30 by Labor Day



  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Poterbaby We both have 25lbs to go yay!!! We can do this!!
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    we can do it, because we are strong and believe in ourselves. we all can get to our goals, slowly but when we do just think how we all would feel, what we accomplised, and the rewards. because when i get to my goal, i can't wait for my massage. i'm going to get a neck and a back massage. i have a bad neck and i can't wait for that massage, plus i want get a perfessional photography to take pictures of me to send to my family and my relations.

    what is evryone's rewards when they get reach their goals?
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    still the same this morning. my challenge this week is get lots of activities in and cardio and strength in. it's going to be hard with it raining and my man can't work in the rain. i wish it wouldn't rain i have so much to do too. the grass needs mowing, i need to work on a travel trailer that he bought, go for walks. man that's one thing i love to do is walk. plus i have other things to do
    what is everyone's challenge is for this week? or can the two ladies who's first and second to pick a challenge for everyone to do for this week. good luck to everyone else.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Nice job Porterbaby!

    It feels like forever since I've lost anything! But Tom came to visit. Regardless of how I do this week I'm not putting off weighing in next week. It's been at least 2 weeks since I've weighed in on here. But, even though my CW on here is 195.4, I saw 194.8 on the scale last week when I took a peek at my weight. So hopefully it will be back down next week.

    As for my challenge I set for myself, I did okay - not the best. We went out of town this weekend. So needless to say there was a lot of food. All things considered, including tom, I'm okay with it.

    Porterbaby - I can't wait for my massage either! When I reach 150-160 (where ever I decide to settle) I'm going to get one. I've never had one before, so it should be a real treat! Getting pictures taken of your new body is a great idea also. I may have to add that to my rewards list. :smile:

    I know between now and then I've got rewards set for every 10 pounds or so. I can't wait to get to 175. It's one pound lower than I've weighed in my adult life. I was actually pretty happy at that weight. My size 10s were loose on me and I think I wore 9s or 11s in juniors. It's only 20 pounds away! Funny cause 20 pounds can seem like so much and so little at the same time.

    I'm gonna have a drop on the scale by next weigh in. I can feel it! :happy:

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    good afternoon ladies. i workout on a new dvd i got yesterday through ebay. the *****cat dolls workout. i did it today and man does it work. i end up doing the whole dvd. i sweated too. i weigh again this morning to see, because to didn't know machines last night and it said 164.6lbs. so it's slowly doing somehting on that scale.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    The great thing is it iis still going in the right direction Poterbaby your doing it Woooooohooooooo!!

    I burned mega calories yesterday and the little thing said if you have 5 week like this you would way weigh 138.3 I sure wish I had it in me hahaha!!!

    So what's going on with everyone how are your goals coming this week so far what's new in your life?

    Love the new pic Blondie!!

    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Blondie925.......................200.4..............................................195.4....................................... - 5
    Porterbaby........................168.8..............................................164.6....................................... -4.4
    My2Loves..........................228.0..............................................214.4....................................... -13.6
    HaleyAlexandra...............194...................................................191.1..................................... ..-2.9
  • my2loves04and06
    I found my scale this morning! Amazingly, I weigh exactly the same as my weigh-in from 2 weeks ago. Right down to the ounce. I knew I never had issues with maintaining, but losing is a whole nother game. Our truck arrived Tuesday afternoon with al of our worldy possessions from IL. Most of it is all unloaded into the garage. It just needs to be put away and organized now. Still haven't found my food scale, but Im watching my portion sizes regardless.

    Still haven't found time to start back on my 30 DS workout. I figure that all the up & down I'm doing with the stairs is helping though.
  • HaleyAlexandra
    so i'm freaking out because tomorrow I leave for college in California.. I live in Washington so it's going to be really weird moving so far away from my family and friends.. I haven't been eating awesomely because i've been so stressed and anxious, but i have been working out so i'm still at 191.. I'm hoping to be under the 190's by next week.. and in California i wont have a car so i will be walking alot and riding my bike so i think that will help! hahah

    good job everyone! keep it up
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Thank you cnbethea! I love when the "... in 5 weeks..." thing says a nice low number. Sometimes mine shows I'll be in the 170s if I kept it up. Even though it's unlikely in 5 weeks, it's still nice to see! lol

    Nice job porterbaby! Sounds like you've found something that's working for you - keep it up!

