why don't the low carb folks believe in CICO?



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    The high-fat, low-carb and low-refined sugar way of eating has left the station. Time to get on board!

    There's a reason why you can find a couple of dozen LCHF diet books on Amazon, and no HCLF diet books. LCHF works. Why? Because with for me and millions, you just eat fewer calories with LCHF. It's that simple.

    And before you get into a tizzy, I'm not saying no carbs and no sugar. I'm saying low carbs and low sugar. There is always a time to eat that piece of cheesecake. :)

    Wait... whoever said that the only two options are LCHF and HCLF?

    I hear MCMFMP can also work....
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    MelRC117 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    MelRC117 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    adowe wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    adowe wrote: »
    firm believer in CICO but some people are more insulin sensitive. firm believer weight loss is not a one fits all.

    big believer in the below

    CICO is a one size fits all.
    Medical conditions just skew one or the other.

    CICO is one size fits all, but the macro ratios that work best for you will differ person to person. Like I said above, one thing that occasionally annoys me about some low carb people here (not the sensible ones, which are most of those in this thread) is the assertion that EVERYONE would do better on lower carbs or that everyone finds that carbs trigger their hunger in the same way, etc. But the same is, of course, true in reverse when people insist that low carb is unhealthy or can't work or would be too depressing. Depends on the person.

    And this is where IIFYMM comes into play.

    It holds true for keto, vegan, paleo, veg, LCHF, we all have Macros and Micros just how we fill them differs.

    I always find it funny when people hate on IIFYM yet they actually follow it.

    Yes, I agree with all that. I interpret IIFYM as just meaning that you watch your macros, basically. By definition low carb folks do, at least low carb folks who also try to hit a general ballpark or better for their fat percentage.

    And from my view, most low carbers focus on their macro ratios. Just their macros look a little different than the SAD.

    Anyone who cares about their diet is going to have a diet that looks a lot different than the SAD...you don't have to low carb. My diary is open...my nutritional profile is outstanding and a far cry from the SAD, and I don't low carb at all.

    Simply having a balanced diet is going to be a far cry from the SAD. To me, the comment:
    And from my view, most low carbers focus on their macro ratios. Just their macros look a little different than the SAD.

    Implies that carbs = SAD = junk. There are a whole lot of highly nutritious carbs out there that aren't "junk"...carbs go well beyond 40 ounce Big Gulps.

    I never once said junk. Never once.

    I didn't say that you said it...it would appear to be implied in the statement and it's an implication that is made often by low carbers...I know a few personally, and they all think carbs are satan...they all think carbs are killing people...they're nutty.

    It's ok...I'll enjoy my legumes and my whole grain oats and my brown rice and my potatoes and sweet potatoes and my fruit and my copious amounts of daily vegetables and I'll be happy.

    you are so defensive when it comes to low carbers... in every thread. just relax. not everyone is out to call carbs junk or satan.

    my body doesn't take well to them. doesn't make them bad for everyone. i know that. you don't want people to say all carbs are bad but you usually come in insinuating that all low carbers are...

    i enjoy sweet potatoes, fruit, legumes, and vegetables, too.

    I've been around here for over 2.5 years and frankly, low carbers and keto folks in general are the preachiest of the bunch...


    Not to mention, I"m pretty active in the fitness community and industry in general and I'm actually witnessing dill hole trainers and the like telling their clients not to eat sweet peas for example...'cuz carbs. It's hard not to be a little defensive when derp is this abundant...

    I'm just an old fashioned guys I guess...I simply believe in eating a balanced and varied diet that is rich in nutrition...guess that's just not cool and apparently I'm going to die from sweet peas now...

    guy who hates preaching gets preachy

    Yup...someone's gotta fight the power...


    Srsly can't wait for this derp to just go away...

    have you seen idiocracy? i don't think the derp is going anywhere.

    bahahahaha idiocracy that movie rocks...

    plants need Gatorade...!!
  • gaddabout
    gaddabout Posts: 5 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    gaddabout wrote: »
    I don't believe CICO is the only legitimate way of losing weight, but I do think it's the most practical and easy to understand.

    please tell me what other way there is to lose weight besides CICO???

    This is a semantical question and not very charitable towards what I posted. Low-carb or low-fat diets are engineered towards behaviors, usually for people who a have a logical disconnect between how many calories they eat and their weight. I suspect it's usually an emotional dysfunction, but I'm not a psychologist and I don't know everyone. Of course people lose weight because they take in fewer calories than they consume, but for whatever reason, they need to count something else or believe in something else that produces those results.

