

  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    We might not even make 2000, which was the first number, right?

    Yep. Unless people get reeeeally inspired to post some holiday-related confessions. :p

    I've completely given up logging or monitoring in any fashion, my food intake until after the first of the year. My calories and macros can jump right off a bridge. :smiley:

    Enjoy all the food! I've been drooling over the thought of soft, chewy gingerbread... We can't get all the ingredients to make it here, so the last time I had it was with my grandma in the US!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    tobistat wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    As for holiday related confessions.....I have been making lots of toffee and pretzel turtle candy (pretzel, Rolo, pecan) and I cannot keep myself out of them. I may have to make more of the turtles tonight! The sugar is the main reason I have jumped 11 pounds since October... :/

    Hugs! To make you feel better, I confess that I've gained 50 pounds this year through all-out binge eating. :(

    @Susieq_1994 - I hope it gets better soon!! It has been stressful the last part of the year, but I can't blame anyone but me for what I gained.

    Yep, same here. It's all me! I'm pretty proud of myself, I've been back to logging for 1.5 months now... But in the meantime I've gained a grand total of about 90 pounds. Woohoo? :neutral:

    You can get in on our hard reset, too!

    I'm so in! I'm in three different challenges right now, trying to get myself all motivated. ;) I'm in a calorie logging challenge with Nicci and Patricia, a weight loss challenge with some non-MFP friends and my sister, and then of course the weekly step challenge, in which I try to beat @tobistat every week. ;)

    You and Tobi are ridiculous on the fitbit steps. LOL ;) I feel good if I'm even in your general vicinity, steps-wise.

    Feel comforted by the fact that I'm unemployed and therefore I get to step and read all day long. :p If I was working I wouldn't get half of what I do!

    Exactly, Susie! I don't work either so that's why I get a lot of steps. Makes me feel bad when I win because it's not really fair to the people who are working!

    True. But I enjoy the challenges so much that I don't want to stop playing them! Most of the time it's me vs. you vs. Danny. :p
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    So, I decided to make our chocolate stuffed anniversary cookie! I bought the ingredients today and I'll try to remember to take pictures before devouring it. ;)

    I've planned out our anniversary meals as follows: French toast for breakfast, pizza for lunch, and giant cookie for dinner. Lots of yummy food! :smiley:

    Susie, it does sound yummy! I love French toast. I wonder if I can find a vegan version of it. Maybe I'll make it on XMAS day.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    tobistat wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    As for holiday related confessions.....I have been making lots of toffee and pretzel turtle candy (pretzel, Rolo, pecan) and I cannot keep myself out of them. I may have to make more of the turtles tonight! The sugar is the main reason I have jumped 11 pounds since October... :/

    Hugs! To make you feel better, I confess that I've gained 50 pounds this year through all-out binge eating. :(

    @Susieq_1994 - I hope it gets better soon!! It has been stressful the last part of the year, but I can't blame anyone but me for what I gained.

    Yep, same here. It's all me! I'm pretty proud of myself, I've been back to logging for 1.5 months now... But in the meantime I've gained a grand total of about 90 pounds. Woohoo? :neutral:

    You can get in on our hard reset, too!

    I'm so in! I'm in three different challenges right now, trying to get myself all motivated. ;) I'm in a calorie logging challenge with Nicci and Patricia, a weight loss challenge with some non-MFP friends and my sister, and then of course the weekly step challenge, in which I try to beat @tobistat every week. ;)

    You and Tobi are ridiculous on the fitbit steps. LOL ;) I feel good if I'm even in your general vicinity, steps-wise.

    Feel comforted by the fact that I'm unemployed and therefore I get to step and read all day long. :p If I was working I wouldn't get half of what I do!

    Exactly, Susie! I don't work either so that's why I get a lot of steps. Makes me feel bad when I win because it's not really fair to the people who are working!

    True. But I enjoy the challenges so much that I don't want to stop playing them! Most of the time it's me vs. you vs. Danny. :p

    I don't want you guys to stop either. It's motivating. Consider it a public service to us low steppers!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    Can someone please explain to me the obsession with mesh in leggings right now?

