The Truth about Calorie Restriction



  • determined24girl
    determined24girl Posts: 382 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    I actually just had this conversation with a friend of mine... I find it funny how people who dont have much drive or self disipline will use whatever they can to justify not putting in the work, staying the course and settling for only moderate success.... this includes CICO and other irrational concepts and studies...
    Look folks... its not just calories.. its also about the content of what you eat... You're comparison is the same as comparing AM PM Gas to Aviation Jet Fuel.. true they are both gas and have the ability to run your car.. but Aviation Fuel is far stronger and provides much more energy...
    So you can eat your pizza and feel lethargic and like crap after you do.. and I'll eat my veggies , brown rice and chicken... and have energy to run 5 miles...

    Well, you're making a silly assumption that all people who eat pizza feel lethargic and like crap afterward. Just because you might feel this way does not mean everyone, or even anyone else, does.

    Pizza meets macros and it provides energy because it has carbs in it. I can run five miles after a slice of pizza.

    That's wonderful that brown rice and chicken give you energy, but that's because of the carbs in the rice, not because there's anything special in the brown rice and chicken.

    Now, when it comes to body composition, macros count, especially protein. Even with that said, you can meet your macros eating pizza. But type of food has nothing to do with weight loss, it's strictly calories in/calories out.

    Well aviation jet fuel has more calories, that's why she has more energy than when she drinks regular gas ;)

    Secondly, I think I accidentally ate a pizza today.....I made a sandwich with some salami and havarti cheese and a tomato...wierd how I didnt fall asleep! ;)
    I was reaching for some apples but I think I accidentally ate some chocolate

    Thank god you didn't accidentally eat jet fuel!

    I just choked on my spaghetti.... LOL
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    avshwartz wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    oh avshwartz you are my hero please keep typing, i don;t have to go to bed for another 4 hours

    Really? Im so glad. This is why i left my nutritionist job to become a comedy actress :

    I'm sure your imaginary clients are better off.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    Nonsense, OP. The biased perception of one's own personal experience does not equal universal truth.

    Where's the eye-rolling smiley when I need one? :|

    @jenilla1‌ I just found it Myself. Put huh In between the colons. :huh:

    I also like:

    :noway: :grumble: :explode: :sick: :smooched: :blushing: and :drinker:

    Awesomness! Thanks @nutmegoreo‌ . See, we have learnt something useful from this thread :drinker:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Well damn much as I'd like to continue watching this train wreck, I have to leave for the gym to do some actual work...
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Well damn much as I'd like to continue watching this train wreck, I have to leave for the gym to do some actual work...

    same :( why can't the gym come to meee
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    edited February 2015
    OP, I think I found your missing marbles.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    avshwartz wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    So if you eat over your TDEE eating only "whole" foods, you won't gain weight?

    Yup! I dont watch my calories, but my guess would be around 2000, instead of the recommended 1200, and ive lost 30lbs.

    So for you, 2000 is still apparently a calorie deficit...even if you aren't counting them.

    Tell you what...let's try an experiment. Eat 3x the amount you're currently eating, but of the exact same type of foods you're eating now, for 3 weeks. Still gonna lose weight?

    I declare this the derpiest thread of the day.

    Lol arent you a little old to be using the word derp? Rule of thumb, dont say that if you're over 9 years old. I have no interest in arguing or eating more than i could stomach.. I just find that completely ridiculous.
    Theres a huge vegan community that can vouch for my and the poster's argument.


    I bet it's because if you were to weight out/record what you and your vegan community eats and compare it to an estimate of what your maintenance is, it'd turn out you are at a deficit.

    Seriously, this isn't hard to figure out.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    avshwartz wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    You do understand that by replacing certain foods with ones that are less calorie or/and nutrient dense, you are eating less than you were which is still calorie restricting, right?
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    You do understand that by replacing certain foods with ones that are less calorie or/and nutrient dense, you are eating less than you were which is still calorie restricting, right?

    Well if eating 5 bananas plus dates for breakfast is calorie restricting... Then im doing it wrong

    And what was the total calories you ate for the day? I bet if you are losing weight eating whatever plus this for breakfast, you are at a calorie deficit.

