Just for Today - month of February. Would you like to join me, as we take this one day at a time.



  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    feistyjojo wrote: »
    Thursday's goal:
    - stay within calorie limit. It's a rest day from exercise so I need to just eat when I'm definitely hungry and I should make it.

    Hmmmm... only just. I ate chocolate this morning meaning I had virtually nothing to eat for lunch to compensate, plus a very light dinner. Really want the comfort of eating more. The consequence of the choice I made I guess. That'll teach me!
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    Friday's goals:
    - work ultra hard at bootcamp
    - eat minimal calories back, saving them for some wine in the evening on a night out
    - notice how well I've done all week and keep the docs for the weekend
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    losingrae wrote: »
    @azulvioleta6, I gotta ask, what is your profile picture!? For the longest time, I thought it was you holding a sleeping baby. Then yesterday you said you're not a mom. I thought, it could still be a niece, nephew or friend...but for some reason, I really can't see it.

    Nobody can figure it out! It is the back of my head, with blond bun and two red silk flowers. You can see the back of my neck and my arms were in the air. I was dressed up for Flamenco dancing. I often have to take a picture of the back of my head to see if my bun is fixed correctly.

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. Continue tracking while eating at someone else's house...as well as possible! :)
    2. 15,000 steps :D 20,366
    3. Drop in on Zumba with old friend :D fun!

    I lost another pound, so I guess that I did alright with guestimating over the last couple of days.

    1. Back home--do some shopping and food prep.
    2. 15,000 steps.
    3. Super-intense Zumba.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member

    Also, lost 3 lbs this week!!! Yea me.

    CONGRATS!!! You are on fire!!! Keep up the great work.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,401 Member
    edited February 2015
    Just for today 2/26
    1. Protein! :)
    2. Don't let the scale play a part in the rest of my day! :)
    3. Get my run in before the rain :)

    Just for today 2/27
    1. Protein
    2. Get some crochet in at night
    3. No late night snacking
    4. Get a bike ride in
  • CenteredOne
    CenteredOne Posts: 14 Member
    I tried but couldn't locate this posting topic yesterday. Finally found this topic forum again today! Does anyone know of a quick/easy way just to access the forum topic areas that we want to participate in?
  • CenteredOne
    CenteredOne Posts: 14 Member
    Just for today: I am going to bed before 2am! I have logged in all my food and drink for the past 3 days, I have done service, given thanks, breathed deep into my belly, taken care of business with my home base
  • CenteredOne
    CenteredOne Posts: 14 Member
    I did good yesterday on my goals. Just trying to keep them simple
    1) Tried to do my 60 minutes at 4.0, which I had been doing 15 minutes around 3.5-3.6 and then 40 minutes at 4.3, then cool down, but my hip started killing me and then I had to drop down to 3.5 and finish my time. I'm going to lay off the treadmill for 3 days then hope that Monday it is better.
    2) Stay at or below 1200
    3) Keep a positive attitude, that my hip is going to feel better
    4) Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water

    Also, lost 3 lbs this week!!! Yea me.

    Everyone have a great day and keep putting in those goals!

  • CenteredOne
    CenteredOne Posts: 14 Member
    Great job! Congratulations on your progress!
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    Little newsflash: Have now lost 8.8lbs since 2nd February. Feeling pleased and..... having to resist the temptation to slacken off. I still have 21 lbs to get rid of. So to add to my goals today : I WILL stay focused.
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    taxmom9093 wrote: »

    1. Take at least one long walk outside. The snow will not stop me. :D Plus another indoor walk too
    2. Log everything I eat :) I'm pretty sure I added everything
    3. Think of at least 10 things I am grateful for. :)

    I'm a little frustrated this morning. The scale went UP even though I am doing much better recently. Now I know my body often goes up a little and then releases the weight, so I should not worry, and my clothes say I am doing the right thing, but I can't help feeling frustrated by that stupid number on the scale.