    What I want to know is what's with the obsession with LEGGINGS right now? I had to shop for HOURS and in like four different malls just to find ONE pair of pants that weren't leggings in the stores here. :neutral:

    I only have one pair of leggings that are NOT for the gym, and wear them very rarely. All my other leggings are gym wear, and I wear them constantly (going to the gym, not for athleisure).

    Me too. Leggings are not an attractive look on me. But I wear them constantly at home. And yoga pants.

    I live in yoga pants at home if we don't have guests. When I leave the house, I wear jeans..then right back into my yoga pants when I get back home.

    I'm another secret leggings wearer. I love them at home. Wear them all the time. But will not set foot out the door in them.

    Gym leggings are totally different

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    As for holiday related confessions.....I have been making lots of toffee and pretzel turtle candy (pretzel, Rolo, pecan) and I cannot keep myself out of them. I may have to make more of the turtles tonight! The sugar is the main reason I have jumped 11 pounds since October... :/

    Hugs! To make you feel better, I confess that I've gained 50 pounds this year through all-out binge eating. :(

    I'm in the same boat as you Susie :'(.

    I'm doing my hard reset whether I want to or not on the 26th.

    I gained around 50-60.

    You can do this! I've been back at it for 1.5 months and I've lost 12 pounds so far :)

    Yay Susie! I raise you up Trophy high. You are my inspiration these days.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    As for holiday related confessions.....I have been making lots of toffee and pretzel turtle candy (pretzel, Rolo, pecan) and I cannot keep myself out of them. I may have to make more of the turtles tonight! The sugar is the main reason I have jumped 11 pounds since October... :/

    Hugs, LeeAnn! Do the best you can and join me for the hard reset January 1. :*

    I will start cleaning things out on Dec. 26th!! We don't really do lots of social things through New Year, so I can get a bit of a head start. But I will be right there will you.

    I'm getting a headstart too but need to get it together in 2017. I really fell down the later half of 2016.

    I'm giving myself a pass for the holidays. But I have made a training and food plan that commences 3rd Jan

    Me too. Mine starts 1/1. But food and alcohol has started early. A running start if you will.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    Hey alll!
    Currently procrastinating on book keeping (I'm learning the ropes for work). I think I need another coffee soon too, I've had three but I am just lagging hard today!

    I had four. Five is my cut off, but I won't have that many today.

    :o:#:o I don't think anyone could handle me if I had four coffees.

    I start every day with 2 XL Dunkin Donuts coffees. If I have 3 it's a bad day. But I usually stop there. I used to drink it all day long. I am thinking of going to get one now...

    I now want to go get coffee (it's 8am here)

    I had one later. It wasn't good. :(
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    As for holiday related confessions.....I have been making lots of toffee and pretzel turtle candy (pretzel, Rolo, pecan) and I cannot keep myself out of them. I may have to make more of the turtles tonight! The sugar is the main reason I have jumped 11 pounds since October... :/

    Hugs! To make you feel better, I confess that I've gained 50 pounds this year through all-out binge eating. :(

    I'm in the same boat as you Susie :'(.

    I'm doing my hard reset whether I want to or not on the 26th.

    I gained around 50-60.

    Sounds like we have a 2017 weight loss challenge ahead of us with a few folks in here. Good. I like accountability.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    So, sometime today, I saw Quik needs a new house angel. I could use one of those, but I feel cheated. I'm supposed to have Rosie the Robot by now. And a Jetsons hover car. (although my friends in the ER are probably fine with people not being able to crash into each other and then into the ground)

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    tobistat wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    As for holiday related confessions.....I have been making lots of toffee and pretzel turtle candy (pretzel, Rolo, pecan) and I cannot keep myself out of them. I may have to make more of the turtles tonight! The sugar is the main reason I have jumped 11 pounds since October... :/

    Hugs! To make you feel better, I confess that I've gained 50 pounds this year through all-out binge eating. :(

    @Susieq_1994 - I hope it gets better soon!! It has been stressful the last part of the year, but I can't blame anyone but me for what I gained.