    I'm clearly in your camp -- the bottomline/CICO camp. But I'm perfectly fine with a certain amount of delusion if it means a mother or father gets 20 more years with their children/grandchildren (or insert your favorite emotional ploy here). I'm not going to try and correct them (although I am clearly advocating patronizing them here ... whatever works for you).
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    The high-fat, low-carb and low-refined sugar way of eating has left the station. Time to get on board!

    There's a reason why you can find a couple of dozen LCHF diet books on Amazon, and no HCLF diet books. LCHF works. Why? Because with for me and millions, you just eat fewer calories with LCHF. It's that simple.

    And before you get into a tizzy, I'm not saying no carbs and no sugar. I'm saying low carbs and low sugar. There is always a time to eat that piece of cheesecake. :)

    You can find any kind of diet book on amazon. No one here is recommending a HCLF diet (I'd hate it), but there are people on MFP all about the raw 80-10-10 stuff, and plenty of diet books for plenty of different kinds of diets that are HCLF.

    I don't at all disagree that LCHF works, but this is the kind of post that we've been responding to that Mel seems to want to dismiss (I would to if I were her, since she seems extremely sensible and to have a good understanding of how different diets work for different people). The point I and others are making is that LCHF is not the best diet ever and doesn't work for EVERYONE. It would not work for me, whereas balanced macros do (balance depending on what my TDEE is and how much activity I'm doing). You may eat fewer calories doing LCHF (if only because you are using that to cut out trigger foods that for you happen to be processed carbs), but that's not so for everyone, and if you are doing it to cut out foods that tempt you (as opposed to dealing with satiety issues) I'm frankly skeptical about whether there's any benefit long term.

    Long term, not having big bags of chips and cookies and pretzels, and half-gallon containers of ice cream in my house, have worked out very well for me long-term. Yes, I admit it - I lack willpower. And so do most people.

    And again, this has NOTHING to do with being low carb. You don't need to be low carb to get rid of trigger foods in the house, and I'm many could come up with trigger foods that aren't carb based to keep in the house or not.

    Logic fail. If A=B does not imply B=A.

    If someone's trigger foods are primarily carb-heavy, then yes, LC may well be the "right" answer.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    MelRC117 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    MelRC117 wrote: »
    @lemurcat12‌ That is my frustration that people are making assumptions on those that are newbies, whether one or off MFP, to low carb.

    I don't know if its for everybody who started eating low carb and has made it long term, but I would have insisted cutting carbs was the answer. It wasn't until I started using MFP and tracking and reading that I saw what was happening. It was a learning process and a lot of that happened in the low carb forums, not on the regular forums.

    Perhaps you are a sensible one and if you are I apologize if I offend, but honestly you would be one of the few. I am very active in the fitness community and industry at large, and by and large the current prevailing derp is that indeed carbs are the devil. I'm literally seeing trainers at my gym tell clients not to eat things like sweet peas or carrots...it's stupid...and it's rampant derp, it's not just a few newbs on MFP.

    Hell, if it wasn't so rampant you wouldn't have threads and posts asking if potatoes are "good" or "bad"...it's a flippin' whole food.

    For those that are claiming carbs come from the devil, they may NEVER make that transition to acknowledging that it is just a tool or a way to cut calories. Or that there is something magic about low carb and that you can eat as much butter and sour cream as you want. Honestly, until I started using MFP I honestly thought it was cutting the carbs that was helping and never thought I was cutting my calories enough to lose the weight I did. It was a big "aha!" for me.

    I truly do believe you are in the minority...and good on you.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    MelRC117 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    The high-fat, low-carb and low-refined sugar way of eating has left the station. Time to get on board!

    There's a reason why you can find a couple of dozen LCHF diet books on Amazon, and no HCLF diet books. LCHF works. Why? Because with for me and millions, you just eat fewer calories with LCHF. It's that simple.

    And before you get into a tizzy, I'm not saying no carbs and no sugar. I'm saying low carbs and low sugar. There is always a time to eat that piece of cheesecake. :)

    You can find any kind of diet book on amazon. No one here is recommending a HCLF diet (I'd hate it), but there are people on MFP all about the raw 80-10-10 stuff, and plenty of diet books for plenty of different kinds of diets that are HCLF.

