
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Hey friends... stopping in to say hello and thanks for the condolences and PM's I received. My grandmother did pass. She was 89, almost 90 and lived a great life and was at peace with herself and a servant of the Lord so we celebrated her life as she would have us do.
    I hope everyone is doing well and that Kelly is getting her walks in, Mo is getting her 5x5 in, Buehrle had a great time across the pond and Pofoster is getting her cute shoe photos in! :wink: And everyone else of course. I hope to be all caught up tomorrow so I can be a little more active here.

    Glad to have you back..and again, so sorry about your grandmother.
    And how sweet are you hoping that we are all getting our stuff done.. :)
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I agree with @ythannah and @italian_buju <3@kylerjaye you don't have to explain yourself to anyone! We've all been there (((HUGS)))

    Yes we have!!!! <3
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I agree with @ythannah and @italian_buju <3@kylerjaye you don't have to explain yourself to anyone! We've all been there (((HUGS)))

    @kylerjaye HUGS and I agree with the above and more.
  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I agree with @ythannah and @italian_buju <3@kylerjaye you don't have to explain yourself to anyone! We've all been there (((HUGS)))

    @kylerjaye HUGS and I agree with the above and more.

    Yep - I agree, too. Hugs to you!!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I agree with @ythannah and @italian_buju <3@kylerjaye you don't have to explain yourself to anyone! We've all been there (((HUGS)))

    @kylerjaye HUGS and I agree with the above and more.

    Yep - I agree, too. Hugs to you!!

  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Take a dogs attitude about it and kick some grass over that crap and move on. Kept it clean, at least PG ;)
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Thanks for all the birthday wishes for Charlie. We've had a manic party afternoon and I've just left, as I have to make the drive back to London tonight. He's had a brilliant day and is busy telling everyone he's 3.

    That is so cute!!! Nowadays when my daughter meets new people, the first thing she says is 'I am five.'

    My friend Heather's daughter is 4 and introduces herself, "My name is Maggie Lucille and I am a leader."

    When I was 3-4 I introduced myself, "My name is Sawsan. S-A-W-S-A-N." To everyone. :p I was absolutely obsessed with my name being spelled right, apparently...

    That is do cute. Is it an unusual name in Oman? And how is your back? Did you ever make it to the movies?

    Well, I lived in the United States at the time, so it was an extremely rare name. ;) It's actually an uncommon name in Oman as well, but it's extremely common in Sudan (I know like... Three Sudani ladies with my name, and that's with my very limited social circle!) and fairly common in Saudi Arabia.

    My back is finally starting to improve, and we went to Bahrain today! We saw Inside Out, and I LOVED it. It was amazing and super great! I didn't even need painkillers today, and that's with 5 hours in the car and two hours of sitting in the movie theater. :)

    YAY!!! I'm so glad to hear your back is getting better!! I want to see Inside Out, too. I rarely go to the movies as it's such an expensive date here and I nearly always leave the theatre with a headache. I think I'm easily over-stimulated by loud audio and whatnot and it gives me a splitting headache. The last movie I saw in the theatre was... ummm.... Les Miserables a couple years ago. Heh... I'm a weirdo.

    The last film I saw in the cinema was Les Misérables too! We can be weirdos together.

    Last film I saw in a cinema was...The Other Boleyn Girl, about 10 years ago ! I hate going to the cinema. I'd rather sit in my pajamas, on my comfy sofa, with popcorn and drinks, with the ability to pause for wee breaks.

    I love the cinema! At times I go nearly weekly and will occasionally take in a double feature!
    Me too. I don't go as often as you, but I do go probably monthly. We have a great second run cinema near us and I'll happily pay $5 to see pretty much anything there. I also am quite happy to see a movie by myself.

    On Tuesdays movies are only $5.20. That is why I mostly go on Tuesdays. There is also a rewards program where you get 100 points for every movie ticket you buy, and 1,000 gets a free movie ticket, so I save them up for when I go on a full price night. The program also gives you a 10% discount on snacks!

    There are times I go a month or even two without going cuz I am kinda picky about what movies I see.

    I :heart: Scene points :smile:

    Me too! And I love that you can collect AND redeem them at Sportchek now!

