

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hi everybody, I'm so sorry I've been remiss the last couple of days. I'm just so tired. Hope I get used to the commute and the busyness of being in the city (there's a reason I like to work from home). This morning I had a CMS (content management system) training, so I can put things on websites.

    Just to do a quick couple of mentions: Alison: you ARE talented and creative (just read your own posts). Orchid photos: liked them a lot. I have a couple of simple orchids and like seeing them.
    Thanks so much to those wishing me well; I really appreciate it!

    Going to bed now after eating too much. Tomorrow I have to take the horse to the clinic for the wonky tooth. Will have to do it alone, which I'd rather not do. I can do it and I'm not afraid of driving with the trailer, but a second pair of hands is always good to have. I hope she doesn't freak out with the eclipse.

    ((Hugs)) to those who need them!

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Friday here.
    Rained all day yesterday too HEAVY to walk in. Wii Biggest Loser went well and did Wii Gold's boxing after. 326 cals and food 1527 cals, ah well all healthy.
    Vacced carpets and swept floors yesterday, hardly anything without the dog hairs, back to cleaning twice a week now.
    Just had my Jeannette Jenkins Bikini Boot-camp I DVD delivered, just in time for me to use it.
    Washing all bed sheets as sunny, so on the line, will make bed after shower.
    Off to Betty and Joes this afternoon to see honey share doggy and fun
    I had to leave my orchids and roses in Victoria as not allowed into Tasmania, bet they are all dead by now, did not seem like gardeners.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • dash2015
    dash2015 Posts: 82 Member
    Thanks Barbie!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    smiley-cool05.gif Getting rest is a good way to get over a nasty cold but it is so foreign to the way I am used to living my life. I added a nap to my afternoon routine to balance the dog walking and dance class and it seems to have made a difference in how much better I am feeling.

    smiley-sad015.gif On the dog walk this afternoon I managed to drop my pedometer on the ground and didn't notice until I'd gone quiet a way toward home, so I finished walking the dogs, left them at home and retraced my steps. Fortunately I found it. I rewarded the dogs and myself by giving them each a piece of a dog biscuit and giving all of us a nap

    smiley-greet024.gif Welcome to everyone who is new. I hope you will make this thread a regular destination and enjoy the encouragement of women who will make this journey easier for you

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Lesley, why are roses and orchids not allowed in Tasmana?
    Chris is MA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    needed that ride home to get a decent calorie burn day:
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 10.20min, 17amph 2.9mi = 107cal = HAPPY W/MPH ON THIS :0)
    ski machine - 20min, fatburn setting, lvl8, .93mi = 136cal
    nustep machine - 5.07min, 87stepspmin, lvl9 84aw, .25mi = 29cal
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.29min, 13.5amph, 1.4mi = 68cal
    ride wk 2 hm- 46.03min, 13.2amph, 10.1mi = 489cal REALLY HAPPY W/THE MPH
    total cal= 829
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi gals. I saw the second ortho surgeon today. He won’t repair my meniscus either but at least explained why plus he had a plan. He wants me to do what ever I want and if it hurts, don’t do it….then when knee pain requires it, take ibuprofen around the clock. When that stops working, cortisone shots, and when that stops working, chicken cartilage injections of all things. He seems to think my arthritis is not that bad and only just behind the knee cap itself, no need for replacement at this point. So at least it’s something. I also have to have a polyp removed from my cervix next week; seems like today has been nothing but doctors!!!!!

    Pip: great pic and lovely bowls! And great pic of you and hubby!

    Sylvia: that is hilarious!!!

    Barbie: I hope you feel better soon

    Janet: glad I’m not the only one driven to distraction by yakking!

    Lilian : what is a hemp heart!!!

    Kim: great pic!!!

    Sharon: glad you are feeling better!

    Dr. Katie: great bowls for you too!

    cArey: Great idea! We had started that once…the “why do you want to know” and I don’t know why we stopped. Thanks for reminding me

    Diana: hope you feel better soon!!!

    Beth: love the saying!

    Janet: I hope you felt better after your rant; I always do. I also hope all those problems are gone now! But I have to admit I snickered because it reminded me of the other day when Benny Beagle peed in the powerstrip and the power was out and the house smelled like burning wires and it took forever to figure it out.

    Sassy: great pic! You look like a lot of fun! Are you sure you are old enough to be here??? You really look YOUNG and I am jealous! 

    Terri :good for you! I once took DD#2 to school in her pjs because she wouldn;’t get up. She never overslept again

    Speedracer: pop in anytime!

    Vicki: I am so sorry you did not get the job. What is it with these younger people who think they can pick what they want? We have young faculty members with small kids who want to be paid full time and then say “I can’t teach on Tuesdays because I don’t have day care that day”. Well find one! I had a co-coordinator who wouldn’t come in on exam days because it was the one day of the week “I don’t have child care”. Good lord there are bajillions of day cares here and everywhere else unless you are way out in the boonies!