    Trace - I'm sure the stairs are really helping. I've found I get some of the best workouts from going up and down stairs. I used to run the ones by our spot on the lake.. until I shook up some angry bees living under the steps and got stung twice (once on the butt!!). So I don't do that anymore. But it's still a great workout. lol

    Haley - I start back to college this coming week too. My college is a pretty short drive from where I live. I'm too much of a baby to move away for a long time lol. It's pretty cool cause when I first started at Young Harris College it was only a 2 year school, but last year they got approved to be a 4 year school and my class will be the first to graduate from there with a 4 year degree! It's pretty exciting. I'm happy this is my last year. I don't mind class, but all these years of outrageous homework wears ya out after a while. I'm sure all the walking you'll be doing will help a lot, and you probably won't be as stressed when you get settled in - that is until all the papers and such are due! :tongue:

    I've been doing so good this week! It's less than 2 months til my 22nd birthday, and I want to be in the 180s by then. I got so tired of setting goals and not reaching them. So this time I'm very determined to make that goal. I deserve it for my b-day present. I'm going to do my best to see where I'll be by then. I've been proud cause this past week I've been eating pretty healthy and working out every day. I've cut my sweets way down and had calories left over every day! I know it's not much, but it's better than I was doing. It's like a big wave of motivation came over me and I can really tell I'm going to make this goal! I love when that happens cause I usually always succeed when I feel this motivated. I can't wait!
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Haley best wishes on your new journey!! I think the walking and the bike riding will make a great difference!!

    Trace I know your getting a workout in up and down those stairs way to maintain through all the moving!!

    Lisa I hope you reach your goals and beyond by your birthday!!

    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Blondie925.......................200.4..............................................195.4....................................... - 5
    Porterbaby........................168.8..............................................164.6....................................... -4.4
    My2Loves..........................228.0..............................................214.4....................................... -13.6
    HaleyAlexandra...............194...................................................191.1..................................... ..-2.9

    I went up 2.2lbs this week it's all good I am still on it!!
  • soundofsong
    30 lbs lost by September 6th? I freakin' wish I could do that. I'll try but I doubt I can make it. I'm getting married on October 29th though so that's a challenge I am willing to take on.
  • soundofsong
    30 lbs lost by September 6th? I freakin' wish I could do that. I'll try but I doubt I can make it. I'm getting married on October 29th though so that's a challenge I am willing to take on.

    Just realized this was first posted in June. Haha. That makes much more sense.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    good afternoon ladies. will staring tomorrow i'll be by myself, will of course i'll bud our dog. my man is going to another state for so many days to work, with his cousin. since he's going to be gone. i'll me days. i'm going to keep myself busy and do alot of walking. i have things i want to do, besides working out. but that mean devil TOM pays me a visit tuesday. but i'm going to let that dirty rotten it get the best of me, i'm going to try to be strong.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    i weigh in yesterday at 166.8lbs. TOM paid me a visit today. i had things i wanted to do, but it's raining , but atleast i got my walk in this morning.
  • my2loves04and06
    30 lbs lost by September 6th? I freakin' wish I could do that. I'll try but I doubt I can make it. I'm getting married on October 29th though so that's a challenge I am willing to take on.

    Just realized this was first posted in June. Haha. That makes much more sense.

    I was just going to point that out, LOL! You're welcome to join us anyways! I'm sure I'll be starting another thread once Labor Day is here. How about 30 lbs by Christmas? That's 15 weeks away from Labor Day. Good luck with the last minute wedding plans!

    I've decided that today is the day to really dig in my heels and get back to it. TOM just left yesterday, so I'll weigh-in tomorrow. I started C25K this morning...while pushing my 40 lbs preschooler in the jogging stroller...in my very hilly neighborhood. Ugh. Planning on restarting JM's 30 DS today, too. I also dusted off my food journal this morning and busted out my big ole water bottle. Go me!

    porter - I find it's MUCH easier to exercise eat healthier when I'm alone and my husband isn't around. Which would explain why I haven't been able to get back into the food journal thing since I've been in SC. He's verbally supportive of my efforts, but he sabbotages it with his actions. Enjoy and keep at it!

    Haley - Good luck at college! I enjoyed my first year immensely, despite not having a car and not getting to go home very often (and I was only 3 hrs from home). I'm sure walking and biking will help!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    My2loves glad your at the point where things are coming together and your back in the swing of things!! I think a group through Christmas would be great!!
  • my2loves04and06
    My weigh-in day got all messed up with moving, so I weighed in this morning. Down 1.2 lbs since last week. Not bad!

    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Blondie925.......................200.4..............................................195.4....................................... - 5
    Porterbaby........................168.8..............................................164.6....................................... -4.4
    My2Loves..........................228.0..............................................213.2....................................... -14.8
    HaleyAlexandra...............194...................................................191.1..................................... ..-2.9
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Great job my 2 loves!!

    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Blondie925.......................200.4..............................................195.4....................................... - 5
    Porterbaby........................168.8..............................................164.6....................................... -4.4
    My2Loves..........................228.0..............................................213.2....................................... -14.8
    HaleyAlexandra...............194...................................................191.1..................................... ..-2.9
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    hey where is everyone. 163.2 this morning.:happy: