The Truth about Calorie Restriction



  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    avshwartz wrote: »
    trixieloo wrote: »
    So how come when I ate a vegan diet for about 8 months, I never lost a single pound? Obviously it's not because I was eating too much of it. What did I do wrong?

    Did you eat any processed vegan food? If youre cooking and not substituting animal products with things like soy, you shoulsnt have a problem

  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    avshwartz wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    Interesting...I eat primarily whole foods and meals prepared from whole food ingredients...I have successfully lost weight, maintained weight, and done a bulk and cut cycle...with the difference between those objectives being the amount of calories I'm eating.

    So how is it possible in your world that I was able to bulk on weight eating a diet rich in whole food nutrition.

    Also, since when are dairy, meat, and gluten "junk"? Gluten exists in whole foods...meat is a whole food...dairy products are whole foods or otherwise derived from such.

    By whole foods i meant whole plant foods. The reasom why you bulked up is because you ate a lot of fat most likely. Fat is not bad if it comes from plants and in moderation. But my guess is that it didnt.

    And since you're grasping at every word i use or misuse, dairy, meat and gluten are generally not favoured by the body of most people. It causes stagnation and intolerant reactions that you wont immediately see but will affect you in the long term.



    Also please provide a reference list from which you are spouting these bits of information. I'm going to guess they will be Google hits pulled from your butt.

    When i first got a glimps of this lifestyle, i did a ton of research for months to figure out whether this is right or not for me. Im not gonna do the work for you.
    And this is the argument that every single person like you gives when asked to provide sources.

    Since you've already done the research, you shoudl already be familiar with sources, or at least with the search terms that brought up those sources. Thus you doing another quick search would be more efficient than us going about blindly trying to find information that doesn't exist.

    And there actually have been cases where I took up this offer, used my university's library database to come up with articles from actual peer-reviewed journals, and the few results I did find that actually pertained to the topic did not support what the person in the thread was saying. And there have been times when people posted links to scientific articles, claiming it was stating one thing when it wasn't stating that at all.

    So I'd rather not waste my time, again, because someone isn't willing to take a few minutes to search again for the articles that originally shaped their decisions.

    Ok. 80/10/10. Starch solution. They have research so look them up

    None of this sounds like it comes from a credible peer-reviewed journal. Sounds like it's coming from someone's *kitten*.
  • avshwartz
    avshwartz Posts: 18 Member
    avshwartz wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    Interesting...I eat primarily whole foods and meals prepared from whole food ingredients...I have successfully lost weight, maintained weight, and done a bulk and cut cycle...with the difference between those objectives being the amount of calories I'm eating.

    So how is it possible in your world that I was able to bulk on weight eating a diet rich in whole food nutrition.

    Also, since when are dairy, meat, and gluten "junk"? Gluten exists in whole foods...meat is a whole food...dairy products are whole foods or otherwise derived from such.

    By whole foods i meant whole plant foods. The reasom why you bulked up is because you ate a lot of fat most likely. Fat is not bad if it comes from plants and in moderation. But my guess is that it didnt.

    And since you're grasping at every word i use or misuse, dairy, meat and gluten are generally not favoured by the body of most people. It causes stagnation and intolerant reactions that you wont immediately see but will affect you in the long term.



    Also please provide a reference list from which you are spouting these bits of information. I'm going to guess they will be Google hits pulled from your butt.

    When i first got a glimps of this lifestyle, i did a ton of research for months to figure out whether this is right or not for me. Im not gonna do the work for you.
    And this is the argument that every single person like you gives when asked to provide sources.

    Since you've already done the research, you shoudl already be familiar with sources, or at least with the search terms that brought up those sources. Thus you doing another quick search would be more efficient than us going about blindly trying to find information that doesn't exist.

    And there actually have been cases where I took up this offer, used my university's library database to come up with articles from actual peer-reviewed journals, and the few results I did find that actually pertained to the topic did not support what the person in the thread was saying. And there have been times when people posted links to scientific articles, claiming it was stating one thing when it wasn't stating that at all.

    So I'd rather not waste my time, again, because someone isn't willing to take a few minutes to search again for the articles that originally shaped their decisions.

