

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    My son loves watching shows about snakes, reptiles, and wildlife on the NatGeoWIld channel.
    My confession is that every time they say "anaconda", I sing that part of "Baby Got Back" in my head.
    Every. Single. Time.

    I would too, but I think Buttermilk Biscuits is a better song.

    Confession: I got up early to watch the world cup. I expected France to run away with this one, but Australia hasn't let them score and it is almost half time. Australia also looks like a bunch of bananas. Solid yellow uniforms, even the socks.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    I got up and did yoga then because hubby was still sleeping I went on a 4.8 mile walk/run. I am no where near the shape I was when I did the half marathon and it saddens me. This last 3 weeks I have been working hard to rectify that. It seems that I am building muscle but not necessarily losing fat. My weight jumped to 164 from 158 but I am able to get into a dress that was lose on me in 1992. ( the first of the smallest sized clothing)
    Last week my youngest took me to the weight room in our gym. I worked on arms and it took a great deal of work to get back to lifting my arms fully over my head. ouch!!!

    As you know I'm in the same boat. Just can't get it together.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Can someone please explain to me why my employee health survey has questions about my finances on it? I so desperately want to tell them, "if you think we might be stressed about our finances, just pay us more;" unfortunately, there was no space for comments.
    I confess that I am very unhappy with HR right now.

    Can't be sure, but they may be looking to see whether there are correlations between pay level and healthy behaviors (there often are).

    I can't imagine anyone admitting that they have too much debt or financial stress on a survey with their name on it. I didn't, because I am super fortunate that my husband's job pays our bills and I buy extras or car repairs when they come up, but I know I have coworkers who lied about it on the survey. They told me they did.

    Whatever you want to know about my money, if you want an honest answer, don't ask the question on the survey that partially determines my health insurance premiums. If you ask me another time, I am highly likely to tell you it's none of your business, but most people don't have my sense of privacy.

    I don't suppose there was an "I do not wish to answer this" option? I dunno, I might be calling the insurance company to question them. Grrh!

    This doesn't come from our insurance company. It comes from our Employee Health department, which is an arm of our HR department. You can dinged for smoking, drinking more often than they think you should, labs outside the normal weight and BMI. The actually draw blood and test it for nicotine, alcohol, recreational drugs, and the normal blood work you doctor would do at a routine physical and make you step on the scale so that you can't lie about those things on the survey. If you don't participate, you have to pay twice the lowest available premium. If you smoke, you have to pay twice the lowest premium. If you have lab results or a BMI they don't like you have to meet with a health coach three times a year. If everything is the way they like it, your health coach calls you once to tell you.

    Wow I find that all really heavy handed. I know it's ultimately in your best interest to be as healthy as you can be, but it doesn't look like it's coming from a caring place! Not if it comes with a financial penalty. Does your work help with quitting smoking or weight loss programs at least?

    I also find it really odd that sicker people have to pay more money than healthier people. Surely if you have ill health, you're probably worse off from missing work and need more financial assistance?

    I admit to not having the first clue to how American healthcare actually functions on a practical level. It seems very scary to me!

    At my work place they have the same thing except they frame it differently. All have the same rates but if you have good health habits, ant you are generally healthy you get a discount on your insurance. It is incentive to stay healthy which will cost the insurance company less money to pay for your health needs. Up until the last three years the insurance companies made money on me. Even though I do get all the discounts they haven't made money on me the last three years.

    I get a questionnaire on do I smoke, drink too much, etc. Based on my answers I also get a discount. That is it tho. No other monitoring.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    I only have a couple of proper dresses for Ellie as she wears a lot if Andrew's old stuff. But I am trying to put her in them as often as possible right now because she looks like she might crawl soon and they'd be a hindrance to that.

    It really annoys me that so much girl stuff is impractical because apparently being pretty is more important than actually being able to move properly. I never had to think about this with my son - all his clothes and shoes allowed him to walk and crawl and stomp to his heart's content. But I'm noticing more and more that it's not so with girl stuff. Shoes that don't offer any actual protection, dresses that get in the way of crawling, but they are so pretty.

    The inequality and societal expectations start early! Rant over.

    My husbands grand mother was a front runner in convincing the private school she taught in during the 60-70s to let little girls where pants to school. She tool the principle to the playground and had him watch the girls swinging from their knees from the monkey bars. She really really had a point there.

    That is classic.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited June 2018
    I guess the good thing about getting to work at 3:00 a.m. is that I get to leave at 11:00 a.m. But it's currently 7:00 and I'm already exhausted. A nap is definitely in my future.

