

  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    The disaster that is my home:


    I guess that would not be to pleasant for them
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    I am remodeling the rest of my house... I have to take some pics for you guys. Everything I own is piled into the middle of the rooms, its a total mess. I have like 2 feet of space to walk around in in a path and like a 4' x 2' square on my bed to sleep on.

    That sounds stressful. I bet it's going to be amazing when you're done!

    It actually doesn't bother me that much, but I have a friend who moved in for the summer (staying away for a week or 2 while this goes on) and she keeps commenting on how much stuff I have and that I am a hoarder of books. In the meantime I have donated and thrown out so much stuff to make room for her I find it a bit annoying. And stressful.

    If she comments one more time on the number of books I have I am telling her to go back to living with Jean on her air mattress in her 1 bedroom apartment and leave my spare bedroom and extra bathroom I am letting her live in rent free!

    I did sort of tell her to back off a week or so ago, so hopefully she took the hint. She is 74 so its like living with my mother....

    To be a guest in someone's home and start telling that person that they need to change whatever is so rude. I would be annoyed too.

    Books are holy grail at our house.
    Once when we hired movers to pack we overheard one day "I had a book once" sitting in a room full of books. We smiled.

    That is truly sad. A book....

    It was sad but I think he was not wishing to have another as much as he was complaining about packing ours.

    That is even more sad. I feel bad for anyone who doesn't find joy in books.
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    Books are life! I'm currently devouring (as in I bought it yesterday and I'm almost done....) the newest Harry Potter installment, which is a rehersal script for the play that's coming out. I was away camping for 5 days and finished two books during that time, I cannot fathom not enjoying reading.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    I am remodeling the rest of my house... I have to take some pics for you guys. Everything I own is piled into the middle of the rooms, its a total mess. I have like 2 feet of space to walk around in in a path and like a 4' x 2' square on my bed to sleep on.

    That sounds stressful. I bet it's going to be amazing when you're done!

    It actually doesn't bother me that much, but I have a friend who moved in for the summer (staying away for a week or 2 while this goes on) and she keeps commenting on how much stuff I have and that I am a hoarder of books. In the meantime I have donated and thrown out so much stuff to make room for her I find it a bit annoying. And stressful.

    If she comments one more time on the number of books I have I am telling her to go back to living with Jean on her air mattress in her 1 bedroom apartment and leave my spare bedroom and extra bathroom I am letting her live in rent free!

    I did sort of tell her to back off a week or so ago, so hopefully she took the hint. She is 74 so its like living with my mother....

    To be a guest in someone's home and start telling that person that they need to change whatever is so rude. I would be annoyed too.

    Books are holy grail at our house.
    Once when we hired movers to pack we overheard one day "I had a book once" sitting in a room full of books. We smiled.

    I find that very, very sad! :'( One thing I will always buy my son if he asks is a book.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Hi guys. :) Popping my head up after a while to say hi!

    It's been busy over here. We bought our own place recently, and we've been buying and installing air conditioners, blinds, curtains, couches, dining table, coffee tables, shelves, and various paraphernalia. We moved in three days ago. Maybe I'll come up with some pictures for you guys soon. :)

    @Susieq_1994 That's awesome news! Congratulations!!!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    Books are life! I'm currently devouring (as in I bought it yesterday and I'm almost done....) the newest Harry Potter installment, which is a rehersal script for the play that's coming out. I was away camping for 5 days and finished two books during that time, I cannot fathom not enjoying reading.

    I almost bought it, until I opened it up and saw it was in script form. I didn't think I'd enjoy that much. I'll probably buy a used copy when I can find one.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    We went last night to pick up my son's last Optimist football helmet. Last year of Optimist. Bittersweet! I love being team mom and my husband loves coaching, so that is bitter. But he'll be playing school ball next year, so he'll go straight to practice after school and I won't have to rush around getting him to practice, and dinner cooked, etc, so that's sweet!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    Books are life! I'm currently devouring (as in I bought it yesterday and I'm almost done....) the newest Harry Potter installment, which is a rehersal script for the play that's coming out. I was away camping for 5 days and finished two books during that time, I cannot fathom not enjoying reading.

    I love reading too, but just find it so hard to find the time! I have had the same two books on go all year this year!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    Books are life! I'm currently devouring (as in I bought it yesterday and I'm almost done....) the newest Harry Potter installment, which is a rehersal script for the play that's coming out. I was away camping for 5 days and finished two books during that time, I cannot fathom not enjoying reading.

    I love reading too, but just find it so hard to find the time! I have had the same two books on go all year this year!

  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    My book situation is out of control, they are currently crammed everywhere possible (including in multiple layers on bookshelves so I can't even see half of them) and still in boxes in our basement but I can't bring myself to get rid of them or stop buying them. I buy and read tons of ebooks too but I still like to have actual books for stuff like vacations and travel - I hate relying on my phone or ereader or tablet battery so I always have backup real books and sometimes I don't want to be staring at a screen. I'm also really into audiobooks, I listen when I run or on walk/bike commutes and long road trips.

