30 by Labor Day



  • my2loves04and06
    Seems like 2 lbs is the going number this week. WTG!
  • smile121
    smile121 Posts: 22
    :heart: Hey everyone! :heart:

    My weight is the same from last week 261.2... yuck! here is to picking myself up and trying really hard this week to lose!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I'm waiting until tomorrow to weigh in. I want to give myself an extra day to get rid of the weekend's sodium intake. Did well on calories, but I'm sure I'm retaining some fluid :tongue: Be back tomorrow. Off to do a bike ride. :happy:
  • HaleyAlexandra
    last week 195
    this week 194
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey everyone I am a bit upset today my dog chewed the wire to the best working laptop in the house so it doesn't work I have to go out and get a new one ASAP because this one moves too slow.

    I weighed in this morning wasn't the weight I expected to meet my end of the month goal so I am going to weigh in again on Thursday to see if I am in the 150's by then today I weighed in at 161.8 so I am down .2

    This week numbers so far:

    my2loves04and06 - 223.4 - .8= 222.6 0.36% 221.2 = 0 .62%
    Maneyes - 175 - 1= 174 0.57% 174= 0%
    Blondie925 - 200.4 - 2= 198.4 0.99% 198.4= 0%
    Cnbethea - 162.6 - .6= 162 0.37% 161.8= 0.12%
    Porterbaby38 - 168.8 + 1.6=170.4 +0.94% 168.2 = 1.29%
    smile121 - 265 - 3.8=261.2 1.43% 261.2= 0%
    H_R_Wilson - 196.6 + .8=197.4 +0.40%
    PoshTaush - 226.5 + 2.5=229 +1.14% 229.5 = 0.21%
    Skywalker - 169 - 0=169 0%
    fast72 - 179.6 - 0= 179.6 0%
    haleyalexandra - 196 - 1=195 0.99% 194 = 0.51%
    bLUIZ13 - 219.6 - 2= 217.6 0.91%
    Johnsoag 198 -2= 196 1.01%

    Nice job for all the wonderful weightlosses and to all those who maintained let's keeping pushing hard looking for great numbers next week!!!:happy:
  • TruSunshine
    TruSunshine Posts: 178
    No loss this week; still 197.4. Urgh!! :explode: It' also TOM so I know I'm retaining some fluid:grumble: I'm drinking plenty of water and working out so everything should be back on track by the end of the week.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    my2loves04and06 - 223.4 - .8= 222.6 0.36% 221.2 = 0 .62%
    Maneyes - 175 - 1= 174 0.57% 174= 0%
    Blondie925 - 200.4 - 2= 198.4 0.99% 198.4= 0%
    Cnbethea - 162.6 - .6= 162 0.37% 161.8= 0.12%
    Porterbaby38 - 168.8 + 1.6=170.4 +0.94% 168.2 = 1.29%
    smile121 - 265 - 3.8=261.2 1.43% 261.2= 0%
    TruSunshine - 196.6 + .8=197.4 +0.40% 197.4= 0%
    PoshTaush - 226.5 + 2.5=229 +1.14% 229.5 = 0.21%
    Skywalker - 169 - 0=169 0%
    fast72 - 179.6 - 0= 179.6 0%
    haleyalexandra - 196 - 1=195 0.99% 194 = 0.51%
    bLUIZ13 - 219.6 - 2= 217.6 0.91%
    Johnsoag 198 -2= 196 1.01%
  • janie1974
    janie1974 Posts: 6
    hey everyone! i want to join too! my goal is 20 by labor day! gotta long way to go. my goals this week are walking 5x, 10 glasses of water a day and no take out.
    SW 198
    CW 190
    ...and it begins
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i was up to 220 on saturday's weigh in but today (tuesday) i am back to 218...still up from 217.6 from last monday's report so please enter me whichever weight you chose....
    next week will be LOWER - this i promise :)
  • my2loves04and06
    I'm slacking today. Spent the day at the lake with the kids and tonight I'm going out with friends to dinner (Buffalo Wild Wings) and a midnight movie. I've done good with calories thus far today and have plenty left for dinner, but probably not the margarita I so desperately want! This is my first night out sans kids since my husband moved to SC 8 weeks ago. Woot! I may splurge for the 'rita, I may not. We shall see.

