30 by Labor Day



  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    you just have to do what you can do and it WILL work....
    no more comparing - it's important to realize everyone does it differently...not necessarily right or wrong just different....
    keep on keeping on and we will see the changes...
    i've been doing great and i feel great and even if there isn't a huge drop on saturday's weigh-in, i'm still gonna keep on the path...

    i love the way this new life feels, that is what i'm hanging my hat on at night....why mess up a good thing right???

    Your so right and thanks for the reality check!! Keep up the great job and feeling good about what your doing is the best feeling in the world glad your able to rest well at night!!!
  • my2loves04and06
    Keep on keeping...I like that!

    Just now sitting down for the first time all day really. The kids and I took another bike ride down by the river today. 19.7 miles (115 mins/1728 cals burned)! I still can't believe that my 5 yr old made that ride, or that I made that ride pulling the other kid in the trailer. Wowzers. Doubt we'll be doing that again any time soon though. My L knee and tush are screaming at me!

    We had Culver's for lunch and I was *almost* good. I had a grilled chicken caesar salad and half of a small root beer. The soda tasted good but I felt like crap after. It just didn't sit right. The same with the small concrete mixer I had. Guess I won't be testing those junky waters again.

    On a good note, I've had all of my H2O today plus the extra 16oz already!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Water was great today and I will be doing some good stretching tonight my 2nd 5k is in the morning trying to beat out my first time I will let you guys know how it goes!!

    Hope everyone have a very productive weekend and stay within your calories I said this last weekend and went overboard this weekend I hope I listen to my own advice.

    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Did not complete my 5k this morning :sad: I plan on doing a 3mile jog this evening to make up for it!!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Today I felt good all day did things around the house filled out a job application that I feel good about and went for a reflecting walk. I need to stop comparing my journey to other people journey some can just walk and lose mega weight that doesn't always work for everyone. I need get into the rhythm of what works best for me and stick to it..

    My goal is to stay focus this weekend thinking about being in the 150's meeting my end of the month goal!!

    You sound like me when you wrote this post. I definitely need to stop comparing myself to other people's weight losses. Everyone losses weight differently and I have to realize that.

    Amen! I've spent months in the 170s and probably will do the same in the 160s. My weight loss has been moving at a snail's pace. Last summer I dropped 22 lbs and then stopped. Admittedly, my exercise slowed down in the winter. I consider it a personal victory that I at least stayed the same all winter. I finally just let myself accept the fact that this is a marathon and not a sprint. If it takes me another year to lose that last 25 or so lbs. So be it. :smile: As long as the scale and measurements are going in the right direction, I'll be happy... AND healthier. Losing 30 by Labor Day is not realistic for me, but I'll take all the motivation I can get and If I only lose 5 lbs by then... GREAT!!! :laugh: Let's all just keep at it!!! :drinker:
  • jessbecause
    I am in!!! - I would also need all the motivation I can get. A heathly diet is the easy part for me usually, but its the consistant will to excercise and eat enough so my metabolism doesn't slow. I am hopeing this site will help that. - Jess
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Today I felt good all day did things around the house filled out a job application that I feel good about and went for a reflecting walk. I need to stop comparing my journey to other people journey some can just walk and lose mega weight that doesn't always work for everyone. I need get into the rhythm of what works best for me and stick to it..

    My goal is to stay focus this weekend thinking about being in the 150's meeting my end of the month goal!!

    You sound like me when you wrote this post. I definitely need to stop comparing myself to other people's weight losses. Everyone losses weight differently and I have to realize that.

    Amen! I've spent months in the 170s and probably will do the same in the 160s. My weight loss has been moving at a snail's pace. Last summer I dropped 22 lbs and then stopped. Admittedly, my exercise slowed down in the winter. I consider it a personal victory that I at least stayed the same all winter. I finally just let myself accept the fact that this is a marathon and not a sprint. If it takes me another year to lose that last 25 or so lbs. So be it. :smile: As long as the scale and measurements are going in the right direction, I'll be happy... AND healthier. Losing 30 by Labor Day is not realistic for me, but I'll take all the motivation I can get and If I only lose 5 lbs by then... GREAT!!! :laugh: Let's all just keep at it!!! :drinker:

    Same here. I've been (pretty) active at trying to lose weight since March of 2008. And I've lost right at 50 pounds since. But sometimes I've looked around and watched people lose that much since Jan THIS year! I've also let it get me down a few times but that's senseless. Sure I COULD have lost more if I would have been trying harder, but there is not one thing in this world I can do about the past. I just need to focus on what I can do right now to make it right and not be in this situation again.

    And, truth be told.. losing 50 pounds is a LOT of weight. That's plenty enough to be proud of even if it didn't come off fast. I worked hard for it and I shouldn't be so hard on myself about it. None of us should. Progress is progress even if it is slow. :smile:

    So losing 30 by Labor Day isn't too realistic for me either. I could if I worked my butt off and did everything by the book, but it wouldn't be any fun. I'd be mean and miserable! lol

    In the words of Tony Horton (P90X) "Just do your best and forget the rest." That's a great motto to live by - and that's what I intend on doing :happy:
  • my2loves04and06
    Anyone else hate it when they mismanage their daily calories? I only have 92 left for the day and it's only 3:20PM. :laugh: That's what happens when I don't plan out my food for the day. I'll definitely be working out tonight!
  • jessbecause
    i am having the opposite problem - I have switched up what I am eating so much - i have been eating tomany fiberous foods that i get filled up to fast. Maybe if i do a little of your diet and you do a little of mine we can meet in the middle hehe!! I just made gazpacho for dinner and added tofu - I am trying so hard to hit 1200 calories!! This has caused my metabolism to go at a snails pace!!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Right on, Blondie!!! :drinker: And congrats on the 50 lbs!!! That is something to be proud of! I'm nearly at that point myself.

    Btw... I'm a blondie too! :laugh:
  • my2loves04and06
    Another weigh-in day is almost upon us! Hope everyone had a successful (or at least attempted to be successful!) weekend.

    Just got done shredding L2D6. Didn't work out yesterday and splurged on lunch. Still managed to stay under my goal, but barely. I just need to stick with preplanning my food for the day. That works best for me.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Wanted to chck in for the week! I'm down a half pound! Woo Hoo!! I'll take what I can get! :0)))
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Another weigh-in day is almost upon us! Hope everyone had a successful (or at least attempted to be successful!) weekend.

    Just got done shredding L2D6. Didn't work out yesterday and splurged on lunch. Still managed to stay under my goal, but barely. I just need to stick with preplanning my food for the day. That works best for me.

    UGH! YES!! I did this the other day by sticking my hand in the candy jar one to many times!! A few handfuls of jelly beans later and I've eaten 300 calories before I know it!! lol.... Thank goodness for exercise points!
  • UltimateLover
    UltimateLover Posts: 306 Member
    My weigh in is the same as last week. 174
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I didn't lose anything this week. Still the same. Now I'm off to go work out. :smile:
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    last week170.4lbs.
    this week 168.2lbs.
  • my2loves04and06
    I'm 221.2 this week. -1.4 from last week.

    10 weeks until Labor Day!
  • my2loves04and06
    last week170.4lbs.
    this week 168.2lbs.

    Great loss!
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
  • johnsoag
    johnsoag Posts: 59
    last week -198
    this week- 196