

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    We've added SEVEN pages in two hours. LOL

    That's obviously 'cause we're super great. Someone needs to get Mo back into the forums, she's missing the fun! Anyone know how to hack workplace forum blocks? :p

    Did I miss she got blocked?

    Her IT department blocked the MFP forums as social media. :( grumble, grumble

    I remember that but didn't realize it was permanent.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Domomallow wrote: »
    Confession: I think Christmas would be more enjoyable if nobody expected presents/gave presents.
    I think the whole gifting aspect of Christmas is so stressful that it ruins the holiday.

    I love giving gifts. I love buying things for people. I am sad that I have very few people to buy for any more.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I confess that I'm really relieved that my call is over so I can finally go eat lunch because I'm starving.

    Your picture looks so much like one of the women who works for me. Dead ringer.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member

    In case you check in after work...

    WE MISS YOU!!!

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    Can someone please explain to me the obsession with mesh in leggings right now?

    I do have a cute pair of leggings I bought with mesh. :)

    ETA for running. Purely decorative. It's layered on a colored section of cloth.

    I would be ok with that. I don't like actual see-through mesh panels. They don't seem functional for the gym, and I know there would be weird bulging.

    Yeah, I am not a mesh person directly on skin.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I got a temporary crown on my tooth last Wednesday, and get the permanent one next Wednesday. But right now, my mouth freaking hurts and I just want it to STOP!

    Mine has been killing me for weeks. My last wisdom tooth is growing in and the whole area around it is swollen and inflamed and the gums around the tooth are now the creepiest shiny-white color. It got so bad a few weeks ago that I had to live on just smoothies. :neutral:

    Yuck. I had my wisdom teeth out before they ever came in. They had to cut my jawbone to get one out. That was some serious pain. I should quit crying about this crown, comparatively.

    ewww that sounds awful.
  • ivygirl1937
    ivygirl1937 Posts: 899 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    I confess that I'm really relieved that my call is over so I can finally go eat lunch because I'm starving.

    Your picture looks so much like one of the women who works for me. Dead ringer.

    Really? That's so funny! I'm not in NJ, so I'm fairly certain it's not me. :lol: Is she a nice lady?
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    Lately I have been hiding from the scale, with the super heavy lifts I've been doing I find that my weight is higher than what I had expected. I have some crazy anxiety over the whole weight gain thing so I stepped away for my own sanity.

    I've been scale-free for quite some time now, and it is wonderful!

    I need the accountability to the scale. Otherwise I convince myself I am not gaining weight. When I am. Even if I miss a few days.

    I've been very good about logging and working out. Totally honest with all of that so I know that I'm doing everything right. Obsessing over the scale was driving me crazy and pretty pointless. I'm much happier now. I get that some people need it though. Whatever works.

    Well I've been good with logging but not working out! You have always done great and look fabulous, so no scale is clearly working for you!

    Thanks, Patricia! That's really sweet of you!
    You're not still running? Or just not as much?
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    Lately I have been hiding from the scale, with the super heavy lifts I've been doing I find that my weight is higher than what I had expected. I have some crazy anxiety over the whole weight gain thing so I stepped away for my own sanity.

    I've been scale-free for quite some time now, and it is wonderful!

    I need the accountability to the scale. Otherwise I convince myself I am not gaining weight. When I am. Even if I miss a few days.

    I've been very good about logging and working out. Totally honest with all of that so I know that I'm doing everything right. Obsessing over the scale was driving me crazy and pretty pointless. I'm much happier now. I get that some people need it though. Whatever works.

    Well I've been good with logging but not working out! You have always done great and look fabulous, so no scale is clearly working for you!

    Thanks, Patricia! That's really sweet of you!
    You're not still running? Or just not as much?

    Barely. I have been hugely unmotivated. I have not even been riding during the week. My trainer and I have gotten into a bad habit. She texts me 'you coming tonight' and I reply, well if you don't want to wait and both horses are ridden I can skip. Then I go home, have a bath, go to bed. Then get up go to work, skip gym. I am a mess.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    I confess that I'm really relieved that my call is over so I can finally go eat lunch because I'm starving.

    Your picture looks so much like one of the women who works for me. Dead ringer.

    Really? That's so funny! I'm not in NJ, so I'm fairly certain it's not me. :lol: Is she a nice lady?

    Very nice and she is in TX.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Well I kind of owned the last few pages. Bing posting!
  • ivygirl1937
    ivygirl1937 Posts: 899 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    I confess that I'm really relieved that my call is over so I can finally go eat lunch because I'm starving.

    Your picture looks so much like one of the women who works for me. Dead ringer.

