
  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    81Katz wrote: »
    I don't understand having a baby shower before you've given birth...

    Because you'll have most of the stuff you need before the baby arrives. I figure it makes it easier on the parents-to-be. (?)

    I know, but it must be absolutely awful if anything happened... :(
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    81Katz wrote: »
    hschnirel wrote: »
    I can eat an entire Box of cereal so I can't have cereal in the house! Not proud of that at all, self control where are u?

    @hschnirel I can relate! I can't and usually don't keep the sugary yummy cereals in the house. The most risque one I have now is Honey Nut Cheerios AND that I could put a world of hurtin' on... lol

    Marshmallow Fruit Loops. I can eat a box of those in a day.... Mmmmmmm

    I was not aware those existed. Maybe it's good I didn't know. @quiksylver296 what have you done?!

  • tiona83
    tiona83 Posts: 99 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    tiona83 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I feel like a loser because I don't ever really have any GOOD confessions for this oh, so worthy thread, but here goes.

    Confession 1: I packed an awesome lunch today and wanted to devour it before 11 this morning. I don't take lunch until 1. I managed to make it until noon, but now I'm sad because my food is over. I often get sad when my food is over.

    Confession 2: I totally had Dr. Pepper last night with my Auntie Anne's pretzel bites and didn't log it. Oops. >:)

    My youngest (8) has a bad habit of taking bites out of her lunch why she packs it. The school policy is no junk food (crisps/chips, chocolate, cookies/biscuits) so it's not like it's something sweet. Came down stairs yesterday and she had half her sandwich gone. This was after her breakfast.

    Errrrr, what?! How is that even enforced and why? I'm all for encouraging healthy habits, but this seems a bit extreme.

    I don't have kids but it bothers me that schools try to dictate what parents can and can't feed their children. I get the "peanut free" for allergies, but if someone wants to include a few chips in their child's lunch, they should be able to do that.

    Actually the no nut bothers me more. Because it is not like my child is going to force feed her Peanut butter sandwich to someone else. Sorry just a rant. My child was picky and peanut butter was her thing. And no the child only had allergies if she ate nuts not contact. When they get to secondary school policies change and most kids leave campus for lunch.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    @AgentOrangeJuice what is this thread that @MoHousdon speaks of? I'm totally curious now. Please don't let it be a thread that's gonna make me feel like a moron. ;)
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    fitfatty88 wrote: »
    I apparently missed out on the rule book for baby showers...

    My two siblings and I put together my sisters baby shower. Granted I actually organized the entire thing and they just helped pay for it, but it was pretty awesome. I made practical gift baskets -- makeup, candy, at home spa supplies, cozy socks, etc. and the girls were actually fighting to win the games so they could win a basket.

    I also helped organize her second baby shower after she lost her first child. And she was ecstatic that her friends would come together and share in her joy of the second child. I was happy I could give her another party worth remembering that wasn't followed up by heartache. So screw your rule book.

    ^^^THIS I LOVE <3

  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    81Katz wrote: »
    I don't understand having a baby shower before you've given birth...

    Because you'll have most of the stuff you need before the baby arrives. I figure it makes it easier on the parents-to-be. (?)

    I know, but it must be absolutely awful if anything happened... :(

    True, I honestly had not thought of that.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    Gender reveal parties are also awkward for me. I went to one for cousin and his wife last year and I was so bored because a lot of their friends were there and I didn't know anyone. lol Plus, I'm 24 and they're in their 30s with kids and careers, so we had basically nothing in common.

    I was so mad when my aunt posted a picture to Facebook of my cousin revealing the pink cupcake for a girl with me in the background at the party looking pissed off. It's like, "You couldn't have cropped me out??" lol I hate that picture so much.

    This thread introduced me to the gender reveal party. I had never heard of that before.
    When I had my kids, I wanted to be surprised.