    Yep, same here. It's all me! I'm pretty proud of myself, I've been back to logging for 1.5 months now... But in the meantime I've gained a grand total of about 90 pounds. Woohoo? :neutral:

    You can get in on our hard reset, too!

    I'm so in! I'm in three different challenges right now, trying to get myself all motivated. ;) I'm in a calorie logging challenge with Nicci and Patricia, a weight loss challenge with some non-MFP friends and my sister, and then of course the weekly step challenge, in which I try to beat @tobistat every week. ;)

    You and Tobi are ridiculous on the fitbit steps. LOL ;) I feel good if I'm even in your general vicinity, steps-wise.

    Feel comforted by the fact that I'm unemployed and therefore I get to step and read all day long. :p If I was working I wouldn't get half of what I do!

    Exactly, Susie! I don't work either so that's why I get a lot of steps. Makes me feel bad when I win because it's not really fair to the people who are working!

    Don't feel bad. I could walk more when I get home, I choose not to outside soccer season.

    Exactly. We choose to do less. Don't feel bad, be the reason we get walking!
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Do I get dressed and venture out into the cold for my favourite coffee or do I make a home made version and stay warm?
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    As for holiday related confessions.....I have been making lots of toffee and pretzel turtle candy (pretzel, Rolo, pecan) and I cannot keep myself out of them. I may have to make more of the turtles tonight! The sugar is the main reason I have jumped 11 pounds since October... :/

    Hugs! To make you feel better, I confess that I've gained 50 pounds this year through all-out binge eating. :(

    I'm in the same boat as you Susie :'(.

    I'm doing my hard reset whether I want to or not on the 26th.

    I gained around 50-60.

    You can do this! I've been back at it for 1.5 months and I've lost 12 pounds so far :)

    Yay Susie! I raise you up Trophy high. You are my inspiration these days.

    Aww, thank you! <3
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    Hey alll!
    Currently procrastinating on book keeping (I'm learning the ropes for work). I think I need another coffee soon too, I've had three but I am just lagging hard today!

    I had four. Five is my cut off, but I won't have that many today.

    :o:#:o I don't think anyone could handle me if I had four coffees.

    I start every day with 2 XL Dunkin Donuts coffees. If I have 3 it's a bad day. But I usually stop there. I used to drink it all day long. I am thinking of going to get one now...

    I now want to go get coffee (it's 8am here)

    I had one later. It wasn't good. :(

    Coffee addicts. :p I confess that I haven't a clue what "good" coffee is supposed to be. They all taste equally awful to me!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    As for holiday related confessions.....I have been making lots of toffee and pretzel turtle candy (pretzel, Rolo, pecan) and I cannot keep myself out of them. I may have to make more of the turtles tonight! The sugar is the main reason I have jumped 11 pounds since October... :/

    Hugs! To make you feel better, I confess that I've gained 50 pounds this year through all-out binge eating. :(

    I'm in the same boat as you Susie :'(.

    I'm doing my hard reset whether I want to or not on the 26th.

    I gained around 50-60.

    Sounds like we have a 2017 weight loss challenge ahead of us with a few folks in here. Good. I like accountability.

    Yup, sounds like fun! ;)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Do I get dressed and venture out into the cold for my favourite coffee or do I make a home made version and stay warm?

    You get dressed and venture out in the cold. A walk in brisk and cold air is good for you! ;)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I confess that I talked Mr. Susie into monetary weight loss rewards. For every kilo I lose (2.2 lbs), I get 15 riyals towards a Kindle book. (When it comes to books I spend money like water, so we have a pretty strict monthly book budget agreed on--so losing weight gets me extra!) Milestone weight numbers (every ten kilos) get me double that. I'm greedily hoarding all of my earned book money so I can look at all the money and see what my weight loss got me! I can't seem to bring myself to spend it. :D

    This is a great strategy. I am not sure it would work for me since I spend money like water. I wonder shat incentive I could build for making and maintaining my goal?