Calorie Goals



  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    veganbaum wrote: »
    veganbaum wrote: »
    veganbaum wrote: »
    whereslisa wrote: »
    Not many people here can answer a question nicely huh? Before you all jump onto me, no, you don't have to deliberately be "mean" to sound mean. Geez, just answer her question. I'm not going to point fingers and I'm not suggesting everyone sounded rude but there were quite a few who did. One thing I dislike about MFP is a lot of people here who seem to have their panties in a wad all of the time.

    To the OP, yes you need to meet your calorie goal for the day. You'll become quite unhealthy over time if you dont. You can eat more or switch one meal for another that has higher calories. I know what you mean about the low cal veggies, I can eat a meal of them for 200 calories and feel super full. I usually eat some apples/other fruits, some salads with something like chicken and so on to get to my calorie goal if I eat lots of veggies that day. :)

    Omg I do the exact same thing!!! But even when I have chicken on my salad I gets soooo full. So I don't keep over eating. And thanks for understanding. I say the same thing. They all get on me about my other threads and then when I'm asking for normal advice they all want ro be English teachers. Its annoying but I usually just ignore them so they'll catch a hint.

    Say what you mean, and the misunderstanding will be avoided. That's what language is for - communication. You communicated to others, on a site that is used to track calories, that veggies have no calories.

    As has been stated, there ARE plenty of people who think there are veggies with negative calories, or who don't track veggies because they think the calories are so minimal they don't matter, or who think veggies are "free." Combine that with your previous posts and there you have it - when you said they "literally" have no calories, people took you to mean what you said. For those tracking calories, it's important to correct misinformation that can be impacting their logging and progress, so that's what people tried to do.

    Also, you say now that you are asking for "normal advice." I hope that means you are leaving the quick fixes behind and will take the advice that has been offered in this thread.

    Im pretty sure nobody was talking to you. I mean, I sure wasn't.

    By posting, you are inviting anyone on this site to respond. You don't have to like what they say.

    If you really want advice, you should reread all the posts, since nearly everyone has provided the same answer to your question - eat to your goal. If you don't really want advice, then there's no need to ask a question.

    Actually you weren't giving advice. You were giving smart *kitten* comments as usual. And on the other post people jlwere just bitching about diet fads. So when I completely stop talking about those and on to things that you guys actually prefer you guys all wanna be "Mr/Mrs Told You So" which is really ugly of all you. You should be happy that I changed my mind. Not trying to throw it I'm my face bc IDC for that. I already read the comments on this specific post on what people are talking about I should do. So you're no longer needed here.

    You may want to learn how to respond with grace to people who are only trying to provide sound advice in response to your questions, instead of coming across with such a childish attitude. It will get you farther in life.

    I don'tremember your "advice". But I sure do remember your smart **** , rhetorical comments that I don't care for.

    First of all, I was speaking about how you may want to respond to "people," not just myself, since you seem to lash out at nearly everyone.

    Secondly, I believe I wrote "OP - if your logging is accurate, yes, you should eat the goal MFP tells you to eat, and evaluate your progression after consistently logging for a reasonable period of time, such as 6 weeks."

    Hmmm . . .
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I like how you bolded the understandable part & not the unnecessary part that you just added to throw in my face.

    Are you saying you don't understand what everyone had been writing in this thread? It really seems like there is a major gap here. If you struggle with reading and writing, just let us know. Getting upset at what you don't understand isn't going to help you.
  • Meme298
    Meme298 Posts: 4 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Can't. Stop. Reading.

    Got popcorn? :wink:
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    I've been eating a lot of veggies and they literally have no calories. My goal is 1,600 calories a day. But ive obly been reaching at most 900. I have been making meals and being very satisfied with them. I never feel hungry after or full. Should I add more calories to my diet some how even tho my meals have been perfect for me? Do I NEED more calories?

    What veggies are you eating that have zero or even very few calories? Maybe try different veggies that have more calories and similar or greater nutritional value.

    Are you trying to lose weight? If so that means you can and have eaten over 1600 calories. Try a peanut butter sandwich, a slice or two of pizza, switch from low fat milk to full cream etc

    I don't know add some cheese to you meals. Either separate or grated on top.

