Just for Today - month of February. Would you like to join me, as we take this one day at a time.



  • Patti705
    Patti705 Posts: 264 Member
    For the rest of the day, I will:

    1. Go to the gym unless the roads are too icy.
    2. Start/do/continue the squat challenge.
    3. Not eat more than my allotment.

  • grandmafrancis
    grandmafrancis Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to join. Last year I did really well by toning up and eating better. My goal was a lovely holiday! Well, 10 months later and I'm still in holiday mode, but have not put on all of the weight I lost.

    Tomorrow (Thursday) I plan to

    * Walk to the bank, apx 10 miles round trip
    * Drink bottle of water
    * Eat! Something I sometimes forget

    Just one day :)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. Get in an hour of walking before going out dancing. :)
    2. Get at least 12,000 steps. :) 15,383
    3. Under 100 G/carbs. :)

    1. Walk--step goal=15,000
    2. swim
    3. dance
  • Tiso2
    Tiso2 Posts: 55 Member
    losingrae, thank you so much for your posts. I admire your courage & perseverance
  • Tiso2
    Tiso2 Posts: 55 Member
    kegofstout wrote: »
    Yesterday's goals were met woohoo!! It has been a long time. Just for today:
    1) stay in calorie goal
    2) no snacking after work
    3) run 3 miles

    Good job
  • swarren1037
    swarren1037 Posts: 16 Member

    Tuesday 2/17
    1. Get up on time, no snooze. :(
    2. Resist buying food. :)
    3. Track everything I eat. :)

    Hey all - Good work on your goals! I love reading all your goals and accomplishments.

    Wednesday 2/18
    1. Get up on time, no snooze.
    2. Buy no food - eat packed lunch and butternut soup for supper. Track all of it.
    3. Walk to neighbor's in the evening.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    edited February 2015
    So I wrote up this long note to all of you, apologizing for not being on here - and somehow I deleted it before I hit post, so I'll start again.

    I have been struggling, and having to put our cat of 19 yrs down on Sunday, just made it worse. I ate for emotional reasons, and got where I really didn't even care. But I do care, but I was ashamed to get on here, admit that I have failed once again. Sometimes I feel like a failure for keep having to start over and over again.

    Then I get the email from losingrae. Thank you so much Rae! I do care, and I know that I need to get on here every single day, no matter what. It is what keeps me focused to keep on trying. To take this one day at a time. And if I fail for that ONE day, then I will try again the next day, and the next day, and the next day.

    So tomorrow morning I will get on here again. I hope to rejoin all of you in our efforts to change our lifestyle, one day at a time.

    SO -- thank you ALL of you for your posts. Tonite I spent reading through all that I have missed. I am not alone. We all struggle, but - we are all going to keep on trying!!
  • woodsongg
    woodsongg Posts: 1 Member


    Goal for 2⃣/19/15

    Stash in caloric range
    Go to gym
    Drink 3 wra of water
  • loveby30
    loveby30 Posts: 76 Member
    well yesterday was ok. I stayed under my calories but did not workout ugh.

    Today my goals are 1)stay under calories 2)work out at least 30 min
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,611 Member
    Just for today 2/17
    1. Get my morning run in! :(
    2. Aqua Fit tonight :(
    3. Healthy food choices :(
    4. No late night eating :(

    Yesterday was a washout for me big time! No exercise and ate everything in site LATE, ugh!

    Just for today
    1. Run in
    2. Gym @‌ at night
    3. No no no no late night snacking
    4. Eat what I prelog ONLY
  • sweetly99
    sweetly99 Posts: 3 Member
    J42day (well tomorrow :wink: 2/19)
    1.) Log everything and stay at goal calories
    2.) No eating after 7:00 pm
    3.) Get up and take extra walks around the office
    4.) Take measurements
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    And if I fail for that ONE day, then I will try again the next day, and the next day, and the next day.

    So tomorrow morning I will get on here again. I hope to rejoin all of you in our efforts to change our lifestyle, one day at a time.

    SO -- thank you ALL of you for your posts. Tonite I spent reading through all that I have missed. I am not alone. We all struggle, but - we are all going to keep on trying!!

    (*) (*) (*) (*) (*)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. Walk--step goal=15,000 :D got 17,052
    2. swim-- :D spent an hour in the pool + hot tub, swam a mile
    3. dance :D did an hour of intense Zumba

    1. Go in for early-morning NPO bloodwork and stop putting it off!
    2. 15,000 steps
    3. Do healthy grocery shopping
  • Got hit 10,000 step just for today I'm with you guys ☺️
  • otterchica
    otterchica Posts: 4 Member
    I need this. Tried and got no where so many times in the last eight years.

    Today I will exercise and/or reach 9,000 steps.
    Today I will drink water.
    Today I will log everything.
  • EBragg9
    EBragg9 Posts: 3 Member
    Ya, had a good day yesterday. Achieved most of my goals but need to focus more on hydration.

    Yesterdays Goal Success...
    1. Goal to consume at least 60% protein, less than 15% fat, and at least 64oz of water. ...little goals and we'll work up from there.

    Today's Goals....
    Consume at least 64oz H2O.
    Get a better protein shake (just discovered mine is stocked full of sugars. ...we can do better)
    Maintain the 60protein/25carb/15fat.

    Bonus I finally broke through the plateau. ...ya. Lost 0.6lbs finally putting me under the 180...mind you I don't contribute that to dehydration. I've been very dedicated to my liquids. Thank you so much for your support. :)
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    taxmom9093 wrote: »
    1. Take a walk. Somehow. This might be more of a challenge than I think :( Bad roads and snow meant most of my coworkers called off yesterday so I ended up working far later than I expected. Oh well, today is a new chance
    2. keep track of my eating and no snacking after 9pm :( Late work means late dinner. But U did not snack after dinner so that is one positive anyway
    3. Stay positive. Do not let the weather, roads, other drivers or upset customers get to me.
    :D This I managed. Even though my coworkers didn't make it in, my clients are a hardy bunch, so I had plenty of work to do and people to help, so all in all it was a good day.

    Today is a new chance to get it right. Or closer to right, I'm under no illusions that I will ever be perfect. ;)

    Just for today I will

    1. Take a walk. I'm taking extra clothes with me so I can get a hike in the snow.
    2. keep track of my eating and no snacking after 9pm.
    3. Relax and enjoy my half day off.

    The snow has stopped for now, but it is COLD out there. Have a safe and warm Thursday all!
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Joan we missed you. No apologies needed, you needed the time for yourself. Losing a fur friend is always hard on us, and if food is your comfort go to, yes this will trigger that too. It's OK. You will get through this and be successful again. Take care of yourself, set small goals to start and then build on that success.

    Take care. I know it hurts, but eventually you will feel better and will be able to focus on the happier times with your cat.
  • Tiso2
    Tiso2 Posts: 55 Member
    (((Joan))) :'( Thank you for being a part of.
  • meenuchadha
    meenuchadha Posts: 2 Member
    My day has ended and have joined from yesterday . I am happy to be consistently in for second day . I will do Crossfit 5 days a week and will walk At least 5 km for 5 days a week . Drink 3 lts water and eat at 1400 cal range for the month of feb. Also no bingeing after 7.30 pm .