.

    I start lifting and daughter comes to hang out with me. Right next to us a loud conversation started:

    Middle age man # 1 "How is your injury?"

    Middle age man #2 "It is ok, they have me full of antibiotics. I was taking a (SH word for pooh) and sitting on the toilet and pulled a scab off and nearly passed out."

    Me in my head (Really? You are established adults paying good money for this membership that stresses family values and a safe place and you loudly describe this when it is very clear there are four ladies within 10 feet of you?!?!?)

    Needless to say daughter did not participate in lifting weights last night. I wish I could have a private conversation with those men about appropriate conversation in public areas. Daughter admitted that the conversation was part of why she didn't lift.

    Men are so gross.
    Not all men. Mr Tubbs would ask them if they thought that was an appropriate conversation to have in front of ladies. He would also give them his Oprah look. He's braver than me. I'd think of something smart and withering to say 20 minutes later.

    not to be contrary or anything, but i don't see the issue with their conversation. 2 adults were having a conversation, in the vicinity of other adults. I don't see how discussing toilet habits or scabs impacts family values? You overhear all sorts of conversations, in all sorts of places. Its up to you if you're going to be offended by it, but really, what does being offended achieve? (Check out Steve Hughes - offended on youtube).

    And i really don't go for the idea that ladies are fragile wall flowers with delicate constitutions and ears.

    and presumably, if you're hanging out in the weights room, the guys are giving you the kudos of being strong individuals, not likely to be offended by a few words, which were not addressed to you?

    I agree. While I'd think it was a bit gross, I wouldn't be personally offended by it.

    And I especially agree with the bolded.
    I have three older brothers, grew up in a dairy farm and know how to check a cow for pregnancy. I am not fragile.

    I work in healthcare. For a while I worked in home health. I have seen some deadly gross wounds, but I don't want to hear about them in public.

    And quite frankly, my mama would haunt me if I talked about my toilet habits in public. I am glad for this group, but sometimes I think the internet has eroded good manners in the real world.

    Agreed with all. I am not delicate. I can handle it and have. I have given first aid to a situation that had other other people around passing out. It does not make me ill. That said, there is a time and a place for it and that club weight room was not the right time, place, or volume (they were well above normal tones shouting at each other) for these conversations.

    I purposefully seek out havens from hearing all about other personal business. My daughter is delicate. She can't handle it and this is why she decided against going into medicine. She has passed out during a conversation that was not even "that" gross. I went out of my way to seek out what I thought was a safe place for her to get fit.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I went through my friends list and deleted people that I've had no interaction with. 2 of these people I know in real life. What is the point of being friends with someone if they NEVER comment on anything you post?! I need interactive friends.

    I'm interactive, I swear! Just busy!

    And apparently a bit worried Mo will delete you! :)

    Of course! :'(

    Never gonna happen, quik! I was even talking about you this weekend, referring to you as "my friend who lives in Iowa". I also mentioned @pofoster21, in regards to her taking us horseback riding and on a tour of NYC.

    I am your friend in NJ and I am looking forward to it! We can go visit my Mom in East Hampton and go to Montauk and go riding on the beach!

    Can I come too? I promise to take good care of the horses and to be totally excited about Broadway. :D

    Of course! All are welcome!

    Me me me too!

    I love horses, love cats (and speak fluent cat) and I'd be over the moon to see NY and Broadway. (pick me, pick me!)

    Hey you guys,just need,to show up. Just don't blow all my vacation time.... or show up all at once. :)

    Party at POF's!! Count me in. I'd love to see NYC (I want to go to a Broadway show!!) AND go riding/exploring more out in nature in NJ or wherever.

    Well I have a spare bedroom and spare bathroom. And a pull out couch. And some floor space. We could get quite a few of us in there!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    My loans finally showed up! Yay! I'll be going to get my books on Friday!

    Count me in for the birthday/Christmas cards too! We give cards every year for Christmas lol! Btw, my birthday just so happens to be on October 4th.. :wink:

  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    And now i'm kinda drunk and totally rambling. Sorry. But please know, you guys are awesome, and I really appreciate all the support, it's helping me in ways I can't even describe. Thank you all so much

    I have a break-up songs playlist I can send you if you like. It starts off with the sad, sappy stuff then moves to the more empowering stuff. My personal favorite is Cake's version of I will survive (has some swearing). Love that song!!! I will play it here loudly shortly in honor of you. I do believe it is on YouTube too. :smiley:

    the cake version is really cute.
    a playlist would be awesome, thank you!

