30 by Labor Day



  • HaleyAlexandra
    QUOTE "Yeah.. I love that DVD! I always burn mega-calories with it. But it's stuck in my broken dvd player right now.. I can't pry it out. I guess I'll have to just bust it open. LOL " Blondie925

    lol TOTALLY bust it open!! have you completed the whole 6 weeks before?? I've never actually made it past Jillians level! I did week 1 again yesterday and it definitely was easier than the first time! hahah
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    QUOTE "Yeah.. I love that DVD! I always burn mega-calories with it. But it's stuck in my broken dvd player right now.. I can't pry it out. I guess I'll have to just bust it open. LOL " Blondie925

    lol TOTALLY bust it open!! have you completed the whole 6 weeks before?? I've never actually made it past Jillians level! I did week 1 again yesterday and it definitely was easier than the first time! hahah

    I can't stick with the same dvd for one whole week, much less six! lol I have to have a little variety in my workouts or I dread doing them. I'm pretty sure Jillian's level is twice as hard as Kim's and Bob's put together. I think it should be level 3!
  • janie1974
    janie1974 Posts: 6
    so i joined the group to lose 20 by labor day. my goals wer to drink more water and not eat out for the week. i blew both of those! im trying to stay focused. i've been asked to be n a wedding and now have got to stay on track. the dress a size smaller than i normally wear!!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hang in there Janie1974 you can do it and be in that dress!!!

    This week has been the best week I have had in months in 5 days I have worked out over 400 mins and I am totally stoked. It has been a while since I have been this motivated I am totally feeling on top of the world looking foward to weighing Monday and kust in case the scale don't reflect my success I am going to continue to push foward I feel to good to let the scale stop me!!

    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hang in there Janie1974 you can do it and be in that dress!!!

    This week has been the best week I have had in months in 5 days I have worked out over 400 mins and I am totally stoked. It has been a while since I have been this motivated I am totally feeling on top of the world looking foward to weighing Monday and kust in case the scale don't reflect my success I am going to continue to push foward I feel to good to let the scale stop me!!

    Have a great weekend everyone!!

    It's awesome you've been so motivated! You should write down how you feel right now to remind yourself on the bad days how good doing right makes you feel. I know I'm unstoppable when I feel awesome! But, I let that feeling fade. The key is keeping it there. I'm sure you'll do great on your weigh in, but either way you have a great attitude!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I took your advice Lisa (Thank you!!) because I want to feel this good from here on out and I know every week I may not work out every day like this week and I am OK with that but I don't have to feel crappy because life is out of control I can still feel good!!!

    Looking forward to my weigh in tomm!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Alright guys talk about a blow that can totally knock the wind out of my sail I stepped on the scale after 550 mins of working out and I was down 0.8 all I can say is really that's it ok so the plan for this week is to really buckle down on my food this time plus anothe great workout week is on the way. I will see what that bring 3weeks left something will work!!!
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    today weigh in is 169.8:angry: i worked really hard too and tracking my food now. it's getting frustrated.
  • janie1974
    janie1974 Posts: 6
    Hello everyone! weigh in day! i love wii fit plus, it just keeps up with everything! Still at 190, started at 198 at the first of June tho. got 12 more to go by sept 6! I know i can do it. reading everyones' posts keeps me motivated!!! Gotta keep going, gotta bridemaids dress to wear August 10 and my son will be 2 on the 11th. can't blame babyfat anymore.....
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I'm not weighing in today. Tom decided to visit.. so I'll just wait til I'm down (hopefully) next week. I'm going on a short vacation, leaving Thurs. coming back Sunday, so I have to be careful!
  • HaleyAlexandra
    I'm going to weigh in tomorrow morning! i completely forgot to do it this morning oops...
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Have any of you ever tried Shakeology? I got a sample recently and then decided to order it. So I've been drinking it for about 4 days now and I noticed that for the first time EVER (during TOM) I haven't really had any cravings and I have 600 calories left for today. That's something I never deal with, especially during this time. Now I'm really starting to think there may be something to that stuff! But I was wondering if any of you have tried it. If it will keep working like this I guess I'll fork out the money for it but it is really expensive (around $100 for a month's supply). So it has to work well for me to keep that up for any length of time. Wondering if it's real or if today was just a fluke. lol
  • HaleyAlexandra
    OH MY GOSH... i just realized that I have exactly one month until I move to California to go to college! and i am sooo not at the weight I want to be at.. I really just want to be comfortable with myself.. I'm a little frustrated
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    OH MY GOSH... i just realized that I have exactly one month until I move to California to go to college! and i am sooo not at the weight I want to be at.. I really just want to be comfortable with myself.. I'm a little frustrated

    I know what you mean. I have to go back to college Aug. 17, and I'm not at the goal I wanted to be at (185 or lower). But I'm not gonna sweat it. I am going to do the best I can from here out so that I can go back to school and at least know I gave it my all the month before I had to go back. Don't be frusterated! It will only hinder your results. Just try your best and be happy with every little bit you get closer to your goal!
  • my2loves04and06
    Happy hump day! I'm FINALLY home from SC. My trip was extended 5 days because I had a few job interviews while I was down there. No complaints from me! We had a fabulous time and I can't wait to get completely moved out there so we can hike the mountains on a routine basis. I loved it!

    Just weighed in for the first time in 2 weeks: down 1.2 lbs! Hard to believe with the crappy eating habits and little no-no water intake I had for nearly 2 weeks. I'm ready to hit the 30 DS (L2D9) this morning though!

    Welcome to the new peeps!

    7.5 weeks until Labor Day!
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    good morning ladies. how is everyone doing? i'm doing just fine. yesterday i went for a long walk. since i had bills to pay, i just walked. i started at one end on the town and then end up on the other side of the town. i know it was warm, but i made sure i had my liquids, my cell phone , just in case i needed it ,but my sister likes to call me, plus i had my hrm, mp3 and the step meter. even though it was warm, but i felt great for walking. i'll probably go for a walk later but not so far. i hope everyone is doing great on their weight lose journey.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    porterbaby38 way to walk through your town and pay the bills what a great way to get in a workout something that had to be done and made it a workout as well love the concept!!

    Hope everyone else is doing great as well we have gotten fairly quiet in here!!

    Day 13 of the shred for me today I am still pushing foward trying to see what will happen in 30 days I do feel a lot tighter I was down in SC for my birthday the last couple of days and now I have returned home don't know what to expect on the scale for Monday didn't journal my food I don;t think I did to bad I just normally have the same foods each week and didn't want to go through the hassel of trying to figure out foods I probably wont eat again but since I am back at home tomm will be back to the basics and getting things done!!
  • janie1974
    janie1974 Posts: 6
    i now belong to the 180s club!!! 189lbs. i havent been here since before i got preggers..... 3 years ago. goals this week. water every day and one take out other than monday, got a lunch date with a friend. staying motivated by looking at this bridesmaids dress i have to wear August 7th. Hope everyone is doing great!
  • janie1974
    janie1974 Posts: 6
    ...and why can't housework count as cardio exercise? ive work my tail off this weekend cleaning my house and cleaning for a friend of my husband. a bachelor pad is serious work!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Alright reality check me in these 160's are still battling I am up this week and I know exactly why but it''s going to be a lot more than what it looks like because I don't normally change my ticker but I am tired of not changing it I am going to change it now on a gain or a lost so that way it shows my progress everytime!!!