    I don't at all disagree that LCHF works, but this is the kind of post that we've been responding to that Mel seems to want to dismiss (I would to if I were her, since she seems extremely sensible and to have a good understanding of how different diets work for different people). The point I and others are making is that LCHF is not the best diet ever and doesn't work for EVERYONE. It would not work for me, whereas balanced macros do (balance depending on what my TDEE is and how much activity I'm doing). You may eat fewer calories doing LCHF (if only because you are using that to cut out trigger foods that for you happen to be processed carbs), but that's not so for everyone, and if you are doing it to cut out foods that tempt you (as opposed to dealing with satiety issues) I'm frankly skeptical about whether there's any benefit long term.

    Long term, not having big bags of chips and cookies and pretzels, and half-gallon containers of ice cream in my house, have worked out very well for me long-term. Yes, I admit it - I lack willpower. And so do most people.

    I've also dumped cereal because the amount I need to eat for breakfast is 2.5 times the serving suggested on the box. My breakfast "diet food" is one egg, a strip of bacon, and some grilled onions.

    I could care less about balanced macros. My grandparents lived past 90 at the right weight without knowing their balanced macros. But they ate good food, and had no junk in the house.

    PS - I get most of my carbs from fruit and vegetables.

    What are your ratios if you eat fruit then? Fruit has sugar?

    The sugar I'm getting from fruit is a lot less than the sugar I was getting from cookies and ice cream.

    It's entirely possible to control the amount of cookies and ice cream you eat without being LCHF. In fact, amusingly enough, the majority of calories in both are probably from fat, so HCLF people probably aren't eating lots of either.

    There's a lot less sugar in potatoes or oatmeal or whole wheat pasta, to pick three major sources of carbs I've had this week, than in fruit (which I've also had, also ice cream, for full disclosure, which I easily can eat a serving of). So not really sure why you are making the discussion about "sugar."

    You also didn't answer the question Mel asked.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    MelRC117 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    The high-fat, low-carb and low-refined sugar way of eating has left the station. Time to get on board!

    There's a reason why you can find a couple of dozen LCHF diet books on Amazon, and no HCLF diet books. LCHF works. Why? Because with for me and millions, you just eat fewer calories with LCHF. It's that simple.

    And before you get into a tizzy, I'm not saying no carbs and no sugar. I'm saying low carbs and low sugar. There is always a time to eat that piece of cheesecake. :)

    You can find any kind of diet book on amazon. No one here is recommending a HCLF diet (I'd hate it), but there are people on MFP all about the raw 80-10-10 stuff, and plenty of diet books for plenty of different kinds of diets that are HCLF.

    I don't at all disagree that LCHF works, but this is the kind of post that we've been responding to that Mel seems to want to dismiss (I would to if I were her, since she seems extremely sensible and to have a good understanding of how different diets work for different people). The point I and others are making is that LCHF is not the best diet ever and doesn't work for EVERYONE. It would not work for me, whereas balanced macros do (balance depending on what my TDEE is and how much activity I'm doing). You may eat fewer calories doing LCHF (if only because you are using that to cut out trigger foods that for you happen to be processed carbs), but that's not so for everyone, and if you are doing it to cut out foods that tempt you (as opposed to dealing with satiety issues) I'm frankly skeptical about whether there's any benefit long term.

    Long term, not having big bags of chips and cookies and pretzels, and half-gallon containers of ice cream in my house, have worked out very well for me long-term. Yes, I admit it - I lack willpower. And so do most people.

    I've also dumped cereal because the amount I need to eat for breakfast is 2.5 times the serving suggested on the box. My breakfast "diet food" is one egg, a strip of bacon, and some grilled onions.

    I could care less about balanced macros. My grandparents lived past 90 at the right weight without knowing their balanced macros. But they ate good food, and had no junk in the house.

    PS - I get most of my carbs from fruit and vegetables.

    What are your ratios if you eat fruit then? Fruit has sugar?

    The sugar I'm getting from fruit is a lot less than the sugar I was getting from cookies and ice cream.

    It's entirely possible to control the amount of cookies and ice cream you eat without being LCHF.

    It's entirely possible to do all kinds of things. That's not the point - and has never been the point.

    If someone finds it easier to travel one road than another road, there is nothing wrong (and a whole lot right!) with them taking the easier road.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    gaddabout wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    gaddabout wrote: »
    I don't believe CICO is the only legitimate way of losing weight, but I do think it's the most practical and easy to understand.

    please tell me what other way there is to lose weight besides CICO???