    It will have to be when I get home tonight. :smiley:
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    Also, if it would make you feel better to hear about anyone else's awful exes, just say the word and I bet we can add some supremely cringeworthy stories to the Batcave thread. :wink:

    THIS. Oh, could I contribute in this area.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Yay for starting Stronglifts @MoHousdon & double yay for Mr Mo joining you. I think that would be fun to do with your hubby.

    I confess that today is my birthday and I am usually so excited about it but seemingly not this year and I'm not sure why. I am kind of all over the map today. I started out a little weepy, like I wanted to cry over nothing. Now that I'm at work, lets just say I'm easily irritated. I know what it sounds like and that's a possibility but I'm out of town (at at waterpark no less) this weekend so if it's true that would be...lets call it less than ideal. I was going to bake cookies or something to bring in as a treat but got lazy so I bought fun size candy bars instead. I have had more than my share already. Tuesdays my daughter has swim lessons so we usually have leftovers for dinner but who wants leftovers on their birthday food. I choose Chick-Fil-A. I'm excited about this :)

    Well Happy Birthday anyway. I hope that your day gets better. Enjoy dinner!
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Hi all! I was about 6 pages behind and have just caught up. I'm so glad @Susieq_1994 is feeling better! Are you still pain free today? I hope so!

    I miss Laura, too and hope the trip is going splendidly!

    @quiksylver296 - 9 days is a good streak! Keep it up if you feel like the alcohol is keeping you from your optimal health. I decided that I don't really want to drink my calories, so this is generally not an issue for me personally. But I applaud your effort to make a change that could improve your overall health!

    @pofoster21 How's your recovery going?

    My husband decided that he'd rather do a couch-to-5K running program than start the Strong Lifts program with me at this time. Soooo.. the lifting is on hold for the moment. We are gonna try the Zombies, Run! 5K program with our first night tonight. I got a stride assessment from the local running store so that I could buy the right kind of shoes and we got shoes yesterday. I also splurged and got a HRM! I'm excited to try it out tonight. I blame @pofoster21 for her enthusiastic endorsement of running as "fun" in my current decisiong to try it out again. And, I'll be running from virtual zombies, so it can't be all bad, right?

    Yay for joining the running crowd! Just take it easy, don't push it, get shin splints, think its terrible and give up. Start slow. I don't know this couch to 5K or Zombie Run programs, but just starting with a minute run, 2 minute walk, etc. and slowly build up your time/distance and then speed. Going too fast = failure!

    As for recovery, my stitches seems to be a bit infected (probably from doing too much even though I have been sticking to no running/biking/riding/swimming and got help with the heavy stuff on Sunday). If they don't look better by tomorrow, I am calling the Dr. to get antibiotics. I had some issues with repeated infections on my face about a decade ago that turned out to be MRSA (or however its spelled) likely from dogs (meaning I catch it from dogs, don't pass it onto others, but can infect myself, apparently it 'lives' in the nose? And touching my nose then the acne on my face (which I have mentioned before until I realized if I stopped eating dairy I had terrible acne and picked it like crazy, so open sores, but now have ZERO acne -- tip for kids with teenagers suffering from acne)) anyway it took a while to figure out that was what it was, then a while to realize penicillin-based antibiotics don't work on me and I need sulfur based ones. So... if its not better by tomorrow, I'll call and get some antibiotics. Thanks for asking!

    MRSA is not something to mess around with, go to the Dr. I let an infection go just a few days (like 3 or 4) a few years ago and ended up having to have surgery where they cut out a huge chunk of my skin and it had to grow back from within which meant an open wound requiring daily trips to the wound care facility for almost 2 months.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Hi all! I was about 6 pages behind and have just caught up. I'm so glad @Susieq_1994 is feeling better! Are you still pain free today? I hope so!

    I miss Laura, too and hope the trip is going splendidly!

