

  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    edited August 2015
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Morning all. Had quite a down day yesterday, very negative. Realised I hadn't taken my medication for 5 days. Yes, naughty I know. I get so out of routine at home on weekends, and by the time the reminders go off on my phone, Charlie and I are already out for the day. I know its no excuse.

    I am just generally fed up with looking in the mirror and seeing roll of fat stacked on top of roll of fat to make up my body (sorry @girldownsouth ). I know change doesn't happen over night, but this is week 5 damnit!

    I did hit the gym yesterday, did 6k run, PT session (full body work out) and a spin class. That will hopefully mitigate some of the cake batter and biscuit dough.

    I'm sorry some of you guys are struggling with motivation. Is there anything we can do to help? What motivates you? Challenges? Accountability? Work out buddy? Competition?

    I think we all need some more positivity in here. Changes won't be instant so we need to find a bit more happiness in who we are right now. So I want everyone to share something that they like about themselves now, not something that could be good after losing some weight, or with a bit of toning, but something about you that is already great. Because other people don't look at you and only see the negative, especially if you are focusing on the positive yourself. And your much more likely to succeed in the long run if it's not all a means to an end.

    So I want to hear all about your great long legs, pert bums (@MoHousdon, I'm looking at you), delicate wrists, emerging collarbones etc. Go and look in the mirror and find something that makes you smile, right now!

    I'll go first and say that I like my waist. I appreciate that whatever size I have been I have distinct curves, and that makes me feel better about myself.

    I have really cool coloured eyes - they are undefineable. They are greeny, browny, hazelly, with flecks of yellow and blue. I never know what colour to write on forms so I just say hazel as I'm not sure what that's supposed to look like. Always liked my weird eye colour, it is a good reflection of me.

    Also, for the first time in my life, my fingernails are growing uniformly and are strong. I think they look great! I'm enjoying it now since I think it's only temporary.

    I like my eyes also. They change colors depending on what I wear and sunlight- sometimes they're yellow-gold, other times hazel and the green comes out more. I have them on my license as hazel, too, because gold-yellow-green with some ambery brown spots is too long to type lol :wink:

    I have eyes like this. Sometimes they look blue, sometimes green. I have blue on my license and everywhere, but they are really blue with a lot of yellow. Hence they look green sometimes. People either love my eyes or think they are creepy (well I had a sister that said they were creepy so I have never forgotten that).

    Yup, mine will change depending on what I'm wearing. They will match the shade of my shirts almost, green, or grey. I've had people think I was wearing colored contacts matched to my shirts...uhhh, no.

    I tried color contacts once...I wanted fake green eyes to go with my fake red hair. Nope...way too fake looking! Never got them.

    When I was young I had blue contacts. I kinda hated them because they looked really good and I would get tons of comments about how beautiful my eyes were. :( I rarely get comments on my real eye color which I think is still awesome.

    I've been wanting to try colored contacts but I was never able to get the hang of putting contacts in my eyes. My eyes are a mostly greeny color with brown and yellow and grey and blue and every color of the rainbow. One time my sister told me they looked like ''someone splattered a bunch of paint on a canvas." My school IDs from elementary school had a different color for me every year.

    Now I just call 'em green. (I want to try blue contacts though!)
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    So... I picked up some muffin thingies in my pantry yesterday and saw that they had these tiny (REALLY tiny) bugs on them. I freaked and threw all of them away. Then I noticed that there were more crawling around in there. I started inspecting items in my pantry and found them on a couple more things. They are really hard to spot because they are so small. I would have thought they were just spilled spices or something if I hadn't noticed them moving.

    Has anyone ever had this problem? I think I'm going to have to throw away EVERYTHING in my pantry... including my entire stock of spices, and I don't want to do that. I investigated them and don't SEE any bugs in there, but who knows? There could be eggs... ughh. I looked up advice and learned that most of the time these bugs are introduced into your home via goods that are not stored properly at the grocery store. :(

    :( I'm so sorry that you are dealing with that.

