Cussing at/to Children



  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    I don't think it is verbal abuse (to anyone) unless you are specifically cursing at the person/child.

    Saying: "Well that is just *kitten*"
    Compared to: "You ARE a piece of *kitten*"

    There IS a BIG difference.

    If a parent is screaming at a child calling them sh!it or any other derogatory terms, then yes, I believe 100% it is verbal abuse. But just cussing around a child, while I wouldn't do it around other people's children, I do it around mine. My cursing is usually an expression of anger or frustration. I don't do it nearly as often, but I am not going to make it such a taboo thing in my house that if someone says it they are banished. lol
  • jess7386
    jess7386 Posts: 477 Member
    I wouldn't be so quick to throw the "abuse" word around.

    Do I plan on swearing in front of my children? No. Will it happen? Almost definitely. Did my parents swear in front of me? Yes. Am I a well-adjusted, normal human being who knows my parents love me and didn't abuse me? Absolutely.
  • wineplease
    wineplease Posts: 469 Member
    Would you be okay with your child's teacher dropping f-boms in the classroom? With a coach calling them names to "motivate" them?

    I do not tolerate that! My husband and I do not cuss at our children, so I don't expect any coach or teacher to do it, either. If you can't get children/teens to listen to you without cussing, YOU have a problem.
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    i was at the river in the mtns over the weekend and this kid was fixing to jump off what i thought was a very high rock and the mom was waiting below and called her kid a F***in P***y and told him to hurry up and jump.....i could only imagine the look on my face....oh and the kid was maybe 12

    i think cussing at children is verbal abuse and near or around them is low class
  • wineplease
    wineplease Posts: 469 Member
    My teenage daughter no, don't have to. My teenage son, *kitten* yes.

    Why? What's the difference?
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    It is gray areas for me.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I think it sounds stupid for anyone to curse too much. Calling people names is bad in general but calling a kid a name is twice as bad. Just be nice people, use some manners, and get some tolerance :)
  • loopylin32
    loopylin32 Posts: 63
    swearing at kids isnt on... i dont know if its abusive , but its just not setting a good example, i think. you want them to speak politely so you have to. that said i once dropped a carton of milk in front of my nephew ( he was stood behind me , i almost tripped over him) and i said without thinking "b****cks!* cue kai, who was about 2 at the time n barely said a word shouting "b****cks?!" n im saying i mean oopsy, i dropped the milk... he wouldnt say oopsy but the b word stuck lol
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    Swearing AT your child? Totally wrong. Using such language in that manner is hurtful and not constructive. Swearing in front of ones kids? Depends on how you feel about words. My brother and sister-in-law hate it, but my husband doesn't mind... (until our perfect, precious baby girl spits out the F-bomb, I'm guessing!)
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    Cussing at and cussing in front of are two different things.

    Put downs and belittlement using any type of words or actions is never appropriate towards anyone and I would consider it to be abusive.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I often cringe at what I hear some parents saying to their children, cursing, threatening violence. I seem to hear it most often in the parking lots when leaving Albertson's and Walmart.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    All I have to say is this:

  • mylast5lbs
    mylast5lbs Posts: 25
    My teenage daughter no, don't have to. My teenage son, *kitten* yes.

    Oh, I missed the children part. NO.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Would you be okay with your child's teacher dropping f-boms in the classroom? With a coach calling them names to "motivate" them?

    I do not tolerate that! My husband and I do not cuss at our children, so I don't expect any coach or teacher to do it, either. If you can't get children/teens to listen to you without cussing, YOU have a problem.

    My parents were perfectly fine with it because they knew what I took home from his class was a lot more than I took home from any other class I was in. A good teacher is a good teacher, period.

    A history teacher could tell you everything the book says about Genghis Khan, but nothing quite illustrates the point like referring to him as a "bad *kitten* mother ****er" and then telling you--in detail the books don't--about the things he did.

    And you want to know about the Korean war? How about getting 3 Korean war vets to come in and tell you their personal stories. Korean war vets don't tone down their language for teens, either. But it stays with you. You take things away from people talking to you on that level that you don't when they're telling it like the textbook does.

    History is R-rated, folks. And the best history teacher I could have ever imagined taught it in an R-rated format. And the parents loved him for it, because problem kids remembered his lessons. He was the kind of teacher they make movies about.
  • beelanc
    beelanc Posts: 71 Member
    1. You are a piece of *kitten*.
    2. Your parents should have aborted you.
    3. Good fecking job out there!
    4. Get your head out of your *kitten*, and pay attention.

    Context is important.

    It's not the words that matter, it is how they are used. I don't consider any words bad, and I tell my children that there are appropriate/inappropriate times when certain phrases/words can be used.

    ^^this, words can be abusive, cursing or not. My kids know when i am playing around. They know I dont normally curse in front of them as part of my normal conversations with them. So when i do its more of an attention getter. the dishes...5min the dishes....20 min later after no response. Do the dishes or im gonna have to kick your *kitten*!! I normally cant say it with a straight face so they laugh with me out of shock and humor. It gets done though. Ive never said it in anger or hurtfully.
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    I dropped the f-bomb in the car the other day. . These punk-*kitten* teenagers were just wandering across the road without a care in the world and I had to slam on the brakes. They didn't even look. . I was pretty pissed and I let it fly (I think it's the first time I've done that in 7 years). Yipe!
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I think it is, personally. There are too many other words out there to use and no excuse to use foul language to a child. My kids have heard me say that I am pissed off about something on occasion but I would never use it towards them.

    I agree. I don't cuss at my children. I don't allow anyone to speak that way to me either. It's about respect. I have slipped every once in a while, but in general I don't swear. I think there are better ways to express yourself, especially in front of a child.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    as a teacher i do not believe you should cuss at children.

    as a parent i see nothing wrong with it. my mother and i had a very open dialogue when it came to swearing. from the time i was about 13 i said them all except for the C word. im sure i swore at her in the heat of arguing/fights and thats just the way it was. She swore right back and i never took anything she said *swear wise* to heart as thats all it was, heat of the battle crap

    other family members i watched my mouth cause they were different.

    gram i would only say the not so bad one, damn, *kitten*, hell. but one time she was my passenger in the car and some idiot almost sideswiped us. i dropped a, "YOU STUPID MOTHER F*CKIN ASSCLOWN"

    immediately looked to my right and apologized to her for losing my cool like that and without missing a beat her reply was, well he is.
  • Justme030
    Justme030 Posts: 255 Member
    I don't cuss at or to my children..I don't like it and think it's not right.
  • GnomeLove
    GnomeLove Posts: 379
    Bahahahahahha!!!! I curse at my kids all the time. Little brats need to get in line.