  • determined24girl
    determined24girl Posts: 382 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Well damn much as I'd like to continue watching this train wreck, I have to leave for the gym to do some actual work...

    same :( why can't the gym come to meee

    you'll be back... and by that time there will probably be a couple more OP personas to greet you!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    avshwartz wrote: »
    I feel like someone made a new profile to back themselves up.....

    That would be funny. But no, i just stumbled upon this thread and felt like i should back this girl up since she was getting so much hate

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Well this is fun but I must go to bed. Try not to poof it before I can catch up in the morning :laugh:

    I know, me too.
    All the best threads happen at night.
    Try living in another country. Y'all go to bed when I'm getting up. It can get mighty boring on here during my day time when you all are tucked up sound asleep :grumble:
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Well damn much as I'd like to continue watching this train wreck, I have to leave for the gym to do some actual work...

    same :( why can't the gym come to meee

    you'll be back... and by that time there will probably be a couple more OP personas to greet you!

    That or the thread will be deleted :(
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    You do understand that by replacing certain foods with ones that are less calorie or/and nutrient dense, you are eating less than you were which is still calorie restricting, right?
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    You do understand that by replacing certain foods with ones that are less calorie or/and nutrient dense, you are eating less than you were which is still calorie restricting, right?

    Well if eating 5 bananas plus dates for breakfast is calorie restricting... Then im doing it wrong

    It IS calorie restriction.

    Calorie restriction = restricting your calories.
    Restriction = the limitation or control of someone or something, or the state of being limited or restricted.

    I feel so sad for your brain right now, sorry not sorry.


    People act like it's a freaking miracle that they replaced a 400 calorie item with a 200 calorie item and refuse to recognize that "d'oh! I made a deficit!"
  • lifeskittles
    lifeskittles Posts: 438 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'm going to try to be less negative then everyone else here...but I'm going to say that just because you aren't restricting "calories" does not mean you aren't restricting. Veganism is the most hardcore form of restriction I've ever seen. If you don't want to hurt animals, okay fine...but you seriously better be finding that protein and calcium in their complete form another way that's balanced or you're ****ed.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Well damn much as I'd like to continue watching this train wreck, I have to leave for the gym to do some actual work...

    same :( why can't the gym come to meee

    you'll be back... and by that time there will probably be a couple more OP personas to greet you!

    Should be male next time, to throw us off and all! :wink:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited February 2015
    ana3067 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    Honestly, I skimmed until I got to the inevitable: "Now, I'm not telling anyone what to do, but..."
    I don't want to tell anyone what to do, but I will tell you want I'm going to do. I will no longer fall for the propaganda that carbs make you fat.

    Okay, I'm with you. Carbs don't make us fat! Yay!
    Calorie restriction has made me fat.

    What? no.
    Fat has made me fat.

    Really, no.
    For now I'm going to document my journey on a high carb, low fat, plant based diet in hopes of not only losing weight, but to forever get off of the roller coaster of crash dieting and binge eating and starvation and etc.

    I honestly wish you luck finding the right journey for yourself. But I'm not with you on this one.
    From what I recall those higher carb diets are more likely to contribute to weight gain anyways, likely due to lowered satiety and thus eating more food. Pretty sure that my old fat-self diet was much higher carb and lower fat/protien than it is now haha.

    So you're lower carb. But not low carb. By your standards.
    I eat 200+g of carbs. Compared to when I probably ate 400-500+g of carbs while gaining weight, yeah, I'm lower carb.

    So I guess even low carbers are just IIFYM.

    Yep. IIFYM works with pretty much any style of eating.

    eta: I mean, except the kind where you don't count macros I guess. :laugh:

    So it seems. So it's just calorie counting with some protein goal for most folks.

    ... iifym = meeting your macros = meeting your calorie goals.

    With any given macro combination. You just said for you its protein and the rest. If youre getting enough protein.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    Interesting...I eat primarily whole foods and meals prepared from whole food ingredients...I have successfully lost weight, maintained weight, and done a bulk and cut cycle...with the difference between those objectives being the amount of calories I'm eating.

    So how is it possible in your world that I was able to bulk on weight eating a diet rich in whole food nutrition.

