30 by Labor Day



  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    what are we putting in start weight column? last weigh in or start weight of this challenge????
    i want to make sure i am updating correctly....

    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Cnbethea..........................162.6.............................................162.6.......................................... 0lbs
    Blondie925.......................200.4..............................................195.4....................................... - 5
    Porterbaby........................168.8...............................................167.8....................................... -1.0
    My2Loves..........................228.0..............................................214.4....................................... - 12
    HaleyAlexandra...............194...................................................191.1..................................... -2.9
  • my2loves04and06
    Has everyone fallen off the bandwagon? Bueller? Bueller? :huh:

    I think I've lost at least 5 lbs in sweat the last 2 days while loading our 4 BR house into the moving trailer. It's so hot and humid here!

    My scale is packed away so I won't be weighing-in this week, but I'll be back on top of it next week! Once I find my scale, that is. :wink:

    Hope everyone is having an enjoyable weekend!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    It has gotten quiet around here..

    I've been busy painting and cleaning up a house.. it's SO hot. I know I've burned some serious calories doing that! But I don't wear my HRM because I don't want to get it messed up or anything - guess that's bonus calories. :wink:

    Yesterday I decided to take a run on the treadmill. I walked/ran for over an hour and burned almost 800 calories! The best part was I ran at least half of that time doing 7, 8, and even 10 mph! I usually don't try 10 because it sounds like the treadmill is gonna blow up, but I did it yesterday! I just did intervals like going 3 mph for a .1 mile, then 7 for .1, then 3, 8, 3, 10... yadda yadda. It was a great workout.

    What can we do to liven it up a little? Maybe we can write our personal weekly goals each Monday after we weigh in and make sure to keep everyone updated through the week on how we did? Just a thought.. :smile:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    what are we putting in start weight column? last weigh in or start weight of this challenge????
    i want to make sure i am updating correctly....

    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Cnbethea..........................162.6.............................................162.6.......................................... 0lbs
    Blondie925.......................200.4..............................................195.4....................................... - 5
    Porterbaby........................168.8...............................................167.8....................................... -1.0
    My2Loves..........................228.0..............................................214.4....................................... - 12
    HaleyAlexandra...............194...................................................191.1..................................... -2.9

    The start weight when we started the challenge.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey guys I am still around we have 5 weeks before labor day!! I am looking foward to working hard as I can these next 5 weeks to lose as much as I can. I like your idea Blondie925 here are my August goals:

    My goals for August to lose 8lbs
    To go to the gym everyday except Sunday
    M,W,F weight lifting
    M- Kickboxing
    Th-Some cardio class
    F-Boot camp and Zumba circuit
    Elliptical for 10-15min each day
    Complete my challenge workouts
    Eat out no more than 5x's
    No eating pass 7 P.M.
    Sundays maybe go for a walk or do yard work something creative!!

    I will report in each week how things are going hope everyone had a great weekend!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Blondie925.......................200.4..............................................195.4....................................... - 5
    Porterbaby........................168.8...............................................167.8....................................... -1.0
    My2Loves..........................228.0................................................214.4....................................... - 12
    HaleyAlexandra...............194...................................................191.1..................................... ..-2.9
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    My weight is still the same.. but I am going to post my goals for August:

    - Make dinner at home through the week! I eat out so much.. I know it's what's slowing my progress.
    - Work out 5-6 days a week.. I'm doing ChaLean Extreme for the second time. So I get 3 strength days in + cardio on most days after my strength sessions and on my non-lifting days.
    - No carbs after 7:30 on week nights, 8 on weekends.
    - Accurately track my calories... even on the days I know I went over I still need to keep track instead of throwing the day away.

    I'm starting this month weighing 195.4.. I hope I can end it weighing under 190! My 5 year anniversary (since my boyfriend and I started dating) is September 25, and my 22nd birthday is right after.. October 3. I want to be able to comfortably wear my size 11 jeans by then! My 13s fit good, and the 11s are really tight. So that would be a great present to myself!

    Good luck everyone! We can do it! :wink:
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    sorry ladies i didn't weigh in yesterday , i started to do my workout and then i went outside and tried to get that deck finished stained and then i mowed grass with the pushmower and then i used the weedeater. then when the deck was pretty will dried, i went over where i stained it before, to bright it up.

    so my weight is of course up to 168.4
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Blondie925.......................200.4..............................................195.4....................................... - 5
    Porterbaby........................168.8...............................................168.4....................................... -0.4
    My2Loves..........................228.0................................................214.4....................................... -12
    HaleyAlexandra...............194...................................................191.1..................................... ..-2.9

    i'm still here...thanks for fixing my start weight cnbethea....no change for me this week...
    my2loves 12lbs down is awesome...keep up the good work girls....
    grrrrr, i'm tracking my food and exercise...i'm not exercising as much as i would like, i'm not eating as well as i should be (going over in calories for extra snacky **** i ordinarily would not eat (as much as 1400 the other day - WTF????)

    yesterday morning i didnt get up for group power so last night after getting home with the kids at 630, i got them dinner and "planned" on doing 30 day shred when my husband got home...after he got changed and came back downstairs, i asked him if he could "watch" the kids WHILE they were eating dinner so i could have 20 mins and he sighed and rolled his eyes...i didnt tell him what i wanted to do but didnt feel like i had to....he knows me, he knows where my head is at right now....because of his reaction, i planted my *kitten* down in the chair and stubbornly said never ****ing mind...he was like what? what did you want to do?? i told him go exercise for 20 mins but forget it....he "URGED" me to go do it but at that point i was so pissed at his initial reaction i let it ruin my chance to go do it...i dont know why i go backwards like this, i dont know why i even ASKED in the first place...i should have said, i'm going upstairs to do exercise, i'll start the tubs when i'm done...please send the kids upstairs at 730 - BUT nope that is not how i handled it and it is my fault not his that i havent exercised in two days.....my head is not in the "right place".....not sure what is going on....time to refocus for sure....