    I didn't know that! This could be dangerous...
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    ejb06070 wrote: »
    Today I was pumping gas and some guy was awkwardly staring at me. I felt totally uncomfortable, but happy at the same time that I wasn't being stared at because my stomach was hanging out of my shirt or my plate of food was making those around me worry if a heart attack could ever be contagious =/ I knew he was staring because he found me attractive, which was nice, but still creepy.
    I completely understand. There are a too many stories of people being attacked for me to feel comfortable with creeps. The worst thing was when I started losing weight but still had an "ample" butt. Creepy older men at the dollar store would start trying to talk to me. :s

  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I gotta get in on page 1500!!! I can't believe we've kept this going for 1500 pages, yous guys!

    I love you all, good day!

    I keep meaning to ask have you seen the step daughter lately? How are things on that end?

    She came over (for the first time in 3 weeks) last Thursday with her new boyfriend. I had NO idea she was coming because she didn't bother telling anyone beforehand. I was not up for having a house full of people after coming home from a major workout, so I separated myself from everyone as long as I could by taking a shower. My mother was also at my house when I got home. When I got out, my mom was gone, but SD and BF were still there, and stayed for a long time of which she never introduced me. I didn't really care I was just hungry and wanted them to leave so we could eat dinner and run our already scheduled errands.

    I try not to talk about that relationship because it isn't much of one and I just get upset when I think about it too much. I do appreciate you asking though.

    I realized the above statement made me sound like a total jerk, but she never lets us know she's coming so we can properly plan something, she just shows up with a tagalong.

    I hate, hate, hate unexpected company especially when I am hungry or have things planned to do. She sounds like she hasn't changed any.

    Sorry if I upset you with my asking. Just tell me to butt out lol

    I hate unexpected company any time, even if I am just sitting around! If someone knocks on my door and I am not expecting anyone, I do not answer. In this day and age, if you cannot text or phone me to let me know you are coming, chances are I do not want to see you. I literally will let someone knock for half an hour and won't answer it.

    I hide from the door as well. If you are family/friend you would've texted me first. If you're selling something I REALLY don't want to talk to you.
    Same, last week, there were people coming to sell AT&T Uverese and they sat stood outside my door, knocking and calling out to me for a good five minutes. The window was open, so I gave them a quick glance and promptly went back to ignoring them.

    I love the look of front doors that have fancy windows in them, but I need something I can sneak by without someone standing outside seeing me, so I will only ever have solid doors lol

    Dark curtains my friend.

    Good point!
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Morning all. Had quite a down day yesterday, very negative. Realised I hadn't taken my medication for 5 days. Yes, naughty I know. I get so out of routine at home on weekends, and by the time the reminders go off on my phone, Charlie and I are already out for the day. I know its no excuse.

    I am just generally fed up with looking in the mirror and seeing roll of fat stacked on top of roll of fat to make up my body (sorry @girldownsouth ). I know change doesn't happen over night, but this is week 5 damnit!

    I did hit the gym yesterday, did 6k run, PT session (full body work out) and a spin class. That will hopefully mitigate some of the cake batter and biscuit dough.

    I'm sorry some of you guys are struggling with motivation. Is there anything we can do to help? What motivates you? Challenges? Accountability? Work out buddy? Competition?

    I am WAY behind (work haha).

    I'm sorry you were feeling down. I hope you feel better now. I totally understand how you feel about the mirror. I deal with that every day too. I've lost 60 lbs and I don't feel like I look different at all because I'm still huge. It's hard to deal with. The good thing is, we are usually way more critical of ourselves so you probably look a lot better than you think you do. :) Hugs!
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Morning all. Had quite a down day yesterday, very negative. Realised I hadn't taken my medication for 5 days. Yes, naughty I know. I get so out of routine at home on weekends, and by the time the reminders go off on my phone, Charlie and I are already out for the day. I know its no excuse.

    I am just generally fed up with looking in the mirror and seeing roll of fat stacked on top of roll of fat to make up my body (sorry @girldownsouth ). I know change doesn't happen over night, but this is week 5 damnit!

    I did hit the gym yesterday, did 6k run, PT session (full body work out) and a spin class. That will hopefully mitigate some of the cake batter and biscuit dough.

    I'm sorry some of you guys are struggling with motivation. Is there anything we can do to help? What motivates you? Challenges? Accountability? Work out buddy? Competition?

    I think we all need some more positivity in here. Changes won't be instant so we need to find a bit more happiness in who we are right now. So I want everyone to share something that they like about themselves now, not something that could be good after losing some weight, or with a bit of toning, but something about you that is already great. Because other people don't look at you and only see the negative, especially if you are focusing on the positive yourself. And your much more likely to succeed in the long run if it's not all a means to an end.

