

  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    Overall, how accurate are the restaurant calorie/nutrition stats listed on their websites? I'm feeling guilty about Arby's roast beef yesterday but if the calories online were close to accurate I can feel a little less guilty. IF they were spot on, I'm golden.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    Overall, how accurate are the restaurant calorie/nutrition stats listed on their websites? I'm feeling guilty about Arby's roast beef yesterday but if the calories online were close to accurate I can feel a little less guilty. IF they were spot on, I'm golden.

    Honestly, they can be pretty far off in either direction. I don't eat out often, so I log what it says, but they can be off by over 20%. The cooks and chefs don't bother weighing the foods they're cooking, and the oil/butter they use can blow up the calories.

    As an example, on two different occasions that I went to Subway, an untrained employee dumped 2x the meat on my husband's steak and cheese and 2-3x the cheese on someone else's sub... Without actually charging or mentioning that the amounts were doubled or tripled. Just take the information with a grain of salt and maybe absorb a few extra calories over the coming days "just in case". :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited May 2015
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    Overall, how accurate are the restaurant calorie/nutrition stats listed on their websites? I'm feeling guilty about Arby's roast beef yesterday but if the calories online were close to accurate I can feel a little less guilty. IF they were spot on, I'm golden.

    I'd say most is probably an estimate (except Applebee's lighter options as they are made somewhere else and frozen, I believe... which is probably the case of a lot of other chains). Most fast food places use pre-portioned ingredients but the sauce isn't, and it's typically a big part of the calories, so who knows.

    I don't sweat it, but I don't eat out enough for it to really matter.

    Morning confession = I had a bad dream and was up hungry at 5.30am. I HATE those days. Can't go back to bed and typically end up eating 500+ calories by 7am. And I'm still hungry! Going to be a struggle all day to stay under my calories at this rate.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I confess...I just cancelled my gym membership because I haven't been going enough lately.
  • eMka11
    eMka11 Posts: 106 Member
    Oh btw, for anyone wondering. I got a job offer this morning. It's going to be amazing walking out of this place in a couple of weeks with my paycheck, and 100 hours of vacation time in a check too. WOOT WOOT

  • eMka11
    eMka11 Posts: 106 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I bought my plan ticket to London last night-- Harry Potter land here I come!!! Haha watch out London here I come!!

    are you visiting Warner Bros studios for a Harry Potter tour?
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    annette_15 wrote: »
    I confess that I was extremely happy to see so many more posts to read this morning!!!!!

    On another note, it was unbelievably awesome to run into my ex's girlfriend yesterday. She is a lot bigger than me. I got a perverse inner chuckle to hear him say to her that he should never have left me for her... when we broke up i was extremely overweight and she was a twig

    Catty and bitchy I know but mwahahahaha sucked in

    Hahahaha awesome!

    not judging you, but what a douche bag of him to say that to her in front of you. you both need to drop him off like yesterdays trash. what a piece of work.
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    Celebratory dinner, HUGE CHEESEBURGER, CRINKLE CUT FRIES, MARGARITA, DRAFT BEER, BEER BATTERED DEEP FRIED PICKLES, and COTTON CANDY BLIZZARD FROM DAIRY QUEEN. because i'm worth it. I run to the gym, work out then run back. I'll burn these kcals.
    Congratulations, by the way!!! And that sounds absolutely delicious. Can't deny my jealousy. Ever since I saw that Dairy Queen commercial I've been wanting to try the cotton candy blizzard!

    basically, the cotton candy freezes into pop rock type spheres inside of the ice cream, and you'll get some cotton candy that lines the inside of the walls of the cup that you can scrape off for a super sweet cotton candy blast. I almost wept with joy eating it.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    We went and saw Avengers last night at 9:10. That also happens to be bed time on work days. Hubby fell asleep.

    Confession: I am not too happy with Canada Post. My peanut butter was logged as "out for delivery" as of April28 @ 9:48 a.m. with an expected delivery date of April 28 (it was ordered on April 23). It is now Saturday May 2 and it is not here :angry:
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    eMka11 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I bought my plan ticket to London last night-- Harry Potter land here I come!!! Haha watch out London here I come!!

    are you visiting Warner Bros studios for a Harry Potter tour?

    I think so! My boyfriend lives over there so I'm letting him plan the whole trip but that's one of my top things I'd like to do!
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I haven't seen the Avengers yet. Dh and I will probably go to an early afternoon showing this week. We're excited!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    81Katz wrote: »
    I haven't seen the Avengers yet. Dh and I will probably go to an early afternoon showing this week. We're excited!

    I'm going tonight woo hoo!!
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Two out of five grades have come in for this semester. So far, so good... I'm really only worried about one class due to the worst procrastination of my life. My heart keeps beating really fast and I'm trying to calm it down. Hopefully I can see the Avengers tomorrow for the good kind of excitement.