    Ok. 80/10/10. Starch solution. They have research so look them up

    Oh and also i don't care enough to. Whether anyone rethinks their ways or not doesn't really affect me. Again, i just wated to support the poster because i've been where she has and feel the same way.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    avshwartz wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    Interesting...I eat primarily whole foods and meals prepared from whole food ingredients...I have successfully lost weight, maintained weight, and done a bulk and cut cycle...with the difference between those objectives being the amount of calories I'm eating.

    So how is it possible in your world that I was able to bulk on weight eating a diet rich in whole food nutrition.

    Also, since when are dairy, meat, and gluten "junk"? Gluten exists in whole foods...meat is a whole food...dairy products are whole foods or otherwise derived from such.

    By whole foods i meant whole plant foods. The reasom why you bulked up is because you ate a lot of fat most likely. Fat is not bad if it comes from plants and in moderation. But my guess is that it didnt.

    And since you're grasping at every word i use or misuse, dairy, meat and gluten are generally not favoured by the body of most people. It causes stagnation and intolerant reactions that you wont immediately see but will affect you in the long term.



    Also please provide a reference list from which you are spouting these bits of information. I'm going to guess they will be Google hits pulled from your butt.

    When i first got a glimps of this lifestyle, i did a ton of research for months to figure out whether this is right or not for me. Im not gonna do the work for you.
    And this is the argument that every single person like you gives when asked to provide sources.

    Since you've already done the research, you shoudl already be familiar with sources, or at least with the search terms that brought up those sources. Thus you doing another quick search would be more efficient than us going about blindly trying to find information that doesn't exist.

    And there actually have been cases where I took up this offer, used my university's library database to come up with articles from actual peer-reviewed journals, and the few results I did find that actually pertained to the topic did not support what the person in the thread was saying. And there have been times when people posted links to scientific articles, claiming it was stating one thing when it wasn't stating that at all.

    So I'd rather not waste my time, again, because someone isn't willing to take a few minutes to search again for the articles that originally shaped their decisions.

    Ok. 80/10/10. Starch solution. They have research so look them up

    Oh and also i don't care enough to. Whether anyone rethinks their ways or not doesn't really affect me. Again, i just wated to support the poster because i've been where she has and feel the same way.

    You felt the same as the OP when you were as factually challenged as her?
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    edited February 2015
    OKAY GUYS, looked up 80/10/10 Starch Solution in Google. Just saw videos and blog hits. Looking it up in my library database...


    ETA the 2nd was found by looking up just "starch solution"
    uh.PNG 17.4K
    uh2.PNG 100.1K
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    oh avshwartz you are my hero please keep typing, i don;t have to go to bed for another 4 hours
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    avshwartz wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    Interesting...I eat primarily whole foods and meals prepared from whole food ingredients...I have successfully lost weight, maintained weight, and done a bulk and cut cycle...with the difference between those objectives being the amount of calories I'm eating.

    So how is it possible in your world that I was able to bulk on weight eating a diet rich in whole food nutrition.

    Also, since when are dairy, meat, and gluten "junk"? Gluten exists in whole foods...meat is a whole food...dairy products are whole foods or otherwise derived from such.

    By whole foods i meant whole plant foods. The reasom why you bulked up is because you ate a lot of fat most likely. Fat is not bad if it comes from plants and in moderation. But my guess is that it didnt.

    And since you're grasping at every word i use or misuse, dairy, meat and gluten are generally not favoured by the body of most people. It causes stagnation and intolerant reactions that you wont immediately see but will affect you in the long term.



    Also please provide a reference list from which you are spouting these bits of information. I'm going to guess they will be Google hits pulled from your butt.

    When i first got a glimps of this lifestyle, i did a ton of research for months to figure out whether this is right or not for me. Im not gonna do the work for you.
    And this is the argument that every single person like you gives when asked to provide sources.

    Since you've already done the research, you shoudl already be familiar with sources, or at least with the search terms that brought up those sources. Thus you doing another quick search would be more efficient than us going about blindly trying to find information that doesn't exist.