    Rori: WOW what photos! They are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!!!

    Sharon….sooooo cute!

    Well seems like we are all in the ugly arms club. I guess I’ll google “get awesome arms” and see what happens. I’ll share, but I may end up with liposuction!!! Not for another 75 pounds though! OK, this is all I have time for today. Benny has not improved, but actually I think he eats too low-fat for the meds to be absorbed (the instructions say to give with a high fat meal)…he eats <4% fat due to his liver and triglyceride problems. It never ends, does it? Take care, Meg from Omaha
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Got busy with this move,getting things transferred over to new house.
    Daughter is recovering good after her surgery.
    Hugs to those who need them
    HUGS jane
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    Elevation pic of my ride home. It ain't flat!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member

    The route from wk 2 home
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Meg - http://manitobaharvest.com/product/2/Hemp-Hearts-8oz.html
    I hope this link works for you. Hemp hearts are protein and good for you. I buy mine at Costco. Oh and let me know what "awesome" you find for us in the ugly arm club.

    Leslie - was it you were not allowed across a border with the roses and orchids? I know it is hard to start over... the expense ... and waiting for them to grow up and be beautiful.

    Must go and get everything ready to go in the morning... off to the city to look at paint, take my mom's caregiver to the immigration assistance to check over her application for residency. And do some grocery shopping.

    Too bad I wasn't going to the Home and Garden show in Edmonton.... :'( I would really like to see that one....

    Goodnight all.
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan

    Waiting so patiently for the snow storm... :# ...Not really!!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Vicki, how sweet of your boss to tell you that the other person was a better fit. Does she know how to do the job? If not, maybe you do need to go see your mom and let her figure it out? I am sorry to hear about your mom and hope all is okay.

    Sylvia, can’t you say something to the guy that runs the children’s class? If I were teaching a class there, I’d expect to leave it the way I found it. I’m sure your grandmother’s birthday party will be a big hit. How old will she be? I hope you enjoyed Cinderella, even though you know how it ends.

    Heather, I do believe you are just giving us enough info about the book, to get us all interested. LOL But then, we were already. Good for you on making the phone call. You did your part so now it’s off your to do list.

    Mary, I’ll say a little prayer for a quick sale. Hopefully you can live in your house and will get a day’s notice before any showings. When I was in the business the market was Hot and sellers had to have their homes available at a moment’s notice. That's a hard way to live.

    Carol in NC
    , glad your liked your new doc. It makes such a difference.

    Vicky, good planning on the soup. You enjoy your weekend.

    , the last time I painted, it seemed like so much bigger and harder job than when I was younger. You may be happy to not have so much to do at one time. Just try to look at it as an opportunity to rest between paint jobs.  ;)

    Lesley, it sounds like a good thing to only have to clean twice a week. More time for all those DVD’s.

    , so happy that you are taking it easy with that cold and feeling better. I decided mine was just allergies. I’m glad you found your pedometer, but how many extra steps in the process?

    Meg, I really did feel better after my rant the other day. o:) If DH had been home he would have been the one to hear it, but thank you and all the ladies here for allowing it. *blush* You are so right that it never ends; with our kids and /or our furbabies. And I guess that’s life in general….we never know what tomorrow brings, but it usually brings something.

    Pip, I thought you said your bike ride home was hilly? That is pretty much straight up a mountain!! You just never cease to amaze me.

    I specifically asked the guy doing my nails today if he was going to be ready for me at the appointment time. Last time he had just started someone and I ended up waiting and then having another tech do my nails. Well I got there and he said it would be about 10 minutes, so I asked if someone would do a polish change on my toes while I waited. I had my nails trimmed and got the polish and could see he was not close to finished. I sat at the dryer for about 10 minutes more waiting for him. It was 30 minutes after my appointment time when he was finally ready for me. This is a new owner at the shop where I have gone for years. I decided that he must just take walk-ins and not worry about appointments or doesn’t know how to schedule his time. Ppffttt I may be looking for a new shop. :( After nails I met my friend who is going to the convention with me and we shopped for groceries to take. She kept looking at all the fattening things that she knows I won’t eat and it took forever. We have fruit, yogurt, a couple of low cal frozen dinners and I’ll take some romaine lettuce and grape tomatoes to make salads. We will probably have one meal at the restaurant that has yummy hamburgers. Oh and I have my diet tonic to have with my vodka. I will be logging food while I’m there but I don’t know how much time I’ll have to check in so Ya'll behave while I’m away. <3 Love you all.

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    I won't speak for anyone else, Meg, but I am definitely a member of the ugly arms club. I hate, hate, hate weight training and will take full responsibility for mine.