    This is a semantical question and not very charitable towards what I posted. Low-carb or low-fat diets are engineered towards behaviors, usually for people who a have a logical disconnect between how many calories they eat and their weight. I suspect it's usually an emotional dysfunction, but I'm not a psychologist and I don't know everyone. Of course people lose weight because they take in fewer calories than they consume, but for whatever reason, they need to count something else or believe in something else that produces those results.

    I'm clearly in your camp -- the bottomline/CICO camp. But I'm perfectly fine with a certain amount of delusion if it means a mother or father gets 20 more years with their children/grandchildren (or insert your favorite emotional ploy here). I'm not going to try and correct them (although I am clearly advocating patronizing them here ... whatever works for you).

    you said CICO is not the only way....please tell me the other ways besides CICO??
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    blukitten wrote: »
    Babbs1977 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I have PCOS and when I tried just CICO I continued gaining weight. Once I was put on metformin and restricted carbs I lost weight like crazy even though my calorie intake actually went up. I realize the typical person without a hormone issue going on probably wouldn't have the same issues that I did.

    you are still doing CICO ..you are just using medication to regulate the out side for you ..

    I have PCOS and have been on Metformin for years. CICO did not work for me, while on the medication, and I gained weight while eating within my calorie range and working out. Even when varying the amount of exercise calories back or not eating them at all. I measure my food and don't eat junk either.

    When I eat low carb I lose weight. My medication hasn't changed and my exercise hasn't changed either, the only thing that has changed is the restricting of carbohydrates. I still eat within my calorie range, still vary eating back my exercise calories, yet now I'm losing weight. For some of us, low carb eating is medically necessary and CICO will never work.

    ^^^ I have experienced this exact same thing. I think many PCOS'ers have which is why I am guessing the OP opted to say he wasn't talking about those with medical issues.

    My experience was the exact same- I was doing calorie restriction- 1600 a day, let MFP set my macros for me, even researched TDEE and IIFYM calculators to see what my macros should be and set them by those. Was working out twice a week with a very good personal trainer and three times a week on my own- did not lose weight.

    I also did CICO based on TDEE with a 500 cal cut (as recommended)- without working out while on metformin- did not lose weight.

    Now- I am still sticking to my 1600 cals, on metformin and cut carbs as recommended by my doc and nutritionist and I am losing steadily- without exercise. The only difference is that now I am limiting my carbs to 30g a day. I am adding exercise now (just this week) because I want to build muscle. For some of us low carbers as @Babbs1977‌ says- CICO alone will never work

    ARGH!... Just picking a nit!!!! CICO is working. I am picking a nit with your language. You're not the first poster to do this, so sorry for singling you out.

    CICO is NOT a way of eating. It's an equation. Calories in, Calories Out. Colloquially, around here, it's used to mean mean putting that equation into practice so that it nets a deficit of energy.

    The components of what make up those calories are NOT CICO.

    CICO is working for you.... on a diet with its macros balanced to be low carb.

    CICO is working for me... on a diet with its macros balanced to be moderate carb.

    CICO works for other people on this thread with different macro balances.

    Sorry, I just... there has to be a better way to to stop confusing IIFYM with CICO.

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    gaddabout wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    gaddabout wrote: »
    I don't believe CICO is the only legitimate way of losing weight, but I do think it's the most practical and easy to understand.

    please tell me what other way there is to lose weight besides CICO???

    This is a semantical question and not very charitable towards what I posted. Low-carb or low-fat diets are engineered towards behaviors, usually for people who a have a logical disconnect between how many calories they eat and their weight. I suspect it's usually an emotional dysfunction, but I'm not a psychologist and I don't know everyone. Of course people lose weight because they take in fewer calories than they consume, but for whatever reason, they need to count something else or believe in something else that produces those results.

    I'm clearly in your camp -- the bottomline/CICO camp. But I'm perfectly fine with a certain amount of delusion if it means a mother or father gets 20 more years with their children/grandchildren (or insert your favorite emotional ploy here). I'm not going to try and correct them (although I am clearly advocating patronizing them here ... whatever works for you).

    you said CICO is not the only way....please tell me the other ways besides CICO??

    LOL you see the white flag has been raise. If you can't beat'em join'em.

  • blktngldhrt
    blktngldhrt Posts: 1,053 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    MelRC117 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    MelRC117 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    adowe wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    adowe wrote: »
    firm believer in CICO but some people are more insulin sensitive. firm believer weight loss is not a one fits all.

    big believer in the below

    CICO is a one size fits all.
    Medical conditions just skew one or the other.

