

  • S_Evanson613
    S_Evanson613 Posts: 62 Member
    The last two weeks i have felt like there has been no progress made and my motivation has plummeted completely, therefore, I have not been eating as well as i should have and my workouts have been minimal. I NEED to get back on track! I still have 30lbs to lose!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Confession: My coworker who had the stroke a couple weeks ago passed away this weekend. I was off yesterday (and today) and no one I actively work with has reached out to tell me. A former coworker (still with the company, just not the department) texted to ask how everyone was handling it, which is how I found out. I'm obviously sad, but also kind of pissed off. It's an odd mix.

    Also, I hate the flood of posts you get on Facebook for your birthday. I haven't really talked to most of these people all year, I don't think I need a stupid post from them now.

    Oh I'm sorry for your coworker :(

    And I agree with all the FB posts on your birthday... I spent way too much time saying thank you to all of them!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Confession: My coworker who had the stroke a couple weeks ago passed away this weekend. I was off yesterday (and today) and no one I actively work with has reached out to tell me. A former coworker (still with the company, just not the department) texted to ask how everyone was handling it, which is how I found out. I'm obviously sad, but also kind of pissed off. It's an odd mix.

    Also, I hate the flood of posts you get on Facebook for your birthday. I haven't really talked to most of these people all year, I don't think I need a stupid post from them now.

    Sorry to hear that, I can understand your irritation.

    And yeah, I agree with the FB posts. I go out of my way to call, or at least text friends for their birthday rather than post on FB. It just seems so meaningless.
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I am all caught up from this weekends posts. My, you all have been chatty. :smile:

    Confession: I found out last Sunday (as in on Easter) that my 19 year old step-daughter is pregnant, which means I am going to be a grandma at 35!!! I have been really struggling with this fact and didn't handle the news in the best way. I even drove 2 hours to tell my best friend the news. She, even though she teased my relentlessly, made me feel much better about the whole situation.

    We even came up with a cute name for the baby to call me...MoNana. : B)

    Whoa! That's big news. For what it's worth, I think that having young grandparents is really enviable. Three of my grandparents died either before I was born or when I was quite young.

    This so much. People have kids quite late in my family. My grandma was 46 when she had my mum, and 76 when I came along. Thankfully she lived to 100 so I did get to know her a bit, but I am a bit jealous of people who still have grandparents beyond their early twenties.

    spamarie, I can relate to the envy of which you speak... and would give years from my life (were it some sort of 'barterable currency'), in order to have even one more second with my grandmother (it's been years since she passed, but just typing that brought tears to my eyes (suffice it to say, I'll always miss her))... and similiar to what you conveyed, when I catch glimpses of adults in a mall or public establishment who are with what appears to be one of their grandparents, I secretly wonder if they have any idea just how lucky they are to still have a grandparent in their life...
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    edited April 2015
    I confess that I had a pretty bad ice cream binge yesterday.

    I ate two pints of Talenti Salted Caramel Peanut & a Pint of Jeni's Brown Almond Butter Brittle that I am counting in other days this week.

    I also had the rest of my Talenti Egg Nog, Edy's Mint Chocolate Chip, Jeni's Savannah Buttermint, & Jeni's Goat Cheese with Red Cherries that I just plugged in my diary yesterday as my later snack & dinner.
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    I'm sorry Miss Jackson.

    I am for real!

    HA! As far as the eyebrow thing goes, I feel you. I plucked them pretty thin at one point and trying to grow them back in without looking like a shebeast is damn hard.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    I keep eating jelly beans even though they make me feel sick after a few. Why oh why?
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    & I eat popcorn with chopsticks :) lasts longer, much longer

    That's awesome! My new weight loss plan is to eat all my food with chopsticks because half of it won't make it to my mouth! Lol!

    Yeah totally- I thought I should test the weirdness waters with the popcorn confession, but I often eat with chopsticks for self pacing... only around people who know and accept my weirdness though :D (or on my lonesome)

    My other weapon of choice is the mighty teaspoon.

    I never can fully enjoy food by knife and fork. I'll just be there thinking about how I miss my spoons and sticks

    Ah, but there are no weirdness waters in this thread. :) Or it's all such a cascade of weirdness that one mere drop will never stand out.

    I'm envious of your ability to use chopsticks. I've never been able to master the skill, as manual dexterity is not my strong suit.

    Ah but the more incompetent you are with the sticks the longer your food lasts :) that's the beauty of it
    I get frustrated with chopsticks and end up just stabbing the food with one and eating it off the end. Not very sophisticated. My husband gets embarrassed because I always ask for a fork when we go to an Asian restaurant.
    I used a fork to eat soup in a restaurant once :) totally got judged

    I've used a fork to eat yogurt a few times at work & everyone laughed.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    My love for the movie Dirty Dancing will never die. It was on TV earlier and I have to watch it no matter what. I love the soundtrack. It's one of my not-guilty pleasures.