    Yanniejannie, you asked if my teapots were antique. The yellow one definitely is. It belonged to my mother-in-law and has a matching metal thing that snaps over if to keep the tea warm. I store that in a cabinet because the teapot matches the bowl better and is prettier without it. The other one pictured is definitely not an antique. It came from the florist with a flower arrangement in it. Another I have that I did buy at an antique store also has Tera flora on the bottom of it, so not an antique either in spite of where it was purchased. I have another that is Longaberger and matches my dishes. My other two probably are antique but nothing special. With the exception of the Longaberger, none cost over $3.00. I bought them either because I liked them or they had strawberries on them and matched my kitchen, which used to have wallpaper with watermelons, sunflowers, and strawberries on it.

    Sylvia, you are probably right about the bowls. I have no clue. They were advertised as hand painted. That's all I know other than that different people painted them. Until you posted the picture of your bowls painted by the children, it never occurred to me that the bowls could have still all been made by the same person! they had lots to choose from that were the same size as the ones we chose, but had several other sizes and styles to choose from.

    Thanks to all who wished me well with the sub position. It doesn't start until July 27 and will go thru Labor Day. Meanwhile, I will enjoy retirement a few more months. It will be somewhat fun to teach again. I love high school kids!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Jane - very good to hear from you! Glad that you are getting things moved!

    Pip - WOW! That's all I can say! It looks like you blast off to the moon! Straight up!

    Lillian - oh no snow! When does it usually end for you?

    Janet - have a great time!

    Drkatiebug - Is the school year round, or is it a summer school position? Sounds like you're going to enjoy the experience. I really miss teaching :(

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    I managed 40 minutes of Jeannette's Bikini Boot-camp II for 245 cals and 125 BPM pure sweat. Oh she said it was harder than No I and IS, ballet moves for one circuit, oh my legs.
    Walked around my 400M track to help legs
    Food = 1556, training = 345 cals; = 1211 cals, spot on for me.
    Yes more time to train instead of cleaning. Still missing Mildred though, is hard
    We are NOT allowed to transport any plant from Mainland into Tasmania, they would be confistcated
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Another short post tonight. I 'woke up' this morning feeling exhausted. I knew it was going to be one of my 'MS' days, which are pretty rare these days. I did make myself get up but you have no energy to do anything at all, even think. With my normal awake, sleep circadium or whatever it is called, I normally feel really good at around 7 PM. So I went ahead and got dressed to go out for supper as usual. I did drink 2 glasses of tea to see if it would help. Now I am just really tired, but not fatigued. Katla, does your hubbie get fatigued??

    Sylvi, no one likes to carry an epi pen around with them. But you are going to a foreign country, think of what the alternative would be. I don't even know if you are allowed to bring liquid on the plane with you. One time many years ago I had some kind of reaction. My chin and face were red and a little swollen. But as the evening went by it was worse and worse. So I decided to drive myself to the closest minor emergency treatment places. I sat and sat in the lobby but it was OK. It was the finale of the first season of American Idol and I was watching it. The gave me an injection of an epi pen and it immediately took care of it. Boy that sure gets your heart pumping! When I got out of the examining office it was the last 5 minutes and I was the last patient so all the staff joined me in the lobby so we could see who won. I went through all the testing and they never could figure out what I was allergic to. I carried around an epi pen for a couple of years and then stopped. Oh, Sylvia, is your gut ready to be eating ribs yet????

    Lillian and Sharon, I don't have any idea the size of your province but do you two live close?

    For any of you who can see the solar eclipse, take a picture s we can see it

    Since I had a total hysterectomy and even my cervix removed, I don't have to have a pap smear anymore! No arguement fro me there

    Joyce, Indiana

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Just lost the whole post so here we go again.
    Alison - Don't sell yourself short. You have talent and use it every time you visit your DFIL. You bring Joy.
    By the way "Whoopie" is good for your health and burns calories. Just thought you should know. lol

    Heather - It's your story and your truth so you get to tell it your way. I'm sure most books offend someone. I'm going to search for your book for the grands.

    Pip - Hugs to you. I am glad you got one of the good guys who didn't make judgments about how grief should look.

    Sylvia - EPI-PEN. I am selfish and don't want the travel stories from Spain interrupted by an allergic reaction.
    I am definitely going to see Cinderella. Hmmm.....maybe Prince Charming will accompany me.

    Lillian - When is the Home and Garden Show in Edmonton? I missed ours.

    Joyce - Lillian and I live in 2 different provinces. I think we are probably 6-7 hrs from each other. Carey lives in the same province as I do but I think she is about 6 hrs away.
    I love Alberta - Waterton, Crows Nest Pass, Writing - On - Stone, Tyrell Museum, Calgary Zoo and the Stampede and oh, so much more. Prairies, foothills, the Rockies. It's a pretty big province.