    I'm funny with them though, if someone wants to read one of mine or needs it for something I have no problem lending or giving it away and never seeing it again. I'm not sure why I don't mind but for some reason I'm Book Santa and will just give them out to anyone who asks. I did it a lot with my university textbooks if I knew people who were taking courses right after me with the same prof, and I still do it today if I have a friend over who wants to borrow something. I wonder how many books I'd have if I didn't share them quite so freely, haha. It kind of warms my heart when I'm over at someone else's house and see a book I lent them though.

    In my dream home I'd do the built-in bookcases and the rolling ladder for sure. One of my friends did that in a house she built and I am obsessed, it's the nicest office ever.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    And I can't wait to see photos, Susie!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    My mom just texted me...

    A little back story - our beach house had some very steep, shallow-tread stairs. Everyone that used an upstairs bedroom ended up falling/slipping down those stairs during our stay. My mom turned her ankle when she fell. That was our last day there, so July 24th.

    Back to the text - she says her ankle is still bothering her. My 12-year-old son made her an ice pack, and was currently in the kitchen, making my mom lunch.

    AWWWWwwww, all the feelz! I'm raising a good kid! <3<3<3
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    My book situation is out of control, they are currently crammed everywhere possible (including in multiple layers on bookshelves so I can't even see half of them) and still in boxes in our basement but I can't bring myself to get rid of them or stop buying them. I buy and read tons of ebooks too but I still like to have actual books for stuff like vacations and travel - I hate relying on my phone or ereader or tablet battery so I always have backup real books and sometimes I don't want to be staring at a screen. I'm also really into audiobooks, I listen when I run or on walk/bike commutes and long road trips.

    I'm funny with them though, if someone wants to read one of mine or needs it for something I have no problem lending or giving it away and never seeing it again. I'm not sure why I don't mind but for some reason I'm Book Santa and will just give them out to anyone who asks. I did it a lot with my university textbooks if I knew people who were taking courses right after me with the same prof, and I still do it today if I have a friend over who wants to borrow something. I wonder how many books I'd have if I didn't share them quite so freely, haha. It kind of warms my heart when I'm over at someone else's house and see a book I lent them though.

    In my dream home I'd do the built-in bookcases and the rolling ladder for sure. One of my friends did that in a house she built and I am obsessed, it's the nicest office ever.

    I often thought it would be nice to have one room that was a library. Supplied with comfortable chairs with lighting behind them. It would be away from the hub bub of the rest of the house.
    I like the rolling ladder idea.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    I am remodeling the rest of my house... I have to take some pics for you guys. Everything I own is piled into the middle of the rooms, its a total mess. I have like 2 feet of space to walk around in in a path and like a 4' x 2' square on my bed to sleep on.

    That sounds stressful. I bet it's going to be amazing when you're done!

    It actually doesn't bother me that much, but I have a friend who moved in for the summer (staying away for a week or 2 while this goes on) and she keeps commenting on how much stuff I have and that I am a hoarder of books. In the meantime I have donated and thrown out so much stuff to make room for her I find it a bit annoying. And stressful.

    If she comments one more time on the number of books I have I am telling her to go back to living with Jean on her air mattress in her 1 bedroom apartment and leave my spare bedroom and extra bathroom I am letting her live in rent free!

    I did sort of tell her to back off a week or so ago, so hopefully she took the hint. She is 74 so its like living with my mother....

    Your houseguest is not to be trusted! There is no such thing as too many books!!!

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Hi guys. :) Popping my head up after a while to say hi!

    It's been busy over here. We bought our own place recently, and we've been buying and installing air conditioners, blinds, curtains, couches, dining table, coffee tables, shelves, and various paraphernalia. We moved in three days ago. Maybe I'll come up with some pictures for you guys soon. :)

    Awesome news, SusieQ!! I have been waiting for this forever.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    And speaking of books, I have been invited to a baby shower later this month and the parents have requested instead of cards, please bring a book for Baby.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Day 8 of #noalcohol! I've made it past a week!!! B)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    Hi guys. :) Popping my head up after a while to say hi!

    It's been busy over here. We bought our own place recently, and we've been buying and installing air conditioners, blinds, curtains, couches, dining table, coffee tables, shelves, and various paraphernalia. We moved in three days ago. Maybe I'll come up with some pictures for you guys soon. :)

    Nice to hear from you. I've been meaning to ask you how your job is going. Kids say the most amusing things.
    It's great that you found a place and are making it great!

    Hi Wendy! Actually, I quit after the first month because of some seriously creepy things going on between my boss and her family that was getting dragged into our work environment. Not only was it totally unprofessional, I was actually worried for my own safety at one point--so I decided to leave. It was fun while it lasted! :)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Hi guys. :) Popping my head up after a while to say hi!

    It's been busy over here. We bought our own place recently, and we've been buying and installing air conditioners, blinds, curtains, couches, dining table, coffee tables, shelves, and various paraphernalia. We moved in three days ago. Maybe I'll come up with some pictures for you guys soon. :)

    @Susieq_1994 That's awesome news! Congratulations!!!

    Thanks Tami! I'm having an awesome time furnishing it a little at a time. :)