    I eat a lot of baby carrots, avocados, peppers, and salads. Usually I just put a 1/2 a cup of tomatoes 30 carloies, TBS of bacon bits 25, 2 cups of lettuce 15,half a chicken breast 55, and 2tbs some type of condiment. See. Barely any calories. And I always drink 2 cups of water with my meals. And for snacks I always eat carrots or broccoli. Breakfast is probably my most diverse meal bc I know a lot of things I can eat at the time. Its different at dinner. I don't really know that many things that I would enjoy.

    In my opinion replace the lettuce with anything else. Lettuce is like solid green water it has some vitamin A and I think that's about it. It's like your filling up on nothing.

    Same for the water, maybe don't have the water so close to your meal so you fill up on food and not zero cal water.

    Do you crumb your chicken? Crumbs seem to have a higher than expect calories.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member

    Okay just shut up & go to bed. I know it must be dark wherever you are lol. That's all I can even say to you. You're just saying *kitten* to entertain yourself now. I didn't say I only accept advice that begins with that phrase so just stop tryong to be right over nothing.

    It is light many places on earth now. I am not sure how you could know it is dark where I am.

    You said you didn't see me writing a specific phrase, leading me to believe that is what you wanted to see. If you were willing to accept general advice, why would you care that I never used the specific phrase you quoted?

    If you post asking for advice on a public forum, you may receive advice. And if people read that thread, they aren't being nosy. If you don't want advice, don't ask for it.
  • ayannabayer
    ayannabayer Posts: 153 Member

    Okay just shut up & go to bed. I know it must be dark wherever you are lol. That's all I can even say to you. You're just saying *kitten* to entertain yourself now. I didn't say I only accept advice that begins with that phrase so just stop tryong to be right over nothing.

    It is light many places on earth now. I am not sure how you could know it is dark where I am.

    You said you didn't see me writing a specific phrase, leading me to believe that is what you wanted to see. If you were willing to accept general advice, why would you care that I never used the specific phrase you quoted?

    If you post asking for advice on a public forum, you may receive advice. And if people read that thread, they aren't being nosy. If you don't want advice, don't ask for it.

  • ayannabayer
    ayannabayer Posts: 153 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    I've been eating a lot of veggies and they literally have no calories. My goal is 1,600 calories a day. But ive obly been reaching at most 900. I have been making meals and being very satisfied with them. I never feel hungry after or full. Should I add more calories to my diet some how even tho my meals have been perfect for me? Do I NEED more calories?

    What veggies are you eating that have zero or even very few calories? Maybe try different veggies that have more calories and similar or greater nutritional value.

    Are you trying to lose weight? If so that means you can and have eaten over 1600 calories. Try a peanut butter sandwich, a slice or two of pizza, switch from low fat milk to full cream etc

    I don't know add some cheese to you meals. Either separate or grated on top.

    I eat a lot of baby carrots, avocados, peppers, and salads. Usually I just put a 1/2 a cup of tomatoes 30 carloies, TBS of bacon bits 25, 2 cups of lettuce 15,half a chicken breast 55, and 2tbs some type of condiment. See. Barely any calories. And I always drink 2 cups of water with my meals. And for snacks I always eat carrots or broccoli. Breakfast is probably my most diverse meal bc I know a lot of things I can eat at the time. Its different at dinner. I don't really know that many things that I would enjoy.

    In my opinion replace the lettuce with anything else. Lettuce is like solid green water it has some vitamin A and I think that's about it. It's like your filling up on nothing.

    Same for the water, maybe don't have the water so close to your meal so you fill up on food and not zero cal water.

    Do you crumb your chicken? Crumbs seem to have a higher than expect calories.

    No. I usually just grill my chicken on a grill. I figured it was just the healthy wat. I never thought of crumbing it. I'm going to try that. And I probably am filling up on water. I love water lol....idk if that's weird. But what do replace lettuce with? Rice?
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Having a 19 year old try to tell anyone how the world works is laughable. It's even funnier when that 19 year old repeatedly fails to accept common sense advice. If you think you could mop anyone's butt down the street you are sadly mistaken ... I mean that in an intellectual and physical way.

    Thank you for reminding me how mature my daughter is. Sometimes that comparative value is needed to appreciate things.