    My favorite as well... I still get excited whenever i hear any song from the soundtrack.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    Confession: My coworker who had the stroke a couple weeks ago passed away this weekend. I was off yesterday (and today) and no one I actively work with has reached out to tell me. A former coworker (still with the company, just not the department) texted to ask how everyone was handling it, which is how I found out. I'm obviously sad, but also kind of pissed off. It's an odd mix.

    Also, I hate the flood of posts you get on Facebook for your birthday. I haven't really talked to most of these people all year, I don't think I need a stupid post from them now.

    Agreed, this is why I don't have FB. You find out very quickly who your real friends are...and who out of your family really give a Sh**
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    My confession: I'M A FRAUD!!
    I spend too much time here every day, doling out advice and encouragement, telling people about CICO, how to succeed, etc etc etc....

    I have not lost any weight (that I have kept off) in SIX MONTHS.

    That's right, I have "maintained" (read: lost weight, then stuffed my fat face) for half a year. It's a miracle I haven't actually gained.

    I'm complacent, and I make excuses, and I'm basically just being totally crap at this weight loss thing. And you know what? I RESENT knowing how much I know about weight loss, because in the past, I'd have "mixed it up" byt going for a "kickstart" and doing a few weeks of shakes, or majorly low carb, or chowing down some "Fatblaster Max". And now I know that all there is for it is to stop being an *kitten* about it and get it done.

    And I'm writing ALL this knowing I'm about to go on a 5 day holiday which I will AGAIN use as an excuse to say "I'll get back to it next week, this is special circumstances, I don't have much of a choice what I eat, so stuff it."

    I need a damn good slapping.

    Yeah....that's me, too. :s
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Appetite Suppressants

    Because, sage advice is sage.

    I really don't like sage. Why can't we ever have advice thyme instead of sage advice?

    Ooh, or cilantro, or garlic. I like how you think.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »

    Haven't decided if this one is going up in flames or not, but it might!

    Starred this one to read later. Looks like it could get interesting. :)
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Okay, I've been super busy today and while I think I've caught up for the weekend I didn't get to respond to a bunch of posts I would have like to! Anyway, how are the shoulder workouts going? You do realize that once we've mastered that we're going to add on, right? I'm thinking we need to start with planks: no equipment required and can be done while on the floor either before or after shoulders / arms. Thoughts?

    Planks are awesome, I prefer to do them in crocodile form, with my forearms on the ground.

    Personally, I don't think enough people spend enough time in Down Dog. Most leg discomfort from exercising can be easily avoided with properly stretched calves and hamstrings. After you get to a comfortable with Down Dog, graduate into Walking the Dog where you take the traditional Down Dog position, then alternate raising and lowering your heels. And that's my broscience & yogapanttheory knowledge.

    Same here, and you know what? Even with all the shoulder exercises I do, these still make my shoulders burn when I do them. Guess that's a good thing and why they continue to be a challenge for me.

    I can't do Downward Dog - I get a head rush and then get dizzy. I have an inner-ear imbalance problem, though, so that's probably why. I do stretch my calves and hamstrings every night (while doing my arm exercises).

    I practiced yoga on and off for years and didn't mind downdog. After a few years of minimal exercise and weight gain I really struggled with this pose... I lost a lot of shoulder strength and it took a bit of work to get it back. I also find my hands creep forward. I recently bought a new mat (jade harmony pro) as I want to practise more and after reading many reviews figured it was the most grippy. It is definitely more grippy but my hands still creep forward. Maybe I just sweat lots in my hands.
    Have you ever done hot yoga? You skid around everywhere!

    Confession: As much as I love yoga, I HATE hot yoga. With a passion.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    paulaviki wrote: »
    My confession today is that I chew the skin around my nails on my fingers, when I'm not chewing them I pick them. It looks gross and it hurts but I can't stop doing it. I'm nearly 33 and have been doing it since I was about 11. Every now and again I stop it but then I always start up again. Nasty habit! :(

    Same here! I chew on my nails, then when I've chewed them down to nothing I start on my cuticles. My only solution? Bitrex nail polish. I smear it all over the nails AND cuticles, and there's no way I am putting that near my mouth! ;) Here's a random link to the stuff (I don't buy this brand since it isn't available where I live, but I *think* this is the same thing.)

    I have tried that before but j just got used to the taste!

    Nice to know I am not alone though and that there are so many of us finger pickers about! :)
  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    2 days away, 560 new posts....

    You people be crazay
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    I got an interview with the company I've been trying to get on board with for over a year and a half now. EXCITE!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    I got an interview with the company I've been trying to get on board with for over a year and a half now. EXCITE!

    Good luck!!!
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    I got an interview with the company I've been trying to get on board with for over a year and a half now. EXCITE!

    Best of luck!
  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    This thread is better that the Confessional.
    And way more fun!
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    I got an interview with the company I've been trying to get on board with for over a year and a half now. EXCITE!


    Confession - woke up to the house smelling like bacon from someone deciding they needed some at 3am. Made bacon cheeseburger for breakfast to retaliate. I hear someone grumpy upstairs.