

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Can this day please be over?!? I'm so done.

    It is after 5 here, so yes. Today can be over.


    6 pm here!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    ARGH! E-mail just came through that said there are doughnuts in the kitchen. I'm NOT eating a doughnut! I'm not! It won't taste good enough for the calories, right?!? :o

    Whoever sent that email was cruel

    It's office culture to send out an email any time someone brings in treats. :/

    Doubly cruel. SABOTAGE!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Should I be concerned that I am up at 3:25 am working away on my dissertation, eating a can of sauerkraut and drinking consecutive red bulls?

    Nah. Sounds completely normal. :o

    Today it was 3:30 am, red bull, no sauerkraut.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Should I be concerned that I am up at 3:25 am working away on my dissertation, eating a can of sauerkraut and drinking consecutive red bulls?
    No. Maybe? Maybe about the red bulls. The sauerkraut sounds good, though.

    I love sauerkraut. I heat it up and eat it just like that. If I have mustard I'll mix that in too. Works as a meal with very few calories.


    Haven't had sauerkraut since I was a kid, and I don't remember liking it then.

    I ADORE it.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Confession - my weight is back up into the 180's. 181.4 this morning. Argh. My rings are tight, so it's some water weight, but definitely time to knuckle down.

    I was in the low 160's. So demoralizing, depressing, discouraging, distressing, dispiriting... (I went to, trying to find the right word. :D )

    Buttocks kick for you!!!

    Come on, girl! Of all of my friends, I know that you can do this.

    Hey, I'm a bit offended by that.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Confession - my weight is back up into the 180's. 181.4 this morning. Argh. My rings are tight, so it's some water weight, but definitely time to knuckle down.

    I was in the low 160's. So demoralizing, depressing, discouraging, distressing, dispiriting... (I went to, trying to find the right word. :D )

    I am still sitting in the low 130s. Shall we get this going together???? I am feeling I could do it this time. I'm making a lot of positive progress in a lot of areas...
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Confession - my weight is back up into the 180's. 181.4 this morning. Argh. My rings are tight, so it's some water weight, but definitely time to knuckle down.

    I was in the low 160's. So demoralizing, depressing, discouraging, distressing, dispiriting... (I went to, trying to find the right word. :D )

    Buttocks kick for you!!!

    Come on, girl! Of all of my friends, I know that you can do this.

    Hey, I'm a bit offended by that.

    Oh, no! I apologize for not being specific about what "this" means.

    Of all my friends, I know you can complete a triathlon, ride horses competitively, and get your Ph.D.

    What I know Tami can do is plan her meals to the last macro to make weight for a competition.

    Totally different "this" and I am not disciplined enough to for any of it.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Host mom thinks I ate dinner out, I think. I'm too shy to tell her otherwise. I didn't eat lunch, either, but my new rules are that I only accept food that's offered to me without prompting.
    I'm too shy to ask her and feeling like a failure of a human being besides, so no dinner tonight. I ate enough at breakfast that it's okay.
    I wish I still had some alcohol left, though.
    Coping? Like a normal person? What's that?

    Why is this your rule? How long are you there?
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    edited October 2017
    Host mom thinks I ate dinner out, I think. I'm too shy to tell her otherwise. I didn't eat lunch, either, but my new rules are that I only accept food that's offered to me without prompting.
    I'm too shy to ask her and feeling like a failure of a human being besides, so no dinner tonight. I ate enough at breakfast that it's okay.
    I wish I still had some alcohol left, though.
    Coping? Like a normal person? What's that?

    Why is this your rule? How long are you there?
    Two more months. It's my rule because I need to impose some structure on the garbage can fire that is my life.
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    MFP I is eating the bottom of my posts for some reason.
    Adding that I am not 100% in control of The Rules (honestly not sure what part of my mentally interesting brain is responsible for that-- OCD? ED fragments left over? Terrible decision-making? Who knows!) but this is way better than it could be so it's a kind of damage control.
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Confession - my weight is back up into the 180's. 181.4 this morning. Argh. My rings are tight, so it's some water weight, but definitely time to knuckle down.

    I was in the low 160's. So demoralizing, depressing, discouraging, distressing, dispiriting... (I went to, trying to find the right word. :D )

    I am still sitting in the low 130s. Shall we get this going together???? I am feeling I could do it this time. I'm making a lot of positive progress in a lot of areas...