    I didn't say I was mopping anyone. I was saying in general, if you don't stick up for yourself people will just run over you.& actually I haven't failed I'm common sense. You keep saying all these things but you are honestly saying you're the only one with common sense. Bc people have pervious gave advice in THIS forum that made sense to me and that I liked and appreciated. You and that vegan whatever person Gave smart *kitten* advice that was unwanted, so of course I'm not going to take in consideration on anything you say. And you actually dont know me from Adam and Eve. You don't know where my studies are in college, you don't know my physical talents, you don't know what I've gone through in life. So for you to make those comments on me as a person is pointless & ignorant bc you are completely uninformed.

    Telling you to eat to your goal is "smart *kitten* advice"? The more you post, the more you show your lack of maturity.

    Based on your posting, it is obvious that your college studies are not in the arena of the written word.

    Actually you said that ALONG with other smart *kitten* stuff. So you can stop acting like you haven't been insulting my intelligence since the first comment you placed. Why would anyone care about what you had to say when you have so much extra unnecessary things to say.

    If you would listen when simple advice is provided, people wouldn't get upset with you and try to drill simple concepts home. Take responsibility ... it's an adult thing to do.

    What advice??????!!! The only advice I really got was grammar advice. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH EVERYONE FOR GRAMMAR ADVICE. Like 3 ppl have said that me eating 900 calories was a problem w/ trying to dog at me about a different forum. And that was all I wanted to know in the first place.

    OK ... I tried to prevent you from lying but your continued ranting contradicts your earlier posts which makes that impossible. The grammar comments resulted from your failure to mean what you wrote. When you say one thing, but mean something completely different, it causes issues. That is a basic tenant of communication.

    Here is the advice from page one:
    Yes you do. You need to meet minimum nutritional needs of a human body, which you're not doing at 900 calories per day. Your MFP calculated goal includes the deficit needed to lose weight ... eating less than 60% of that goal is unhealthy.

    This thread makes it look as though you quit the magic bean pudding diet you touted less than two weeks ago.

    I like how you bolded the understandable part & not the unnecessary part that you just added to throw in my face.

    The second part was necessary. It highlighted that you did not follow through on previous concepts.

    If I were to go "English teacher" then I would note that you admitted that only the part in bold was understandable from your perspective.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member

    YOU SOUND SO FREAKING DUMB. OMG LOL. You are aggarvating lol. I SAID understandable. As in, that makes sense to me. I understand what he was trying to say, what he said and why he said it. But the bottom part was unnecessary to me and I didn't feel like he had to say that. You want to argue so bad that you want to find a flaw anywhere

    Yes. If you say you understand some, what does that say about the rest? You don't understand it. You are getting angry about what you don't understand.

    If you don't understand what people are writing, don't get angry. Ask for help understanding.

    I am not trying to argue with you. There are clearly major issues here - - you struggle to understand what others are writing and you struggle to communicate via writing.

  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    I've been eating a lot of veggies and they literally have no calories. My goal is 1,600 calories a day. But ive obly been reaching at most 900. I have been making meals and being very satisfied with them. I never feel hungry after or full. Should I add more calories to my diet some how even tho my meals have been perfect for me? Do I NEED more calories?

    What veggies are you eating that have zero or even very few calories? Maybe try different veggies that have more calories and similar or greater nutritional value.

    Are you trying to lose weight? If so that means you can and have eaten over 1600 calories. Try a peanut butter sandwich, a slice or two of pizza, switch from low fat milk to full cream etc

    I don't know add some cheese to you meals. Either separate or grated on top.

    I eat a lot of baby carrots, avocados, peppers, and salads. Usually I just put a 1/2 a cup of tomatoes 30 carloies, TBS of bacon bits 25, 2 cups of lettuce 15,half a chicken breast 55, and 2tbs some type of condiment. See. Barely any calories. And I always drink 2 cups of water with my meals. And for snacks I always eat carrots or broccoli. Breakfast is probably my most diverse meal bc I know a lot of things I can eat at the time. Its different at dinner. I don't really know that many things that I would enjoy.

    In my opinion replace the lettuce with anything else. Lettuce is like solid green water it has some vitamin A and I think that's about it. It's like your filling up on nothing.

