I'm mearly a beggar...



  • samgamgee
    samgamgee Posts: 398 Member
    OP, I do hope that you don't hurt yourself on this process. Maybe when you don't see the results you predict, you'll come back and re-educate yourself by reading the wise things many people here have to say. I've tried to lose unreasonable amounts of weight before and thought 'oh yeah I'll just be strong willed and it'll work' and guess what? Any weight I did lose went straight back on, cos I wasn't creating sustainable habits and treating my body properly. Since finding MFP and especially the forums I've totally re-educated myself and changed my headspace, I've only lost half a stone so far but I know that by this time next year I'll be at my goal weight and able to maintain it properly. A year isn't that long to wait, if you know you'll be healthy and look great (barring accidents/illnesses, touch wood) for the years ahead. This may fall on deaf ears but if you ever want to do this properly, I hope you'll think of us, plodding away, making progress slowly but steadily and genuinely changing our lives.
  • mrihel6615
    mrihel6615 Posts: 37 Member
    I am only 4'10 and a 119 lbs.
    and I can tell that 1000 usually isn't good for my body.
    Especially if I exercise I try to make sure that I eat 1200-1300 calories.
    The only time I ever eat around 1000 is if I haven't exercised and I'm trying to push through a plateau.
    And I rarely do it even then.
    I know how it can be with wanting the weight gone already.
    I started last year in January at 142 pounds, and was going on vacation in may and I was desperate to lose all of my excess weight (about 30 pounds)
    And I'm going on another family vacation this year in may again...
    And I've still got 7 pounds to lose!
    Weight loss is slow.
    But at the end of the day, you need a healthy, balanced diet. Weight loss will come with time.
    Just don't give up, and you'll get there!
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    Have you actually done the maths for this. You need to burn 70000 calories over 4 weeks, so 17500 a week or 2500 a day ABOVE what your body naturally burns throughout the day.

    Do you know your TDEE? Using scobby workshop calculator with 3-5 hr of exercise it comes out at round 2500 so basically you'd have to eat nothing for 4 weeks. So you'd eat 1800 a day giving you a deficit of 700 calories so at most 1.5 lbs a week.
  • uvi5
    uvi5 Posts: 710 Member
    samgamgee wrote: »
    OP, I do hope that you don't hurt yourself on this process. Maybe when you don't see the results you predict, you'll come back and re-educate yourself by reading the wise things many people here have to say. I've tried to lose unreasonable amounts of weight before and thought 'oh yeah I'll just be strong willed and it'll work' and guess what? Any weight I did lose went straight back on, cos I wasn't creating sustainable habits and treating my body properly. Since finding MFP and especially the forums I've totally re-educated myself and changed my headspace, I've only lost half a stone so far but I know that by this time next year I'll be at my goal weight and able to maintain it properly. A year isn't that long to wait, if you know you'll be healthy and look great (barring accidents/illnesses, touch wood) for the years ahead. This may fall on deaf ears but if you ever want to do this properly, I hope you'll think of us, plodding away, making progress slowly but steadily and genuinely changing our lives.

    No deaf ears here. I did the same throughout my life. Sometimes life circumstances would happen and I just would not eat and after, thought "happily" at the time, wow, I lost weight, just to put it back on plus more (wow, should there be so many comma's in that sentence?). Then the times I would just restrict so much and overdue the exercise, be cranky and weak, lose weight, just to have sagging skin, aging face, and also, just to put it back on plus more.

    Yesterday, I ate and it seemed like a huge amount of food. I had a huge salmon dinner then later in the evening a huge fruit plate with yogurt. The whole day consisted of 1600 calories. I'm set to 1420/day and I ate some of my exercise calories. I decided to go ahead and weigh myself this morning after 16 ounces of coffee. But, this time I was prepared for what I was to see on the scale. My weight was the same as my last weigh in. I was actually relieved and even concerned, because I know I have not digested all the "quantity and weight" of the food I had late in the day yesterday as well as the salt content and 132 minutes of cardio. Before MFP and what I am learning now, I would panic and restrict/exercise even more and ultimately sabotage myself. Now I am understanding how my body works. I may even be eating too little for the amount of exercise I am getting. I will find out later and adjust. It's exciting to know I can actually eat real food in satisfiying amounts. If it takes me a year to fit into my size fives and I weigh more when I do fit that size again, I will be "happy dancing" like never before!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    JordisTSM wrote: »
    I believe OP put her activity level as "very active" which gave her around 1,800.

    Thanks jordi, wonder where the number came from and I believe people pointed out the issue of double counting. Its a tough call for 10lbs, which depends how much you have to lose and how much exercise, but the OP is determined and shes an adult, so let her try.
    Id have my reservations on safety and practicality, but she will listens to who she wants to. Go for it.

    Are you implying that 1,800 calories is unsafe?
  • uvi5
    uvi5 Posts: 710 Member
    I'm being a bit selfish in this thread, because I'm still learning my calorie balance. I think 1800 calories a day is very safe and doable for losing .5 to 1 Lb a week, so long as the exercise is consistant. I don't think I would lose more than that without the exercise. On days of no exercise (outside of daily stuff, bathing, making bed, brushing teeth, running errands.. etc) I think I would just maintain. But I think 1800 is quite safe, for me that is. But, I may be wrong here. I rarely net over 1000/day. I gross more due to eating back 20 - 50% of my exercise calories. I will find out in time. I'm actually glad this topic was posted now. Not for the OP alone, but many questions are being confirmed or answered for me. I hope to learn more :)
  • stephaniechukwu31
    stephaniechukwu31 Posts: 112 Member
    Well alright! Everyone is learning how great is that!? :)
  • stephaniechukwu31
    stephaniechukwu31 Posts: 112 Member
    Wait I'm OP. I never said anything about anyone. Woke up this morning with 40 notifications...
  • DeeNyceRN
    DeeNyceRN Posts: 104 Member
    maxit wrote: »
    Okay. So to those willing to help. How much should I eat? How much should I exercise? I'm 5'5 180 ponds.

    Plug your data in here for an estimate on calories.

    Edited to include the darn link: http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/

    @maxit, Thank you for posting this calculator! It was a BIG help to me! :)
  • stephaniechukwu31
    stephaniechukwu31 Posts: 112 Member
    Update: been eating a lot more calories and I've been waking up with a flatter stomach. :) this is going to work for sure.