What are your thoughts on braggs Apple cider vinegar?



  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Dnarules wrote: »

    Actually, you are flirting with ridiculous right now. The person claimed that ACV was good for colds, and created a hostile environment for viruses. This person never mentioned HIV; that has been on you. Do I believe ACV does anything to viruses within the body.....no. But you are definitely exaggerating all this with the HIV and measles stuff. Also, could you please show me where anyone stated it would make one immune to viruses. I don't remember seeing that.

    She said flat out that it created an environment where viruses couldn't survive. It is true that she didn't mention HIV. But isn't HIV a virus?

    If she meant only one or two viruses out of the many, many known, why wouldn't she say it that way?

  • faithsimmons526
    faithsimmons526 Posts: 162 Member
    I heard ACV helps with wrinkles, so I put it on my face last night ... film at 11 B)
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Dnarules wrote: »

    Yes, I've read it all. I do know these theories are woo.

    But janey keeps coming in here saying others have said ACV will make one immune to HIV, and no one has said it but her. If you want to point out the fallacy in something, fine. But dont make it seem like someone said something they didnt say.

    So you're are saying someone could believe that ACV will create an environment where viruses can't survive (what the poster stated), but also believe that some viruses would be able to survive there?

    That doesn't make sense. The two contradict each other. If you state that ACV will change your body chemistry to make it so that viruses can't survive, you are making a statement about HIV (and measles). Now when faced with that absurdity, you may back down (or, like here, you may claim you never meant it and we're just presenting the views of others). But your reading makes no sense. Of course she was talking about HIV. She just probably didn't realize it until it was pointed out.

  • SerenityGrace
    I've never heard about it as an appetite suppressant. But I've seen and heard a lot of anecdotal evidence that it slows carbohydrate digestion and lowers resistance to insulin. Making it of benefit to diabetics. (And from what I've read for these benefits getting the unfiltered 'with the mother' like Braggs is important)

    Also read that the unfiltered stuff has probiotic benefits if you are into that bit.

    I drink it straight because I couldn't deal with the taste of it even highly diluted. So now I throw it back like a shot and then chase it with water to wash away the aftertaste.

    I did that. Ended up in the hospital. It happened twice, both from ACV but I'm not really sure why. I now heavily dilute ACV when I have the nerve to take it.
  • faithsimmons526
    faithsimmons526 Posts: 162 Member
    edited April 2015
    My thoughts/theories (for what they're worth):

    A person who chooses to use ACV very likely ALREADY had a fairly healthy lifestyle when they started taking it. Ten years later they look back and say 'wow, I haven't had a cold in years!', so they start looking at what may have caused this run of good health. Did the ACV contribute? If so, was it due to some property of the vinegar, a combination of that AND a healthy lifestyle, or perhaps a BELIEF that it would? Do we know for a fact that it didn't? Nope ... too many other factors involved either way.

    It's anecdotal -- not scientifically PROVEN by the demigods who can prove that GMO is safe -- but if it works for YOU, carry on doing what you're doing. Chicken soup has finally gained respect in the scientific world after spending decades as an 'old wives tale'.

    Btw ... BRAGGS is a brand ... any organic ACV that has the mother intact will do the same as BRAGGS will.

  • faithsimmons526
    faithsimmons526 Posts: 162 Member
    CICO15 wrote: »
    And because the pharmaceutical companies cannot make money off of ACV (and chicken soup and hundreds of other home remedies), they will never be a proven scientifically. The worst thing ACV and chicken soup can do for you is nothing.

  • Chrysalid2014
    Chrysalid2014 Posts: 1,038 Member

    Of course she was talking about HIV. She just probably didn't realize it until it was pointed out.

    Seriously!? Can you hear yourself?

  • Chrysalid2014
    Chrysalid2014 Posts: 1,038 Member
    CICO15 wrote: »
    And because the pharmaceutical companies cannot make money off of ACV (and chicken soup and hundreds of other home remedies), they will never be a proven scientifically. The worst thing ACV and chicken soup can do for you is nothing.


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member

    Of course she was talking about HIV. She just probably didn't realize it until it was pointed out.

    Seriously!? Can you hear yourself?

    Wait, so you were thinking of HIV when you wrote that? I was trying to interpret your statements in the most charitable light by assuming you hadn't thought it through.

    If ACV prevents colds by creating an environment in the body that is hostile to viruses and HIV is a virus, then AIDS can be prevented by drinking ACV. Did you meant to write something different? Perhaps that you believe it just prevents one type of virus, that which causes the common cold. It's okay to make misstatements sometimes. But when people point them out, you shouldn't dig in.