    i brought my sneakers and an extra shirt to work today...think i'm going to try to knock out the 3rd day of C25K for week 1...it is friggin hot, probably gonna be close to 90degrees today but 30 mins wont kill me right...then at least i will have something done for today and can get over this HUMP....if it is too hot for the run/walk interval, maybe i'll just do a walk by the water to clear my head, help me refocus....i have to do something drastic soon or nothing is going to happen....

    sorry for the rant/book, i just needed to vent to people who are very likely in the same boat as me....
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    hi ladies. i am very frustrated this morning i had a weigh in today too, for another challenge i'm in the say boat for this one too. i just can't seem to get that stupid scale to show anything good, i just can't seem to get it past 165lbs. i was 165.0lbs. before now it just want to get there or anything lower. i'm sorry i work my butt off everyday. doing my workout dvds, go walking which i love to do, i do alot of cleaning, diy stuff around the house and outside. i stain the deck and it took me three days to do it. i clean the green mildew off the house and the garage, i mow the grass with the pushmower, use the weed eater, i always doing something around here, i do alot weight and ab work. i am losing alot of inches, i measure myself even though it's hard to do it myself. i don't go to the gyms around here i have my own here at the house. i love to go walking, but when it rains i can't do that and plus i can't use my workout dvds when he's here. we only have one tv. i don't hardly watch tv, i just listen to music to shake my booty lol. i watch what i eat, i drink my water. i measure with my hands or with a coffee cup i use bowls to eat of and plus i use the dairy queen bowls they use for their side salads. i don't eat out unless he takes me out which is one in awhile. but i just get things from the store to make. but my worst things is ice cream and caramel candies, so i got skinny cow ice cream sandwiches, and those protein-cereal bars. the low in calories and i eat them for in between meals for snacks. i just like to get into 150's then 140's. i bought two bikinis and i can't get into them because my body still isn't perfect. i'm not giving up, i'm just getting frustrated.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Has everyone fallen off the bandwagon? Bueller? Bueller? :huh:

    I think I've lost at least 5 lbs in sweat the last 2 days while loading our 4 BR house into the moving trailer. It's so hot and humid here!

    My scale is packed away so I won't be weighing-in this week, but I'll be back on top of it next week! Once I find my scale, that is. :wink:

    Hope everyone is having an enjoyable weekend!
    I'm still here. Sorry I haven't checked in lately. I want to wait a few weeks between weigh ins. My weight loss has slowed down so much. I need to break through this plateau! :grumble:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey guys as I read your stories and then towards the finish i see each of your weight loss and you all have lost some great numbers. When you look back what was that driving force that got you started on your journey that spark that lit the flame dig deep and find that. I know you all can do it it's been proven in your numbers and I know it get's hard and sometime we hit the wall but now it's time to knock down the wall and continue on the journey you started. Mission this week relight the flame the torch has to make it to the finish line!! We ca do this ladies stay strong shake things up this week do something drastic to get things moving again!!
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    will i weigh myself this morning. 166.4lbs.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Whoop there it is Poterbabay nice weigh in I changed it for you keep it going that's awesome!!!

    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Blondie925.......................200.4..............................................195.4....................................... - 5
    Porterbaby........................168.8...............................................166.4....................................... -2.4
    My2Loves..........................228.0................................................214.4....................................... -12
    HaleyAlexandra...............194...................................................191.1..................................... ..-2.9
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    thanks cnbethea
  • my2loves04and06
    We made it! Arrived safely in SC yesterday, with all 3 kids in tact. There were a few times I wanted to leave my 3 yr old at some random exits off I65 in Indiana, but I refrained. :wink: Our trailer with all of our worldy possessions will arrive some time on Monday. Until then it's floor-sitting and floor-sleeping for us. Too bad you can't burn calories by sleeping/sitting on the floor.

    One I find which box my scale is in, I'll weigh-in. Until then, here's my goals for August:
    * get back to my daily 30 DS -- haven't done it since the end of June!
    * lose at least 10 lbs -- which will only leave me 6 lbs to lose by Labor Day (which is also my 30th bday!)
    * no fast food -- its been easy to eat out since I've been so busy packing the house for the move. Fast food was always easier after a long day.
    * no soda -- back to my H2O!
  • my2loves04and06
    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Blondie925.......................200.4..............................................195.4....................................... - 5
    Porterbaby........................168.8...............................................166.4....................................... -2.4
    My2Loves..........................228.0................................................214.4....................................... -13.6
    HaleyAlexandra...............194...................................................191.1..................................... ..-2.9
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    My2loves glad you made it safe to your new home!!
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    cnbethea put me down again. i wasn't going to but i went ahead and weigh myself, 165.2lbs :happy:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    She's back!!! That's awesome poterbaby glad to see you are back on it now way to go!!!!

    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Blondie925.......................200.4..............................................195.4....................................... - 5
    Porterbaby........................168.8..............................................165.2....................................... -3.6
    My2Loves..........................228.0..............................................214.4....................................... -13.6
    HaleyAlexandra...............194...................................................191.1..................................... ..-2.9