    Same for the water, maybe don't have the water so close to your meal so you fill up on food and not zero cal water.

    Do you crumb your chicken? Crumbs seem to have a higher than expect calories.

    No. I usually just grill my chicken on a grill. I figured it was just the healthy wat. I never thought of crumbing it. I'm going to try that. And I probably am filling up on water. I love water lol....idk if that's weird. But what do replace lettuce with? Rice?

    Yeah rice and chicken go well together. I would probably get broccoli and Brussel sprouts over lettuce. Steam them up.
  • ayannabayer
    ayannabayer Posts: 153 Member
    Having a 19 year old try to tell anyone how the world works is laughable. It's even funnier when that 19 year old repeatedly fails to accept common sense advice. If you think you could mop anyone's butt down the street you are sadly mistaken ... I mean that in an intellectual and physical way.

    Thank you for reminding me how mature my daughter is. Sometimes that comparative value is needed to appreciate things.

    I didn't say I was mopping anyone. I was saying in general, if you don't stick up for yourself people will just run over you.& actually I haven't failed I'm common sense. You keep saying all these things but you are honestly saying you're the only one with common sense. Bc people have pervious gave advice in THIS forum that made sense to me and that I liked and appreciated. You and that vegan whatever person Gave smart *kitten* advice that was unwanted, so of course I'm not going to take in consideration on anything you say. And you actually dont know me from Adam and Eve. You don't know where my studies are in college, you don't know my physical talents, you don't know what I've gone through in life. So for you to make those comments on me as a person is pointless & ignorant bc you are completely uninformed.

    Telling you to eat to your goal is "smart *kitten* advice"? The more you post, the more you show your lack of maturity.

    Based on your posting, it is obvious that your college studies are not in the arena of the written word.

    Actually you said that ALONG with other smart *kitten* stuff. So you can stop acting like you haven't been insulting my intelligence since the first comment you placed. Why would anyone care about what you had to say when you have so much extra unnecessary things to say.

    If you would listen when simple advice is provided, people wouldn't get upset with you and try to drill simple concepts home. Take responsibility ... it's an adult thing to do.

    What advice??????!!! The only advice I really got was grammar advice. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH EVERYONE FOR GRAMMAR ADVICE. Like 3 ppl have said that me eating 900 calories was a problem w/ trying to dog at me about a different forum. And that was all I wanted to know in the first place.

    OK ... I tried to prevent you from lying but your continued ranting contradicts your earlier posts which makes that impossible. The grammar comments resulted from your failure to mean what you wrote. When you say one thing, but mean something completely different, it causes issues. That is a basic tenant of communication.

    Here is the advice from page one:
    Yes you do. You need to meet minimum nutritional needs of a human body, which you're not doing at 900 calories per day. Your MFP calculated goal includes the deficit needed to lose weight ... eating less than 60% of that goal is unhealthy.

    This thread makes it look as though you quit the magic bean pudding diet you touted less than two weeks ago.

    I like how you bolded the understandable part & not the unnecessary part that you just added to throw in my face.

    The second part was necessary. It highlighted that you did not follow through on previous concepts.

    If I were to go "English teacher" then I would note that you admitted that only the part in bold was understandable from your perspective.

    Well my fault. I meant reasonable. And I felt it was unnecessary. You all want me to stop talking about diet fads so I completely stopped and yet someone always wants to bring up how I made a forum about it. So unless you want me to just talk more about diet fads, stop bringing it up and trying to be Mr.I Told You So. Just acknowledge the topic without adding things in like that. Bc he seemed like you being a smart *kitten*.
  • ayannabayer
    ayannabayer Posts: 153 Member

    YOU SOUND SO FREAKING DUMB. OMG LOL. You are aggarvating lol. I SAID understandable. As in, that makes sense to me. I understand what he was trying to say, what he said and why he said it. But the bottom part was unnecessary to me and I didn't feel like he had to say that. You want to argue so bad that you want to find a flaw anywhere

    Yes. If you say you understand some, what does that say about the rest? You don't understand it. You are getting angry about what you don't understand.

    If you don't understand what people are writing, don't get angry. Ask for help understanding.

