

  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    pinuplove wrote: »
    I guess while I'm cluttering up the confession thread, I might as well confess. I haven't done one single productive thing at work today and don't really see that changing this afternoon :tongue:

    Confession: Me, either.

    In my defense, I have absolutely NOTHING to do. Waiting on other people to do their thing first.

    I was pretty productive this morning, but then I got to a problem that took an hour to research and that was that...

    Good thing I have that $10 million win from last week to last me the rest of the year....


    If not, I'll need a handout for the wedding. :)

    Not sarcasm, but not my personal money either. The 11th of December, the big bosses set four of us looking for 8.8 million dollars that they couldn't account for. We found 10 million. The CEO was impressed. I think I can skate by on that for the rest of year, even if I am not very productive some days. I'm getting the really important stuff done.

    ETA:if I will the lottery any time soon, I will give you a handout in exchange for an invitation. ;)

    Ha ha deal!

    I don't know if I mentioned it before, but we decided on a 20's/prohibition themed wedding. This has proven a cheaper but limited choice of dress. But the silver lining is the less choice, the easier the decision. :lol:

    That is so cool!
    Seconded! That sounds awesome.
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    Thank you all for the welcome home wishes!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited December 2017
    spamarie wrote: »
    Please explain buckeye balls! Looks like something I might need!!

    Original Oreo vote here. I'm so hungry for rubbish now! Emergency night curly wurly isn't going to last much longer.

    Buckeye Balls:


    Blend peanut butter and butter together. Blend in vanilla.

    Add powdered sugar. Blend on low til completely mixed/smooth. (I found this to be too sweet. My Grandma Max used to have graham crackers in hers. I'm going to make another batch and do half pulverized grahams and half powdered sugar.)

    Form into balls. Freeze at least one hour.

    Dip in chocolate!


    Oh, I used to make these, but we called them peanut butter balls. Not buckeye balls. But then we don't live or didn't live in Idaho!

    Oh, and I totally dipped them in chocolate.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited December 2017
    @pinuplove came up with that and the mods gave it to her.

    And WOO now looks like :o

    She invented the idea of a hug? That is cool. We now have a celebrity in our thread! :p
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    We've taught the toddler to do a King Kong impression every time someone says monkey. Parenting win.

    This made me laugh. Teaching your kids to do tricks.
    Definitely a parenting win. I wonder what else you could condition them to do? XD

    Currently my not quite two year old will very enthusiastically help take laundry off drying racks and put folded stuff away. Trouble is he's not very particular. stuff on the rack doesn't have to be dry and stuff going in the drawers doesn't have to be clean. I caught him trying to put away his sister's dirty (poopy!) vests in my T-shirt drawer. Eek. His heart is in the right place!

    He also gets very excited about closing curtains. It's a thrill a minute over here.

    I totally laughed at this!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    2525 pages! I love numbers like this....
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    2525 pages! I love numbers like this....

    Me too. I hope this post makes it on. :)
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    In for the 2525!! Getting ready to head out for my holiday time off. My confession, I now weigh more than I ever have. Bring on the new year so I can start kicking my self in to gear.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    In for the 2525!! Getting ready to head out for my holiday time off. My confession, I now weigh more than I ever have. Bring on the new year so I can start kicking my self in to gear.

    I confess I am the heaviest I have been in 3 years. And I am really upset about it.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    In for the 2525!! Getting ready to head out for my holiday time off. My confession, I now weigh more than I ever have. Bring on the new year so I can start kicking my self in to gear.

    I confess I am the heaviest I have been in 3 years. And I am really upset about it.

    Well I haven't been very successful with weightless this year either, :( I think quite a few of us have struggled. Hopefully 2018 will be better!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    In for the 2525!! Getting ready to head out for my holiday time off. My confession, I now weigh more than I ever have. Bring on the new year so I can start kicking my self in to gear.

    I confess I am the heaviest I have been in 3 years. And I am really upset about it.

    Well I haven't been very successful with weightless this year either, :( I think quite a few of us have struggled. Hopefully 2018 will be better!