    @quiksylver296 - 9 days is a good streak! Keep it up if you feel like the alcohol is keeping you from your optimal health. I decided that I don't really want to drink my calories, so this is generally not an issue for me personally. But I applaud your effort to make a change that could improve your overall health!

    @pofoster21 How's your recovery going?

    My husband decided that he'd rather do a couch-to-5K running program than start the Strong Lifts program with me at this time. Soooo.. the lifting is on hold for the moment. We are gonna try the Zombies, Run! 5K program with our first night tonight. I got a stride assessment from the local running store so that I could buy the right kind of shoes and we got shoes yesterday. I also splurged and got a HRM! I'm excited to try it out tonight. I blame @pofoster21 for her enthusiastic endorsement of running as "fun" in my current decisiong to try it out again. And, I'll be running from virtual zombies, so it can't be all bad, right?

    Yay for joining the running crowd! Just take it easy, don't push it, get shin splints, think its terrible and give up. Start slow. I don't know this couch to 5K or Zombie Run programs, but just starting with a minute run, 2 minute walk, etc. and slowly build up your time/distance and then speed. Going too fast = failure!

    As for recovery, my stitches seems to be a bit infected (probably from doing too much even though I have been sticking to no running/biking/riding/swimming and got help with the heavy stuff on Sunday). If they don't look better by tomorrow, I am calling the Dr. to get antibiotics. I had some issues with repeated infections on my face about a decade ago that turned out to be MRSA (or however its spelled) likely from dogs (meaning I catch it from dogs, don't pass it onto others, but can infect myself, apparently it 'lives' in the nose? And touching my nose then the acne on my face (which I have mentioned before until I realized if I stopped eating dairy I had terrible acne and picked it like crazy, so open sores, but now have ZERO acne -- tip for kids with teenagers suffering from acne)) anyway it took a while to figure out that was what it was, then a while to realize penicillin-based antibiotics don't work on me and I need sulfur based ones. So... if its not better by tomorrow, I'll call and get some antibiotics. Thanks for asking!

    MRSA is not something to mess around with, go to the Dr. I let an infection go just a few days (like 3 or 4) a few years ago and ended up having to have surgery where they cut out a huge chunk of my skin and it had to grow back from within which meant an open wound requiring daily trips to the wound care facility for almost 2 months.

  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I went through my friends list and deleted people that I've had no interaction with. 2 of these people I know in real life. What is the point of being friends with someone if they NEVER comment on anything you post?! I need interactive friends.

    I'm interactive, I swear! Just busy!

    And apparently a bit worried Mo will delete you! :)

    Of course! :'(

    Never gonna happen, quik! I was even talking about you this weekend, referring to you as "my friend who lives in Iowa". I also mentioned @pofoster21, in regards to her taking us horseback riding and on a tour of NYC.

    I am your friend in NJ and I am looking forward to it! We can go visit my Mom in East Hampton and go to Montauk and go riding on the beach!

    Can I come too? I promise to take good care of the horses and to be totally excited about Broadway. :D

    Of course! All are welcome!

    Now, horses I can get behind WAAAAAAY more than running! And Broadway I love! As I love NYC street cart food.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Hi all! I was about 6 pages behind and have just caught up. I'm so glad @Susieq_1994 is feeling better! Are you still pain free today? I hope so!

    I miss Laura, too and hope the trip is going splendidly!

    @quiksylver296 - 9 days is a good streak! Keep it up if you feel like the alcohol is keeping you from your optimal health. I decided that I don't really want to drink my calories, so this is generally not an issue for me personally. But I applaud your effort to make a change that could improve your overall health!

    @pofoster21 How's your recovery going?

    My husband decided that he'd rather do a couch-to-5K running program than start the Strong Lifts program with me at this time. Soooo.. the lifting is on hold for the moment. We are gonna try the Zombies, Run! 5K program with our first night tonight. I got a stride assessment from the local running store so that I could buy the right kind of shoes and we got shoes yesterday. I also splurged and got a HRM! I'm excited to try it out tonight. I blame @pofoster21 for her enthusiastic endorsement of running as "fun" in my current decisiong to try it out again. And, I'll be running from virtual zombies, so it can't be all bad, right?