    So I want to hear all about your great long legs, pert bums (@MoHousdon, I'm looking at you), delicate wrists, emerging collarbones etc. Go and look in the mirror and find something that makes you smile, right now!

    I'll go first and say that I like my waist. I appreciate that whatever size I have been I have distinct curves, and that makes me feel better about myself.

    This is awesome and I hope to read a lot more responses. :)

    I like my eyes (green) and my long hair. I'm hoping to get it cut into more layers soon but I love how it looks at the moment (even if I do have some split ends). I know it doesn't have to do with my body/weight but it is what I like right now.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Morning all. Had quite a down day yesterday, very negative. Realised I hadn't taken my medication for 5 days. Yes, naughty I know. I get so out of routine at home on weekends, and by the time the reminders go off on my phone, Charlie and I are already out for the day. I know its no excuse.

    I am just generally fed up with looking in the mirror and seeing roll of fat stacked on top of roll of fat to make up my body (sorry @girldownsouth ). I know change doesn't happen over night, but this is week 5 damnit!

    I did hit the gym yesterday, did 6k run, PT session (full body work out) and a spin class. That will hopefully mitigate some of the cake batter and biscuit dough.

    I'm sorry some of you guys are struggling with motivation. Is there anything we can do to help? What motivates you? Challenges? Accountability? Work out buddy? Competition?

    I think we all need some more positivity in here. Changes won't be instant so we need to find a bit more happiness in who we are right now. So I want everyone to share something that they like about themselves now, not something that could be good after losing some weight, or with a bit of toning, but something about you that is already great. Because other people don't look at you and only see the negative, especially if you are focusing on the positive yourself. And your much more likely to succeed in the long run if it's not all a means to an end.

    So I want to hear all about your great long legs, pert bums (@MoHousdon, I'm looking at you), delicate wrists, emerging collarbones etc. Go and look in the mirror and find something that makes you smile, right now!

    I'll go first and say that I like my waist. I appreciate that whatever size I have been I have distinct curves, and that makes me feel better about myself.

    I've been told that I have a nice smile... And I've always been blessed in the eyebrow department. Nicely curved, no monobrow--I think they're super great. ;)

    Yay for eyebrows. I have thick eyebrows but that is actually another thing I love about me. They make my expressions unique. :)
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Ack! Prayers and positive thoughts friend Kristie's son was just in a gas station during a robbery!!! Zac is fine, but his carpool partner was shot. Zac is a wreck; Kristie is a wreck. They stopped for breakfast after a night shift. Zac's coworker is older and has three sad and senseless.

    This really breaks my heart. I hope when I catch up that there will be good news instead of more bad news. :(
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I'm still way behind on the forum but I have letters ready to send out to the people who were on the card exchange page (I think the thread in the batcave is gone). Who should I send something for Susie to? I couldn't remember who said they would stockpile everything and send it FedEx.

    That was riderfangal.

    Thanks! I sent the letters, I hope they all get to you guys!
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Sons updates!

    Son #1 has a job interview tomorrow. Please send him positive vibes. It actually sounds like a nice little first job. I hope so much he can present himself well.

    Son #2 I took him to the doctor to get antibiotics for his raging ingrown toenail infection. He has a podiatrist appointment next week to get it resected (sp?) but they won't do it if it's still infected. Hoping the meds will improve it enough - I want him to be all done before he goes back to school the following week.
    I hope his interview has gone or will go well! And I'm sorry about your other son. My sister had to get part of her toenail cut off because of a bad ingrown toe.
    Shameless SPD mom brag moment:

    Raelynn did so good at the pool today!!!!

    She freaked out a little at first, but I backed off and let her go at her own pace, and she LOVED it!!! She's been talking about how she went swimming all day lol. We had to cut the fun short because it started raining and looking a little stormy but she enjoyed herself. I'm so proud of my big girl! ❤️
    I'm glad to hear that Raelynn had a good time! You guys really deserve it with everything coming up.
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Hey friends... stopping in to say hello and thanks for the condolences and PM's I received. My grandmother did pass. She was 89, almost 90 and lived a great life and was at peace with herself and a servant of the Lord so we celebrated her life as she would have us do.
    I hope everyone is doing well and that Kelly is getting her walks in, Mo is getting her 5x5 in, Buehrle had a great time across the pond and Pofoster is getting her cute shoe photos in! :wink: And everyone else of course. I hope to be all caught up tomorrow so I can be a little more active here.
    My condolences to you and your family. I hope everything goes well!
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I gotta get in on page 1500!!! I can't believe we've kept this going for 1500 pages, yous guys!