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    In for the 2525!! Getting ready to head out for my holiday time off. My confession, I now weigh more than I ever have. Bring on the new year so I can start kicking my self in to gear.

    10 days
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    In for the 2525!! Getting ready to head out for my holiday time off. My confession, I now weigh more than I ever have. Bring on the new year so I can start kicking my self in to gear.

    I confess I am the heaviest I have been in 3 years. And I am really upset about it.

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    pinuplove wrote: »
    I guess while I'm cluttering up the confession thread, I might as well confess. I haven't done one single productive thing at work today and don't really see that changing this afternoon :tongue:

    Lucky! I have to be productive (Walmart Service Desk). Bangs head on desk.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    I’m back in the US! I even got away with a knife in my carry-on. Back on track with eating less, starting today!

    Welcome back!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    I'm hovering around 201-205 (not sure on actual weight since I had a smallish binge around my period).

    I'm hoping next year to at least get to my goal of 160 or at least to 170-175.

    This year I plan on making more home cooked meals, trying out different protein desserts, & not spending as much on food.

    I'll still buy some favorite protein bars/desserts, but give myself a budget on how much I can spend on that kind of food & try to budget food expenses more.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Good luck @SoulOfRusalka , I hope the ed is easier to manage on home soil.

    Sleep is still terrible here. I can cope with feeding every two hours if she'd settle down in between, but several times a night it's just a screaming match. We went to bed at 10 and I don't think I slept until 2ish and then she needed feeding again at 4 and 6. The only sleep I got the night before was the two hours husband held her. Won't be swaddled, won't take a dummy (pacifier) or anything that's commonly suggested. Looking forward to Christmas but less so if my brain is fuzz.

    Are the parents coming over? Maybe they could take over for a couple of hours so you can nap?

    My family are over on boxing day, I'm doing a hassle free buffet. Unfortunately I tend to find with all the best will in the world, visitors are less conducive to napping, not more. But I will force my brothers to do the washing up!
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    In for the 2525!! Getting ready to head out for my holiday time off. My confession, I now weigh more than I ever have. Bring on the new year so I can start kicking my self in to gear.

    I confess I am the heaviest I have been in 3 years. And I am really upset about it.

    I lost about 8lbs in the first quarter of the year, then gained 40ish, then lost 25. So I am a little up on this time last year but I got a baby out of it, so not a bad trade off.

    Already lighter than when I started mfp before I ever had kids, but annoyingly everything is rearranged so I don't look lighter! After two csections in less than two years, I'm hoping to slowly regain some core strength in 2018.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Looks like 2018 is a hard reset for everyone. We got this because we have each other.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    In for the 2525!! Getting ready to head out for my holiday time off. My confession, I now weigh more than I ever have. Bring on the new year so I can start kicking my self in to gear.

    I confess I am the heaviest I have been in 3 years. And I am really upset about it.

    I lost about 8lbs in the first quarter of the year, then gained 40ish, then lost 25. So I am a little up on this time last year but I got a baby out of it, so not a bad trade off.

    Already lighter than when I started mfp before I ever had kids, but annoyingly everything is rearranged so I don't look lighter! After two csections in less than two years, I'm hoping to slowly regain some core strength in 2018.
    spamarie wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Good luck @SoulOfRusalka , I hope the ed is easier to manage on home soil.

    Sleep is still terrible here. I can cope with feeding every two hours if she'd settle down in between, but several times a night it's just a screaming match. We went to bed at 10 and I don't think I slept until 2ish and then she needed feeding again at 4 and 6. The only sleep I got the night before was the two hours husband held her. Won't be swaddled, won't take a dummy (pacifier) or anything that's commonly suggested. Looking forward to Christmas but less so if my brain is fuzz.

    Are the parents coming over? Maybe they could take over for a couple of hours so you can nap?

    My family are over on boxing day, I'm doing a hassle free buffet. Unfortunately I tend to find with all the best will in the world, visitors are less conducive to napping, not more. But I will force my brothers to do the washing up!


    Hoping they'll get the hint that you deserve a well needed nap & give you 2-3 hours of nap time. That way you get some much needed rest & they'll get some bonding with baby time.