    Also, since when are dairy, meat, and gluten "junk"? Gluten exists in whole foods...meat is a whole food...dairy products are whole foods or otherwise derived from such.

    By whole foods i meant whole plant foods. The reasom why you bulked up is because you ate a lot of fat most likely. Fat is not bad if it comes from plants and in moderation. But my guess is that it didnt.

    And since you're grasping at every word i use or misuse, dairy, meat and gluten are generally not favoured by the body of most people. It causes stagnation and intolerant reactions that you wont immediately see but will affect you in the long term.

    Actually I keep my dietary fat in check at around 60 - 70 grams per day. Dietary fat does't cause you to bulk or make you fat.

    I bulked because I was on an awesome lifting program and I was consuming more calories than I needed to maintain my weight...most of my surplus was actually carbohydrates as carbs are always my flex...I keep protein and fats pretty static regardless of my weight control goals so it's my carbohydrate intake that goes up or down generally with my weight control goals. My fat intake is largely from nuts and avocados and cooking with avocado oil and olive oil.

    Again...please explain how just eating a plant diet would completely void the laws of physics. I mean basically we're talking 5th grade math here.

    Also, I've been around for 40 years...I think if meat, dairy, and gluten were going to give me intolerances it would have happened by's not like I just started eating them or something.

    You're a riot though..very entertaining.

    She is going to tell you than 60-70g of fat is still too much or that your sources of fat were wrong, though.

    She'll say it was too much. I'm pretty sure she's one of those 80/10/10 people.
    I think you're on to something there.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    Honestly, I skimmed until I got to the inevitable: "Now, I'm not telling anyone what to do, but..."
    I don't want to tell anyone what to do, but I will tell you want I'm going to do. I will no longer fall for the propaganda that carbs make you fat.

    Okay, I'm with you. Carbs don't make us fat! Yay!
    Calorie restriction has made me fat.

    What? no.
    Fat has made me fat.

    Really, no.
    For now I'm going to document my journey on a high carb, low fat, plant based diet in hopes of not only losing weight, but to forever get off of the roller coaster of crash dieting and binge eating and starvation and etc.

    I honestly wish you luck finding the right journey for yourself. But I'm not with you on this one.
    From what I recall those higher carb diets are more likely to contribute to weight gain anyways, likely due to lowered satiety and thus eating more food. Pretty sure that my old fat-self diet was much higher carb and lower fat/protien than it is now haha.

    So you're lower carb. But not low carb. By your standards.
    I eat 200+g of carbs. Compared to when I probably ate 400-500+g of carbs while gaining weight, yeah, I'm lower carb.

    So I guess even low carbers are just IIFYM.

    Yep. IIFYM works with pretty much any style of eating.

    eta: I mean, except the kind where you don't count macros I guess. :laugh:

    So it seems. So it's just calorie counting with some protein goal for most folks.

    ... iifym = meeting your macros = meeting your calorie goals.

    With any given macro combination. You just said for you its protein and the rest. If youre getting enough protein.

    Yes, because everyone has different fitness goals, personal preference, etc. IIFYM is simply a name for "eat foods you enjoy eating that help you meet your personal goals."
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    rebeccaxf wrote: »
    No one is hating on the girl that posted this topic.

    After reading the poster who called the OP a "full-on retard", I beg to differ.

    First, you misquoted the person. Second, you obviously didn't see the movie they referenced to understand the quote. Third, you can beg to differ all you want but you'll still be wrong.

    Quite right about the misquote.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    I actually just had this conversation with a friend of mine... I find it funny how people who dont have much drive or self disipline will use whatever they can to justify not putting in the work, staying the course and settling for only moderate success.... this includes CICO and other irrational concepts and studies...
    Look folks... its not just calories.. its also about the content of what you eat... You're comparison is the same as comparing AM PM Gas to Aviation Jet Fuel.. true they are both gas and have the ability to run your car.. but Aviation Fuel is far stronger and provides much more energy...
    So you can eat your pizza and feel lethargic and like crap after you do.. and I'll eat my veggies , brown rice and chicken... and have energy to run 5 miles...

    I eat pizza to finish marathons, Bro. The Full Monte 26.2

This discussion has been closed.