    Yay for joining the running crowd! Just take it easy, don't push it, get shin splints, think its terrible and give up. Start slow. I don't know this couch to 5K or Zombie Run programs, but just starting with a minute run, 2 minute walk, etc. and slowly build up your time/distance and then speed. Going too fast = failure!

    As for recovery, my stitches seems to be a bit infected (probably from doing too much even though I have been sticking to no running/biking/riding/swimming and got help with the heavy stuff on Sunday). If they don't look better by tomorrow, I am calling the Dr. to get antibiotics. I had some issues with repeated infections on my face about a decade ago that turned out to be MRSA (or however its spelled) likely from dogs (meaning I catch it from dogs, don't pass it onto others, but can infect myself, apparently it 'lives' in the nose? And touching my nose then the acne on my face (which I have mentioned before until I realized if I stopped eating dairy I had terrible acne and picked it like crazy, so open sores, but now have ZERO acne -- tip for kids with teenagers suffering from acne)) anyway it took a while to figure out that was what it was, then a while to realize penicillin-based antibiotics don't work on me and I need sulfur based ones. So... if its not better by tomorrow, I'll call and get some antibiotics. Thanks for asking!

    MRSA is not something to mess around with, go to the Dr. I let an infection go just a few days (like 3 or 4) a few years ago and ended up having to have surgery where they cut out a huge chunk of my skin and it had to grow back from within which meant an open wound requiring daily trips to the wound care facility for almost 2 months.

    I had it a few times so I know what to look for. Had them drained, etc. It's looking better today so I think it's just irritated from overuse.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I went through my friends list and deleted people that I've had no interaction with. 2 of these people I know in real life. What is the point of being friends with someone if they NEVER comment on anything you post?! I need interactive friends.

    I'm interactive, I swear! Just busy!

    And apparently a bit worried Mo will delete you! :)

    Of course! :'(

    Never gonna happen, quik! I was even talking about you this weekend, referring to you as "my friend who lives in Iowa". I also mentioned @pofoster21, in regards to her taking us horseback riding and on a tour of NYC.

    I am your friend in NJ and I am looking forward to it! We can go visit my Mom in East Hampton and go to Montauk and go riding on the beach!

    Can I come too? I promise to take good care of the horses and to be totally excited about Broadway. :D

    Of course! All are welcome!

    Now, horses I can get behind WAAAAAAY more than running! And Broadway I love! As I love NYC street cart food.

    You are drivable so you will have to leave room for the folks coming in from farther away...;)
  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Yay for starting Stronglifts @MoHousdon & double yay for Mr Mo joining you. I think that would be fun to do with your hubby.

    I confess that today is my birthday and I am usually so excited about it but seemingly not this year and I'm not sure why. I am kind of all over the map today. I started out a little weepy, like I wanted to cry over nothing. Now that I'm at work, lets just say I'm easily irritated. I know what it sounds like and that's a possibility but I'm out of town (at at waterpark no less) this weekend so if it's true that would be...lets call it less than ideal. I was going to bake cookies or something to bring in as a treat but got lazy so I bought fun size candy bars instead. I have had more than my share already. Tuesdays my daughter has swim lessons so we usually have leftovers for dinner but who wants leftovers on their birthday food. I choose Chick-Fil-A. I'm excited about this :)

    Happy birthday!!! I hope your day improves a ton and that you enjoy the heck out of your dinner tonight!! I'll be honest... I'm a grumpy brat if I have to work on my birthday. So I can understand being irritable....maybe that's all it is? I hope so for your waterpark enjoyment purposes this weekend. :-)
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Yay for starting Stronglifts @MoHousdon & double yay for Mr Mo joining you. I think that would be fun to do with your hubby.