    It was a pretty productive day. Worked in the office, Costco shopping, laundry, supper and then 2 hrs. of American Idol.
    Tomorrow we are leaving for Fort Saskatchewan. Certainly not my first choice of how to spend our 33rd anniversary. DBIL and DSIL live there.
    I am trying to figure out how to spend my time with her without losing my mind. DSIL has one of the biggest hearts but......she reads no books, watches no movies or news, and has no hobbies except collecting the cook books that she never uses. Also she never wants to go do anything. I will try my best to be patient and kind. She is a very good person and this probably says more about me than her.
    I finally screwed up my courage and approached DH about the counselling next week. I presented it as an anniversary present to the two of us. He told me he wasn't coming. I pled my case and told him I would remind him every day. He (of course) has no problems. I did tell him in no uncertain terms that if he wasn't willing to do this for us then I would have to take further steps. It makes me sick to my stomach that the day before our anniversary we are discussing this. Things can not continue as they are and I know that. 2nd time around for both of us but I am getting tired of being the only one working at this marriage thing.
    Thanks for letting me rant and ramble.
    Sharon in Lethbridge (feeling very defeated)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    morning ladies~
    well here I am.all of you are sooo very busy, I had to wait around yesterday morning for the tech to come work on the built in microwave. it was some sort of switch inside and he had to take the thing apart, he got that going and a knob on the panel pooped out, now the part for that is 370.00 and lucky this is all under warranty, because getting both things fixed is almost as much as we paid for it..
    they have to order the part and will be sent here UPS ,he will be back next thursday afternoon to put that in.
    then after that I had to take 2 cars in for service, 2 recalls on one, came back dropped that off and then brought other for an oil change, got home and DH got cranky because he told me to get the tire fixed, and I dont remember him telling me, so that car will have to go back..work today,and tomorrow and have sunday off
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Raining here. Good early morning; even earlier today, awake and up at 3:19.....waiting for this biopsy is not good for my sleep. Dinner with ex-coworkers last night (Thai) was OK; not great.....I think I'm just too distracted to relax. Already worrying about how expensive, extensive (disfiguring?) the needed surgery will be and what type of cell it is. If F/U is needed, the fact that they got me in with a DO instead of an MD.......all kinds of stuff that I probably won't need, but one tends to go to the worst case scenario, just human nature, I guess. I'm definitely not one of those people who can put this type of stuff out of their mind. Kicking myself for waiting so long to go to dermatologist.......in short, anxiety at its best. Valium time. I have to show up at a lunch today and I'm considering begging off.

    Michele.....Hope your finger is feeling better (and less numb).

    Janet........It does sound like allergies; when I sleep with the window open, I have the same result.......but I also love sleeping with the fresh air.

    Terri.......Glad your son "cleaned up his act".

    Vicki........Stick to your guns on not doing her job........how unprofessional (!!!!) to tell others before you; "a better fit"?????? PULEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZE..........

    Heather......Book is sounding more and more interesting! Glad you touched base with friend, even if it wasn't the best exchange.

    Mary.......Thanks for the support. He took one look and said the c word; the biopsy is to type the cells. Best of luck with the house sale.

    Cynthia.........Safe trip with your horse.

    Meg........I know two people who have had chicken cartilage injections; it does seem to have good results for some time.

    drkatie........Do schools in your area go year round? Great bargains on the tea pots. I've known several people who collect them.

    Sharon.........Sending you patience...your DSIL certainly sounds like a challenge. Hope your anniversary is better than you expect; 33 yrs. is a long time; about the same as me. Could you have a little talk with DH's dr about the changes you've seen? (((Hugs))))) I caught the end of American Idol last night; haven't picked a fav. yet.

    Sassy.........Great pic the other day; I agree with whoever said you look way young!


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    Yannie jannie - just want to give you a hug! :flowerforyou: I think it is perfectly normal to worry about something like that. Getting good info is the thing that always helps me, so the biopsy will be a good step. Sounds like they are looking after you. <3

    Sharon - again, I can understand how difficult this all is. Unresolved stuff drives me nuts. Concentrate on your own mental health to help you cope. Counselling, both with and without a partner, helped me a lot, even after separation when I went to marriage guidance on my own. I was full of grief and she was great. The important thing is to find a counsellor who is a good "fit". This particular one wouldn't let me get away with anything which was just what I needed at the time.
    I also have a sister-in-law who is very frustrating. She seems to have no will of her own and it is difficult to get her to express an opinion or even a preference. I have a tendency to go into "bully" mode when I'm around people like that and have to watch myself. >:) Luckily I see her rarely as she lives in the North.

    Got to get on with my editing. Lots of love, Heather in Hampshire UK.