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Things That Make You Irrationally Angry



  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I'd like to add to the above by saying "people who continuously take pictures of their food every time they eat"....

    that and people who CONSTANTLY post "Jesus" this and "Jesus" that all over Facebook...and the people who think it's God or Jesus that just helped their team win a game. Sorry peeps, God has no favorite team!!! Satan does, however- and I think we all know it's the Patriots.

    ^This...and lol!

  • dufus12
    dufus12 Posts: 393 Member
    This is going to sound really anti social, but in the age of mobile phones, texting, viber, whatsapp and bbm.....the person who calls without checking first it is convenient for me to take the call.......at least give me some warning so I can say, ' give me ten mins'...Surely not too much to ask?? I can never NOT answer a phone call, so if it not an emergency.......heads up first???? Is that irrational anger or rational???
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I hate pop in visits. Makes me crazy! My MIL used to do this all the time and when I wasn't home she'd wait for me to get home and then get angry because I wasn't home when she stopped over. WTF? Idiot! Then call first!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    1. People who drive 15 miles per hour below the posted speed limit for no good reason (i.e., it's not slippery or all pot holes)

    2. People who ride your tail when you are driving at or even slightly above the posted speed limit.

    3. People who make the typical spelling mistakes: loose vs. lose, they're/their/there, aloud vs. allowed, your vs. you're...and on and on. It drives me nuts. Didn't these people take basic 4th grade grammar?

    4. People who do not clean up their dog's poo when out for a walk.

    5. People.

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    People who get hateful when you don't share their personal philosophy or belief system.
  • HollyMGT
    HollyMGT Posts: 111 Member
    Going to sound strange, but when someone takes a dump at my office then proceeds to use the entire air freshener can to cover it up. It does not mask the fecal child you just birthed it now combines two equally offensive odors to make a poisonous shitrus cloud.

    I'd almost rather just smell the poop than the nasty mixture of poop and spray. I feel like the spray clings to every strand of my hair and every inch of my clothing and the stench sticks in my nose all day.
  • vadersaysno
    vadersaysno Posts: 1,965 Member
    What makes me irrationally angry?? My mother.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Drivers that speed up to stop another driver from merging or changing lanes.
  • fat2fitshley
    fat2fitshley Posts: 50 Member
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    Drivers that speed up to stop another driver from merging or changing lanes.

    I'll add to this... Drivers that wait until the last possible second to change lanes/merge. I am 100% not letting you over if you knew your exit was a mile away or that your lane was closed/ending and you chose not to get over. DRIVES ME NUTS.
  • vadersaysno
    vadersaysno Posts: 1,965 Member
    People who try to go to the very end of a merge area or where there's a lane closure and try to cut in, just because they wanted to pass 2 other cars.
  • peaceandcarrots
    peaceandcarrots Posts: 11 Member
    People who wear Ugg boots and shorts...it's either too hot to wear pants or so cold you need fuzzy boots which is it???

    Right! Or flip flops with a coat. SMH.

  • gfox1966
    gfox1966 Posts: 170 Member
    People that can use the F-word as a noun, verb, adjective, and pronoun...in the same sentence!!!
  • vadersaysno
    vadersaysno Posts: 1,965 Member
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    Drivers that speed up to stop another driver from merging or changing lanes.

    I'll add to this... Drivers that wait until the last possible second to change lanes/merge. I am 100% not letting you over if you knew your exit was a mile away or that your lane was closed/ending and you chose not to get over. DRIVES ME NUTS.

    And the ones that are just behind you or along side of you until the last second, then speed up to 20 mph over the speed limit, slam their blinkers on, and try to force their way into the merging lane. Then get angry when you don't let them in.

    Apparently the new trend is becoming someone throwing their cigarette at your car. This has happened to me and a couple of other people I know. That really made me angry too.
  • yourradimradletshug
    yourradimradletshug Posts: 964 Member
    When I call my IT department at work and the first thing they ALWAYS say before even letting me explain my computer issue fully is "Have you tried restarting it?" Seriously? Why not LISTEN to my problem and THEN try to help me. Restarting won't always fix the problem!
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    Posts that go on for paragraphs and paragraphs.
  • vadersaysno
    vadersaysno Posts: 1,965 Member
    When I call my IT department at work and the first thing they ALWAYS say before even letting me explain my computer issue fully is "Have you tried restarting it?" Seriously? Why not LISTEN to my problem and THEN try to help me. Restarting won't always fix the problem!

    That's also not a coffee cup holder on it!
  • rosehips60
    rosehips60 Posts: 1,030 Member
    When my husband wants to start talking to me when I get home from work almost before the door closes behind me ditto first thing in the morning when I 'm barely conscious
  • vadersaysno
    vadersaysno Posts: 1,965 Member
    When a really pretty girl starts talking. Shhh ... youre just ruining it. haha jk