  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    My thoughts/theories (for what they're worth):

    A person who chooses to use ACV very likely ALREADY had a fairly healthy lifestyle when they started taking it. Ten years later they look back and say 'wow, I haven't had a cold in years!', so they start looking at what may have caused this run of good health. Did the ACV contribute? If so, was it due to some property of the vinegar, a combination of that AND a healthy lifestyle, or perhaps a BELIEF that it would? Do we know for a fact that it didn't? Nope ... too many other factors involved either way.

    It's anecdotal -- not scientifically PROVEN by the demigods who can prove that GMO is safe -- but if it works for YOU, carry on doing what you're doing. Chicken soup has finally gained respect in the scientific world after spending decades as an 'old wives tale'.

    Btw ... BRAGGS is a brand ... any organic ACV that has the mother intact will do the same as BRAGGS will.

    I found a rock 10 years ago. Since I have this rock, I haven't once been attacked by angry gorillas. Hence the rock prevents gorilla attacks.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Here's the problem, in a nutshell. There's nothing wrong if you want to drink vinegar for kicks and giggles.

    But the claims in this thread went beyond that, and OP coming in here and acting like she didn't make any claims now is ludicrous.

    MAJOR backpedaling going on now. We were lectured and talked down to on the whole acid/alkaline theory of disease now. It's disingenuous to play the little victim who simply wanted to sip a Braggs cocktail and go about her life.

    Here's some of the meat of the real issues being argued against, as a graphic, for those who won't read links. This is the kind of thinking that comes with the whole acid alkaline theory of disease:


    OP might not think this or be aware of how far down into crazy town the theory goes, but this is indeed what one of the leading proponents of the "ph miracle" touts.

    Drink your vinegar, I really don't care. Just don't claim it does anything for an illness that's not in your digestive tract.
  • faithsimmons526
    faithsimmons526 Posts: 162 Member
    edited April 2015
    Okay ... at the risk of sending this 'discussion' into a tailspin, I'd like to throw a screw into it anyway ... WHAT IF the theory that HIV is a manmade 'virus' is true? Would that not make it possible for a natural product to assist in one and not the other?

    I know, I'm a brat (I am a 'what if', 'who knows for sure', 'opposites can be true simultaneously' kind of person). Please please don't jump on me ... I could be right ... and so could every one of you SIMULTANEOUSLY. ;)
  • freechewy
    freechewy Posts: 111 Member
    I only use it for cooking and if I get a cold: I mix it with hot water, lemon juice and honey. It seems to help with that but not weight loss.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Okay ... at the risk of sending this 'discussion' into a tailspin, I'd like to throw a screw into it anyway ... WHAT IF the theory that HIV is a manmade 'virus' is true? Would that not make it possible for a natural product to assist in one and not the other?

    I know, I'm a brat (I am a 'what if', 'who knows for sure', 'opposites can be true simultaneously' kind of person). Please please don't jump on me.

    The moon landing wasn't real. Elvis is alive, and there's not enough tin foil on the planet to respond to this post.

  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member
    Okay ... at the risk of sending this 'discussion' into a tailspin, I'd like to throw a screw into it anyway ... WHAT IF the theory that HIV is a manmade 'virus' is true? Would that not make it possible for a natural product to assist in one and not the other?

    I know, I'm a brat (I am a 'what if', 'who knows for sure', 'opposites can be true simultaneously' kind of person). Please please don't jump on me.

    Ignoring the lunacy of that premise for a moment, the answer is still no.

  • TheBeachgod
    TheBeachgod Posts: 825 Member
    edited April 2015
    I found a rock 10 years ago. Since I have this rock, I haven't once been attacked by angry gorillas. Hence the rock prevents gorilla attacks.

    You're lucky. Gorilla attacks are serious business. This man did not find a rock and look at what happened to him.

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Okay ... at the risk of sending this 'discussion' into a tailspin, I'd like to throw a screw into it anyway ... WHAT IF the theory that HIV is a manmade 'virus' is true? Would that not make it possible for a natural product to assist in one and not the other?

    So you're asking what if ACV has the ability to make us immune to all viruses that exist due to normal evolutionary processes, but not those created by humans?

    What differences do you think exist between those two groups of viruses? Do you think they function differently? Do you think they interact with human hosts differently?

    You're bending over backwards to come up with reasons why ACV makes you immune to the cold. ut keep in mind there is no evidence it does so. If we knew ACV could change our bodies in this way, we would have to explain why it did it for the cold and not HIV (assuming it didn't). But why twist logic into a pretzel to try to explain a theory with nothing to support
  • faithsimmons526
    faithsimmons526 Posts: 162 Member
    Sorry guys ... I was just funnin ya. Carry on beating on your fellow humans.