    I love you all, good day!

    I keep meaning to ask have you seen the step daughter lately? How are things on that end?

    She came over (for the first time in 3 weeks) last Thursday with her new boyfriend. I had NO idea she was coming because she didn't bother telling anyone beforehand. I was not up for having a house full of people after coming home from a major workout, so I separated myself from everyone as long as I could by taking a shower. My mother was also at my house when I got home. When I got out, my mom was gone, but SD and BF were still there, and stayed for a long time of which she never introduced me. I didn't really care I was just hungry and wanted them to leave so we could eat dinner and run our already scheduled errands.

    I try not to talk about that relationship because it isn't much of one and I just get upset when I think about it too much. I do appreciate you asking though.

    I realized the above statement made me sound like a total jerk, but she never lets us know she's coming so we can properly plan something, she just shows up with a tagalong.

    I hate, hate, hate unexpected company especially when I am hungry or have things planned to do. She sounds like she hasn't changed any.

    Sorry if I upset you with my asking. Just tell me to butt out lol

    I hate unexpected company any time, even if I am just sitting around! If someone knocks on my door and I am not expecting anyone, I do not answer. In this day and age, if you cannot text or phone me to let me know you are coming, chances are I do not want to see you. I literally will let someone knock for half an hour and won't answer it.

    I hide from the door as well. If you are family/friend you would've texted me first. If you're selling something I REALLY don't want to talk to you.

    We have a "No Solicitors or Peddlers" sign next to our door, per our township ordinance. That has eliminated nearly everyone. If they're still silly enough to knock, I just ask to see their permit. Then they run away!
    Oh wow, I need to see if there's anything like that down here.

  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    @Tubbs216 How did your son's job interview go? Fingers crossed it went well for him!!
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    edited August 2015
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    @Tubbs216 How did your son's job interview go? Fingers crossed it went well for him!!
    Thank you so much for asking - I just sat down to catch up!
    It's hard to tell how it went - he's not very good at talking things like that through. He had to do a math and English test, because as I think I mentioned before, although it's entry level, it's a 'proper' job (not a McJob). He would have done well on the English, but might have struggled a bit on the math as that's not a strength. I guess we'll just wait and see now. Worst case, at least he got some interview experience!

    My daughter saw the gynecologist this morning, who said that the results of her ultrasound were completely normal which was good (but surprising) news. She said that the BC pill that our family doctor had prescribed wasn't a good choice for a patient with very heavy periods, and wants her to try another one which has a higher progesterone dosage. My daughter said she'll give it a try, but if it doesn't help she wants an IUD. Dr was fine with that. So we'll see how the next month goes...

    Other son is taking his antibiotics for his ghastly ingrown toenail. He's prone to them, as are a few people in our family. He already had his other big toenail partially resected for the same reason. The podiatrist we're seeing did the last one and didn't hold back on the freezing, so once the first shot's done it shouldn't be too traumatic. (Easy for me to say as it's not my toe! :# )
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Hey friends... stopping in to say hello and thanks for the condolences and PM's I received. My grandmother did pass. She was 89, almost 90 and lived a great life and was at peace with herself and a servant of the Lord so we celebrated her life as she would have us do.
    I hope everyone is doing well and that Kelly is getting her walks in, Mo is getting her 5x5 in, Buehrle had a great time across the pond and Pofoster is getting her cute shoe photos in! :wink: And everyone else of course. I hope to be all caught up tomorrow so I can be a little more active here.
    More condolences from me. It sounds like she lived well, and 89 is certainly a good long life. Is your grandfather still around?

  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    ejb06070 wrote: »
    Today I was pumping gas and some guy was awkwardly staring at me. I felt totally uncomfortable, but happy at the same time that I wasn't being stared at because my stomach was hanging out of my shirt or my plate of food was making those around me worry if a heart attack could ever be contagious =/ I knew he was staring because he found me attractive, which was nice, but still creepy.
    I completely understand. There are a too many stories of people being attacked for me to feel comfortable with creeps. The worst thing was when I started losing weight but still had an "ample" butt. Creepy older men at the dollar store would start trying to talk to me. :s
    My sister was always very pear-shaped. One day an older man stopped her on the street and said "Madam, you have glorious buttocks!" and went on his way (imagine in posh English accent). She couldn't decide whether to be offended or flattered.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Take a dogs attitude about it and kick some grass over that crap and move on. Kept it clean, at least PG ;)

    :) what a great way to put it!!