
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    abatonfan wrote: »
    I'm feeling a bit down. **TMI WARNING**

    Long story short, I haven't had my period in over a year (I'm only 21, so it's not like I'm supposed to be in menopause). Went to the OBGYN about it, and he pretty much told me that my physical exam had findings he would see in a woman who went through menopause (because of the low estrogen), though my other lab values don't point to me being in menopause (FSH is normal, LH is really low). He and my endo ran some additional tests (pelvic ultrasound, pituitary MRI -both relatively normal), and they're both officially stumped. So now, I will have to see a reproductive endo and see whether s/he has any idea of what's going on.

    I think what's upsetting me the most is that the OBGYN told me flat-out that getting pregnant will be difficult for me (I am not planning on having kids in the immediate future, but I will eventually want to have them). I'm at a healthy weight (around the midpoint of the healthy BMI range for my height -I gained 2.5lbs between OBGYN appointments, even though I have been eating in a calorie deficit), so I don't think it's from that.

    I'm so sorry about your troubles. I hope the doctors find a solution for you.
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    edited August 2016
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    So, I was laying in bed this morning procrastinating on getting up and thinking about birthday cards I need to send...and get well and condolences and how I have this huge stack of note cards and stationary I have bought over the years and not used and I should just use that. But I love to buy special cards for people at special times.

    So then I hit on the perfect solution. Like my current practice of trying to clean out my closet by going left to right and wearing or donating THAT DAY each item I pick out (unless out of season or not appropriate) I am going to send someone in my life a note a day until they are gone (the cards not the people). I think there is nothing like a real note. And we don't communicate enough physically (meaning with the written word). And I can use these cards as they were intended (vs. letting them rot in my closet or get thrown out...which I can't do).

    This idea made me very happy. I can't wait to start. I hope I can follow through! So MFP friends be prepared for random notes from me. :)

    Except sadly Susie since I can't send random notes to you without it costing you a lot of $$$. :/

    The drugs must have gotten to my head! List sent!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    So, I was laying in bed this morning procrastinating on getting up and thinking about birthday cards I need to send...and get well and condolences and how I have this huge stack of note cards and stationary I have bought over the years and not used and I should just use that. But I love to buy special cards for people at special times.

    So then I hit on the perfect solution. Like my current practice of trying to clean out my closet by going left to right and wearing or donating THAT DAY each item I pick out (unless out of season or not appropriate) I am going to send someone in my life a note a day until they are gone (the cards not the people). I think there is nothing like a real note. And we don't communicate enough physically (meaning with the written word). And I can use these cards as they were intended (vs. letting them rot in my closet or get thrown out...which I can't do).

    This idea made me very happy. I can't wait to start. I hope I can follow through! So MFP friends be prepared for random notes from me. :)

    Except sadly Susie since I can't send random notes to you without it costing you a lot of $$$. :/

    The drugs must have gotten to my head! List sent!

    None problem Mo pitched in and sent it as you were on vacation!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited August 2016
    raymax4 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    I guess I should get out of bed and ride my horses before it gets too hot!

    It's so early. Is this the time you usually ride?

    No I was dodging the heat. Disgusting in NJ this week.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    abatonfan wrote: »
    I'm feeling a bit down. **TMI WARNING**

    Long story short, I haven't had my period in over a year (I'm only 21, so it's not like I'm supposed to be in menopause). Went to the OBGYN about it, and he pretty much told me that my physical exam had findings he would see in a woman who went through menopause (because of the low estrogen), though my other lab values don't point to me being in menopause (FSH is normal, LH is really low). He and my endo ran some additional tests (pelvic ultrasound, pituitary MRI -both relatively normal), and they're both officially stumped. So now, I will have to see a reproductive endo and see whether s/he has any idea of what's going on.

    I think what's upsetting me the most is that the OBGYN told me flat-out that getting pregnant will be difficult for me (I am not planning on having kids in the immediate future, but I will eventually want to have them). I'm at a healthy weight (around the midpoint of the healthy BMI range for my height -I gained 2.5lbs between OBGYN appointments, even though I have been eating in a calorie deficit), so I don't think it's from that.

    This makes me sad for you and I hope they figure it out soon.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    @Oberon21 - love the toes. It's already to hot to ride horses here today. I love the idea of the notes too. (And ditto the sad face about Susie.) I hope the new cleaning lady works out well. And, how much more renovating do you have to do?