    I know of them because we have a few bakers in the family who get hit up to make cakes and such for them, and add them to their portfolios if they're interesting. I don't actually know anyone who's had one. We've had 8 babies in the family in the past year or so, and every single one of them couldn't wait to post the ultrasound on fb. No way they were going to sit on that info a second longer than they had to.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I also dislike baby showers. Where you all sit there and ohh and ahh over clothes that will just be puked on anyhow. :/
    ps I have no kids, shocker right? :smiley:

    Next time try paying more attention to the politics behind it, you'll have more fun. The baby shower isn't about the baby, so much as it's a competition between grandmothers to see who can outdo the other. Bonus if you have a competitive aunt-to-be or two in the mix. Who spent the most, who got the best reaction to their gift, who didn't show/left early/got there late. If the grandma's don't like each other, or one or both doesn't like the other one's kid, you can play passive-aggressive comment bingo. If there are step-grandma's involved, it may be even more entertaining, especially if the step-grandma is the more responsible or involved than the bio grandma.

    Oh, yes, you are so right! I AM the step-grandma and I'm by choice the LEAST involved. The other 2 grandmas are in constant competition. I find it highly amusing. At my step-daugther's baby shower for her 2nd baby I gave her three free professional house-cleaning sessions. Needless to say, I WON that shower! I got the best reaction from that gift and I took a smug satisfaction in it. (big confession there because I'm not normally like that; lots of issues and family dynamics involved)

    Baby showers for second babies are a huge pet peeve of mine
    I have several friends that have had one, I have never attended a single one

    Feel like I have to defend myself here, and I don't even know why. I had a shower for my second, my kids are almost six years apart first one is a boy and the second is a girl. I had given most of our baby stuff away to friends, and I needed supplies. My friends offered and I wasn't going to say no.

    In terms of etiquette, the only thing worse than having a shower for a second baby is throwing your own shower or having a relative throw one for you.

    Major faux pas.

    I agree that people shouldn't be planning their own showers.
    But why can't relatives? And if someone is throwing a person a second shower, are they just supposed to say "no"?

    Because showers are gift grabs. Having close relatives ask for gifts on your behalf is crass.

    I disagree- if someone, friend or family member, would like to throw someone s baby shower then by all means they can do so! I know when my cousins have more babies I get excited! Not necessarily for the shower itself but because I'm happy they're having the children they want if it someone wants to celebrate that whether it be their 5th or 6th child then PARTY ON!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    Gender reveal parties are also awkward for me. I went to one for cousin and his wife last year and I was so bored because a lot of their friends were there and I didn't know anyone. lol Plus, I'm 24 and they're in their 30s with kids and careers, so we had basically nothing in common.

    I was so mad when my aunt posted a picture to Facebook of my cousin revealing the pink cupcake for a girl with me in the background at the party looking pissed off. It's like, "You couldn't have cropped me out??" lol I hate that picture so much.

    I do not get the gender reveal parties. If you want to have cake, have cake and invite me over, but please don't make it some awkward event that people don't really enjoy.

    I unfortunately will be attending one of these awkward festivals for my grandchild. I'd rather just see the sonogram showing a wee-wee or not. And make sure you bring me cake. :smiley:

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    hschnirel wrote: »
    I can eat an entire Box of cereal so I can't have cereal in the house! Not proud of that at all, self control where are u?

    @hschnirel I can relate! I can't and usually don't keep the sugary yummy cereals in the house. The most risque one I have now is Honey Nut Cheerios AND that I could put a world of hurtin' on... lol

    Marshmallow Fruit Loops. I can eat a box of those in a day.... Mmmmmmm

    I was not aware those existed. Maybe it's good I didn't know. @quiksylver296 what have you done?!

    Think Fruit Loops with lucky Charms marshmallows added....OH YEAH!
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    paulaviki wrote: »
    My confession today is that I chew the skin around my nails on my fingers, when I'm not chewing them I pick them. It looks gross and it hurts but I can't stop doing it. I'm nearly 33 and have been doing it since I was about 11. Every now and again I stop it but then I always start up again. Nasty habit! :(

    I do this too. My fingers look a mess, but I haven't been able to stop. I don't bite my nails as much as I used to, but I still pick at the skin. I've been doing it for as long as I can remember and it gets worse if I'm anxious or stressed. I'm embarrassed to let people see my hands.