    I am not trying to argue with you. There are clearly major issues here - - you struggle to understand what others are writing and you struggle to communicate via writing.

  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Having a 19 year old try to tell anyone how the world works is laughable. It's even funnier when that 19 year old repeatedly fails to accept common sense advice. If you think you could mop anyone's butt down the street you are sadly mistaken ... I mean that in an intellectual and physical way.

    Thank you for reminding me how mature my daughter is. Sometimes that comparative value is needed to appreciate things.

    I didn't say I was mopping anyone. I was saying in general, if you don't stick up for yourself people will just run over you.& actually I haven't failed I'm common sense. You keep saying all these things but you are honestly saying you're the only one with common sense. Bc people have pervious gave advice in THIS forum that made sense to me and that I liked and appreciated. You and that vegan whatever person Gave smart *kitten* advice that was unwanted, so of course I'm not going to take in consideration on anything you say. And you actually dont know me from Adam and Eve. You don't know where my studies are in college, you don't know my physical talents, you don't know what I've gone through in life. So for you to make those comments on me as a person is pointless & ignorant bc you are completely uninformed.

    Telling you to eat to your goal is "smart *kitten* advice"? The more you post, the more you show your lack of maturity.

    Based on your posting, it is obvious that your college studies are not in the arena of the written word.

    Actually you said that ALONG with other smart *kitten* stuff. So you can stop acting like you haven't been insulting my intelligence since the first comment you placed. Why would anyone care about what you had to say when you have so much extra unnecessary things to say.

    If you would listen when simple advice is provided, people wouldn't get upset with you and try to drill simple concepts home. Take responsibility ... it's an adult thing to do.

    What advice??????!!! The only advice I really got was grammar advice. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH EVERYONE FOR GRAMMAR ADVICE. Like 3 ppl have said that me eating 900 calories was a problem w/ trying to dog at me about a different forum. And that was all I wanted to know in the first place.

    OK ... I tried to prevent you from lying but your continued ranting contradicts your earlier posts which makes that impossible. The grammar comments resulted from your failure to mean what you wrote. When you say one thing, but mean something completely different, it causes issues. That is a basic tenant of communication.

    Here is the advice from page one:
    Yes you do. You need to meet minimum nutritional needs of a human body, which you're not doing at 900 calories per day. Your MFP calculated goal includes the deficit needed to lose weight ... eating less than 60% of that goal is unhealthy.

    This thread makes it look as though you quit the magic bean pudding diet you touted less than two weeks ago.

    I like how you bolded the understandable part & not the unnecessary part that you just added to throw in my face.

    The second part was necessary. It highlighted that you did not follow through on previous concepts.

    If I were to go "English teacher" then I would note that you admitted that only the part in bold was understandable from your perspective.

    Well my fault. I meant reasonable. And I felt it was unnecessary. You all want me to stop talking about diet fads so I completely stopped and yet someone always wants to bring up how I made a forum about it. So unless you want me to just talk more about diet fads, stop bringing it up and trying to be Mr.I Told You So. Just acknowledge the topic without adding things in like that. Bc he seemed like you being a smart *kitten*.

    If you pay attention, you are the only one resorting to childish name calling. You are the one claiming there was no advice given, only to concede there was. You are the one repeatedly saying one thing, only to change it later since you didn't mean your original statement. Then you get mad and rant when those things are noted.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited April 2015


    Good luck. Remember, if you don't understand what someone has written, you don't have to assume they meant the worst and lash out at them. You can always ask for help understanding what they meant.

  • ayannabayer
    ayannabayer Posts: 153 Member
    Having a 19 year old try to tell anyone how the world works is laughable. It's even funnier when that 19 year old repeatedly fails to accept common sense advice. If you think you could mop anyone's butt down the street you are sadly mistaken ... I mean that in an intellectual and physical way.

    Thank you for reminding me how mature my daughter is. Sometimes that comparative value is needed to appreciate things.

