I'm mearly a beggar...



  • stephaniechukwu31
    stephaniechukwu31 Posts: 112 Member
    Okay so what i surmised by the helpful. To eat at the calories MFP set for me. And no more. But I have to continue being that active. Alright. This was a good idea coming here.
  • uvi5
    uvi5 Posts: 710 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Alright so I selected very active. It outputted 1860. So while I burn 1000 at the gym I should eat back half of those calories. Also can someone explain that to me. Eating at my maintenance level isn't making sense to me. I've always thought to eat at a deficit.
    No, because you selected Active, that creates the deficit. Try adjusting it to Sedentary. You will see that the calorie allowance will go right down - probably to around 1200. That difference is your exercise calorie allowance. So either set to Active and eat 1800 without eating exercise calories at all, or set to Sedentary and eat some of them.
    True, but if she's only working out and burning x times per week, she should only be eating back 1/2 those calories on those days. If she's sedentary the other x amount of times per week, wouldn't 1860 be too much? I'm learning too and I like what you are saying :smiley:
  • uvi5
    uvi5 Posts: 710 Member
    uvi5 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Alright so I selected very active. It outputted 1860. So while I burn 1000 at the gym I should eat back half of those calories. Also can someone explain that to me. Eating at my maintenance level isn't making sense to me. I've always thought to eat at a deficit.
    No, because you selected Active, that creates the deficit. Try adjusting it to Sedentary. You will see that the calorie allowance will go right down - probably to around 1200. That difference is your exercise calorie allowance. So either set to Active and eat 1800 without eating exercise calories at all, or set to Sedentary and eat some of them.
    True, but if she's only working out and burning x times per week, she should only be eating back 1/2 those calories on those days. If she's sedentary the other x amount of times per week, wouldn't 1860 be too much? I'm learning too and I like what you are saying :smiley:

    1860 on the day's she does not exercise that is. Would that be too much? I think the suggestion to stick with NEAT for now is good, then add the exercise calories on the days she works out and then eat back 1/2 on those days. Op, your getting great advice on this thread. You'll get it. It has taken me time as well to understand and I'm still learning, but I am seeing progress and feeling great!
  • musicandarts
    musicandarts Posts: 187 Member
    I do weigh. Like cups. Measuring cups. I don't have a scale.

    There are a couple of issues that jump out when I read your posts.

    1) You cannot eat 1000 cals and work out daily in the gym, burning 600-800 cals. You will soon be hospitalized as no one can survive on a 200 cals/day net. You are most likely not logging accurately your food or your exercise.

    2) Perhaps your cheat-days are undoing all the good you are doing.

    3) You have to weigh all your food on a scale. A cheap scale on Amazon costs $13-15 (e.g. Ozeri Pronto).

    4) If you want to sustain your weight loss, you should develop a sustainable diet. Maintaining a good weight is a life-long process. You cannot afford to be miserable all your life by eating starvation diets.

    5) As all your friends here point out, have a long term plan. A safe target is 5 lb loss per month. It took you a long time to gain all the extra pounds, so it will take a while to lose it all. Boot camps and saunas may help you get to your target soon, but you will gain it all back quickly.
  • stephaniechukwu31
    stephaniechukwu31 Posts: 112 Member
    Okay now I'm confused. I workout 5-6x a week. Should I be eating back half? Also what about my cheat day. Should I satay under 3000 or does it matter?
  • stephaniechukwu31
    stephaniechukwu31 Posts: 112 Member
    I agree with all your posts except the sustainable part. That part I already know which is why I started eating carbs again. So I will follow the advice everyone has given me. :)
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I know for me though the more exercise I did the more the weight did not want to come off. for me I was stressing my body. I cut it down to an hr a day and started losing the weight again,although not as fast as I wanted it was still a loss.you wont lose as fast as some ,because everyone is different. some people will lose it fast and some will lose it slowly. I lose it slowly,so I sometimes dont lose weight for weeks at a time, I was in a plateau for more than 50 days as well at one point. Get a food scale,weigh and measure your food and do your workouts(try doing 30min-1 hr a day for awhile and see if that helps as well).

    sometimes weight will stall if our bodies are being pushed too far as well.get plenty of water and sleep and if stressed you can meditate or do yoga which will help.if you do it the healthy way and weigh and measure everything and then dont lose weight in say a few months from now,(you could be in a plateau or a stall with your weight too) you can always go back to the dr and have him run more tests.I know with some health issues like thyroid problems dont always show up at first.Not saying this is the problem but it doesnt hurt to have them check and see.just give it time and relax it will happen.
  • uvi5
    uvi5 Posts: 710 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    uvi5 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    TUBBS! I want to be you!!! Oh! You! Please tell me what you did. No I no longer restrict myself. I eat what I like within reason. No candy chips, soda. But I have a freaking sandwich now. I'm not scared of bread anymore. Wow I'm so jealous. I would be in the 150's if I came her earlier!
    Haha! You're funny. You know what? I'm 47. I wish I'd come here when I was 20 and learned that silly restrictive fad diets were unsustainable and made me miserable.

    These days I eat what I want, but a lot less of certain things. I lost a lot initially, but now it's slowed down but I'm not panicking about it. Trust the process - if you consistently eat less than your body burns, you will lose weight.

    Bravo You! Inspiration here :smiley: I'm 47 too. Wish I knew then (when I was younger) what I'm learning now!
    Wow, thanks. I'm embarrassed because I'm now nearly back at the weight I was 2 years ago. In another few months I might be down to where I was 4 years ago. So it's not exactly a triumph!
    I've been a chronic yo-yo'er because I've never properly learned to maintain. That, in my opinion, is the biggest challenge.