    I've never had that problem in my kitchen but I remember when my sister and I were kids she used to keep her candy for a long long long time. One time she was going to get some to eat and there were tons of tiny bugs all over the candy. It was freaky. We just threw away her whole Easter basket and we didn't seem to have any issues otherwise. You may have to throw everything out. :(
    Oh man, that sounds so freaky! I talked to my mom about my problem and she reminded me of the time she opened up a container of oatmeal to find tons of worms crawling around. I wasn't that freaked out and took it to school to show everyone in excitement :lol: Still... EW. Now I'm going to be extra paranoid around everything in my pantry, though I cleaned mostly everything out. The rest is in the freezer and I am really hoping there aren't any bugs/eggs in there.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I am going to do a bit of grumbling, so please feel free to skim on by.

    My work is really ticking me off this week. A coworker is on holiday, and she is the only one who knows how to do her job. They refuse to ever train anyone, but then I'm expected to know how to do everything when she's away. I have people coming up to me constantly to ask where things are kept, if certain things are done, etc. and I want to yell at them I DON'T KNOW! There is one tiny task she showed me how to do, and I was shown the day before her holiday started. She knew she was going to be away, why couldn't she have started training me on it a week or two before? I kind of feel like its a job security thing for her, if no one else knows her job, she can't be replaced.

    Okay, venting over.

    Now, I AM that coworker, and I hate it. It's not for lack of trying on my part, but 1) nobody wants to learn to do what I do (my manager included), and 2) They refuse to give me time to train anyone. I've taken it upon myself to get the barest of daily tasks covered by several other people, but it's ridiculous. If I take more than a couple of days off in a row, I come back to a nightmare. And usually get calls/texts while I'm out.

    Heaven help them when I eventually put in my notice.
    (Assuming that there is ever a worthwhile job opening...)

    I'm late chiming in on this but when I first started back at my work I worked with someone like @shibaears did. We got a specialized system for our trucks and she learned it and only showed me the bare minimum. She went on holidays for a week and I taught myself to enter the cheques, she was really mad when she came back about that.

    That was because she liked to feel irreplaceable, and had already been dealt a blow as I was recruited back from my new job because my bookkeeping skills were much better.

    Now I've tried to show the last two people I've worked with parts of my job and they either don't learn, do them so poorly I have to redo them, or just don't do them so it takes me 3 weeks to get caught up after 3 days off.

    I loved this. Several years ago I worked for a company that downsized and they got rid of my manager. Before she left she refused to give me any information on how to do anything (she was a really mean person anyway so even though I felt bad that she was losing her job, I didn't feel THAT bad). I was able to teach myself how to do what she did anyway. It is always a good feeling when you are able to figure it out yourself and do a good job.

    So, good for you!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Rucksack run update: It's a nice evening here, so I skipped the gym and slogged 1.8 miles carrying 15lbs. I hesitate to call it running as my app says my speed was 3.43 mph, but it's not much worse than my unencumbered 13 minute mile. I'll have to try again soon for the whole 5k distance and then add weight. The good news is I can run with my own pack that has a water system and they will just put the 30lb kettle bell in it.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Just sliding this in here for you all. I found it and thought maybe this could get people going again. Be a bit more optimistic etc :smile: <3

    Wow, this really did tear me up. Thank you. Although I have a lot of rough days, I do try to live life this way. I'm the one who takes way too many pictures and laughs too loud but I think it that is the way life should be.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    sorry, i'm a few pages behind, crazy busy at work, but i just need to put this one out there

    *post date update*

    first date #9

    last nights first date entered into new uncharted territory for me! how exciting!

    met the dude at a local establishment, but even though it was local i had never been there and wasn't familiar with the layout. this is slightly to my detriment because he arrives prior to me and the seat that was open next to him,there was a giant tv right above my head. swell.

    normally this wouldn't be an issue, we're supposed to be there trying to get to know each other, but then he keeps looking up at the tv and making comments. what am i supposed to do? crane my neck around to try to see what the heck is going on? yeah, not so much.

    so i'm trying to make nice casual small talk, but when he says anything it's really low and kinda mumbley, so i keep asking him to repeat himself and to please speak up. which he doesn't do.

    talk about jobs, locations, hobbies, the norm. then apparently the story about the two women that were the first to go through some special military program pops up above my head. he makes a comnment on how he would like to go through something like that. i say well go for it then, and he goes into the whole just want the work outs and training and not be in the actually military.

    which then insights the meltdown. he starts going into how he couldn't be in the military right now, especially not with the state our country is in and he's got a cousin in the secret service and we have no clue all the stuff that's really going on right now. and the government is trying to take our guns and blah blah blah. and anytime i would try to say anything to, you know, attempt a conversation, he would just talk over me and tell me how wrong i am about anything.