    I didn't say I was mopping anyone. I was saying in general, if you don't stick up for yourself people will just run over you.& actually I haven't failed I'm common sense. You keep saying all these things but you are honestly saying you're the only one with common sense. Bc people have pervious gave advice in THIS forum that made sense to me and that I liked and appreciated. You and that vegan whatever person Gave smart *kitten* advice that was unwanted, so of course I'm not going to take in consideration on anything you say. And you actually dont know me from Adam and Eve. You don't know where my studies are in college, you don't know my physical talents, you don't know what I've gone through in life. So for you to make those comments on me as a person is pointless & ignorant bc you are completely uninformed.

    Telling you to eat to your goal is "smart *kitten* advice"? The more you post, the more you show your lack of maturity.

    Based on your posting, it is obvious that your college studies are not in the arena of the written word.

    Actually you said that ALONG with other smart *kitten* stuff. So you can stop acting like you haven't been insulting my intelligence since the first comment you placed. Why would anyone care about what you had to say when you have so much extra unnecessary things to say.

    If you would listen when simple advice is provided, people wouldn't get upset with you and try to drill simple concepts home. Take responsibility ... it's an adult thing to do.

    What advice??????!!! The only advice I really got was grammar advice. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH EVERYONE FOR GRAMMAR ADVICE. Like 3 ppl have said that me eating 900 calories was a problem w/ trying to dog at me about a different forum. And that was all I wanted to know in the first place.

    OK ... I tried to prevent you from lying but your continued ranting contradicts your earlier posts which makes that impossible. The grammar comments resulted from your failure to mean what you wrote. When you say one thing, but mean something completely different, it causes issues. That is a basic tenant of communication.

    Here is the advice from page one:
    Yes you do. You need to meet minimum nutritional needs of a human body, which you're not doing at 900 calories per day. Your MFP calculated goal includes the deficit needed to lose weight ... eating less than 60% of that goal is unhealthy.

    This thread makes it look as though you quit the magic bean pudding diet you touted less than two weeks ago.

    I like how you bolded the understandable part & not the unnecessary part that you just added to throw in my face.

    The second part was necessary. It highlighted that you did not follow through on previous concepts.

    If I were to go "English teacher" then I would note that you admitted that only the part in bold was understandable from your perspective.

    Well my fault. I meant reasonable. And I felt it was unnecessary. You all want me to stop talking about diet fads so I completely stopped and yet someone always wants to bring up how I made a forum about it. So unless you want me to just talk more about diet fads, stop bringing it up and trying to be Mr.I Told You So. Just acknowledge the topic without adding things in like that. Bc he seemed like you being a smart *kitten*.

    If you pay attention, you are the only one resorting to childish name calling. You are the one claiming there was no advice given, only to concede there was. You are the one repeatedly saying one thing, only to change it later since you didn't mean your original statement. Then you get mad and rant when those things are noted.

    Actually no. I said like 10 times that some people gave advice. I said you gave advice and a smart *kitten* comment which made what you said irrelevant. But anyway, its almost 11 pm in the buckeye state, so I'd rather get some sleep rather than waste the darkness replying to you when I really just don't give a *kitten* anymore lol.
  • ayannabayer
    ayannabayer Posts: 153 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Having a 19 year old try to tell anyone how the world works is laughable. It's even funnier when that 19 year old repeatedly fails to accept common sense advice. If you think you could mop anyone's butt down the street you are sadly mistaken ... I mean that in an intellectual and physical way.

    Thank you for reminding me how mature my daughter is. Sometimes that comparative value is needed to appreciate things.

    I didn't say I was mopping anyone. I was saying in general, if you don't stick up for yourself people will just run over you.& actually I haven't failed I'm common sense. You keep saying all these things but you are honestly saying you're the only one with common sense. Bc people have pervious gave advice in THIS forum that made sense to me and that I liked and appreciated. You and that vegan whatever person Gave smart *kitten* advice that was unwanted, so of course I'm not going to take in consideration on anything you say. And you actually dont know me from Adam and Eve. You don't know where my studies are in college, you don't know my physical talents, you don't know what I've gone through in life. So for you to make those comments on me as a person is pointless & ignorant bc you are completely uninformed.

    Telling you to eat to your goal is "smart *kitten* advice"? The more you post, the more you show your lack of maturity.

    Based on your posting, it is obvious that your college studies are not in the arena of the written word.