    Hey, I'm nearly 130, can I join? Sick of being stuck!
    (Not to mention that I'm imposing on this thread... you all seem to know each other well but you also seem like nice people, so if I'm annoying you please let me know and I will *kitten* right off. )
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Confession - my weight is back up into the 180's. 181.4 this morning. Argh. My rings are tight, so it's some water weight, but definitely time to knuckle down.

    I was in the low 160's. So demoralizing, depressing, discouraging, distressing, dispiriting... (I went to, trying to find the right word. :D )

    I am still sitting in the low 130s. Shall we get this going together???? I am feeling I could do it this time. I'm making a lot of positive progress in a lot of areas...

    Hey, I'm nearly 130, can I join? Sick of being stuck!
    (Not to mention that I'm imposing on this thread... you all seem to know each other well but you also seem like nice people, so if I'm annoying you please let me know and I will *kitten* right off. )

    We like new people. Don't go anywhere. We've been on this thread for years so we do know each other l, but we like new friends too.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    MFP I is eating the bottom of my posts for some reason.
    Adding that I am not 100% in control of The Rules (honestly not sure what part of my mentally interesting brain is responsible for that-- OCD? ED fragments left over? Terrible decision-making? Who knows!) but this is way better than it could be so it's a kind of damage control.

    If I were in a foreign country for an extended period I would gain 20 lbs and go broke trying all of the foods, so I get only eating what your host family eats. It seems like a good idea to me.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Confession - my weight is back up into the 180's. 181.4 this morning. Argh. My rings are tight, so it's some water weight, but definitely time to knuckle down.

    I was in the low 160's. So demoralizing, depressing, discouraging, distressing, dispiriting... (I went to, trying to find the right word. :D )

    Buttocks kick for you!!!

    Come on, girl! Of all of my friends, I know that you can do this.

    Hey, I'm a bit offended by that.

    Oh, no! I apologize for not being specific about what "this" means.

    Of all my friends, I know you can complete a triathlon, ride horses competitively, and get your Ph.D.

    What I know Tami can do is plan her meals to the last macro to make weight for a competition.

    Totally different "this" and I am not disciplined enough to for any of it.

    I was teasing you... my dry humor didn't come through too well on that one, huh? ;)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Confession - my weight is back up into the 180's. 181.4 this morning. Argh. My rings are tight, so it's some water weight, but definitely time to knuckle down.

    I was in the low 160's. So demoralizing, depressing, discouraging, distressing, dispiriting... (I went to, trying to find the right word. :D )

    I am still sitting in the low 130s. Shall we get this going together???? I am feeling I could do it this time. I'm making a lot of positive progress in a lot of areas...

    Hey, I'm nearly 130, can I join? Sick of being stuck!
    (Not to mention that I'm imposing on this thread... you all seem to know each other well but you also seem like nice people, so if I'm annoying you please let me know and I will *kitten* right off. )

    Oh, not at all! We lost a lot of people along the way, and would love to breathe some new life into this thread with some new folks! Post away!!!!

    Sure, Tami and I (and sometimes Mel and Susie) do daily goals. But I haven't been holding to mine or any of my 2017 or even 4Q goals to date. So, my first goal is to get down below 130 by the end of the month. And to walk nightly. That is what took my weight off last time and I have totally lost that drive.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Confession - my weight is back up into the 180's. 181.4 this morning. Argh. My rings are tight, so it's some water weight, but definitely time to knuckle down.

    I was in the low 160's. So demoralizing, depressing, discouraging, distressing, dispiriting... (I went to, trying to find the right word. :D )

    Buttocks kick for you!!!

    Come on, girl! Of all of my friends, I know that you can do this.

    Hey, I'm a bit offended by that.

    Oh, no! I apologize for not being specific about what "this" means.

    Of all my friends, I know you can complete a triathlon, ride horses competitively, and get your Ph.D.

    What I know Tami can do is plan her meals to the last macro to make weight for a competition.

    Totally different "this" and I am not disciplined enough to for any of it.

    I was teasing you... my dry humor didn't come through too well on that one, huh? ;)

    I am not good at dry humor. My son has autism because I have autism.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    edited October 2017
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Confession - my weight is back up into the 180's. 181.4 this morning. Argh. My rings are tight, so it's some water weight, but definitely time to knuckle down.

    I was in the low 160's. So demoralizing, depressing, discouraging, distressing, dispiriting... (I went to, trying to find the right word. :D )

    I am still sitting in the low 130s. Shall we get this going together???? I am feeling I could do it this time. I'm making a lot of positive progress in a lot of areas...