    None! I am completely done! I still have crappy furniture but I refuse to spend $ on furniture when I am never home. But all wallpaper is gone, kitchen, baths all redone, new window treatments, ceiling fans, a new door. All complete. It took 2 years and 2 bonuses plus some but worth it.

    that's awesome.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    @Oberon21 - love the toes. It's already to hot to ride horses here today. I love the idea of the notes too. (And ditto the sad face about Susie.) I hope the new cleaning lady works out well. And, how much more renovating do you have to do?

    None! I am completely done! I still have crappy furniture but I refuse to spend $ on furniture when I am never home. But all wallpaper is gone, kitchen, baths all redone, new window treatments, ceiling fans, a new door. All complete. It took 2 years and 2 bonuses plus some but worth it.

    that's awesome.

    Thanks. It feels good!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    21 day commitment starts today right?

    - go to gym
    - walk before bed
    - stay green on calories
    - No alcohol
    - 21 day the videos

    That is my plan for 21 days!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oh and day 6 #nomorealcohol
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Wendy I am glad you are blessed with great sons and a wonderful husband but I feel awful about your leg. I am so sorry about that, but as usual you seem to be handling it well. Keep us updated on how you are faring.. <3

    Yikes! I'm behind! Hope you're still doing as well as can be expected, @raymax4
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    My 21-Day-"Fix"

    No alcohol - Today is Day 1 (oops)
    Log all my food
    Stay within my maintenance calories, under is a bonus
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    21 day fix - they say it takes 21 days for something to be a habit.
    Log all food that hits your mouth dammit!
    Stay within maintenance (aiming for under)
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    21 day "fix"
    1. Be within 100 calories daily of goal on either side. I have mentioned before that I have a problem with either eating way over or way under. It works out for weight loss, but I feel a bit like a yo-yo.
    2. 7000 steps per day starting the 19th when I get my work issued fitbit. The first 4 days, the goal is walk at lunch and walk the dog after dinner.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    Sunday event we started out on our trip to Colarado.
    Arrived monday and did a 6 mile flat hike on Royal Gorge rim. It was lovely. Tuesday we started up Mt Princeton. We enjoyed looking over the valley and the mountains beyond. Hubby and I sto
    Opens to watch chipmunks gathering food. We had a late start and realized that we probably would not reach the summit due to thunderstorms. We enjoyed our hike which was much the point. It was obvious that we were not yet acclimated to the altitude. It was beautiful.
    Wensday we decided to do a combo
    hike, Mt Democrat, Mt Cameron, Mt. Lincoln and Mt Bross. The trail head started at 12,000 foot elevation. It sported 7 miles and 3600 foot elevation gain. Evan though we had an early start, the storm came two hours earlier than normal. Since you never want to be caught above the tree line Ina storm we climbed down quickly. By the time we got down the skies were blue again. I really felt cheated but felt it was a good way to get use to the altitude so we decided to try agian. We skipped the hotel breakfast and ate oatmeal with Quest banana protein powder at 4 an saadand started hiking about 630 am.
    I finally felt acclimated!
    Mt Democrat was fun and beautiful. The lower areas were full if babbling brooks and flowers. When we got to the Ricky sections there were many pika gathering grasses for the winter and standing on rocks barking at eachother. It was quite a show. The summit was 14,148 elevation.
    To reach the top of Mt Cameron we had to climb down to the connection saddle then up to Mt Cameron and was suprised at how different the rocks were in just a few feet. Cameron was tough as the start of the trail was steep and we needed to rest at times. The top was a mound and was not that exciting at 14238 feet elevation. It did have stunning views of other moutians and was the way to the saddle to Mt Lincoln which was very intresting when steep rocks and a weathered look. We were very pleased to reach 14,286 feet elevation. The top of Mt Bross was closed due to land disputes. Evidently whoever inherited it closed the trail. The park service is trying to come to agreements that would allow climbers to reach the summit, the trail down was 50 lower than the summit so I'm counting it. As far as I am conserned the owner can have the entire Moutan. Best way I can describe it is there use to be a very large moutians abs miners decided to break every rock and leave it on the moutians, it is a pile of rocks that are ranging from 1/4 inch to 6 inches, the trail had a hard surface covered with the small rocks that acted like ball bearings. Decending from this took as long as it took to climb the first three.
    The trail was the same for the first 1,100 foot decent before it actually felt like a predictable trail. At about 0.5 miles left and 500 foot elevation left to the trail head my right foot hit a patch of loose gravel and as I slob my left foot hooked into a rock and twisted. My foot was now capable of some very unnatural positions. After hubby made sure that I had water and warm clothing he left to get sons to help. It occurred to me that anyone trying to help me was likely to get hurt too and I needed to get down off the mountain. So I looked to stabilize my ankle. I took my treating pole and stuck it in my boot then tied my long underwear around the pole and just below my knee and did a modified crab crawl down to the point where there was grass. It seemed like miles but it couldn't have been. I was then helped by many people after they heard of my predicament. One came with an actual splint many helped as human crutches. When I was exhausted they did a two man carry.
    The nearest hospital was actually close to our hotel so we dropped our sons and went to the hospital.
    I broke both my tibial and fibula heads and have to have surgery.