    Really? That's so funny! I'm not in NJ, so I'm fairly certain it's not me. :lol: Is she a nice lady?

    Very nice and she is in TX.

    Oh, in TX. My bad, sorry! But I'm glad at least my doppelganger is nice! :smile:
  • ivygirl1937
    ivygirl1937 Posts: 899 Member
    I confess that I'm tired and want to go home but still have 30 more minutes. I also confess I wish I hadn't offered to take a friend who has had a bad day out for a mini girls night, I just want to go home and go to bed. *sigh* Oh well, it'll be fun anyway.
  • ivygirl1937
    ivygirl1937 Posts: 899 Member
    I also confess I'm more than a little irritated with the guy training in my office.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited December 2016
    I confess that I'm tired and want to go home but still have 30 more minutes. I also confess I wish I hadn't offered to take a friend who has had a bad day out for a mini girls night, I just want to go home and go to bed. *sigh* Oh well, it'll be fun anyway.

    That was me the other day. I got through it and went home to bed. :)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    I confess that I'm really relieved that my call is over so I can finally go eat lunch because I'm starving.

    Your picture looks so much like one of the women who works for me. Dead ringer.

    Really? That's so funny! I'm not in NJ, so I'm fairly certain it's not me. :lol: Is she a nice lady?

    Very nice and she is in TX.

    Oh, in TX. My bad, sorry! But I'm glad at least my doppelganger is nice! :smile:

    No, I am in NJ. But I have folks who work for me in MA, VA, NY, TX, PA
  • ivygirl1937
    ivygirl1937 Posts: 899 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    I confess that I'm really relieved that my call is over so I can finally go eat lunch because I'm starving.

    Your picture looks so much like one of the women who works for me. Dead ringer.

    Really? That's so funny! I'm not in NJ, so I'm fairly certain it's not me. :lol: Is she a nice lady?

    Very nice and she is in TX.

    Oh, in TX. My bad, sorry! But I'm glad at least my doppelganger is nice! :smile:

    No, I am in NJ. But I have folks who work for me in MA, VA, NY, TX, PA

    Oh that's so cool, I didn't know that! What do you do?
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    I confess that I'm really relieved that my call is over so I can finally go eat lunch because I'm starving.

    Your picture looks so much like one of the women who works for me. Dead ringer.

    Really? That's so funny! I'm not in NJ, so I'm fairly certain it's not me. :lol: Is she a nice lady?

    Very nice and she is in TX.

    Oh, in TX. My bad, sorry! But I'm glad at least my doppelganger is nice! :smile:

    No, I am in NJ. But I have folks who work for me in MA, VA, NY, TX, PA

    Oh that's so cool, I didn't know that! What do you do?

    I do Marketing Communications (advertising) for a telecommunications company.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Where'd everybody go? :o I can't talk to myself for the next 80 pages! :D

    I'm here :)

    Yay! More confessions? :p

    Ooh, I've got one:
    I confess that I've been putting more time into stepping than household chores lately. The house has been getting pretty much just a lick and a promise while I dive into piles of Kindle books and start to step!

    Can we trade? I have to get on a training conference call shortly and am not looking forward to it. More time to post, though!

    Trade, no, your call sounds awful. However, I invite you to play hooky and join me! I have lots of books to go around. :D

    Ooh, yes please!!

    Come on over! We're having breakfast-for-dinner tonight! ;) (It's nearly 11 PM here, in case you didn't know that I live across the world.)

    I love breakfast for dinner, that sounds awesome! If only I could afford the last-minute airfare. :lol:

    And you know, some threads are worth lurking in for almost two years. :smiley:

    This one is!

    I'm glad you're not lurking anymore.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    I actually have two scales. One lives at work, the other at home. ;)

    I lug mine along every time I go to a friend's house for lunch or dinner. She probably thinks I'm insane, but she doesn't seem to mind!

    I am at my mom's atm and first thing packed was the food scale lol. When I was weighing food post-surgery my MIL stared at me like I was crazy

    If I weighed my food in front of my MIL, I think she'd try to get me put into a psych ward for insanity. ;) She doesn't quite get the whole CICO thing!

    I pack my weight scale when I travel. Most people think I'm nuts.

    I'm the bad kid who hasn't been using my scale as much as I should (although I have a LONG way to go so it doesn't hurt me as much as it would at a lower weight). Really need to get back to weighing everything again.

    I meant for my weight. I don't use a food scale really anymore. I kind of eyeball it.

    I haven't used a food scale since my grandfather died and my grandmother sold off all but two of their dairy cows. OTOH, I weighed so much dairy and food in my aunt's restaurant to bake or cook it that I can eyeball it.