    And it doesn't help that I live in a dry climate so my skin is always rough (I try to use lotion, but it's not enough).

    i peel layers of skin off of the bottoms of my feet and heels. sometimes i rip off too much, hit raw flesh then end up with a slight limp for a few days while it heals....
  • LeslieB042812
    LeslieB042812 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Okay, so I logged in today because I need to confess a terrible binge last night--I'm still feeling sick! I need to get it off my chest so I can move on.....I had two single serve bags of lays chips dipped in about 1/2 a small container of sour cream, several servings of kettle corn (I don't know how much because I ate out of the bag and finished it), brown rice with cheese melted all over it (this was supposed to be the dinner part of the evening), a slice of cherry pie and a gin and tonic. stomach still hurts and I'm hating myself too.....

    Thank you all for listening--hopefully, now I can let go and move on!
  • ladybuggnorris
    ladybuggnorris Posts: 276 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I also dislike baby showers. Where you all sit there and ohh and ahh over clothes that will just be puked on anyhow. :/
    ps I have no kids, shocker right? :smiley:

    I'm the same- it's like throwing a birthday party for someone when it's not their birthday yet! Haha I get all butthurt over them but I go because I love my family and friends. Plus when I have kids one day they will be obligated to reciprocate!

    It's not necessarily the shower part that bugs me, sometimes those games are Just. So. Awful.

    They are TERRIBLE and STUPID! My best friends threw a shower for me when I had my son, and we did not play games. Some other not as close friends threw me a shower when I had my daughter, and they had games. I wanted to scream, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Don't get me wrong, I was very thankful for the shower and the gifts!

    Another complaint regarding baby showers: Buy what's on the DAMN registry! That's why parents register, and some of us put ALOT of thought into what we need! Just because you saw the cutest little outfit does NOT mean you have to buy it! Rant over!

    My baby showers were awesome because my friends and family know me so well. Everyone came and brought food! Instead of games, we just all sat around a big table, ate a bunch of yummy food and passed around the baby. It was really no different than if we had all met somewhere for coffee. Perfection!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    I am shaky hungry, like that low blood sugar feeling... This may screw up my entire day. I don't have many choices for food. (Packet of oatmeal might work. Please let a packet of oatmeal work!)
  • TinyMilkGoddess
    TinyMilkGoddess Posts: 11 Member
    I will only eat food that has the calories printed on the packaging, so that I can log as accurately as humanly possible... I am terrified of getting it wrong...! :blush:

    This thread kept me occupied up until dinner time, thank you! :smiley:
  • ladybuggnorris
    ladybuggnorris Posts: 276 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Ok so I went to the sugar thread after getting caught up on this. Sooo not judging but... Does anyone notice that it's like the same 3 or 4 people who blow up these threads? And get all nasty and judgmental? They seem to follow each other around.

    I hope they never find their way to this thread.

    I didn't read that thread, but I often see a group going thread to thread with their snarky 'expert' replies. There is one dude who is a total tool.

    Yep he is the worst. I am pretty sure I know who you mean. I am surprised they let him continue.

    If you say something he doesn't like and don't come back to the thread, he will hunt you down on other threads and chastise you for not returning.

    Not cool.

    Whaaaaat? That is ridiculous!
  • krdews
    krdews Posts: 124 Member
    I secretly wish someone had a cattle prod or perhaps Cesar Millan (from Animal Planet) was nearby me when I'm craving salty snack...seriously I could use the distraction technique. When I'm craving I am so focused all I need is distraction reminder!!!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    hschnirel wrote: »
    I can eat an entire Box of cereal so I can't have cereal in the house! Not proud of that at all, self control where are u?

    @hschnirel I can relate! I can't and usually don't keep the sugary yummy cereals in the house. The most risque one I have now is Honey Nut Cheerios AND that I could put a world of hurtin' on... lol

    Marshmallow Fruit Loops. I can eat a box of those in a day.... Mmmmmmm

    I was not aware those existed. Maybe it's good I didn't know. @quiksylver296 what have you done?!

    Think Fruit Loops with lucky Charms marshmallows added....OH YEAH!

    Why do you hate me and want me to be fat?!