    Back to the grind tomorrow!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Waiting until today to weigh in paid off!!!! 1 lb down!!! :bigsmile:
    last week 169
    today 168

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey everyone today has been a long day I am down 60min of the 180 I went to Zumba class and loved every minute finally I am back in the gym:love: I am so excited I really needed to be back around other people the at home videos are great but I think I need a mix again I was totally depended on them for the last 3mnths and I use to be a gym rat. I am so happy to be back in the gym now. It is time to chip away at these last unwanted lbs!!:happy:

    On a bad note I was over 592 in sodium Yikes:noway: Can we say H20 all through the night to flush my system!!
    Also I took my daughter's guinea pig "Spike" to the vet he didn't makeit back home:sad: it's been really tough today for her so I have been trying to cheer her up all day!!

    Looking foward to making the rest of the week exciting and fun and not over doing the weekend even though it's the 4th I think I have celebrated enough the last 2 weekends and my goal for July is to enjoy every weekend without over doing it with food!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    my2loves04and06 - 223.4 - .8= 222.6 0.36% 221.2 = 0 .62%
    Maneyes - 175 - 1= 174 0.57% 174= 0%
    Blondie925 - 200.4 - 2= 198.4 0.99% 198.4= 0%
    Cnbethea - 162.6 - .6= 162 0.37% 161.8= 0.12%
    Porterbaby38 - 168.8 + 1.6=170.4 +0.94% 168.2 = 1.29%
    smile121 - 265 - 3.8=261.2 1.43% 261.2= 0%
    TruSunshine - 196.6 + .8=197.4 +0.40% 197.4= 0%
    PoshTaush - 226.5 + 2.5=229 +1.14% 228.5 = 0.21%
    Skywalker - 169 - 0=169 0% 169-1= 168= 0.59%
    fast72 - 179.6 - 0= 179.6 0%
    haleyalexandra - 196 - 1=195 0.99% 194 = 0.51%
    bLUIZ13 - 219.6 - 2= 217.6 0.91% 218= +0.40%
    Johnsoag 198 -2= 196 1.01%
    Janie1974 190

    Bluiz I am totally confident you will be down next week!!

    Congrats porterbaby for losing the highest weght loss percent this week!!! Are you going to hand down a challenge for the remainder of the week?
  • brwneyes71
    brwneyes71 Posts: 89 Member
    Count me in too.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    i know we all have stressful days or days we just don't feel up to working out. how about so go and take time out for you,1. by just put on your favorite walking shoes, your favorite tunes on your ipod or mp3 and go out for a walk. if that includes maybe going to your nearest park or going around a few blocks. that way you can enjoy the sun and the air. but do it when you have time and it's not so hot. 2. plus drink plenty of water or flavored water if you don like plain water. just enjoy taking out for you and relax.

  • my2loves04and06
    Half way through another week. How is everyone doing? Push mowed the yard today and did L2D8 of the 30 DS. I took some measurements tonight and I've lost a total of 7.75" in just 3.5 weeks! Jillian definitely knows what she's talking about.

    The kids and I will be roadtripping it to SC this weekend and we won't be back until the end of next week. Hoping to check-in daily from my husband's laptop. I won't have a scale for Monday's weigh-in, so I may just have to go with whatever my weight is on Saturday morning.

    Congrats porterbaby on last week's big "win", though everyone is doing really great!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    thanks for the vote of confidence..hopped on early this week and i was down again but i will wait until next monday to report after i weigh officially on saturday...hoping to get past were i was 2 weeks ago before last weeks gain...

    on the shred DVD...i'm very excited to see you had such amazing inches lost in less than a month...puts a fire under my butt to get my dvd out and "add" it to my daily activity....i can spare 30 minutes in addition to whatever else i have planned....thanks for that....im even putting it in my suitcase for my trip next week to maine with the family....
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    on the shred DVD...i'm very excited to see you had such amazing inches lost in less than a month...puts a fire under my butt to get my dvd out and "add" it to my daily activity....i can spare 30 minutes in addition to whatever else i have planned....thanks for that....im even putting it in my suitcase for my trip next week to maine with the family....

    Join in with our 30 Day Shred group if you'd like. :happy: Here's the link....

  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    My way too saying good bye to all of the excuses and self sabotaging......I rewarded myself with a hair cut these last pass 6mnths have been rough but I am over that it's time to make these next 6 all about improving and getting better!! I promise to stop looking at all the negative factors in my life and start building on the positive ones no matter how big or small they may be!!
  • bstilland
    bstilland Posts: 122 Member
    I have so much more to lose than 30...but I have been so stuck for so long...so many false starts...I would love to join your challenge.