    As a detective why did you need to go in so early? I thought you did more office work?
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I usually try to be smart and order a medium...but sometimes I give in and just get the large, Mine is just cheese though (that makes it a little better, right?).
    I sometimes wonder how I went 10 years without real pizza when I was vegan. I didn't miss it though. Strange.

    I don't really miss anything having gone vegan. It's just a mind thing.
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    I only have a couple of proper dresses for Ellie as she wears a lot if Andrew's old stuff. But I am trying to put her in them as often as possible right now because she looks like she might crawl soon and they'd be a hindrance to that.

    It really annoys me that so much girl stuff is impractical because apparently being pretty is more important than actually being able to move properly. I never had to think about this with my son - all his clothes and shoes allowed him to walk and crawl and stomp to his heart's content. But I'm noticing more and more that it's not so with girl stuff. Shoes that don't offer any actual protection, dresses that get in the way of crawling, but they are so pretty.

    The inequality and societal expectations start early! Rant over.

    Provided you don't mind foregoing the 'Little Princess' stuff written across girls clothes and the 'I'm a Little Monster' stuff written across boys clothes there seem to be a reasonable amount of gender neutral outfits around nowadays. Some UK stores have stoppped having boys and girls departments and just have childrens wear. Our girls will not have a gender identity crisis if they don't wear pink ;)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Can someone please explain to me why my employee health survey has questions about my finances on it? I so desperately want to tell them, "if you think we might be stressed about our finances, just pay us more;" unfortunately, there was no space for comments.
    I confess that I am very unhappy with HR right now.

    That is weird. Maybe your ability to pay a premium?
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member

    If my boss ever asked me that, the outcome wouldn't be pretty.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Baby Ellie is nearly 7 months old (how!!??) and has FINALLY taken a minor interest in food today. A full 30g (1oz) of mushed veg was consumed in one sitting today without constantly spitting it out or crying. My boobs might get a rest one day.

    My confession - I know I'm supposed to feel sad about leaving my babies for the first time, but actually I can't wait. I'd love three hours on my own!

    I can't believe she is 7 months! Goodness where did time go?
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    I just received the service excellence award at work today!

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Hang in there quik!!! This will sort itself out. You can fix it. I know when I get on a jag where I eat and eat, it's hard to stop, but you will find a point where enough is enough. If TOM is around, that is probably it.

    Nope. Just over.

    I gotta find something to flip the switch back to weight loss mode. I want to eat all the things all the time.

    If you find it pass it over to me. I'm at my wits end and nothing fits.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    I feel ya. I did that right before I went to the doc and was told my numbers made me diabetic. I have three months to correct it somewhat and see if she wants me on any meds.

    Now that is motivation. I lost weight a few years ago because my blood pressure was creeping up. No way was I going on blood pressure meds like the rest of my family. I want anywhere near that but it was enough to scare me into getting it together.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    deagh93 wrote: »
    I'm glad I found this thread. I feel a lot less alone than I did. :) So I have one. I stopped tracking for a few years and put quite a bit of the weight back on. Have been back for a month, but I can't bring myself to put the real number in the MyFP weight. So every time I lose two pounds IRL I mark down half a pound lost on MyFP. Eventually the real number and the MyFP number will be the same. I know I should just suck it up and put the real number in MyFP, but I just can't.

    I think this is genius. I actually weigh more than MFP says I do, and I can't make myself change it.

    Me three. I'm not far...but far enough.

    I change it a while ago because it still had me at my weight from 4 years sgo and I lost all that weight, so it was still registering a loss. I wanted to motivate myself. Now it just says I have lost zero because I have gone up not down.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    becky3695 wrote: »
    I confess to eating spoons of frosting and logging it as alcohol because alcohol is more socially acceptable than standing in your fridge eating frosting.

    I log alcohol as lemonade sometimes.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member

    I can't really laugh about this, because I once had to pee so bad when I went on a walk with my sister through a development that she lived near that I had to go pee in a wooded area around a few houses.

    I have read about that person. I have had to go on runs. I just walk til the need passes. I sure doubt go on people's lawns! Something is wrong with that person.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    It's my Thursday as well. My uncle passed over the weekend and the funeral is Thursday. Bad heart and no insurance to be able to care for himself.

    I'm so sorry, LeeAnn.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited June 2018
    I confess it's 8:12 am and I have a million things to do and I'm lying in bed catching up on MFP.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Can someone please explain to me why my employee health survey has questions about my finances on it? I so desperately want to tell them, "if you think we might be stressed about our finances, just pay us more;" unfortunately, there was no space for comments.
    I confess that I am very unhappy with HR right now.

    That is weird. Maybe your ability to pay a premium?

    I am lost. It has to have come from the money side of HR, but I am lost.