    Yay! I've got finals next week but I'm only worried about my math class since I'm so behind in it. You've got this! :smile:

    New confession: I'm really bummed I couldn't go to Carolina Rebellion this year. I've always wanted to go to just one since I was a teenager. Maybe next year.....
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    Oh btw, for anyone wondering. I got a job offer this morning. It's going to be amazing walking out of this place in a couple of weeks with my paycheck, and 100 hours of vacation time in a check too. WOOT WOOT

  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    Celebratory dinner, HUGE CHEESEBURGER, CRINKLE CUT FRIES, MARGARITA, DRAFT BEER, BEER BATTERED DEEP FRIED PICKLES, and COTTON CANDY BLIZZARD FROM DAIRY QUEEN. because i'm worth it. I run to the gym, work out then run back. I'll burn these kcals.

    Crap. Now and want fried pickles. And it's 7am.
  • ddrhellbunny
    ddrhellbunny Posts: 119 Member
    I had this really rude guy I waited on last night. He was Australian and his wife was just as bad.
    First he kept shaking his glass at me to "let me know" his drink needed a refill. Also he kept making condescending comments about my capability to take an order. It was really annoying. NEVER let me finish a sentence. His wife also stated she was "gluten free", and I say that with quotes because she really wasn't, because when I asked her if she had celiac she just looked at me like wtf. Anyway... all night, they were very rude and dismissive with me.

    Luckily their companions were much friendlier, letting me pour their wine and converse with them, make recommendations, etc.

    He really tried to make me crack, but I just killed him with kindness and got him pretty sloshed ^_^ always shuts them up. They did end up having a great time because by the end of night when he asked for the bill he said " bring me the check doll, I wanna go home and smoke!"

    Pretty funny. They ended up splitting the check (which was over $250) and the Aussie of course left me the recommended, but the other guy tipped me 20% on his card plus an additional $20 in cash. I ain't mad. :]

    Made $60 on them, so all in all a good night. haha.
  • Britxclarity
    Britxclarity Posts: 235 Member
    edited May 2015
    kayfaei wrote: »
    Confession time:
    I've been craving a good hamburger and fries for weeks. So today I went to IHOP for lunch. Got the regular burger and fries the burger was 710 fries 320. So with my lunch already being 1030.

    For dinner I had pizza hut -.--. According to the website and I hope their cals are correct the two slices I had one was 440 and the other 460= 900 cals together. But I was still under my daily intake without adding any excerise. I feel so bad about eating it. But since it fit into my daily cals I should be okay right? :*

    It's all good if it's in your calories. Just be prepared to see a higher weight for a few days due to sodium retention. It doesn't mean you gained weight, and it's just water, so remember not to beat yourself up about it if it happens. :) Pizza and burgers, especially from restaurants, do tend to have tons of salt. My weight always shoots up when I've had Subway, for example, even if it was within my calories. :)

    I just wanted to clarify because you said you felt bad for eating it, and if you saw an increase in weight then you might think that eating restaurant food makes you gain weight when it doesn't. :) It's all about the calories, don't feel guilty about enjoying something special! :)

    This made me happy to hear!
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    Overall, how accurate are the restaurant calorie/nutrition stats listed on their websites? I'm feeling guilty about Arby's roast beef yesterday but if the calories online were close to accurate I can feel a little less guilty. IF they were spot on, I'm golden.

    Honestly, they can be pretty far off in either direction. I don't eat out often, so I log what it says, but they can be off by over 20%. The cooks and chefs don't bother weighing the foods they're cooking, and the oil/butter they use can blow up the calories.

    As an example, on two different occasions that I went to Subway, an untrained employee dumped 2x the meat on my husband's steak and cheese and 2-3x the cheese on someone else's sub... Without actually charging or mentioning that the amounts were doubled or tripled. Just take the information with a grain of salt and maybe absorb a few extra calories over the coming days "just in case". :)

    And this made me sad haha
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited May 2015
    We went and saw Avengers last night at 9:10. That also happens to be bed time on work days. Hubby fell asleep.

    Confession: I am not too happy with Canada Post. My peanut butter was logged as "out for delivery" as of April28 @ 9:48 a.m. with an expected delivery date of April 28 (it was ordered on April 23). It is now Saturday May 2 and it is not here :angry:

    If you ordered from Amazon they will send you another one.

    Seeing Avengers again with the whole family and eating at Uno after... will try to stick to the healthy options... but some family just walked in the theater with a baby. Just what I want... a screaming baby during the movie. Judging hard.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    I have a banquet tonight. So before I go to it, I'm going to quick add calories to my allowed amount. And not worry about how many calories are in things.
  • cranor130
    cranor130 Posts: 65 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    I have a banquet tonight. So before I go to it, I'm going to quick add calories to my allowed amount. And not worry about how many calories are in things.
    Have a wonderful evening! Layra