    And there actually have been cases where I took up this offer, used my university's library database to come up with articles from actual peer-reviewed journals, and the few results I did find that actually pertained to the topic did not support what the person in the thread was saying. And there have been times when people posted links to scientific articles, claiming it was stating one thing when it wasn't stating that at all.

    So I'd rather not waste my time, again, because someone isn't willing to take a few minutes to search again for the articles that originally shaped their decisions.

    Ok. 80/10/10. Starch solution. They have research so look them up

    Oh and also i don't care enough to. Whether anyone rethinks their ways or not doesn't really affect me. Again, i just wated to support the poster because i've been where she has and feel the same way.

    because you very clearly also are the OP.
  • tephanies1234
    tephanies1234 Posts: 299 Member
    edited February 2015
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    I actually just had this conversation with a friend of mine... I find it funny how people who dont have much drive or self disipline will use whatever they can to justify not putting in the work, staying the course and settling for only moderate success.... this includes CICO and other irrational concepts and studies...
    Look folks... its not just calories.. its also about the content of what you eat... You're comparison is the same as comparing AM PM Gas to Aviation Jet Fuel.. true they are both gas and have the ability to run your car.. but Aviation Fuel is far stronger and provides much more energy...
    So you can eat your pizza and feel lethargic and like crap after you do.. and I'll eat my veggies , brown rice and chicken... and have energy to run 5 miles...

    Well, you're making a silly assumption that all people who eat pizza feel lethargic and like crap afterward. Just because you might feel this way does not mean everyone, or even anyone else, does.

    Pizza meets macros and it provides energy because it has carbs in it. I can run five miles after a slice of pizza.

    That's wonderful that brown rice and chicken give you energy, but that's because of the carbs in the rice, not because there's anything special in the brown rice and chicken.

    Now, when it comes to body composition, macros count, especially protein. Even with that said, you can meet your macros eating pizza. But type of food has nothing to do with weight loss, it's strictly calories in/calories out.

    Well aviation jet fuel has more calories, that's why she has more energy than when she drinks regular gas ;)

    Secondly, I think I accidentally ate a pizza today.....I made a sandwich with some salami and havarti cheese and a tomato...wierd how I didnt fall asleep! ;)
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    Nonsense, OP. The biased perception of one's own personal experience does not equal universal truth.

    Where's the eye-rolling smiley when I need one? :|

    @jenilla1‌ I just found it Myself. Put huh In between the colons. :huh:
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    I actually just had this conversation with a friend of mine... I find it funny how people who dont have much drive or self disipline will use whatever they can to justify not putting in the work, staying the course and settling for only moderate success.... this includes CICO and other irrational concepts and studies...
    Look folks... its not just calories.. its also about the content of what you eat... You're comparison is the same as comparing AM PM Gas to Aviation Jet Fuel.. true they are both gas and have the ability to run your car.. but Aviation Fuel is far stronger and provides much more energy...
    So you can eat your pizza and feel lethargic and like crap after you do.. and I'll eat my veggies , brown rice and chicken... and have energy to run 5 miles...

    Well, you're making a silly assumption that all people who eat pizza feel lethargic and like crap afterward. Just because you might feel this way does not mean everyone, or even anyone else, does.

    Pizza meets macros and it provides energy because it has carbs in it. I can run five miles after a slice of pizza.

    That's wonderful that brown rice and chicken give you energy, but that's because of the carbs in the rice, not because there's anything special in the brown rice and chicken.

    Now, when it comes to body composition, macros count, especially protein. Even with that said, you can meet your macros eating pizza. But type of food has nothing to do with weight loss, it's strictly calories in/calories out.

    Well aviation jet fuel has more calories, that's why she has more energy than when she drinks regular gas ;)

    Secondly, I think I accidentally ate a pizza today.....I made a sandwich with some salami and havarti cheese and a tomato...wierd how I didnt fall asleep! ;)
    I was reaching for some apples but I think I accidentally ate some chocolate
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    Interesting...I eat primarily whole foods and meals prepared from whole food ingredients...I have successfully lost weight, maintained weight, and done a bulk and cut cycle...with the difference between those objectives being the amount of calories I'm eating.

    So how is it possible in your world that I was able to bulk on weight eating a diet rich in whole food nutrition.