    final nail in the coffin? he then says to me, "yeah you probably voted for obama" at this point i'm just done, i grab my cash off of the bar (i paid for my own beverages) and get up to leave, and he acts all put off, and says oh what you're leaving now? and i say Yup, as awesome has this as been, i'm done dealing with your craziness. and i left.

    which you would think would be the end of the story, but oh no!
    i get home, pull out my phone and am welcomed with this gibberish:

    "the only one crazy is u saying thst bout me im not into liberalism have nicelife ur wrongnim right ull see bye bye and ur rude lose my number thanks."

    to which i kindly reply: "English. Try it sometime."

    and then i got this: "yea ok ur so intelligent lol good bye listing try it sometime lose my number, have nice liberal life"

    that was all in the span of 45 minutes, first meeting til the end.
    after that, all of his stuff became, BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK

    Maybe it's time for a dating hiatus?

    See when I was doing online (POF, that how I met the mancreature) I went into with no expectations and a get away plan. I made a lot of great friends during the "dates" some of whom I am still friends with and know that nothing will ever happen. Just stop looking, that's my advice as weird as it sounds. Go with the flow and enjoy the ride.

    This is the advice my mom always gave me and it works. Once I stopped looking, I met someone. It just makes it easier I guess. You feel less stressed/pressured so things go smoother maybe...
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    I think the bugs in my pantry might be weevils... maybe young weevils. It looks like that's my best bet. I'm going to throw out everything tomorrow and wipe down my panty with vinegar and do a thorough cleaning. Will be following this post's advice:

    I don't even want to get close to these things so I'm kind of freaking out right now. I don't particularly like tons of small creepy bugs.

    Before we moved in together, my darlig other half's roommate once left a box of cereal open in their pantry, a fly turned it into a nest, and their kitchen/dining room/living room ended up covered in juvenile flies (I will avoid the M word because ew). They were mostly on the ceiling from climbing out of the pantry, but I made them trash EVERYTHING in the kitchen...and bleach the ceiling.

    This is a nightmare...
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    In Africa, I once left a bag of chips in the kitchen open and unsealed, then my ex stuck his hand in the next day and ate a chip without looking...they were COVERED with ants.

    I don't eat chips out the bag anymore for any reason. Scarred.

    That's one way to reach your protein goal.

    Is there an entry for African ant covered chips, or do you log them each separately? :D
    You have to weigh them separately, which is why ants are one of the few negative value foods. The energy required to wrangle the ants on the scale is more than the ants provide, nutritionally. ;)

    Bahahaha! I can't imagine managing to get ants to stay put for half a second while you weigh them!

    LOL. Haven't deep-fried ants been done before? I'm sure I've seen Anthony Bourdain or someone like that eat them.

    Still. The sight of a couple ants fleeing from his mouth...people, it was seven years ago and I haven't recovered. Haha.

    That is not funny but I'm sorry, I laughed at the way you worded it. Haha
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Sons updates!

    Son #1 has a job interview tomorrow. Please send him positive vibes. It actually sounds like a nice little first job. I hope so much he can present himself well.

    Son #2 I took him to the doctor to get antibiotics for his raging ingrown toenail infection. He has a podiatrist appointment next week to get it resected (sp?) but they won't do it if it's still infected. Hoping the meds will improve it enough - I want him to be all done before he goes back to school the following week.

    Son #1-Hope the interview went well and he gets the job if he wants it. :)

    Son #2-I hope his infection goes away.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Morning all. Had quite a down day yesterday, very negative. Realised I hadn't taken my medication for 5 days. Yes, naughty I know. I get so out of routine at home on weekends, and by the time the reminders go off on my phone, Charlie and I are already out for the day. I know its no excuse.

    I am just generally fed up with looking in the mirror and seeing roll of fat stacked on top of roll of fat to make up my body (sorry @girldownsouth ). I know change doesn't happen over night, but this is week 5 damnit!

    I did hit the gym yesterday, did 6k run, PT session (full body work out) and a spin class. That will hopefully mitigate some of the cake batter and biscuit dough.

    I'm sorry some of you guys are struggling with motivation. Is there anything we can do to help? What motivates you? Challenges? Accountability? Work out buddy? Competition?