    CICO is one size fits all, but the macro ratios that work best for you will differ person to person. Like I said above, one thing that occasionally annoys me about some low carb people here (not the sensible ones, which are most of those in this thread) is the assertion that EVERYONE would do better on lower carbs or that everyone finds that carbs trigger their hunger in the same way, etc. But the same is, of course, true in reverse when people insist that low carb is unhealthy or can't work or would be too depressing. Depends on the person.

    And this is where IIFYMM comes into play.

    It holds true for keto, vegan, paleo, veg, LCHF, we all have Macros and Micros just how we fill them differs.

    I always find it funny when people hate on IIFYM yet they actually follow it.

    Yes, I agree with all that. I interpret IIFYM as just meaning that you watch your macros, basically. By definition low carb folks do, at least low carb folks who also try to hit a general ballpark or better for their fat percentage.

    And from my view, most low carbers focus on their macro ratios. Just their macros look a little different than the SAD.

    Anyone who cares about their diet is going to have a diet that looks a lot different than the SAD...you don't have to low carb. My diary is open...my nutritional profile is outstanding and a far cry from the SAD, and I don't low carb at all.

    Simply having a balanced diet is going to be a far cry from the SAD. To me, the comment:
    And from my view, most low carbers focus on their macro ratios. Just their macros look a little different than the SAD.

    Implies that carbs = SAD = junk. There are a whole lot of highly nutritious carbs out there that aren't "junk"...carbs go well beyond 40 ounce Big Gulps.

    I never once said junk. Never once.

    I didn't say that you said it...it would appear to be implied in the statement and it's an implication that is made often by low carbers...I know a few personally, and they all think carbs are satan...they all think carbs are killing people...they're nutty.

    It's ok...I'll enjoy my legumes and my whole grain oats and my brown rice and my potatoes and sweet potatoes and my fruit and my copious amounts of daily vegetables and I'll be happy.

    you are so defensive when it comes to low carbers... in every thread. just relax. not everyone is out to call carbs junk or satan.

    my body doesn't take well to them. doesn't make them bad for everyone. i know that. you don't want people to say all carbs are bad but you usually come in insinuating that all low carbers are...

    i enjoy sweet potatoes, fruit, legumes, and vegetables, too.

    I've been around here for over 2.5 years and frankly, low carbers and keto folks in general are the preachiest of the bunch...


    Not to mention, I"m pretty active in the fitness community and industry in general and I'm actually witnessing dill hole trainers and the like telling their clients not to eat sweet peas for example...'cuz carbs. It's hard not to be a little defensive when derp is this abundant...

    I'm just an old fashioned guys I guess...I simply believe in eating a balanced and varied diet that is rich in nutrition...guess that's just not cool and apparently I'm going to die from sweet peas now...

    guy who hates preaching gets preachy

    Yup...someone's gotta fight the power...


    Srsly can't wait for this derp to just go away...

    have you seen idiocracy? i don't think the derp is going anywhere.

    bahahahaha idiocracy that movie rocks...

    plants need Gatorade...!!

    brawndo! every time i get a powerade or something i walk around saying "its got what plants crave, its got electrolytes"
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    gaddabout wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    gaddabout wrote: »
    I don't believe CICO is the only legitimate way of losing weight, but I do think it's the most practical and easy to understand.

    please tell me what other way there is to lose weight besides CICO???

    This is a semantical question and not very charitable towards what I posted. Low-carb or low-fat diets are engineered towards behaviors, usually for people who a have a logical disconnect between how many calories they eat and their weight. I suspect it's usually an emotional dysfunction, but I'm not a psychologist and I don't know everyone. Of course people lose weight because they take in fewer calories than they consume, but for whatever reason, they need to count something else or believe in something else that produces those results.

    I'm clearly in your camp -- the bottomline/CICO camp. But I'm perfectly fine with a certain amount of delusion if it means a mother or father gets 20 more years with their children/grandchildren (or insert your favorite emotional ploy here). I'm not going to try and correct them (although I am clearly advocating patronizing them here ... whatever works for you).

    Wait. Huh?

    How does this answer the question?

