Cussing at/to Children



  • kajungrill
    kajungrill Posts: 50 Member
    I would not like a teacher or coach or any adult cursing at my children. That being said
    Just yesterday In my living room I find 2 pairs of shoes, note books, lunch bag, back pack and crumpled up paper in the middle of the floor (from one end of the room to the next) as well as dirt tracked in, a lone flip flop right outside the front door and a pair of balled up socks on my kitchen table. All of this an hour after I finished cleaning the house.
    My reply: "What the hell! I just cleaned this house! Why is all of this **** all over the place! Why are there effing socks on the freaking table! and why is there one stinking flip flop outside!? Come get this crap up!" Now! Before I flip out and act like a certified nut!

    Was this a good response? No.
    Was this response trashy? Yes
    Were all the items picked up? Yes- except the lone flip flop.

    definitely some things I need to work on:
    A. Teach this family to be respectful of our property
    B. Teach them to be responsible for their things
    C. My language
    D. My belly fat
  • jrue1985
    jrue1985 Posts: 191 Member
    I think it's a load of crap it's verbal abuse. Are you kidding me? My husband and I swear like sailors in front of the kids, not so much AT them. I tell them to cut the crap/**** and stop being an *kitten*. The thing here, TEACH your kids what's right and appropriate for kids to say. They know the difference between anger and just talking.

    People have issues when they're the ones doing the crappy parenting and not properly teaching their children right from wrong IMO.

    You say "stop being an *kitten*" to your child and think that is ok?! I think swearing around them is NOT abuse, but calling them a name (an *kitten*) IS definately verbal abuse! What the hell is wrong with people?! "Hey *child of mine*, stop being an *kitten*!!" Nice. Might as well say "*kitten*" or "*****", 'bout the same thing.

    *Slaps self in head for even engaging in this*

    I have to ask, do you have kids? Not talking about infant / toddlers. Kids. 10-17 age. I have told my son he being an *kitten* or acting like an *kitten*. You are not telling your kid "you are no good and will never amount to anything and are scum." You are expressing anger at their attitude or actions in a way that gets the point across. Telling them to cut the *kitten* or stop being an *kitten* does that. Especially if it comes from my wife who seldom swears.

    Not swearing at kids is OK too. Both ways can be accetable, if you are parenting correctly. Whether I drop an F-bomb occasionally because my son can quick scope so friggin' fast in Black Ops 2 and I simply CANNOT get a shot off. It isn't fair. He cheats. Little f#$ker.....where was I...oh, yeah....or if I tell him to stop being an *kitten* to his sister or tell one of his sisters to cut the *kitten* is not verbal abuse. It is my chosen method of expressing my anger at their actions.

    My kids are not verbally abused. Now physically....that is a different story.

    I have both a toddler and a 10 almost 11 year old step son. I don't swear at, to, or in front of EITHER of them. If you were to ask my step-son he would tell you the only time he heard me swear was once when my baby girl climbed up on the couch and scared the living *kitten* out of me. I apologized and havn't done it since. Do I swear? Yes, I worked in a jail for 4 years, you bet your *kitten* I swear. Do I mean to? No, not most of the time, and I shouldn't at all. Do I still think telling your child NO MATTER WHAT the age is that he or she is being an "*kitten*" is ok? NO. I still think it is absolutely unacceptable no matter how you try to explain it away. I can't wait until they tell YOU that YOU are being an *kitten*. My child probably won't do that.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I work at an alternative school with teenagers, and they swear at me all the time. I'm lucky if I get called by my name.. half the time it's hey, *****/****/mother-fer/whatever swear word you fill like inserting.

    Make a kid angry and it's all f-you, f-the world, f-everything.

    Do I swear back at the kids? No, but I sure as hell would like to. It's only when you use that language back at them, is when they listen because they are so shocked that you actually swore back.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    I think it's a load of crap it's verbal abuse. Are you kidding me? My husband and I swear like sailors in front of the kids, not so much AT them. I tell them to cut the crap/**** and stop being an *kitten*. The thing here, TEACH your kids what's right and appropriate for kids to say. They know the difference between anger and just talking.

    People have issues when they're the ones doing the crappy parenting and not properly teaching their children right from wrong IMO.

    You say "stop being an *kitten*" to your child and think that is ok?! I think swearing around them is NOT abuse, but calling them a name (an *kitten*) IS definately verbal abuse! What the hell is wrong with people?! "Hey *child of mine*, stop being an *kitten*!!" Nice. Might as well say "*kitten*" or "*****", 'bout the same thing.

    talk about over sensitive!