    I think we all need some more positivity in here. Changes won't be instant so we need to find a bit more happiness in who we are right now. So I want everyone to share something that they like about themselves now, not something that could be good after losing some weight, or with a bit of toning, but something about you that is already great. Because other people don't look at you and only see the negative, especially if you are focusing on the positive yourself. And your much more likely to succeed in the long run if it's not all a means to an end.

    So I want to hear all about your great long legs, pert bums (@MoHousdon, I'm looking at you), delicate wrists, emerging collarbones etc. Go and look in the mirror and find something that makes you smile, right now!

    I'll go first and say that I like my waist. I appreciate that whatever size I have been I have distinct curves, and that makes me feel better about myself.

    I have really cool coloured eyes - they are undefineable. They are greeny, browny, hazelly, with flecks of yellow and blue. I never know what colour to write on forms so I just say hazel as I'm not sure what that's supposed to look like. Always liked my weird eye colour, it is a good reflection of me.

    Also, for the first time in my life, my fingernails are growing uniformly and are strong. I think they look great! I'm enjoying it now since I think it's only temporary.

    I like my eyes also. They change colors depending on what I wear and sunlight- sometimes they're yellow-gold, other times hazel and the green comes out more. I have them on my license as hazel, too, because gold-yellow-green with some ambery brown spots is too long to type lol :wink:

    I have eyes like this. Sometimes they look blue, sometimes green. I have blue on my license and everywhere, but they are really blue with a lot of yellow. Hence they look green sometimes. People either love my eyes or think they are creepy (well I had a sister that said they were creepy so I have never forgotten that).

    Yup, mine will change depending on what I'm wearing. They will match the shade of my shirts almost, green, or grey. I've had people think I was wearing colored contacts matched to my shirts...uhhh, no.

    I tried color contacts once...I wanted fake green eyes to go with my fake red hair. Nope...way too fake looking! Never got them.

    When I was young I had blue contacts. I kinda hated them because they looked really good and I would get tons of comments about how beautiful my eyes were. :( I rarely get comments on my real eye color which I think is still awesome.

    I've been wanting to try colored contacts but I was never able to get the hang of putting contacts in my eyes. My eyes are a mostly greeny color with brown and yellow and grey and blue and every color of the rainbow. One time my sister told me they looked like ''someone splattered a bunch of paint on a canvas." My school IDs from elementary school had a different color for me every year.

    Now I just call 'em green. (I want to try blue contacts though!)

    Wow, your eyes sound really pretty though. :)
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    So... I picked up some muffin thingies in my pantry yesterday and saw that they had these tiny (REALLY tiny) bugs on them. I freaked and threw all of them away. Then I noticed that there were more crawling around in there. I started inspecting items in my pantry and found them on a couple more things. They are really hard to spot because they are so small. I would have thought they were just spilled spices or something if I hadn't noticed them moving.

    Has anyone ever had this problem? I think I'm going to have to throw away EVERYTHING in my pantry... including my entire stock of spices, and I don't want to do that. I investigated them and don't SEE any bugs in there, but who knows? There could be eggs... ughh. I looked up advice and learned that most of the time these bugs are introduced into your home via goods that are not stored properly at the grocery store. :(

    :( I'm so sorry that you are dealing with that.

    I've never had that problem in my kitchen but I remember when my sister and I were kids she used to keep her candy for a long long long time. One time she was going to get some to eat and there were tons of tiny bugs all over the candy. It was freaky. We just threw away her whole Easter basket and we didn't seem to have any issues otherwise. You may have to throw everything out. :(
    Oh man, that sounds so freaky! I talked to my mom about my problem and she reminded me of the time she opened up a container of oatmeal to find tons of worms crawling around. I wasn't that freaked out and took it to school to show everyone in excitement :lol: Still... EW. Now I'm going to be extra paranoid around everything in my pantry, though I cleaned mostly everything out. The rest is in the freezer and I am really hoping there aren't any bugs/eggs in there.

    Hahaha this is hilarious!
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Sorry that I took over the thread. I'm caught up though. :) Thanks everyone for the vacation wishes. I'm really looking forward to time away. I'll post pictures when I get back and then I'll have to catch up again...

    Off to the batcave!
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    So, I just finished planning out the rest of this month and September. I've totally lost it lol. I'm definitely going to enjoy this one last peaceful weekend before everything goes to hell and hectic again. That's just September with my school, Raelynn's school, tax school (one of them) for work, and all the appointments coming up this month and in September. I'm gonna need all the luck and coffee I can get!

