Calorie Goals



  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    Not reading through All these pages, the numbers are not adding up!
    OP's "goal" is 1600, supposedly shes only consuming 900 but she's asking "should she increase" :confused: <~~~~the confused look!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    As to the OP the way you wrote out your salad menu tells me you are not logging accurately and by weight.

    2 tablespoons of condiments? Like olive oil? A couple of hundred Cal?
    Where is my rotisserie chicken blog? Ah:, yes, so half a chicken breast she says. A whole is like at least 400g (based on my sample of a whole 2 chickens!) She is not eating 200g is she? Nah, she probably calls one side of the breast a whole breast. OK: so lets calculate based on a quarter of a chicken breast... oh, look, it is over 110 Cal.

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Jgasmic wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    I've been eating a lot of veggies and they literally have no calories. My goal is 1,600 calories a day. But ive obly been reaching at most 900. I have been making meals and being very satisfied with them. I never feel hungry after or full. Should I add more calories to my diet some how even tho my meals have been perfect for me? Do I NEED more calories?

    What veggies are you eating that have zero or even very few calories? Maybe try different veggies that have more calories and similar or greater nutritional value.

    Are you trying to lose weight? If so that means you can and have eaten over 1600 calories. Try a peanut butter sandwich, a slice or two of pizza, switch from low fat milk to full cream etc

    I don't know add some cheese to you meals. Either separate or grated on top.

    I eat a lot of baby carrots, avocados, peppers, and salads. Usually I just put a 1/2 a cup of tomatoes 30 carloies, TBS of bacon bits 25, 2 cups of lettuce 15,half a chicken breast 55, and 2tbs some type of condiment. See. Barely any calories. And I always drink 2 cups of water with my meals. And for snacks I always eat carrots or broccoli. Breakfast is probably my most diverse meal bc I know a lot of things I can eat at the time. Its different at dinner. I don't really know that many things that I would enjoy.
    Half a chicken breast would have more than 55 calories. Are you weighing your food? You're probably inadvertently eating more than you think, which is good in this case.

    Well the packages say 110. I always half on my salad. I don't flavor it either. I like it plain lol.

    Nah guaranteed you're eating more calories than you think. Get yourself a scale, it will make life a lot easier

    ^^^ ^^^ ^^^

    OP incase you missed it in this mess of a thread. There is no way a half a chicken breast is 55 calories. You ARE eating more than 900 calories! Please just get a food scale. They're cheap and easy to use
  • Ameengyrl
    Ameengyrl Posts: 127 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    OP, you're looking to lose 80 pounds, according to your profile, is that correct? How did you come up with that number? Assuming you're overweight looking to get down to a healthy weight, then at some point the laws of thermodynamics suggest that you were eating much, much more than 900 calories per day. Not a judgment or anything, just stating the obvious. (And hey, we're most of us here for the same reason.) All I'm saying is, you are obviously capable of eating more, because you did at one point or else you wouldn't have gained the weight in the first place.

    So don't worry about "good" or "bad" foods. Eat stuff other than veggies. A healthy diet needs a good mix of foods from all the food groups. And yes, it's fine to eat snacks and treats too, in moderation. As long as you stay within your calorie goal, just eat the foods you like.

    The truth is, at your size and age, if you're only eating 900 calories a day, you should be feeling quite hungry all the time. If you honestly feel like you're full and you can't force yourself to eat more than 900 calories, then ask yourself:
    • Are you feeling full because you're eating more than you think? Check your logging accuracy.
    • If your logging is reasonably accurate, are you feeling full on 900 calories because of any sort of emotional eating issues or -- yes, I'll ask the question -- eating disorders? If so, you can find some resources here.
    • Could there be some underlying medical issue or change in your health? Consult your doctor -- which you should do anyway before embarking on any kind of diet or weight loss regime.

    Weight loss with a reasonable deficit of 15-20% from your daily burn is the healthiest, smartest way to lose weight.
    Your profile says you're 19 years old. You have hopefully many years ahead of you for healthy, happy living. But don't be messing up your body now with too much crash dieting, yo-yoing, and possible nutrient deficiencies. Make sure you're getting the nutrients you need, particularly calcium and vitamin D. Your body needs nutrition to fuel itself. Don't deprive yourself -- that's not what this is about.

  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    GWehsling wrote: »

    Gah, I would have to eat 3200cals to make this calculator somewhat accurate if I was looking to get some visible muscles. I struggle to make 1900 and I only eat vegetables, so I'm here because I somewhat agree with the OP.

    As a long-time vegetarian, unless I resort to supplement shakes, beer and what I term 'junk food' it's a challenge to make 1900 cals - I'm 41yo, 89kg, 178cm and I workout moderately 5-8hrs/week with a light duty job.

    Either the calculator is not good for general use or I am unable to understand how to use it.

    I don't really think you and the OP are in the same boat though

    Let's see - you're vegetarian, and meat does tend to have a lot of calories especially if you do any fatty cuts

    You're looking to gain weight she's looking to lose. To me this speaks to past habits where you obviously can't consume enough calories to fuel your lifestyle and activity and intent to increase mass where's she (like me, frankly), does not have that problem

    Logging is a skill - just look at the posts dissecting what she eats. There's a lot of calories here and there. Weigh the meat, don't forget the sometimes very calorie dense condiments. Especially with a newer poster, we can't just assume right off the bat that they are logging accurately. So long as they're somewhere below their total daily energy expenditure (TDEE), though, they'll still lose weight. Perhaps just maybe not as quickly as they expect

    PS: are you complaining about being in a situation where you seem to have to drink beer? ;) Even though I'm not really a beer drinker I'd love to have your problem haha
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    GWehsling wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    GWehsling wrote: »

    ...unless I resort to supplement shakes, beer and what I term 'junk food' ...

    As stated previously, you should probably start you own thread to get more advice. And you could also post there why you think protein shakes are "junk food".

    Nope. I re-read that and I definitely did not ever refer to protein shakes or as them being junk food.

    No, but you did use the phrase "resort to" as though supplemental shakes are not okay for you to consume.
  • NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner
    NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner Posts: 1,018 Member
    Wow. Firstly Ayanna, brill to see you've dropped the silly idea of fad diets. That's a major achievement in itself and you should be pleased you've decided to take the CICO route to a healthier size.

    Secondly, in amongst all the bitching and arguing on here are some really great ideas for you. Definitely purchase a food scale. Make that a priority. That way you will know exactly what you are eating and can track accurately.

    Thirdly, try eating more calorie dense foods to help you meet that calorie goal. I know food can be terrifying when it's the one thing that controls how you feel about your body but honestly you don't need to panic. You can enjoy foods you love as long as you weigh and track. So don't assume you have to live on lettuce and chicken for the rest of your life. Food can be nutritious and filling if you broaden your horizons. If you aren't a confident cook, get yourself a basic cookbook and have a bash at simple recipes. Some may turn out awful but most will be brill and you'll finally have a wider range of meals to include in your diet. Again weigh and measure and track.

    If you add exercise... Eat some of your earned calories back. You can do that and still lose weight ;)

    At 19 it's hard. At 19 I was diagnosed with PCOS, I was fat and fed up. It's only now at 31 that I am beginning to understand my awful relationship with food and now I eat to live not live to eat like I used to.

    If you back a tiger in a corner, it will bite. So yep try to keep cool when people give you advice that you might not like. But listen to it anyway. We can find gems of interest in any rock pile and if helps you achieve your goal it is always worth it.

  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
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