    Also, since when are dairy, meat, and gluten "junk"? Gluten exists in whole foods...meat is a whole food...dairy products are whole foods or otherwise derived from such.

    By whole foods i meant whole plant foods. The reasom why you bulked up is because you ate a lot of fat most likely. Fat is not bad if it comes from plants and in moderation. But my guess is that it didnt.

    And since you're grasping at every word i use or misuse, dairy, meat and gluten are generally not favoured by the body of most people. It causes stagnation and intolerant reactions that you wont immediately see but will affect you in the long term.



    Also please provide a reference list from which you are spouting these bits of information. I'm going to guess they will be Google hits pulled from your butt.

    When i first got a glimps of this lifestyle, i did a ton of research for months to figure out whether this is right or not for me. Im not gonna do the work for you.
    And this is the argument that every single person like you gives when asked to provide sources.

    Since you've already done the research, you shoudl already be familiar with sources, or at least with the search terms that brought up those sources. Thus you doing another quick search would be more efficient than us going about blindly trying to find information that doesn't exist.

    And there actually have been cases where I took up this offer, used my university's library database to come up with articles from actual peer-reviewed journals, and the few results I did find that actually pertained to the topic did not support what the person in the thread was saying. And there have been times when people posted links to scientific articles, claiming it was stating one thing when it wasn't stating that at all.

    So I'd rather not waste my time, again, because someone isn't willing to take a few minutes to search again for the articles that originally shaped their decisions.

    Ok. 80/10/10. Starch solution. They have research so look them up

    Oh and also i don't care enough to. Whether anyone rethinks their ways or not doesn't really affect me. Again, i just wated to support the poster because i've been where she has and feel the same way.

    because you very clearly also are the OP.

  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    I actually just had this conversation with a friend of mine... I find it funny how people who dont have much drive or self disipline will use whatever they can to justify not putting in the work, staying the course and settling for only moderate success.... this includes CICO and other irrational concepts and studies...
    Look folks... its not just calories.. its also about the content of what you eat... You're comparison is the same as comparing AM PM Gas to Aviation Jet Fuel.. true they are both gas and have the ability to run your car.. but Aviation Fuel is far stronger and provides much more energy...
    So you can eat your pizza and feel lethargic and like crap after you do.. and I'll eat my veggies , brown rice and chicken... and have energy to run 5 miles...

    Well, you're making a silly assumption that all people who eat pizza feel lethargic and like crap afterward. Just because you might feel this way does not mean everyone, or even anyone else, does.

    Pizza meets macros and it provides energy because it has carbs in it. I can run five miles after a slice of pizza.

    That's wonderful that brown rice and chicken give you energy, but that's because of the carbs in the rice, not because there's anything special in the brown rice and chicken.

    Now, when it comes to body composition, macros count, especially protein. Even with that said, you can meet your macros eating pizza. But type of food has nothing to do with weight loss, it's strictly calories in/calories out.

    Well aviation jet fuel has more calories, that's why she has more energy than when she drinks regular gas ;)

    Secondly, I think I accidentally ate a pizza today.....I made a sandwich with some salami and havarti cheese and a tomato...wierd how I didnt fall asleep! ;)
    I was reaching for some apples but I think I accidentally ate some chocolate

    Thank god you didn't accidentally eat jet fuel!
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    Interesting...I eat primarily whole foods and meals prepared from whole food ingredients...I have successfully lost weight, maintained weight, and done a bulk and cut cycle...with the difference between those objectives being the amount of calories I'm eating.

    So how is it possible in your world that I was able to bulk on weight eating a diet rich in whole food nutrition.

    Also, since when are dairy, meat, and gluten "junk"? Gluten exists in whole foods...meat is a whole food...dairy products are whole foods or otherwise derived from such.

    By whole foods i meant whole plant foods. The reasom why you bulked up is because you ate a lot of fat most likely. Fat is not bad if it comes from plants and in moderation. But my guess is that it didnt.

    And since you're grasping at every word i use or misuse, dairy, meat and gluten are generally not favoured by the body of most people. It causes stagnation and intolerant reactions that you wont immediately see but will affect you in the long term.