    I confess that today is my birthday and I am usually so excited about it but seemingly not this year and I'm not sure why. I am kind of all over the map today. I started out a little weepy, like I wanted to cry over nothing. Now that I'm at work, lets just say I'm easily irritated. I know what it sounds like and that's a possibility but I'm out of town (at at waterpark no less) this weekend so if it's true that would be...lets call it less than ideal. I was going to bake cookies or something to bring in as a treat but got lazy so I bought fun size candy bars instead. I have had more than my share already. Tuesdays my daughter has swim lessons so we usually have leftovers for dinner but who wants leftovers on their birthday food. I choose Chick-Fil-A. I'm excited about this :)

    Happy birthday!!! I hope your day improves a ton and that you enjoy the heck out of your dinner tonight!! I'll be honest... I'm a grumpy brat if I have to work on my birthday. So I can understand being irritable....maybe that's all it is? I hope so for your waterpark enjoyment purposes this weekend. :-)

    Have a great birthday!!!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    edited August 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I started SL 5x5 last night with Mr. Mo. He didn't even try to weasel out of it and that made me so happy. I was able to talk one of our friends that lifts into helping us so we made sure our form was correct and we knew how to do each lift properly. I felt VERY out of place in the weight room because everyone else knew what they were doing and didn't have a "coach". Anywho, he was very encouraging and helpful and I'm glad he was there.

    We took our measurements last night and I'm sad about mine. My waist measured 31" across my belly button, (I've been bloated lately, so I'm not sure how accurate that really was) my hips are 37.5, biceps are both 10" while my quads are 19.5", (I think) and my calves are I think 15". Not sure what "healthy" measurements for someone 5'7 should be.

    The DOMS are strong with this one this morning. Especially my neck from where the bar was resting during my squats. I feel bruised.

    I enjoyed the lifting, but more than that, I enjoyed spending time with my honey.

    You are lucky Mr. Mo lifts with you. I get my husband to spot me occasionally and help put the bar in place for squats until I get a power rack. I may have to encourage him to participate too.

    I asked him on our way home if he had fun/enjoyed himself and he say yes, so that is a MAJOR victory in and of itself. He's been avoiding the Y like the plague for several years even though we were still paying for the membership. He did tell me he doesn't want to work out in the mornings before work, he'd rather work out in the evenings when he's already sweaty from work. Either way, as long as we're doing it, I'm happy. Honestly, I was really relieved when he said he didn't want to work out in the morning.

    I thought for sure I would be super hungry when we were done, but I had to nearly force myself to eat a protein bar. I was SO TIRED and slept good except for the 3 times I got up during the night to pee.

    I think the thing I like most about Stronglifts is the time it takes. I think my husband would be willing to work out with me, because we can crash out afterward and we did it together. He is big on being together to do things.

    On the water thing, I get up at least one time night. You must have been pretty well hydrated for three trips!
  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Hi all! I was about 6 pages behind and have just caught up. I'm so glad @Susieq_1994 is feeling better! Are you still pain free today? I hope so!

    I miss Laura, too and hope the trip is going splendidly!

    @quiksylver296 - 9 days is a good streak! Keep it up if you feel like the alcohol is keeping you from your optimal health. I decided that I don't really want to drink my calories, so this is generally not an issue for me personally. But I applaud your effort to make a change that could improve your overall health!

    @pofoster21 How's your recovery going?

    My husband decided that he'd rather do a couch-to-5K running program than start the Strong Lifts program with me at this time. Soooo.. the lifting is on hold for the moment. We are gonna try the Zombies, Run! 5K program with our first night tonight. I got a stride assessment from the local running store so that I could buy the right kind of shoes and we got shoes yesterday. I also splurged and got a HRM! I'm excited to try it out tonight. I blame @pofoster21 for her enthusiastic endorsement of running as "fun" in my current decisiong to try it out again. And, I'll be running from virtual zombies, so it can't be all bad, right?

    Yay for joining the running crowd! Just take it easy, don't push it, get shin splints, think its terrible and give up. Start slow. I don't know this couch to 5K or Zombie Run programs, but just starting with a minute run, 2 minute walk, etc. and slowly build up your time/distance and then speed. Going too fast = failure!

    As for recovery, my stitches seems to be a bit infected (probably from doing too much even though I have been sticking to no running/biking/riding/swimming and got help with the heavy stuff on Sunday). If they don't look better by tomorrow, I am calling the Dr. to get antibiotics. I had some issues with repeated infections on my face about a decade ago that turned out to be MRSA (or however its spelled) likely from dogs (meaning I catch it from dogs, don't pass it onto others, but can infect myself, apparently it 'lives' in the nose? And touching my nose then the acne on my face (which I have mentioned before until I realized if I stopped eating dairy I had terrible acne and picked it like crazy, so open sores, but now have ZERO acne -- tip for kids with teenagers suffering from acne)) anyway it took a while to figure out that was what it was, then a while to realize penicillin-based antibiotics don't work on me and I need sulfur based ones. So... if its not better by tomorrow, I'll call and get some antibiotics. Thanks for asking!

