Looking to lose 100+ pounds... the healthy way!



  • Treasa2013
    Treasa2013 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm looking to lose 130 lbs. That would get me to the upper end of a healthy weight range. I lost 50 lbs a couple of years ago by blindly following Tumblr advice, working out for hours a day and eating 1500 calories a day. It was the recommended calorie intake for me by both Livestrong and MyFitnessPal. I ended up shutting down and gaining 80 lbs back.

    So now me and my BF are talking about getting married and I don't want to be a fat bride and an unhealthy parent. I'm trying to get this under control now while I still have time to lose the weight healthily. Admittedly though, I'm having a hard time keeping a positive attitude and feeling like this is actually something I can do.

    Hello, one thing I have had to force myself to remember is, I didn't gain my wait over night and I won't lose it that fast either. This is something you can do! Believe in yourself and never quit.
  • Treasa2013
    Treasa2013 Posts: 5 Member
    Okay Guys, today is day four of my life change. Broke down in an emotional frenzy last night, yelled at my son, but when we went through the drive thru, I didn't order anything for myself. ( told my son I'm sorry) Then I went to bed feeling bad. I woke up this morning and had a banana instead of a honeybun. Now I need to do something nice for my son....
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Good morning all!

    @punkrockgoth: Welcome! Getting your weight under control is never easy but it doesn't have to be torture either. We just need to find ways to enjoy the food we eat and listen to our bodies so we know when its had enough. I've struggled with this for so long because I am addicted to the taste of food. I just want all that flavour goodness in my mouth all the time. All of us here can give you tips and tricks we've learned and are still learning! Then you need to adapt those to what works for you.

    @Treasa2013‌: Well done! OK so yelling at your son might not have been great but that's a whole other forum LOL. What you achieved yesterday is nothing short of phenomenal! I did that recently too and it felt GREAT! You are on the right track and next time when you feel like breaking down... come here and tell us about it. We'll try and help you through it!
  • inekestorms
    inekestorms Posts: 12 Member
    I have 120 to lose and and 40. I have a 2 two year old daughter who I want to be active with and teach to live a healthy lifestyle but I need to do that myself first. Decided this time to try with more support. I have used mfp before but never have I really used the community much. I think that may have been a mistake i thought i would try and remedy.
  • danielle7577
    danielle7577 Posts: 84 Member
    @shirayne thanks! I feel so behind in here. More new people. All of us still fighting the same battles. Trying to find that control over food and our bodies. Support helps us all so welcome to everyone!
    @Treasa2013 We all have bad days. Great work on the healthy choices!
    @inekestorms‌ Welcome!! I have a 2 year old son that I'm getting healthier for. We exercise together at times. Dancing is a great way to be silly and laugh with him and get my body moving. But even yesterday he was marching along with me whole I did a video. Love that he is learning exercise is fun!
    @punkrockgoth I believe that I don't have to go through life feeling hungry to lose weight. I have lost 30 lbs so far. I listen to my body. And I'm retraining my brain. If my brain tells me I'm hungry it probably means I'm bored. If my stomach starts growling and I know I have had plenty of water I eat. I just make better choices. Those get better with time. Add me if you want. I try and check in a few times a day!
  • inchwormbyinchworm
    inchwormbyinchworm Posts: 180 Member
    . And I'm retraining my brain. If my brain tells me I'm hungry it probably means I'm bored. If my stomach starts growling and I know I have had plenty of water I eat. I just make better choices. Those get better with time. Add me if you want. I try and check in a few times a day!

    Leptin is a hormone that tells your body that you don't need to eat anymore. However, body fat is not a static thing; too much of it, and it can cause your body to crank out the leptin hormones -- but sometimes your body doesn't read those signals properly; not unlike insulin resiatance with diabetes.

    So for someone who has a high amount of body fat, I need to tell myself sometimes: "no, you've eaten enough. Your body just isn't reading the signals right."