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    blukitten wrote: »
    Babbs1977 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I have PCOS and when I tried just CICO I continued gaining weight. Once I was put on metformin and restricted carbs I lost weight like crazy even though my calorie intake actually went up. I realize the typical person without a hormone issue going on probably wouldn't have the same issues that I did.

    you are still doing CICO ..you are just using medication to regulate the out side for you ..

    I have PCOS and have been on Metformin for years. CICO did not work for me, while on the medication, and I gained weight while eating within my calorie range and working out. Even when varying the amount of exercise calories back or not eating them at all. I measure my food and don't eat junk either.

    When I eat low carb I lose weight. My medication hasn't changed and my exercise hasn't changed either, the only thing that has changed is the restricting of carbohydrates. I still eat within my calorie range, still vary eating back my exercise calories, yet now I'm losing weight. For some of us, low carb eating is medically necessary and CICO will never work.

    ^^^ I have experienced this exact same thing. I think many PCOS'ers have which is why I am guessing the OP opted to say he wasn't talking about those with medical issues.

    My experience was the exact same- I was doing calorie restriction- 1600 a day, let MFP set my macros for me, even researched TDEE and IIFYM calculators to see what my macros should be and set them by those. Was working out twice a week with a very good personal trainer and three times a week on my own- did not lose weight.

    I also did CICO based on TDEE with a 500 cal cut (as recommended)- without working out while on metformin- did not lose weight.

    Now- I am still sticking to my 1600 cals, on metformin and cut carbs as recommended by my doc and nutritionist and I am losing steadily- without exercise. The only difference is that now I am limiting my carbs to 30g a day. I am adding exercise now (just this week) because I want to build muscle. For some of us low carbers as @Babbs1977‌ says- CICO alone will never work

    ARGH!... Just picking a nit!!!! CICO is working. I am picking a nit with your language. You're not the first poster to do this, so sorry for singling you out.

    CICO is NOT a way of eating. It's an equation. Calories in, Calories Out. Colloquially, around here, it's used to mean mean putting that equation into practice so that it nets a deficit of energy.

    The components of what make up those calories are NOT CICO.

    CICO is working for you.... on a diet with its macros balanced to be low carb.

    CICO is working for me... on a diet with its macros balanced to be moderate carb.

    CICO works for other people on this thread with different macro balances.

    Sorry, I just... there has to be a better way to to stop confusing IIFYM with CICO.

  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited March 2015
    Half of you are talking about CICO as a method and half of you are talking about CICO as a general philosophy. You're never going to hear each other until you start talking about the same thing.

    Is CICO valid science? Yes.

    Do you have to actually count the CI and CO parts for CICO to work? No.

    Do you have to pay attention to C at all for CICO to work? No.

    Can LC help some people "intuitively" reach their CI targets? Yes.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    The high-fat, low-carb and low-refined sugar way of eating has left the station. Time to get on board!

    There's a reason why you can find a couple of dozen LCHF diet books on Amazon, and no HCLF diet books. LCHF works. Why? Because with for me and millions, you just eat fewer calories with LCHF. It's that simple.

    And before you get into a tizzy, I'm not saying no carbs and no sugar. I'm saying low carbs and low sugar. There is always a time to eat that piece of cheesecake. :)

    Wait... whoever said that the only two options are LCHF and HCLF?

    Probably the same people who decided that we must choose between 2000 calories of broccoli and 2000 calories of Twinkie.

    Maybe Obama?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    gaddabout wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    gaddabout wrote: »
    I don't believe CICO is the only legitimate way of losing weight, but I do think it's the most practical and easy to understand.

    please tell me what other way there is to lose weight besides CICO???

    This is a semantical question and not very charitable towards what I posted. Low-carb or low-fat diets are engineered towards behaviors, usually for people who a have a logical disconnect between how many calories they eat and their weight. I suspect it's usually an emotional dysfunction, but I'm not a psychologist and I don't know everyone. Of course people lose weight because they take in fewer calories than they consume, but for whatever reason, they need to count something else or believe in something else that produces those results.

    I'm clearly in your camp -- the bottomline/CICO camp. But I'm perfectly fine with a certain amount of delusion if it means a mother or father gets 20 more years with their children/grandchildren (or insert your favorite emotional ploy here). I'm not going to try and correct them (although I am clearly advocating patronizing them here ... whatever works for you).

    you said CICO is not the only way....please tell me the other ways besides CICO??