    Yikes, I'm glad you're okay. That sounds like something out of a movie!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    My 21-Day-"Fix"

    No alcohol - Today is Day 1 (oops)
    Log all my food
    Stay within my maintenance calories, under is a bonus

    So I guess we're doing this here...


    Log ALL food
    Do at least 1 productive thing at home
    Stay within 100 calories of goal (excluding exercise calories)
    Get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep a night

    I'm not going to be able to do this for 21 days because I'm going on a hike Labor Day weekend, but you bet your sweet bippy, that I'm going to give it all I got until then! I expect the same from you ladies!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My 21-Day-"Fix"

    No alcohol - Today is Day 1 (oops)
    Log all my food
    Stay within my maintenance calories, under is a bonus

    So I guess we're doing this here...


    Log ALL food
    Do at least 1 productive thing at home
    Stay within 100 calories of goal (excluding exercise calories)
    Get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep a night

    I'm not going to be able to do this for 21 days because I'm going on a hike Labor Day weekend, but you bet your sweet bippy, that I'm going to give it all I got until then! I expect the same from you ladies!

    How did you know?!? :D
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    You know what's fun on a Monday morning?! Disclaimer: @Oberon21 the spoiler contains a gross topic so don't read it if you're squeamish.
    Being woken up at 3:49 am by your old lady dog having had diarrhea all over your husband’s side of the bedroom and realizing you don’t have a carpet cleaner to clean it up! It was EVERYWHERE and it smelled SO BAD!!! :mask: Everywhere but on HER bed. :unamused:

    We tried our best to scrub it out of the carpet with paper towels and carpet spray, but at about 4:30 Mike was like F THIS and went to Wal-Mart and bought a carpet cleaner. So, on a Monday morning, before any sane person is out of bed, my dear, sweet husband is shampooing our bedroom carpet.

    What a crappy way to start the week.
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    What a crappy way to start the week.

    Heh. I see what you did there. But seriously, that's awful. I've had to tend to my fair share of doggy do cleanup, and it's no fun. :s
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    You know what's fun on a Monday morning?! Disclaimer: @Oberon21 the spoiler contains a gross topic so don't read it if you're squeamish.
    Being woken up at 3:49 am by your old lady dog having had diarrhea all over your husband’s side of the bedroom and realizing you don’t have a carpet cleaner to clean it up! It was EVERYWHERE and it smelled SO BAD!!! :mask: Everywhere but on HER bed. :unamused:

    We tried our best to scrub it out of the carpet with paper towels and carpet spray, but at about 4:30 Mike was like F THIS and went to Wal-Mart and bought a carpet cleaner. So, on a Monday morning, before any sane person is out of bed, my dear, sweet husband is shampooing our bedroom carpet.

    What a crappy way to start the week.

    It's okay, non-human poop stories don't bother me. My cat Emilia, when I first got her, stress at being in a new situation gave her horrible diarrhea. For weeks. Once ALL OVER MY BED, pillows, sheets, etc. It was pretty nasty. It took a while to get her over it. I gave her probiotics for months and then gradually weaned her off them and she was fine. But I get it, it must have been nasty.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My 21-Day-"Fix"

    No alcohol - Today is Day 1 (oops)
    Log all my food
    Stay within my maintenance calories, under is a bonus

    So I guess we're doing this here...


    Log ALL food
    Do at least 1 productive thing at home
    Stay within 100 calories of goal (excluding exercise calories)
    Get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep a night

    I'm not going to be able to do this for 21 days because I'm going on a hike Labor Day weekend, but you bet your sweet bippy, that I'm going to give it all I got until then! I expect the same from you ladies!

    I am still open to alternatives (closed group) but no one made a decision so I went with posting here. :)