    If I sound like I'm talking to a preschooler, I do live with 2 of them!
  • danielle7577
    danielle7577 Posts: 84 Member
    I know. It's like relearning the signals. But I am doing it. I know my range of what I should eat when I'm very physically active and when I'm not. That is also helping me make the right decisions.
  • danielle7577
    danielle7577 Posts: 84 Member
    I should add supper time is the hardest for me to remember I'm full. So working on portion control. And if I think I'm still hungry I drink a glass of water and wait to see how I feel. It's a process. I won't be perfect. But I will be better.
  • cherlym
    cherlym Posts: 4
    I would love to join, friend however to make this work. I will be 59 in August of this year and have at least a 100 lbs to lose. I ave tried lots of things, read lots of thing and need to learn to stick with it. I know it should be a life style change, and I can say both DH and I eat healthier this year then we did last year, but its not a life style yet. One day at a time, I know. I did start today with strength exercises for my arms and fell better for it.
  • ForeverCharlie
    ForeverCharlie Posts: 183 Member
    The best of luck to you. You can definitely do it :)
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Hi Everyone and welcome to our new friends! Today I will be making a Mediterranean Succotash for this week's lunches. No meat for 5 days of lunches is going to be an interesting phenomenon for me. I'm such a carnivore! But it looks delicious and sounds super healthy so I'm going to give it a go! As for breakfast... not sure what I"ll do this week. I may go back to oatmeal for a few days and some hard boiled eggs for a few days. If anyone has some great ideas for healthy breakfasts, please share! I find I get in a bit of a rut and my brain has a hard time thinking outside the box. Breakfast for me has always been eggs, bacon, hash browns, pancakes, sausage, cereal, and oatmeal (not all at once of course). There must be something else out there! :)
  • jonesm97
    jonesm97 Posts: 39 Member
    I hope the best for everyone and their weight loss goals. I know I am a food addict. I love food. I can say that as an excuse everyday. Then I look at myself and I know I nees to control it. I don't deprive myself from anything, I know that will turn into binging. I have lost 7lbs since I started this app. A lot has to do with this group. I felt much better knowing that I am not alone. Then seeing the accomplishments from others. Keep your head up and take one day at a time. :)
  • nikkisl37
    nikkisl37 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone i am starting in this journey and would like to.lose 100 pounds as well. I am at my heaviest at 277 and my goal weight is 160 of possible. I would like to add some.of you that have already began and started the journey. I have started a low carb lifestyle. This is my second day on it and needs ideas to help me with my water consumption as well.
  • cherlym
    cherlym Posts: 4
    nikkisl37 wrote: »
    This is my second day on it and needs ideas to help me with my water consumption as well.
    I can honestly say for me once I started meeting my water requirements, its what I crave. I use to be a pepsi addict, then pepsi light. When I gave up smoking 12 years ago I gave up soda (they seemed to go hand in hand). I have 2-3 cups of black coffee a day and the rest is water. My heaviest was 298 and I am only 5'2. I lost 34 lbs a year and a half and have kept it off, which is a big shock to me. My next goal is 16 lbs to have made it 50.... and so on. I tried low carb, now its basically what I want, but counting calories and nutrition. We shall see...one day at a time.

  • cherlym
    cherlym Posts: 4
    Sigh, that should be a year and a half ago. Not that it took me that long :smile:
  • dillons1228
    dillons1228 Posts: 5 Member
    I am in the same boat as many of you. I need to lose at least 100lbs. Food has been a life time struggle for me. I'm not a very good cook so the food prep and nutrition aspect is overwhelming to me. I am not sure what the percentage of carbs/fats/proteins I am supposed to be eating a day or what the appropriate grams of sugar you are supposed to eat each day? Any friend requests and suggestions would be appreciated.
  • shakira9634
    shakira9634 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello to everyone! I'm new to this group and need to loose 100 or more pounds. I'm thinking in increments of 10 lbs however each pound is a success! Overcoming small challenges & changes is success too! Looking forward to meeting some new people so we can motivate each other. I've lost 9 lbs since the middle of Jan 2015 so one more pound to the big 10! My goal is about 1-1.5 lbs per week. I hope to loose 50 lbs by the end of 2015. Feel free to add me as your friend. :)
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Hi All and welcome to those of you who have just joined us.

    @nikkisl37‌: I too struggle with water. I don't drink 8 cups of anything in a day and 3 cups of coffee. The only thing that works for me is having it in front of me.

    @dillons1228‌: One suggestion would be to get yourself a crock-pot! :) I have two and love them. I made succotash today and also made couscous and it is already portioned out for my lunches this week. There's not much to it when using a crock-pot. It's mostly clean, cut, and drop it in. :) I'm happy to share recipes if you like and there are tons on the internet. If you find one you like but it's too high in calories, we can help you cut the calories down by changing it a bit.

    @shakira9634‌: small goals are the way to go! Celebrate every success and learn from the "oopses" :) I had an oops kinda weekend although it didn't turn out as bad as I thought it would. But tomorrow is another day!
  • jonesm97
    jonesm97 Posts: 39 Member
    I have a question. I am allowed roughly 1700 calories for a day. I think that is high. What is a normal calorie intake?? I don't want to shock my body into something it's not ready for.
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Right now my goal is 1500. Have you reset your goals recently? I do it periodically to accommodate for my loss. The minimum number of calories (if I remember correctly) to intake is 1200.