    Also please provide a reference list from which you are spouting these bits of information. I'm going to guess they will be Google hits pulled from your butt.

    When i first got a glimps of this lifestyle, i did a ton of research for months to figure out whether this is right or not for me. Im not gonna do the work for you.
    And this is the argument that every single person like you gives when asked to provide sources.

    Since you've already done the research, you shoudl already be familiar with sources, or at least with the search terms that brought up those sources. Thus you doing another quick search would be more efficient than us going about blindly trying to find information that doesn't exist.

    And there actually have been cases where I took up this offer, used my university's library database to come up with articles from actual peer-reviewed journals, and the few results I did find that actually pertained to the topic did not support what the person in the thread was saying. And there have been times when people posted links to scientific articles, claiming it was stating one thing when it wasn't stating that at all.

    So I'd rather not waste my time, again, because someone isn't willing to take a few minutes to search again for the articles that originally shaped their decisions.

    Ok. 80/10/10. Starch solution. They have research so look them up

    Oh and also i don't care enough to. Whether anyone rethinks their ways or not doesn't really affect me. Again, i just wated to support the poster because i've been where she has and feel the same way.

    because you very clearly also are the OP.

    I've never watched Harry Potter but I watched Cherrybomb this week and OMG so weird to see him about to sex a girl and hear him swear LOL.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    I actually just had this conversation with a friend of mine... I find it funny how people who dont have much drive or self disipline will use whatever they can to justify not putting in the work, staying the course and settling for only moderate success.... this includes CICO and other irrational concepts and studies...
    Look folks... its not just calories.. its also about the content of what you eat... You're comparison is the same as comparing AM PM Gas to Aviation Jet Fuel.. true they are both gas and have the ability to run your car.. but Aviation Fuel is far stronger and provides much more energy...
    So you can eat your pizza and feel lethargic and like crap after you do.. and I'll eat my veggies , brown rice and chicken... and have energy to run 5 miles...

    Well, you're making a silly assumption that all people who eat pizza feel lethargic and like crap afterward. Just because you might feel this way does not mean everyone, or even anyone else, does.

    Pizza meets macros and it provides energy because it has carbs in it. I can run five miles after a slice of pizza.

    That's wonderful that brown rice and chicken give you energy, but that's because of the carbs in the rice, not because there's anything special in the brown rice and chicken.

    Now, when it comes to body composition, macros count, especially protein. Even with that said, you can meet your macros eating pizza. But type of food has nothing to do with weight loss, it's strictly calories in/calories out.

    Well aviation jet fuel has more calories, that's why she has more energy than when she drinks regular gas ;)

    Secondly, I think I accidentally ate a pizza today.....I made a sandwich with some salami and havarti cheese and a tomato...wierd how I didnt fall asleep! ;)
    I was reaching for some apples but I think I accidentally ate some chocolate

    Thank god you didn't accidentally eat jet fuel!

    IT was a close call, but I keep that in the OTHER pantry.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Well.... there's like 10 minutes of my life wasted from reading the OP that I'll never be getting back.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »

    I was reaching for some apples but I think I accidentally ate some chocolate

    Chocolate is NEVER an accident!
  • avshwartz
    avshwartz Posts: 18 Member
    jpaulie wrote: »
    oh avshwartz you are my hero please keep typing, i don;t have to go to bed for another 4 hours

    Really? Im so glad. This is why i left my nutritionist job to become a comedy actress :
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    Nonsense, OP. The biased perception of one's own personal experience does not equal universal truth.

    Where's the eye-rolling smiley when I need one? :|

    @jenilla1‌ I just found it Myself. Put huh In between the colons. :huh:

    I also like:

    :noway: :grumble: :explode: :sick: :smooched: :blushing: and :drinker:
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    avshwartz wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    oh avshwartz you are my hero please keep typing, i don;t have to go to bed for another 4 hours

    Really? Im so glad. This is why i left my nutritionist job to become a comedy actress :

    That explains a lot...
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »

    I was reaching for some apples but I think I accidentally ate some chocolate

    Chocolate is NEVER an accident!

    especially when it's left in the freezer, yuuuum
This discussion has been closed.