    You are gettng there! I'd say yes it's a "triumph" and you should feel gr8! I yo-yo'd as well, starved myself, downed to 87 Lbs at my saddest, lowest time of my life. I was so ignorant about my own health. I wanted it "Now" at the time and did not think nor care about what I was doing to myself. Over the years, I started learning and only now am I "getting it". I am looking forward to being fab at 50, so to say. That is feeling Fab and if looking good for my age happens, that will be a plus! You inspired me today Tubbs :smiley:
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited April 2015
    999tiger you need to chill. I don't need your negativity. Again, "expectations" are subjective. My goal and desires are not going to be the same as yours. I wasn't thinking I was going to lose 30 pounds in a month. That's UNREALISTIC. 20 pounds in 2 months is not unrealistic. But anyway I'm getting great advice so meh. :p

    Healthy weight loss is 1-2lbs a week depending on how much you have to lose. Lol@ negativity thats just my impression on your posting and why your experiences have been what they have.

    Expectations are something that have to reasonable if you want to meet them and you have to understand why. Its a lot simpler than the way you have gone about it and you could have achieved the same results with a lot less stress.

    With only 20lbs to lose, then to expect to lose it in 2 months would be viewed by most as optimistic. Most people with that level of weight to lose are aiming for 1lb a week going down to .5lb a week. Nothing wrong with aspiring to lose as much weight as you cna quickly and its your choice whether you want to do it healthily or not, but if it doesnt happen, then you have to deal with the other side. Imo its better to set a target you have mor chance pf attaining and exceeding rather than struggling to achieve it. Knock yourself out though and go for it.

    If you read the link then you cna pick up a lot of good basic information.
  • stephaniechukwu31
    stephaniechukwu31 Posts: 112 Member
    edited April 2015
    Charlie thanks for the advice!! I think I'll stick to 2 hours. Because I don't want to slow down. I've already adapted to it. And I don't want to lose my endurance. Plus I think it's kind of cool that I can exercise for that long. If I eat 1800 calories. Exercise 2 hours and don't lose weight I'll slow down then. I'll just have to monitor my weight for two weeks. Unless someone can convince me other wise. (Not that you have too)
  • uvi5
    uvi5 Posts: 710 Member
    Okay now I'm confused. I workout 5-6x a week. Should I be eating back half? Also what about my cheat day. Should I satay under 3000 or does it matter?

    I've not eaten 3000 since I've been here on MFP. I have gone a bit over 2000, but only on days I workout (which has been everyday in 24 days, except one day before Easter) and only on a couple of those days, did I eat 2000, but with 1/2 exercise calories included. It felt like a cheat day, but I was still in my goal, but under my net goal. I'm still learning about Net calories, so I may still not be doing it right. I may be eating too little, but I will learn in time. It's so awesome the tips your getting on this thread. I'm getting good inspiration as well from your thread :smiley:
  • stephaniechukwu31
    stephaniechukwu31 Posts: 112 Member
    No I'm going to lose 20 pounds by May 16th. Maybe even more. I'm going to eat 1860 and continue kicking *kitten* at the gym. And see where I get. I already look "good" but I still have fat deposits so now that I'm eating healthier. Eating enough. That fat should get lost.
  • stephaniechukwu31
    stephaniechukwu31 Posts: 112 Member
    You know what's funny yesterday I ate a lot of junk food and woke up with a flatter stomach. I don't understand this at all but I'm getting a better idea.
  • jskyjse
    jskyjse Posts: 28 Member
    It takes time.
  • stephaniechukwu31
    stephaniechukwu31 Posts: 112 Member
    Just ignoring the bitter angry at life people. Thank you to all that have answered and critiqued me maturely.
  • stephaniechukwu31
    stephaniechukwu31 Posts: 112 Member
    I'm still trying to figure out what I should do on my cheat day? I eat lots of pizza, chocolate, candy. Should I measure it.
  • DKLI
    DKLI Posts: 63 Member
    I don't understand why you think losing 12 pounds in 2 months makes you a "failure", it makes you a winner! I am your height and over my lifetime I've lost weight many times, most of the time starving myself. I of course gained it all back and then some because I did not change my eating habits, only ate very little to lose weight quickly. This time around, I started at 193 and lost 55 pounds in a year. Because I took my time I don't have that frantic 'gotta lose weight fast' mentality, it's just how I eat now. If you work your butt off and starve to lose 20 pounds by the end of school you will most likely not sustain that.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Just ignoring the bitter angry at life people. Thank you to all that have answered and critiqued me maturely.

    Best course of action. I'm sorry you didn't like my answer earlier but it sounds like we're on the same page now. You'll get there. :)

  • stephaniechukwu31
    stephaniechukwu31 Posts: 112 Member
    I don't know. Because I think it's not good enough that's my mentality. And rightfully so. 12 pounds isn't good enough for me. But I'm not going starve myself anymore I'm going to eat the allotted calories MFP gave me. 1800 is going to be scary but I'll do if. But still go beast mode at the gym. I will admit I am getting stronger. In just two weeks I've gone from 10 pound weights to 15. So it is helping some.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I'm still trying to figure out what I should do on my cheat day? I eat lots of pizza, chocolate, candy. Should I measure it.

    Stop having a cheat day and neglecting your previous days with over consumption. Have self control and burn more calories than you eat.

    Wow....assumption much?