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    So, I just finished planning out the rest of this month and September. I've totally lost it lol. I'm definitely going to enjoy this one last peaceful weekend before everything goes to hell and hectic again. That's just September with my school, Raelynn's school, tax school (one of them) for work, and all the appointments coming up this month and in September. I'm gonna need all the luck and coffee I can get!


    And a bigger calendar. LOL!
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    So, I just finished planning out the rest of this month and September. I've totally lost it lol. I'm definitely going to enjoy this one last peaceful weekend before everything goes to hell and hectic again. That's just September with my school, Raelynn's school, tax school (one of them) for work, and all the appointments coming up this month and in September. I'm gonna need all the luck and coffee I can get!


    And a bigger calendar. LOL!

    I believe you might be right lol!
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    edited August 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I am in an unusually good mood today. Even for a Friday. Maybe it was the donut, or the smoked pork (sorry pof) I had a little bit ago, but regardless, I'm feeling really good today, and I hope someone doesn't piss me off and ruin it.
    That's great, especially after the days you've had before.
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ejb06070 wrote: »
    Today I was pumping gas and some guy was awkwardly staring at me. I felt totally uncomfortable, but happy at the same time that I wasn't being stared at because my stomach was hanging out of my shirt or my plate of food was making those around me worry if a heart attack could ever be contagious =/ I knew he was staring because he found me attractive, which was nice, but still creepy.
    I completely understand. There are a too many stories of people being attacked for me to feel comfortable with creeps. The worst thing was when I started losing weight but still had an "ample" butt. Creepy older men at the dollar store would start trying to talk to me. :s
    My sister was always very pear-shaped. One day an older man stopped her on the street and said "Madam, you have glorious buttocks!" and went on his way (imagine in posh English accent). She couldn't decide whether to be offended or flattered.
    Ha! I don't think I would be able to keep a straight face with that kind of approach.
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    @MoHousdon Yay for a good mood! I bet it was the donut AND the walk...both are fabulous.

    I'm in a pretty great mood, too, as I am on vacation all next week! AND I'm eating the most delicious salad for lunch right now. It's all good over here, too!
    Ooh, nice. What are you going to do?

    Visting some family in Idaho (shout out to @quiksylver296 ) for much of the week. They have a lovely place near a river in the Coeur d'Alene area, so we will be fishing, hiking, and playing with our niece and nephews. Very much looking forward to it! Also visiting my sister and her twin babies on our way back home. SUPER excited for that! I adore my sister and those nieces of mine. They are about 1 1/2 years old and into EVERYTHING...they make me laugh and smile and wonder at the ability of every parent to keep going when utterly exhausted.

    Hoping to get some zombie runs in, too, maybe on a trail instead of a sidewalk!
    I've been able to run on a dirt trail recently and it's really great! It sounds like you'll have a great time next week.
    So, I just finished planning out the rest of this month and September. I've totally lost it lol. I'm definitely going to enjoy this one last peaceful weekend before everything goes to hell and hectic again. That's just September with my school, Raelynn's school, tax school (one of them) for work, and all the appointments coming up this month and in September. I'm gonna need all the luck and coffee I can get!
    Oh wow, good luck!

  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    Went to the gym tonight for leg hip pain is gone and I was able to squat 95 pounds and deadline 125!!! I'm sure my legs will be useless tomorrow...

    Have a great weekend everyone! I live for the weekends.... :smile:
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    Went to the gym tonight for leg hip pain is gone and I was able to squat 95 pounds and deadline 125!!! I'm sure my legs will be useless tomorrow...

    Have a great weekend everyone! I live for the weekends.... :smile:

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    Went to the gym tonight for leg hip pain is gone and I was able to squat 95 pounds and deadline 125!!! I'm sure my legs will be useless tomorrow...

    Have a great weekend everyone! I live for the weekends.... :smile:

    Excellent job!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    So, I just finished planning out the rest of this month and September. I've totally lost it lol. I'm definitely going to enjoy this one last peaceful weekend before everything goes to hell and hectic again. That's just September with my school, Raelynn's school, tax school (one of them) for work, and all the appointments coming up this month and in September. I'm gonna need all the luck and coffee I can get!


    I am highly impressed with your organizational skills! You may not have much time for you MFP friends in Sept! Good luck!