

  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Monday was another doozie, having eaten 3,103 calories.
    I did eat a 'decent' dinner though I didn't weigh it, so I guesstimated the portions in my diary.

    I have eaten well so far today, though I still have temptation starring me in the face in my kitchen. I have contemplated throwing it all away. I don't trust myself with it. I envy people who can eat just one little thing and call it good.

    One day at a time I guess. At least I've been logging the binges. It sucks seeing day after day in the red, but before I just ignored it all like it never happened. I will start working out again tomorrow, I simply don't feel like it today honestly. I'd rather not do it than have some half-hearted p-ss poor workout.
    End (rant)/ confession.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I got an interview with the company I've been trying to get on board with for over a year and a half now. EXCITE!

    Congratulations! Good luck!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    2 days away, 560 new posts....

    You people be crazay

    I wondered what had happened to you! Its overwhelming if you go away. Just need to keep checking in or the confessional because a total source of stress!
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    Today was really hard for me because it's my dad's birthday. He passed away last year and I'm still struggling to come to terms with it. Took a long walk after work and ended up in a grocery store buying sausage and peppers (his favorite). I miss him terribly and feel guilty for not spending as much time with him as I should have. I want to ask him things I never got to and never will be able to. Everyone, hug your families tight and don't take them for granted :)

    Sorry for your loss, one of my first confessions I have in this thread about being told my dad was dead my entire life, to being told a year ago that my dad was someone else, to chasing that person down to get a DNA test and finding out, that my dad is in fact the dead dude.

    I secretly wish you would have said "take them for granite" just because of the earlier posts about it.
    Don't take your family for granite... they are more like a fine topaz. Your story sounds like a movie! :astonished:

    Terrible movie, no one wants to watch some semi-fat jerk troll people on the interwebz all day.

    LOL [literal]

    I'd watch it if you were eating super gyros while you trolled.
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    My one close friend broke up with me because (to simplify) I changed my wedding plans and eloped, and she couldn't make it. I literally don't have any other close friends. This affected my eating yesterday quite a bit unfortunately. Did not make goal. Im back on track today though, screw her.
  • ladybuggnorris
    ladybuggnorris Posts: 276 Member
    Confession: My coworker who had the stroke a couple weeks ago passed away this weekend. I was off yesterday (and today) and no one I actively work with has reached out to tell me. A former coworker (still with the company, just not the department) texted to ask how everyone was handling it, which is how I found out. I'm obviously sad, but also kind of pissed off. It's an odd mix.

    Also, I hate the flood of posts you get on Facebook for your birthday. I haven't really talked to most of these people all year, I don't think I need a stupid post from them now.

    I block my birthday on facebook for this exact reason. I figure if you really know me and care about me, you will know it's my birthday, without facebook telling you...and normally, the people who DO matter, remember, so it's all good!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    I'm just posting because I'm at work and not using my phone app for once, hooray! It looks so different on the full I'm only posting because I want to see how many posts I have so far, I'm a newbs to the forums but not to food, working out, and staying fit :)
  • ladybuggnorris
    ladybuggnorris Posts: 276 Member
    I got an interview with the company I've been trying to get on board with for over a year and a half now. EXCITE!

    Yay!! Fingers crossed for you...just use the same charm on them that you use on us, and you will do great!
  • cranor130
    cranor130 Posts: 65 Member
    I got an interview with the company I've been trying to get on board with for over a year and a half now. EXCITE!

    Yay!! Fingers crossed for you...just use the same charm on them that you use on us, and you will do great!

    Wonderful! Prayers up for you!
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    MissLaaber wrote: »
    Confession: My boyfriend's mother (super sweet teeny tiny British lady) gave my boyfriend a Godiva bag filled with hot chocolates and a box of 20 chocolates for me. I've been having a rough time between my grandmother diagnosis of stage 4 liver cancer, her sudden death the week afterwards, getting Norwalk as soon as I got back home from being in my hometown for the funeral and a minor mental breakdown.
    All I want to do is eat all the chocolates and drink all the hot chocolate, I know I can't because with all the traveling the two weeks prior I ate like crud and didn't following my training for the half. It's adding to my frustration... am I horrible person for wanting to bring them to the office, leave it for my coworkers and call it a day? >.>

    Edit:.... Spelling dammit

    That does sound rough, sorry for your loss & your illness :(

    Nope, you're definitely not a bad person. I've done this with extra food I don't want left at home. My coworkers are always excited about free food, and even if they aren't, I'm not forcing anyone to eat them. (maybe keep a couple for yourself though ;) )
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    ccm1912 wrote: »
    My office always has baked goods, for one reason or another. Whether people bake for office anniversaries, we order cookies for client meetings that end up left over in the kitchen, there's always, always sweets. And i can't not eat them. every time. Every single time. UGH. it's just so tough when people are walking around with baked goods! We also have an ice cream freezer, full of klondike, good humor, ben & jerry's etc.... i don't ever touch it though. So hurray for 1 victory?