    LOL you see the white flag has been raise. If you can't beat'em join'em.

    full blown retreat?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    SconnieCat wrote: »
    gaddabout wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    gaddabout wrote: »
    I don't believe CICO is the only legitimate way of losing weight, but I do think it's the most practical and easy to understand.

    please tell me what other way there is to lose weight besides CICO???

    This is a semantical question and not very charitable towards what I posted. Low-carb or low-fat diets are engineered towards behaviors, usually for people who a have a logical disconnect between how many calories they eat and their weight. I suspect it's usually an emotional dysfunction, but I'm not a psychologist and I don't know everyone. Of course people lose weight because they take in fewer calories than they consume, but for whatever reason, they need to count something else or believe in something else that produces those results.

    I'm clearly in your camp -- the bottomline/CICO camp. But I'm perfectly fine with a certain amount of delusion if it means a mother or father gets 20 more years with their children/grandchildren (or insert your favorite emotional ploy here). I'm not going to try and correct them (although I am clearly advocating patronizing them here ... whatever works for you).

    Wait. Huh?

    How does this answer the question?


    deflector shields at maximum, captain! *dorky star trek reference, I know*
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    yeah it's this:

    calories in --> [metabolism stuff, individual; food type may make a difference for some people] --> calories out
  • Wiseandcurious
    Wiseandcurious Posts: 730 Member
    blukitten wrote: »
    Babbs1977 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I have PCOS and when I tried just CICO I continued gaining weight. Once I was put on metformin and restricted carbs I lost weight like crazy even though my calorie intake actually went up. I realize the typical person without a hormone issue going on probably wouldn't have the same issues that I did.

    you are still doing CICO ..you are just using medication to regulate the out side for you ..

    I have PCOS and have been on Metformin for years. CICO did not work for me, while on the medication, and I gained weight while eating within my calorie range and working out. Even when varying the amount of exercise calories back or not eating them at all. I measure my food and don't eat junk either.

    When I eat low carb I lose weight. My medication hasn't changed and my exercise hasn't changed either, the only thing that has changed is the restricting of carbohydrates. I still eat within my calorie range, still vary eating back my exercise calories, yet now I'm losing weight. For some of us, low carb eating is medically necessary and CICO will never work.

    ^^^ I have experienced this exact same thing. I think many PCOS'ers have which is why I am guessing the OP opted to say he wasn't talking about those with medical issues.

    My experience was the exact same- I was doing calorie restriction- 1600 a day, let MFP set my macros for me, even researched TDEE and IIFYM calculators to see what my macros should be and set them by those. Was working out twice a week with a very good personal trainer and three times a week on my own- did not lose weight.

    I also did CICO based on TDEE with a 500 cal cut (as recommended)- without working out while on metformin- did not lose weight.

    Now- I am still sticking to my 1600 cals, on metformin and cut carbs as recommended by my doc and nutritionist and I am losing steadily- without exercise. The only difference is that now I am limiting my carbs to 30g a day. I am adding exercise now (just this week) because I want to build muscle. For some of us low carbers as @Babbs1977‌ says- CICO alone will never work

    ARGH!... Just picking a nit!!!! CICO is working. I am picking a nit with your language. You're not the first poster to do this, so sorry for singling you out.

    CICO is NOT a way of eating. It's an equation. Calories in, Calories Out. Colloquially, around here, it's used to mean mean putting that equation into practice so that it nets a deficit of energy.

    The components of what make up those calories are NOT CICO.

    CICO is working for you.... on a diet with its macros balanced to be low carb.

    CICO is working for me... on a diet with its macros balanced to be moderate carb.

    CICO works for other people on this thread with different macro balances.

    Sorry, I just... there has to be a better way to to stop confusing IIFYM with CICO.

    But she said "CICO alone ". Why do you *want* to go nitpicking? I know people post a lot of bulshit but don't let that make you see bulshit everywhere, even where it isn't.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    The high-fat, low-carb and low-refined sugar way of eating has left the station. Time to get on board!

    There's a reason why you can find a couple of dozen LCHF diet books on Amazon, and no HCLF diet books. LCHF works. Why? Because with for me and millions, you just eat fewer calories with LCHF. It's that simple.

    And before you get into a tizzy, I'm not saying no carbs and no sugar. I'm saying low carbs and low sugar. There is always a time to eat that piece of cheesecake. :)

    Wait... whoever said that the only two options are LCHF and HCLF?

    Probably the same people who decided that we must choose between 2000 calories of broccoli and 2000 calories of Twinkie.

    Maybe Obama?

    is that in the new healthcare law?