  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,758 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I also dislike baby showers. Where you all sit there and ohh and ahh over clothes that will just be puked on anyhow. :/
    ps I have no kids, shocker right? :smiley:

    Next time try paying more attention to the politics behind it, you'll have more fun. The baby shower isn't about the baby, so much as it's a competition between grandmothers to see who can outdo the other. Bonus if you have a competitive aunt-to-be or two in the mix. Who spent the most, who got the best reaction to their gift, who didn't show/left early/got there late. If the grandma's don't like each other, or one or both doesn't like the other one's kid, you can play passive-aggressive comment bingo. If there are step-grandma's involved, it may be even more entertaining, especially if the step-grandma is the more responsible or involved than the bio grandma.


    I never had a baby shower. I guess to be fair, we adopted our twins, and we had no match or anything and pretty much got a call saying 'congratulations, you have twins'. So my husband's coworkers gave us $100 and my brother in law gave us a couple clothes. I had no friends to throw a shower anyway, but still, I did feel a bit cheated from the experience (don't get me wrong, I actually don't really like the idea of baby showers and the silly games but it's the principle of the thing).

    And while we were waiting for a match and I was starting to buy things when I found a good deal, the only comment we got was 'are you not getting ahead of yourselves?'. I mean yeah, we waited 2 years, but it was nice to have the stuff ready (even though it turned out it would have been easier to wait as I had a useless single stroller and had to buy another crib anyway). But the whole 'welcoming the baby' thing was pretty much robbed from us.

    Cliff notes - I might be jealous of women who get a baby shower.

    This is how I feel about not having had a wedding. I didn't have a beautiful wedding dress, no flower girl, ring bearer, bridesmaids, no groom in a tux, and saddest of all...NO CAKE!!! My husband was going to try and put together a renewal ceremony for our 15th (June 30th of this year) but I just don't think there's going to time. And now that we're going to be grandparents, I can't really justify spending that money on those things.

    Edited to add: I just really want to eat cake and wear a pretty dress.

    Congrats on your 15th!!! My husband and I hit 15 years this June as well, though on the 10th.

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I also dislike baby showers. Where you all sit there and ohh and ahh over clothes that will just be puked on anyhow. :/
    ps I have no kids, shocker right? :smiley:

    Next time try paying more attention to the politics behind it, you'll have more fun. The baby shower isn't about the baby, so much as it's a competition between grandmothers to see who can outdo the other. Bonus if you have a competitive aunt-to-be or two in the mix. Who spent the most, who got the best reaction to their gift, who didn't show/left early/got there late. If the grandma's don't like each other, or one or both doesn't like the other one's kid, you can play passive-aggressive comment bingo. If there are step-grandma's involved, it may be even more entertaining, especially if the step-grandma is the more responsible or involved than the bio grandma.

    Oh, yes, you are so right! I AM the step-grandma and I'm by choice the LEAST involved. The other 2 grandmas are in constant competition. I find it highly amusing. At my step-daugther's baby shower for her 2nd baby I gave her three free professional house-cleaning sessions. Needless to say, I WON that shower! I got the best reaction from that gift and I took a smug satisfaction in it. (big confession there because I'm not normally like that; lots of issues and family dynamics involved)

    Baby showers for second babies are a huge pet peeve of mine
    I have several friends that have had one, I have never attended a single one

    Feel like I have to defend myself here, and I don't even know why. I had a shower for my second, my kids are almost six years apart first one is a boy and the second is a girl. I had given most of our baby stuff away to friends, and I needed supplies. My friends offered and I wasn't going to say no.

    You don't have to defend yourself. I chose not to do one this time because I have a lot of kids ( and I kept a lot of stuff) plus I'm pretty old so all my friends have stopped having kids and gave me all their old baby stuff. But if your friends offered and you want to do it then just ignore people with ridiculous opinions. I hope you had fun!

    It's not an opinion, it is a basic social rule in the United States. Showers are meant to welcome a woman to motherhood, not to be an infinite gift-grab for someone who doesn't want to fund their own baby supplies. For subsequent babies, people will give gifts if they want to, but trying to create a social obligation for that to happen is very tacky.

    Look it up in any etiquette book.

    What she said lol

    seriously though, that is spot on