    @ccm1912 Are they hiring?!

  • cranor130
    cranor130 Posts: 65 Member
    My one close friend broke up with me because (to simplify) I changed my wedding plans and eloped, and she couldn't make it. I literally don't have any other close friends. This affected my eating yesterday quite a bit unfortunately. Did not make goal. Im back on track today though, screw her.

    Way to move forward!
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I am all caught up from this weekends posts. My, you all have been chatty. :smile:

    Confession: I found out last Sunday (as in on Easter) that my 19 year old step-daughter is pregnant, which means I am going to be a grandma at 35!!! I have been really struggling with this fact and didn't handle the news in the best way. I even drove 2 hours to tell my best friend the news. She, even though she teased my relentlessly, made me feel much better about the whole situation.

    We even came up with a cute name for the baby to call me...MoNana. : B)

    Whoa! That's big news. For what it's worth, I think that having young grandparents is really enviable. Three of my grandparents died either before I was born or when I was quite young.

    This so much. People have kids quite late in my family. My grandma was 46 when she had my mum, and 76 when I came along. Thankfully she lived to 100 so I did get to know her a bit, but I am a bit jealous of people who still have grandparents beyond their early twenties.

    My Grandfather passed away last year, at the age of 94. We had 5 generations living until he passed - for almost 10 years. It is pretty amazing to have so much time with grandparents. I hope to be able to see many generations in my family below me because I live long. When my children were born (my kids are all adults now) they had all of their great grandparents on my side of the family living still. Unfortunately not the case with my husbands family.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    81Katz wrote: »
    Monday was another doozie, having eaten 3,103 calories.
    I did eat a 'decent' dinner though I didn't weigh it, so I guesstimated the portions in my diary.

    I have eaten well so far today, though I still have temptation starring me in the face in my kitchen. I have contemplated throwing it all away. I don't trust myself with it. I envy people who can eat just one little thing and call it good.

    One day at a time I guess. At least I've been logging the binges. It sucks seeing day after day in the red, but before I just ignored it all like it never happened. I will start working out again tomorrow, I simply don't feel like it today honestly. I'd rather not do it than have some half-hearted p-ss poor workout.
    End (rant)/ confession.

    Good for you! I'm starting to actually log all my food too, even if I'm way over. It does suck seeing the red, but I used to ignore it too. But ignoring it doesn't make the calories disappear (unfortunately).

    And if you really don't feel like working out, don't. I've skipped a couple days because I just couldn't bear the thought of it and had no energy. Before I've forced myself to workout when I'm in that kind of mood and I end up with a bit of a rage thing afterwards so now I'll just skip it.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    I tried planks for the first time ever today. I did the first one and held it for twenty-five seconds. I thought it wasn't that bad and I was awesome. I couldn't figure out what the fuss was about. Then I attempted the second one and basically fell after nine seconds. I will try this again tomorrow because I feel it would probably benefit me.

    Lately, I've been struggling to lose more weight and I have a lot to go. I've been thinking I might need to take a week off my diet, but the idea terrifies me. I am maintaining my current weight eating 1050-1150 calories and doing between fifty-eight and sixty-eight minutes (depends on the playlist) of Zumba/dance fitness a day and heavy lifting on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. I am worried if I try to eat maintenance I will gain back weight. I have a doctor's appointment to address this, but scared that they won't know what to do and it'll be back to me not being able to lose weight no matter what I did.

    Keep working on the planks - they are really beneficial in a lot of ways.

    What type of doctor are you seeing? Because if they aren't nutrition or weight-loss specialists I would take their advice fairly lightly. Not to disparage all doctors, but it seems when it comes to weight loss you'll get a large variety of advice, not all of it accurate. It is important to discuss this with them, but sometimes it's just a matter of trial and error. Good luck! (obviously, I'm behind on this thread again and trying to catch up)
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I am all caught up from this weekends posts. My, you all have been chatty. :smile:

    Confession: I found out last Sunday (as in on Easter) that my 19 year old step-daughter is pregnant, which means I am going to be a grandma at 35!!! I have been really struggling with this fact and didn't handle the news in the best way. I even drove 2 hours to tell my best friend the news. She, even though she teased my relentlessly, made me feel much better about the whole situation.