    Actually you said that ALONG with other smart *kitten* stuff. So you can stop acting like you haven't been insulting my intelligence since the first comment you placed. Why would anyone care about what you had to say when you have so much extra unnecessary things to say.

    If you would listen when simple advice is provided, people wouldn't get upset with you and try to drill simple concepts home. Take responsibility ... it's an adult thing to do.

    What advice??????!!! The only advice I really got was grammar advice. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH EVERYONE FOR GRAMMAR ADVICE. Like 3 ppl have said that me eating 900 calories was a problem w/ trying to dog at me about a different forum. And that was all I wanted to know in the first place.

    OK ... I tried to prevent you from lying but your continued ranting contradicts your earlier posts which makes that impossible. The grammar comments resulted from your failure to mean what you wrote. When you say one thing, but mean something completely different, it causes issues. That is a basic tenant of communication.

    Here is the advice from page one:
    Yes you do. You need to meet minimum nutritional needs of a human body, which you're not doing at 900 calories per day. Your MFP calculated goal includes the deficit needed to lose weight ... eating less than 60% of that goal is unhealthy.

    This thread makes it look as though you quit the magic bean pudding diet you touted less than two weeks ago.

    I like how you bolded the understandable part & not the unnecessary part that you just added to throw in my face.

    The second part was necessary. It highlighted that you did not follow through on previous concepts.

    If I were to go "English teacher" then I would note that you admitted that only the part in bold was understandable from your perspective.

    Well my fault. I meant reasonable. And I felt it was unnecessary. You all want me to stop talking about diet fads so I completely stopped and yet someone always wants to bring up how I made a forum about it. So unless you want me to just talk more about diet fads, stop bringing it up and trying to be Mr.I Told You So. Just acknowledge the topic without adding things in like that. Bc he seemed like you being a smart *kitten*.

    Have you noticed that you are the only person cursing in this thread?

  • ayannabayer
    ayannabayer Posts: 153 Member


    Good luck. Remember, if you don't understand what someone has written, you don't have to assume they meant the worst and lash out at them. You can always ask for help understanding what they meant.

    *awards you a trophy for all you hard work* thank you so much for all your advice! Really. Thank you so much.
  • ayannabayer
    ayannabayer Posts: 153 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    I've been eating a lot of veggies and they literally have no calories. My goal is 1,600 calories a day. But ive obly been reaching at most 900. I have been making meals and being very satisfied with them. I never feel hungry after or full. Should I add more calories to my diet some how even tho my meals have been perfect for me? Do I NEED more calories?

    What veggies are you eating that have zero or even very few calories? Maybe try different veggies that have more calories and similar or greater nutritional value.

    Are you trying to lose weight? If so that means you can and have eaten over 1600 calories. Try a peanut butter sandwich, a slice or two of pizza, switch from low fat milk to full cream etc

    I don't know add some cheese to you meals. Either separate or grated on top.

    I eat a lot of baby carrots, avocados, peppers, and salads. Usually I just put a 1/2 a cup of tomatoes 30 carloies, TBS of bacon bits 25, 2 cups of lettuce 15,half a chicken breast 55, and 2tbs some type of condiment. See. Barely any calories. And I always drink 2 cups of water with my meals. And for snacks I always eat carrots or broccoli. Breakfast is probably my most diverse meal bc I know a lot of things I can eat at the time. Its different at dinner. I don't really know that many things that I would enjoy.

    In my opinion replace the lettuce with anything else. Lettuce is like solid green water it has some vitamin A and I think that's about it. It's like your filling up on nothing.

    Same for the water, maybe don't have the water so close to your meal so you fill up on food and not zero cal water.

    Do you crumb your chicken? Crumbs seem to have a higher than expect calories.

    No. I usually just grill my chicken on a grill. I figured it was just the healthy wat. I never thought of crumbing it. I'm going to try that. And I probably am filling up on water. I love water lol....idk if that's weird. But what do replace lettuce with? Rice?

    Yeah rice and chicken go well together. I would probably get broccoli and Brussel sprouts over lettuce. Steam them up.

    Yuck ! That's the worst! I hate Brussels sprouts lol. And warm broccoli has an aweful taste. I havent tried either in a while so im going too. The price I have to pay to be healthy is torture *sheds a tear*
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