    MRSA is not something to mess around with, go to the Dr. I let an infection go just a few days (like 3 or 4) a few years ago and ended up having to have surgery where they cut out a huge chunk of my skin and it had to grow back from within which meant an open wound requiring daily trips to the wound care facility for almost 2 months.

    I had it a few times so I know what to look for. Had them drained, etc. It's looking better today so I think it's just irritated from overuse.

    @pofoster21 Thanks for the running advice! Going slow is sometimes hard for me because I just want to push it. (I played basketball and softball when I was younger, so am more of a sprint for short distances kind of athlete.) But I sure don't want an injury or to get discouraged from running, so I'm taking it slow. We are doing the couch-to-5K training program w/ the zombies, so it's pretty gentle. Mostly walking at first, then adding in some slow running for intervals, then back to walking again. I enjoyed it yesterday and was pleased Mr. Jenni also had fun with it. Back in the day, he really wanted to try a half marathon. He was running regularly and I think his longest run was a bit over 11 miles long. I had decided I hated running by then, so this was something he was doing on his own. We both strayed from the fitness path in the intervening 7 or 8 years, though, so we are starting at square one as for running. But I know if he gets back into it and feeling good again, he'll be shooting for a 1/2 marathon before we know it!

    I'm hoping your stitches heal up without any sort of infection, especially not MRSA. That is not a fun thing to deal with! I'm glad they are looking a bit better today, though. How long are the stitches in? You've been doing such a good job of following the doc's advice re: exercise/running. It must be so hard! I hope the time flies by and that you get back to your normal routine ASAP!!

  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I started SL 5x5 last night with Mr. Mo. He didn't even try to weasel out of it and that made me so happy. I was able to talk one of our friends that lifts into helping us so we made sure our form was correct and we knew how to do each lift properly. I felt VERY out of place in the weight room because everyone else knew what they were doing and didn't have a "coach". Anywho, he was very encouraging and helpful and I'm glad he was there.

    We took our measurements last night and I'm sad about mine. My waist measured 31" across my belly button, (I've been bloated lately, so I'm not sure how accurate that really was) my hips are 37.5, biceps are both 10" while my quads are 19.5", (I think) and my calves are I think 15". Not sure what "healthy" measurements for someone 5'7 should be.

    The DOMS are strong with this one this morning. Especially my neck from where the bar was resting during my squats. I feel bruised.

    I enjoyed the lifting, but more than that, I enjoyed spending time with my honey.

    I commented with this on your status, but I'll put it here as well...I usually don't feel sore til 24-36 hours after a workout. Mr. NY feels sore within like 12 hours. It's weird how our bodies are different!

    My neck was sore from the bar for about 2 weeks or so. Now it's fine, even though I'm adding more weight each week.

    I am never usually hungry right after a workout, but about 3 weeks in to my weight lifting routine (I'm 5 weeks in now), I realized I was a LOT hungrier in general...every day. I had to up my calories by about 150 on off days and 250 on workout days. Just fyi!
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Yay for starting Stronglifts @MoHousdon & double yay for Mr Mo joining you. I think that would be fun to do with your hubby.

    I confess that today is my birthday and I am usually so excited about it but seemingly not this year and I'm not sure why. I am kind of all over the map today. I started out a little weepy, like I wanted to cry over nothing. Now that I'm at work, lets just say I'm easily irritated. I know what it sounds like and that's a possibility but I'm out of town (at at waterpark no less) this weekend so if it's true that would be...lets call it less than ideal. I was going to bake cookies or something to bring in as a treat but got lazy so I bought fun size candy bars instead. I have had more than my share already. Tuesdays my daughter has swim lessons so we usually have leftovers for dinner but who wants leftovers on their birthday food. I choose Chick-Fil-A. I'm excited about this :)

    Happy birthday!!!!!!!!