    We even came up with a cute name for the baby to call me...MoNana. : B)

    Whoa! That's big news. For what it's worth, I think that having young grandparents is really enviable. Three of my grandparents died either before I was born or when I was quite young.

    This so much. People have kids quite late in my family. My grandma was 46 when she had my mum, and 76 when I came along. Thankfully she lived to 100 so I did get to know her a bit, but I am a bit jealous of people who still have grandparents beyond their early twenties.

    My Grandfather passed away last year, at the age of 94. We had 5 generations living until he passed - for almost 10 years. It is pretty amazing to have so much time with grandparents. I hope to be able to see many generations in my family below me because I live long. When my children were born (my kids are all adults now) they had all of their great grandparents on my side of the family living still. Unfortunately not the case with my husbands family.

    One grandfather passed away about 7 years before I was born, the other passed away when I was 18 and my grandma passed away about 3 years ago. Those last two lived in another province so I didn't know them well. My grandmother on my mom's side is still alive, she's 85. She lives in the same town as me, but sadly I am not close to her either. She has 6 kids and many grandkids/great grandkids so she was always busy when I was younger. She didn't really babysit us so I didn't spend a lot of time with her growing up. I envy people who are close to their grandparents. If I do have a kid one day, I want them to be close to my parents.

    My mom gets upset with me because I don't think to call her or take her out or anything (especially when my parents are away). I don't do it to be rude, but since I've never had that type of relationship with her it honestly doesn't cross my mind.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited April 2015
    I confess that I had a pretty bad ice cream binge yesterday.

    I ate two pints of Talenti Salted Caramel Peanut & a Pint of Jeni's Brown Almond Butter Brittle that I am counting in other days this week.

    I also had the rest of my Talenti Egg Nog, Edy's Mint Chocolate Chip, Jeni's Savannah Buttermint, & Jeni's Goat Cheese with Red Cherries that I just plugged in my diary yesterday as my later snack & dinner.

    Oh man I miss Jeni's! I went to grad school at OSU and Jeni's ice cream and Hounddogs pizza are things that cannot be replaced outside of Columbus!

    We have it in Chicago. Luckily they sell some of them at WF, because I've been trying to go to the one that opened on my street a couple of years ago forever, and there's never not a huge line. Well, to be honest I often forget to look when it's super cold, so there are probably times when there's not a line, but I was walking home on Good Friday this year when it was chilly with an unpleasant wind and thought "hmm, maybe this is a time when Jeni's won't be too crowded" and there STILL was a line out the door. Sigh, I'm dying to try some more of the options there, since the few I've had from WF were amazing.
  • IAmTheGlue
    IAmTheGlue Posts: 701 Member
    I got an interview with the company I've been trying to get on board with for over a year and a half now. EXCITE!

    Congratulations! Good luck on your interview! :)
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Okay, I've been super busy today and while I think I've caught up for the weekend I didn't get to respond to a bunch of posts I would have like to! Anyway, how are the shoulder workouts going? You do realize that once we've mastered that we're going to add on, right? I'm thinking we need to start with planks: no equipment required and can be done while on the floor either before or after shoulders / arms. Thoughts?

    I'm cool with anything except crunches. No crunches... even though they require no equipment and can be done on the floor.
    paulaviki wrote: »
    My confession today is that I chew the skin around my nails on my fingers, when I'm not chewing them I pick them. It looks gross and it hurts but I can't stop doing it. I'm nearly 33 and have been doing it since I was about 11. Every now and again I stop it but then I always start up again. Nasty habit! :(

    I pick mine. Chewing is a last resort. I've been doing this since I was around 15 and I'm 51 now. My poor fingers are locked into this pick/heal/peel/pick cycle. It's worse in winter because my skin gets so dry but I don't ever stop completely, even in summer.

    Absolutely no crunches. I don't do those at all.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    edited April 2015
    Today was really hard for me because it's my dad's birthday. He passed away last year and I'm still struggling to come to terms with it. Took a long walk after work and ended up in a grocery store buying sausage and peppers (his favorite). I miss him terribly and feel guilty for not spending as much time with him as I should have. I want to ask him things I never got to and never will be able to. Everyone, hug your families tight and don't take them for granted :)

    Sorry for your loss :(

    I try to spend a lot of time with my parents because I don't know how long I'll have with them. I'm single and have a lot of free time, so why not spend time with them while I can? It really bothers me that my brother doesn't seem to have interest in seeing them. I think he'll really regret it one day.