    Hey, I'm nearly 130, can I join? Sick of being stuck!
    (Not to mention that I'm imposing on this thread... you all seem to know each other well but you also seem like nice people, so if I'm annoying you please let me know and I will *kitten* right off. )

    Oh, not at all! We lost a lot of people along the way, and would love to breathe some new life into this thread with some new folks! Post away!!!!

    Sure, Tami and I (and sometimes Mel and Susie) do daily goals. But I haven't been holding to mine or any of my 2017 or even 4Q goals to date. So, my first goal is to get down below 130 by the end of the month. And to walk nightly. That is what took my weight off last time and I have totally lost that drive.

    I'm in. I will vow to walk the dog daily (except for the downpours they say we will have on Monday - she won't go out in the rain.) after work for the rest of the month.

    ETA: I weighed 173 this morning. I will aim for 171.5 by November 1. That's 10 days.
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Confession - my weight is back up into the 180's. 181.4 this morning. Argh. My rings are tight, so it's some water weight, but definitely time to knuckle down.

    I was in the low 160's. So demoralizing, depressing, discouraging, distressing, dispiriting... (I went to, trying to find the right word. :D )

    I am still sitting in the low 130s. Shall we get this going together???? I am feeling I could do it this time. I'm making a lot of positive progress in a lot of areas...

    Hey, I'm nearly 130, can I join? Sick of being stuck!
    (Not to mention that I'm imposing on this thread... you all seem to know each other well but you also seem like nice people, so if I'm annoying you please let me know and I will *kitten* right off. )

    Oh, not at all! We lost a lot of people along the way, and would love to breathe some new life into this thread with some new folks! Post away!!!!

    Sure, Tami and I (and sometimes Mel and Susie) do daily goals. But I haven't been holding to mine or any of my 2017 or even 4Q goals to date. So, my first goal is to get down below 130 by the end of the month. And to walk nightly. That is what took my weight off last time and I have totally lost that drive.
    Okay! :)
    My goal for today is to buy peanut butter and not eat the entire jar. Let’s see how that goes
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Confession - my weight is back up into the 180's. 181.4 this morning. Argh. My rings are tight, so it's some water weight, but definitely time to knuckle down.

    I was in the low 160's. So demoralizing, depressing, discouraging, distressing, dispiriting... (I went to, trying to find the right word. :D )

    I am still sitting in the low 130s. Shall we get this going together???? I am feeling I could do it this time. I'm making a lot of positive progress in a lot of areas...

    Hey, I'm nearly 130, can I join? Sick of being stuck!
    (Not to mention that I'm imposing on this thread... you all seem to know each other well but you also seem like nice people, so if I'm annoying you please let me know and I will *kitten* right off. )

    Oh, not at all! We lost a lot of people along the way, and would love to breathe some new life into this thread with some new folks! Post away!!!!

    Sure, Tami and I (and sometimes Mel and Susie) do daily goals. But I haven't been holding to mine or any of my 2017 or even 4Q goals to date. So, my first goal is to get down below 130 by the end of the month. And to walk nightly. That is what took my weight off last time and I have totally lost that drive.
    Okay! :)
    My goal for today is to buy peanut butter and not eat the entire jar. Let’s see how that goes

    That would be an incredibly difficult goal for me. :)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Confession - my weight is back up into the 180's. 181.4 this morning. Argh. My rings are tight, so it's some water weight, but definitely time to knuckle down.

    I was in the low 160's. So demoralizing, depressing, discouraging, distressing, dispiriting... (I went to, trying to find the right word. :D )

    I am still sitting in the low 130s. Shall we get this going together???? I am feeling I could do it this time. I'm making a lot of positive progress in a lot of areas...

    Hey, I'm nearly 130, can I join? Sick of being stuck!
    (Not to mention that I'm imposing on this thread... you all seem to know each other well but you also seem like nice people, so if I'm annoying you please let me know and I will *kitten* right off. )

    Oh, not at all! We lost a lot of people along the way, and would love to breathe some new life into this thread with some new folks! Post away!!!!

    Sure, Tami and I (and sometimes Mel and Susie) do daily goals. But I haven't been holding to mine or any of my 2017 or even 4Q goals to date. So, my first goal is to get down below 130 by the end of the month. And to walk nightly. That is what took my weight off last time and I have totally lost that drive.

    I'm in. I will vow to walk the dog daily (except for the downpours they say we will have on Monday - she won't go out in the rain.) after work for the rest of the month.

    ETA: I weighed 173 this morning. I will aim for 171.5 by November 1. That's 10 days.

    Mine is to get 15K steps today, I am at my Mom's working on my dissertation, so not much movement happened yesterday. Need to get those steps in today!