    So. Just for today I will

    1. Not let that number be an excuse for quitting. I need to keep eating right and exercising if I want to get healthier.
    2. Take a walk.
    3. Log everything I eat.

    It's time for me to stop pouting and get started on my day. Have a Great Friday Everyone!

  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    I tried but couldn't locate this posting topic yesterday. Finally found this topic forum again today! Does anyone know of a quick/easy way just to access the forum topic areas that we want to participate in?

    Up at the top of the page there is a yellow star, if you click on that star it will save this thread as a favorite. After you save it, when you go to the community page you will click on the star and it will be up your bookmarked pages :)
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    ruby70 wrote: »
    Thursday Just for today 2/16/15
    1.) Weight lifting tonight :) 50 MINUTES
    2.) track all my food :) AND STAYED UNDER CAL GOAL
    3.) 40 minutes cardio at lunch :) 40 MINUTES

    Just for today Friday 2/27/15
    1.) 40 minutes cardio at lunch
    2.) Track all my food
    3.) Work on being satisfied with my life, and see the good things around me rather than the things that I don't have:)

  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    feistyjojo wrote: »
    Little newsflash: Have now lost 8.8lbs since 2nd February. Feeling pleased and..... having to resist the temptation to slacken off. I still have 21 lbs to get rid of. So to add to my goals today : I WILL stay focused.

    Good job!!!
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    losingrae wrote: »

    Just for Today 2/26
    1. log log log :(
    2. take care of me, listen to what my body is saying
    3. if I can't exercise, continue to plan my routine and watch videos to learn:(

    It is amazing how quickly we slide into bad habits. Especially when we feel crappy. I know that all my grazing yesterday was looking for comfort. And frankly, the only comfort is to get rid of this sinus pressure. It's not enough to lay me out for the day, but it's enough to make me uncomfortable all day.

    Just for Today 2/27
    1. log
    2. question what i need before eating
  • kegofstout
    kegofstout Posts: 74 Member
    edited February 2015
    Congrats feistyjojo!! That is a huge weight loss keep up the hard work :)
    Good job on reaching your daily goal grandmajackie Very impressive!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Yesterday, 2/26
    1. Drink 2 glasses water with each meal, and at nite time and afternoon, to total 10 glasses of water. :)
    2. 30 minutes on ellipitical. :):) And it was 23 degrees in our patio room! But the view was pretty, and not that bad
    3. Log every bite that I eat :):\:'(:'( Both happy and sad faces here.

    While I did good with all my goals, I did TERRIBLE with my eating. We have our 37 yr old mentally ill daughter living with us, and last nite was bad. She was in the bathroom, door locked, screaming and pulling out her hair. When we finally got her to open the door, there was literally a trash can full of hair that she had ripped out of her head. She is attempting to work again, and the stress just makes things worse. I hurt so badly for her. She wants so much to get her life back, to be back working again. But everytime she tries, things get worse. I just wish I could trade places with her, or do something. So - what do I do, but eat. Over 2300 calories for the day - 1400 of those calories were in a matter of a few hours (ice cream snickers bars). I should know better than to even buy these things, but I bought them when my willpower was high, and I thought I could resist better.

    I get so upset with myself when I do this. I know food is not going to fix things. I know food is not the answer. But this is how I cope. So I have to really learn better ways to cope, other than grabbing the first sweet thing I can.

    But, on the plus side, at least I did log everything.
    so today is another new day.

    Just for today, FRIDAY, 2/27
    1. Log everything I eat - no matter what.
    2. Stay positive. Things could always be worse. Be grateful for all that I have in my life.
  • kegofstout
    kegofstout Posts: 74 Member
    Taxmom9093 do NOT let that dumb number on the scale get you down girl!!! If your clothes are fitting better than you are trimming Dow. And that's all that matters :)
  • kegofstout
    kegofstout Posts: 74 Member
    Ruby70 I love your #3 I know I get caught up in all the things I don't have than just enjoying how blessed I truly am, I am going to follow your lead and make that a goal for myself too